Arrest Jovenel Moise and Kenneth Merten
Human Right Watch, Amnesty International and others need to know that just like Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Haiti warlord Kenneth Merten, the Clintons, UN officials and the PHTK Black Collaborators in Haiti belong in Prison for War Crimes, Torture and Crimes Against Humanity against the People of Haiti. There's universal jurisdiction to arrest Kenneth Merten IMMEDIATELY for admitting his terrorist and moral support of the criminal Jovenel Moise and silence on the Jovenel Palace's paramilitary murders, in cold blood, of peaceful Haiti protestors demanding to know where did the development monies go? 11/26/g20-saudi-crown-prince- faces-legal-scrutiny and 11/28/g20-argentine-probe- saudi-crown-prince-advances ...
Human Right Watch, Amnesty International and others need to know that just like Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Haiti warlord Kenneth Merten, the Clintons, UN officials and the PHTK Black Collaborators in Haiti belong in Prison for War Crimes, Torture and Crimes Against Humanity against the People of Haiti. There's universal jurisdiction to arrest Kenneth Merten IMMEDIATELY for admitting his terrorist and moral support of the criminal Jovenel Moise and silence on the Jovenel Palace's paramilitary murders, in cold blood, of peaceful Haiti protestors demanding to know where did the development monies go?
Amnesty International need to stop obfuscating the reality with "excessive force" lies and demand the immediate arrest of Jovenel Moise and his paramilitaries for their war and murder against civilians with his illegal war weapons in Haiti
Desalin is Rising Worldwide to End the Global Profit-Over-People System
November 29, 1803 - The Original Haiti Declaration of Independence was Signed by the Black Generals not the Mulatto Sons of France Petionville colonists...
Èzili Dantò's Note:
The Original Declaration of Haiti Independence was signed on November 29, 1803 by the Black Generals: General Janjak Desalin (Jean-Jacques Dessalines), General Henri Christophe, and General Augustin Clervaux - who gave Haiti its freedom at Vertierres, not the Petion-Boyer crew who were not at the final battle and would later conspire to assassinate Haiti's dream of universal freedom.
Their intellectual descendants are today in Petionville with the U.S. Colonists, Republic of NGOs, the Merten-Clintonite duopoly, PHTK neocolonial Duvalierists-Black Collaborators and the Arab/Jewish Middle Eastern oligarchs, murdering or complicit in terrorizing and murdering the long suffering Haitian people, who are continuing, virtually ALONE in the world, to protest the Petionville and NGO industrial complex system that destroys Haiti liberty, progress nd enslaves the Black majority.
Here, in a November 29, 2018 video (in Kreyòl), where Haitians in the North of Haiti recommit to Desalin's universal dream for Black freedom and to destroying Petion's co-option in Petionville Haiti today with the Colonists and PHTK men-in-pink local collaborators and Conzes (House Negroes).
The following proclamation of the independence of the island has been published by the three principal military chiefs, November 29, 1803:–
In the name of the black people and the men of colour of St. Domingo.
The independence of St. Domingo is proclaimed. Restored to our primitive dignity, we have claimed our rights: we swear never to yield them to any power on earth: the frightful veil of prejudice is torn to pieces, and is so for ever. Woe be to whomsoever would dare again to put together its bloody tatters.
O! Landholders of St. Domingo, wandering in foreign colonies, by proclaiming our independence, we do not intend to forbid you indiscriminately from returning to your property: far be from us this unjust idea. We are not ignorant, that there are some among you, that have renounced their old errors, abjured the injustice of their exorbitant pretensions, and acknowledged the lawfulness of the cause for which we have been spilling our blood these twelve years. Toward these men who do us justice, we will act as brothers; let them rely for ever on our esteem and friendship: let them return among us. The God who protects us, the God of freemen bids us to stretch out towards them our conquering arm. But as for those who, intoxicated with a foolish pride and interested slaves of a guilty pretension, are blinded so much as to think that they are the essence of human nature, and they affect to believe that they are destined by Heaven to be our masters and our tyrants, let them never come near the land of St. Domingo; if they come hither, they will only meet with chains and deportation; let them stay then where they are; and tormented by their well deserved misery and the frowns of the just men that they have too long mocked at; let them still continue to move the pity and concern of nobody.
We have sworn not to listen to clemency towards all those who would dare to speak to us of slavery; we shall be inexorable, perhaps even cruel, towards all the troops who, themselves forgetting the object for which they have not ceased fighting since 1789, should come yet from Europe, to carry among us death and servitude. Nothing is too dear, and every means are lawful, to men from whom it is wished to tear the first of all blessings. Were they to cause rivers and torrents of blood to run; were they in order to maintain their liberty, to conflagrate the seven eighths of the globe, they are innocent before the tribunal of providence, that has not created men, to see them groaning under a harsh and shameful servitude.
If in the various insurrections that took place some inhabitants against whom we had not to complain, have been victims of the cruelty of a few soldiers or cultivators too much blinded by the remembrance of their past sufferings, to be able to distinguish the good and humane land owners from those that were unfeeling and cruel; we lament with all feeling souls so deplorable an end and declare to the world whatever may be said to the contrary by wicked people that the murders were committed contrary to the wishes of our hearts. It was impossible, especially in the crisis in which the colony was, to be able to prevent or stop these horrors. They who are in the least acquainted with history, all know that a people, when assailed by civil dissentions, though they may be the most polished on earth, give themselves up to all kinds of excess, and the authority of the chiefs always but poorly consolidated in a time of revolution, cannot punish all those that are guilty, without always meeting with new difficulties. But now a days the Aurora of peace lets us have the glimpse of a less stormy time, now that the calm of victory has succeeded to the troubles of a dreadful war, every thing in St. Domingo ought to assume a new face, and its government henceforward to be that of justice.
Done at the head quarters, Fort Dauphin, November 29, 1803.
War Crimes, Torture, Crimes Against Humanity
"Them crazy, them crazy
We gonna chase those crazy
Baldheads out of town
Chase those crazy baldheads
Out of town
I and I build a cabin
I and I plant the corn
Didn't my people before me
Slave for this country
Now you look me with a scorn
Then you eat up all my corn
We gonna chase those crazy baldheads
Chase them crazy
Chase those crazy baldheads out of town" --- Bob Marley, Youtube video at
Bob Marley - Crazy Baldhead (Live)
We gonna chase those crazy
Baldheads out of town
Chase those crazy baldheads
Out of town
I and I build a cabin
I and I plant the corn
Didn't my people before me
Slave for this country
Now you look me with a scorn
Then you eat up all my corn
We gonna chase those crazy
Chase them crazy
Chase those crazy baldheads
Bob Marley - Crazy Baldhead (Live)
This Èzili Note is reposted from our November 25, 2015 Newsletter:
"The US/Western international infrastructure are desperate to continue their Haiti dictatorship with Martelly going with Jovenel Moise in order to maintain MINUSTAH (MINUJUSTH), the AFRICOM base in the Caribbean, as their Western Hemisphere military base (increased with Israeli private military contractors at HLSI, disguised DYNCORP/Kenneth Merten international mercenaries, Dominican army in black hoods to cover their nationality, et al..). Haiti is an easy prey and thus their central command. Besides, as the West loses out more and more in the Middle East, and Russia, China, Iran, Syria get more powerful, they want to protect their flank and Haiti is their hidden base that offshores the US corporatocracy war. --- They'll be savage about the oppression in Haiti these coming months. Will silence justice defenders like taking out ezilidanto's website and other media access to silence us; are financing "rebel" and paramilitary groups in Haiti as they do ISIS in the Middle East, putting blue Tonton Macoute-like uniforms on BOID ex-prisoners and putting police uniforms on them and other non-police, bringing in Israeli assassins, snipers, other savage neanderthal private military security contractors... et al. The international destabilization in Haiti evidenced with the CORE Group, the Madrid Club, UN, OAS, USAID will:..freeze bank accounts, cancel visas, ramp up the killings from their brainwashed international paid assassins, then blame it on "Haiti local violence." All, of course for the US-Euros to send more of their big emissaries like Kenneth Merten or the evil Duopoly and their military to put back Haiti order!
Recommended November 18
Vertieres Links:
Avatar Haiti will not succeed -
Caribbean Forum- Ron Bobb-
Movement, Oct 25, 2014
Avatar Haiti, part two
(Avatar Haiti - Website link
Looking at the Avatar movie
Vertieres, the defining
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A Nov 18 Free Haiti post - Libere Ayiti
Vertieres - Greatest Battle Ever Won / The Black Generals and Warrior Women who Changed World to Bring a Higher Moral Ground to Planet Earth! v=f3ZG-SFzFDE
Vertieres - Greatest Battle Ever Won / The Black Generals and Warrior Women who Changed World to Bring a Higher Moral Ground to Planet Earth!
Hidden History of Haiti - Battle of Vertières with Ezili Danto and Kaba Hiawatha Kamene
Kenneth Merten
"The white liberals don't lie less than the right wing imperialists, they lie better, are better warmongers with more tact and 'color-of-law' sugar on it." -- Èzili Dantò of HLLN
Photo at- Ezilidanto/status/ 1066161989750276096
The Haiti Petition to protect Haiti Children from United Nation rapists, sexual predators and pedophiles was personally hand-delivered by Èzili Dantò to the United Nations, on November 20, 2018. Thank you to all of the more than 1,151 of you who signed this from everywhere in the world and left comments to protect the children from UN pedophiles, sexual deviants, predators and rapists. Thanks also to the iconic Haiti leader, former Senator Moise Jean Charles who arranged for us to make this hand delivery after his meeting with the U.N. on Nov 20, 2018"
End UN mercenary occupation of Haiti. Stop Hurting & Raping the Haitian People. Stop Sexual violence against Haiti children, women, men
Photo taken November 20, 2018 - Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti, William Gardner, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, UN’s lead Political Affairs officer, former MINUSTAH personnel, and iconic Haiti leader, former Senator Moise Jean Charles.
Èzili HLLN/FreeHaiti took the opportunity of this meeting Senator Moise had on November 20, 2018 at the United Nations to hand-deliver a package to the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Bintou Keita.
The Haiti Petition demands an end to the United Nations' mercenary occupation of Haiti; justice for the MINUSTAH babies, justice for all Haiti children, women and men getting raped, molested and sexually abused by UN aid workers, personnel and soldiers. The Petition was addressed to the UN Secretary General António Guterres and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Bintou Keita for immediate action on the MINUSTAH/MINUJUSTH sexual crimes in Haiti and for justice for the abandoned mothers and children. Over one thousand signers (1,151) demanded UN application of the 7 (seven) FreeHaiti actions, including a global registry for UN pedophiles, aid workers, NGO predators and child molesters be set up and the other actions outlined in the Petition so to mitigate UN damages and on-going harm metered out against the vulnerable 13 million local Haiti population.
We delivered the two booklets totaling 103 pages of charges altogether with over 1,151 signatures from people from all over the world and Haiti and 416 comments to the United Nations via William P. Gardner, former MINUSTAH personnel and Principal Political Affairs Officer at United Nations.
Thank you very much Senator Moise Jean Charles for making this delivery possible on November 20th after your meeting at the United Nations. The petition is also public, its on-line in English with 416 Comments and more than 1,151 signatures as of November 20, 2018. The Full Haiti Non-Colonial Narrative is at the Preamble here and Kreyòl -
You can still be a friend to Haiti. All it takes is a signature. Please sign the petition on-line here (Kreyòl here and leave a comment for the United Nations to stop raping Haiti children with total impunity. Thank you to all who have already signed and commented.
Èzili HLLN/FreeHaiti took the opportunity of this meeting Senator Moise had on November 20, 2018 at the United Nations to hand-deliver a package to the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Bintou Keita.
The Haiti Petition demands an end to the United Nations' mercenary occupation of Haiti; justice for the MINUSTAH babies, justice for all Haiti children, women and men getting raped, molested and sexually abused by UN aid workers, personnel and soldiers. The Petition was addressed to the UN Secretary General António Guterres and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Bintou Keita for immediate action on the MINUSTAH/MINUJUSTH sexual crimes in Haiti and for justice for the abandoned mothers and children. Over one thousand signers (1,151) demanded UN application of the 7 (seven) FreeHaiti actions, including a global registry for UN pedophiles, aid workers, NGO predators and child molesters be set up and the other actions outlined in the Petition so to mitigate UN damages and on-going harm metered out against the vulnerable 13 million local Haiti population.
We delivered the two booklets totaling 103 pages of charges altogether with over 1,151 signatures from people from all over the world and Haiti and 416 comments to the United Nations via William P. Gardner, former MINUSTAH personnel and Principal Political Affairs Officer at United Nations.
Thank you very much Senator Moise Jean Charles for making this delivery possible on November 20th after your meeting at the United Nations. The petition is also public, its on-line in English with 416 Comments and more than 1,151 signatures as of November 20, 2018. The Full Haiti Non-Colonial Narrative is at the Preamble here and Kreyòl -
You can still be a friend to Haiti. All it takes is a signature. Please sign the petition on-line here (Kreyòl here and leave a comment for the United Nations to stop raping Haiti children with total impunity. Thank you to all who have already signed and commented.
See also, The Èzili HLLNetwork Challenge for the United Nations So-Called New “Zero Tolerance” Task Force
Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti
November 23, 2018
Photo - Ezili Dantò
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: William P. Gardner <>
To: zili danto <>
Cc: ...
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018, 5:45:39 PM EST
Subject: RE: Haiti Petition hand delivered to United Nation courtesy of Senator Moise Jean Charles' meeting at UN, Nov 20, 2018
Many thanks Ms. Danto,
The petitions are well received and currently under review.
With best regards.
William Gardner
Senior Political Affairs Officer
DPKO - United Nations
work: (+1) 917 367 5114
cell: (+1) 646 378 9844
Self-Defense is a human right - Defans pwòp tèt ou se yon dwa imen!
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."
Video of a Haitians putting back Desalin's 1805 red/Black not the colonial flag
Media Silence: The Clintons' Rape Of #Haiti Continues w/ the puppet Jovenel Moise legal bandits
The situation is worst since the July fuel hike & then Oct 17/Nov 18 Haiti lockdowns of Haiti by Haitians dying under the PHTK repression and corruption. But to stop the just protests, the Clinton PINK mercenaries in charge at the Haiti palace sent out DNYCORP-trained snipers and foreign men-in-Black to shoot the protestors in head : In sum, The Clintons' Rape Of #Haiti Continues w/ the puppet JovenelMoise Gov - v=IaoLD5hvUuI
The situation is worst since the July fuel hike & then Oct 17/Nov 18 Haiti lockdowns of Haiti by Haitians dying under the PHTK repression and corruption. But to stop the just protests, the Clinton PINK mercenaries in charge at the Haiti palace sent out DNYCORP-trained snipers and foreign men-in-Black to shoot the protestors in head : In sum, The Clintons' Rape Of #Haiti Continues w/ the puppet JovenelMoise Gov -
Kenneth Merten di l'ap mache ak Enkilpe a, Ayiti di: li mèt mache ale lan prizon ak Jovnèl e lòt asasen Pèp Ayiti yo.
Kenneth Merten, the enforcer and corrupt U.S. Federal agent who lied to put Michel Martelly into office and thus Jovenel Moise as defacto president today, announced he would not let Jovenel Moise resign! He said "He's fine" with Jovenel, thus so the people of Haiti need to simply bow down to his legal bandits. In other words,
"You have two options: fighting for your freedom or becoming a slave in your own Haitian land, which one do you want to become soldiers of Desalin?" ezili.danto/posts/ 10156559962126343
Kenneth Merten, the enforcer and corrupt U.S. Federal agent who lied to put Michel Martelly into office and thus Jovenel Moise as defacto president today, announced he would not let Jovenel Moise resign! He said "He's fine" with Jovenel, thus so the people of Haiti need to simply bow down to his legal bandits. In other words,
"You have two options: fighting for your freedom or becoming a slave in your own Haitian land, which one do you want to become soldiers of Desalin?"
Kenneth Merten di l'ap mache ak Enkilpe a, Ayiti di: li mèt mache ale lan prizon ak Jovnèl e lòt asasen Pèp Ayiti yo.
"Boukman o nan Bwa KayimanNou lonmen non w
Nou pa denounen w, nan Bwa Kayiman
Papa Boukman o, nou wè ase
Papa Boukman o, nou rive nan tobout o
Peyi nou divize, lafanmi doz-a-do.
Nou pate fè Bwa Kayiman
Pou n sèvi etranje."
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Signed by
President and Founder
African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve".