0.Introduction: Great Controversy SDA' Steps to Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary and Conservative Protestants Sunday Worship Evangelicals representing the Luke2:21-36-38' s 84 Years Widow like Journey Book of The Desire of Ages published Lastly with All Rights Reserved in 1940 with All Rights reserved by Pacific Press Publishing Association founded Madame Ellen Gould White the voice used by Jesus Christ to call Labourers in the 1st Call at the 1st Hour from October 22nd, 1859 with the 1st Publication of the 2nd Edition of the Book Early Writings in 1882 and publication of the 1st Edition of the Book"The Great Controversy " in 1888 and the 2nd Call at the 3rd Hour from October 22nd, 1889 with the 1st Publication of The Desire of Ages happened in 1898 by Madam Ellen Gould White herself continuing in the 3rd Call at the 6th Hour from October 22nd, 1934 until the Year 1940 of Publishing the "The Desire Of Ages" Book of Madame Ellen Gould White which was representing the Book "The Steps to Christ" published by Madame Ellen Gould White Her Self in 1892 finally raised Evangelicals' Cult allegations against the Heavenly Sanctuary Truth of October 22nd, 1844 in the Year 1949, questioning the 7th Day Adventism's Doctrine on the Atonement Day following the Birth and Baptism and Crucifixion and Resurrection and Heavenly Highest Priesthood of Jesus Christ revealed in the Ellen Gould White's Book"The Desire Of Ages" that must be believed as the real Great Controversy to be explained by the True 7th Day Adventists from the Year 1940 +84Years Written Voice of Old Widow Prophetess Ellen Gould White lifting up the Banner of Our Prince Emmanuel Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ Our King of Kings Son of King David the Only Begotten Son of Almighty God Our Real True Holy Father in Heaven and continued to be lifted up using the Book "The Desire Of Ages" to explain the Messiah and His Heavenly Sanctuary Priesthood especially from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2024 being well explained in the ears and eyes of worldwide human beings' minds, as spoken from the Heavenly Sanctuary by Jesus Christ Himself in the Book "The Desire Of Ages" to His Church worldwide through these writings of Madame Ellen Gould White in order to defeat SATAN and Demons possessed Apostate Protestants individuals jesuits and Ecumenical groups from the Gates of Hell as He prophesied in Matthew 16:13-20 until the Year 2024 on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at the full completeness of the Matthew 20:1-16 Prophetic 12 Hours Atonement Day of 180 Years that began on October 22nd, 1844 is explained in Luke 2:36-38 revealing the Great Controversy, about The Desire Of Ages represented in the Book "The Steps To Christ", which was raised between Conservative Protestants Evangelicals and Conservative Protestants 7th Day Adventists through this connection with Matthew 20:1-16 on the prophetic 12 Hours Atonement Day still now taking place in the Heavenly Sanctuary covering 180 Years from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2024 at the end of the Atonement Day as is linked with the 1177 Principal Repetition Number(PRN) and the 27Years3Years6Months7Days3Days12Hours1Hour Messianic Prophecy Time Conversion Principal(MPTCP):[ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Questions_on_Doctrine ].
The Great Controversy Vision
Reference has been made to the moving of the publishing work from Rochester, New York, to Battle Creek, Michigan, in November, 1855. Elder and Mrs. White made their home in Battle Creek, and after the work was well established there, they were able to continue their travels in the field. It was in connection with a visit to the State of Ohio in February and March, 1858, that the important great controversy vision was given to Mrs. White in the public school-house at Lovett's Grove. The account of this vision which lasted two hours is found in Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 161, 162. In September, 1858, Spiritual Gifts, Volume I: The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels, was published. This little book of 219 pages constitutes the third and last division of Early Writings.
6000Years finish: Adam to Moses 2500 Years, Moses to the recording of Revelation Book by John the Revelator 1600 Years= 4100 Years, 6000Years-4100 Years=1900Years, 1)4000Years ended in 3B.C,+100Years=97Years +1900Years=1997.
2)4000Years ended in 27A.D,+100Years=127Years +1900Years=2027.
3)4000Years ended in 31A.D,+100Years=131Years +1900Years=2031.
John who witnessed the Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70A.D was banished to the Patmos Island 50 Years after the existence of the Christian Church:
Did John Wrote The Book of Revelation at age of 97 Years Old? At 124 Years Old? At 127 Years Old? At 131Years Old?
6000Years ended in 1997.
Basing on the 27Years3Years6Months7Days3Days12Hours1Hour Messianic Prophecy Time Conversion PrincipalJesus Christ will come again in the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.''
Jesus was circumcised at 8th Day past birth, and after 40 Days Jesus was taken to Jerusalem by His Parents to meet Prophetess Ana ,from Matthew 20:1-16 prophetic 12 Hours was directly linked to Luke 2:21-38,this prophetess widow for 84 Years, past 7 Years married, 8days+40Days=48Days=48Years, from 1940-48Years=1892 at the Publication Year of The Steps To Christ the Book that raised allegations against SDA Heavenly Sanctuary Doctrine in 1949 resulted in publishing The Apostate Questions on Doctrines Book by SDA General Conference aiming to become not a Cult but Evangelical leading to its ecumenical Great Apostasy of October 31st, 2017, birthing 1177 Principal Repetition Number [2017-(840=500+340 or 12X70)=1177].
3rd Call at 6th Hour at 12h01' or 00:01'p.m of Matthew 20:1-16 prophetic 12 Hours was directly linked to Luke 2:21-38,this prophetess widow for 84 Years+ past 7 Years married=91Years, October 22nd, 1934+91Years its 1st Year included in 1934=October 22nd, 2024. Jesus Christ will come again in the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
1)The Word of Almighty God is the only Truth all human beings and all angels must trust in, and this supreme order governs the whole universe and is unchangeable because it brings in the justice of the Creator by which whosoever decides to break any Law of Almighty God leads that one to disobeying His Creator Almighty God and finally brings that one to eternal destruction, the case of Hell and Satan and all his allies who will be destroyed in the Hell Lake of Fire and Brimstones of Revelation 20:1-15.
2)The Word of Almighty God in John 1:1-51 is demonstrated in its different forms converted from untouchable state of being of Michael The Archangel the Only Begotten Soon of Almighty God who was transcribed in texts format by Prophets of Almighty God composing the Ancient Testament and New Testament of the Holy Bible and Humanly Converted into a born baby Jesus from Family of Joseph and Mary the descendants of the family of Judas 1 of 12 children of Jacob known as Israel the Son of Isaac the Son of Abraham a Friend of Almighty God in Genesis 12:1-20.
3)The only reason of the conversion of the untouchable Son of Almighty God Michael The Archangel into the Son of Man Jesus the Word of Almighty God, was to complete the victory of a waged war of Cherubim Angel of Ezekiel 26,27,28&Isaiah 14 known as Fallen Lucifer also know as SATAN in Revelation 12:1-17.
4)The waged war in heaven by fallen Lucifer was about to try to break the 10th Commandment of Almighty God in Exodus 20:1-17 and continue to live in Heaven together with other non fallen Angels and continue to live with Jesus in heaven and with Almighty God and the Holy Spirit, thereafter these Commandments were given to human beings through Moses on Mount Sinai in form of 2 blocks of stones on which the finger of Almighty God Himself was seen by Moses drawing in letters completely writing all of those 10 Commandments on those 2 blocks of Stones with the form of fire.
5)In Revelation 12:1-17, Satan is demonstrated in the word of Almighty God given to Jesus Christ who later on gave that whole book of Revelation to his Angel Gabriel to reveal it to 1 of His Disciples John the Revelator on the Island of Patmos where He was cast during the burning Satanic persecution of the Christians in the 1st century of the early Christianity.
6)In Revelation 12:17 , the Holy Bible describes a certain group of human beings living on this earth who are the targeted people of Almighty God ,targeted by Satan because of that these individuals have decided to keep the 10 Commandments of Almighty God entirely including the 4th Commandment of Remembering The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy, and being strongly agreeing with Jesus Christ in maintaining the Sure words of Prophecy as described in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 19:10.
7) In Genesis 2:1-3 ,Almighty God has created everything and created Adam and Eve as first human beings, and in that whole 1st week of creation, in 6 Days Almighty God has worked to complete the Creation of this earth and its content and on the 7th Day He decided to Create a Day of Rest which He called the Sabbath on the 7th Day, as a matter of fact, the Revelation 13:1-18 describes the transitional power of Satan given to the Roman Catholic Church Papacy which is known for its Satanic modifications made not only againist the 4th Commandment of Almighty God of Remembering The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy they decided to Keep the 1st Day of the Week which is Sunday and continue to prepare the LaudatoSI'237' Sunday Law in the care of the environment through the combating of Climate Change and this gave birth to the United Nations (UN)'s Paris Climate Change Agreement which was recently accepted by the World's Supper Power Protestant Nation of United States of America (USA) under the Roman Catholic President Joe Biden inaugurated on January 20th, 2021 signed Jesuit Oath of Pope Francis both on January 20th, 2021 and January 27th, 2021 to bring UN's Paris Climate Agreement in the USA Congress to be accepted and this manoeuvering process through Joe Biden Administration helped the Jesuit Democrats Senators to forge the U.S Climate Act of 2021 on April 19th, 2021 which is otherwise called the U.S.National Sunday Law in its hidden context as it will be very very soon enforced worldwide through U.S.Embassies and USAID, working against the belief of the True 7th Day Adventists, descendants of the Family of Mr James White & Mrs Ellen Gould White which was put in existence on August 30th, 1846 while today on August 31st, 2021 the True 7th Day Adventists cerebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Marriage of Mr James White&Mrs Ellen Gould White which has divinely created the everlasting Connection between 1st and 11th Hour Labourers described by Jesus Christ Himself in the Holy Bible in Matthew 20:1-16.
I.Matthew 20:1-16:The 175th Anniversary of the Marriage of Mr James White&Mrs Ellen Gould White created the everlasting Connection between 1st and 11th Hour Workers.
1)In Hebrew 4:1-16,Jesus Christ is described as the Highest Priest and this context brings in our article the word of Almighty God in Exodus 25:1-40 and Exodus 40:1-38, it therefore, requires everyone reading this article to revise the whole content of the Earthly Sanctuary built by Moses and the works of Aaron as a 1st Highest Priest in the wilderness, in order to finally understand the main role of Jesus Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary, the work that was discovered from the Book of Daniel 8:1-27, Daniel 9:1-27 and Daniel 12:1-13 connected with Revelation 14:1-20 as discovered by the USA Protestant Mr William Miller who later contributed in the Great Awakening of Adventists Movements on declaring October 22nd, 1844 as the Day of the beginning of the Heavenly 1 Prophetic Day of Atonement composed of 12 Prophetic Hours equivalent to 180 Years following Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 using a Day-Year Principal where 1 Day is equivalent prophetically to 1 Year, while 1 Day equals to 24 Hours and 1 Year equals to 360 Days using the Jewish Calendar, therefore, 1Hour equals to 360 Days dividing with 24 Hours resulting in 15 Days and otherwise equivalent to 15 Years (360Days:24Hours=15Days), therefore the Heavenly 1 Prophetic Day of Atonement composed of 12 Prophetic Hours equivalent to 180 Years following this formula 12HoursX15Years=180Years, whereas the end of these prophetic 180 Years definitively reveals the End of the Work of Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary by October 22nd, 2024 which requires everyone reading this article to count the Hour and Day of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m by subtracting 7 Days of the Journey form Earth of Heavenly Canaan till the End of Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary by October 22nd, 2024 from October 22nd, 1844+180Years=October 22nd, 2024.
2)Knowing that in Daniel 12:7-13 mentioned the longest period of final 1335 days of the whole book of the Prophet Daniel, this helps to connect the ends of both 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13 and the End of Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary by October 22nd, 2024, while by subtracting 1335 Days from Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 - 1335Days=February 8th, 2021, because 1335Days equal 3Years 8Months and 15 Days, and connecting Daniel 12:11 and Daniel 9:27 , the Word of Almighty God has given the determined end of the final last week of this earth History by the Outpouring of the wrath of Almighty God on the U.S. Roman Catholic President Joe Biden described therein as a desolating Principal who came on the Power of the whole World Supper Power U.S.A during the Midst of this Final Last week of Daniel 9:27 in the Year 2021 exactly required the U.S.A Elections process to take place in the 1st half of this Final Last week of Daniel 9:27 which ends in the Year 2024, this helps to connect the end of this final last week of Daniel 9:27 with the Falling of the 7 Last Plagues explained in Revelation 15:1-8 as the Wrath of Almighty God in Revelation 14:1-20 and Revelation 16:1-21 and also explained in hidden prophetic contexts of 7 Last Trumpets in Revelation 8:1-13,Revelation 9:1-21&Revelation 11:15-19.
3)Daniel 12:1-13, is directly connected with Daniel 9:27 as the end of 1335 Days of Daniel 12:12-13 is on October 22nd, 2024 and the End of the Final Last Week of Earth History is in the Year 2024, therefore, in order to determine the beginning of the Final Last Week of Daniel 9:27 in its 2nd application Spiritually, is determined by the beginning the 1st Half of the Final Last Week of Daniel 9:27 which Ends on February 7th, 2021, because the beginning of the 2nd Half of the Whole Final Last Week of Daniel was above fixed on February 8th, 2021 to end on October 22nd, 2024 on Tuesday, therefore, the beginning of this whole Final Last Week of Daniel 9:27 is demonstrated by subtracting 3½ Years from February 8th, 2021 (3Years and 6 Months also equivalent to 42 Months or 1260 Days) which gives the starting point of the Daniel 9:27 Whole Final Last Week on October 31st, 2024 which marked the Day on which all Global Protestants Leaders signed A Reforming Catholic Confession Satanic Covenant with Jesuit Pope Francis to put an End on the 500 Years existence of Martin Luther's Protestantism Movement that started on October 31st, 1517.
4)Daniel 12:1-13 and Daniel 9:27 prophetic Time periods in their 2nd Application Spiritually nowadays connect the October 31st, 1517 Martin Luther's Protestantism Movement with William Miller's Adventists Movement of October 22nd, 1844 described in Daniel 8:1-27 and Leviticus 16:1-34 demonstrating the Final Work of Atonement being carried Out in the Heavenly Sanctuary by Jesus Christ from October 22nd, 1844 that has to be ended following the examples of the Earthly Sanctuary activities represented by Israelites and their Highest Priest in Leviticus 23:1-44 describing the most 4 Principal Annual Feasts of 1-Passover, 2-Unleavened Breads, 3-First Fruits, 4-Pentecost among which the October 22nd, 1844 Atonement Day that began with Milerites Movement of Adventists that gave birth to the current Worldwide Global 7th Day Adventists descendants of the Family of Mr James White & Mrs Ellen Gould White which was put in existence on August 30th, 1846 while today on August 31st, 2021 the True 7th Day Adventists cerebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Marriage of Mr James White&Mrs Ellen Gould White which has divinely created the everlasting Connection between 1st and 11th Hour Labourers described by Jesus Christ Himself in the Holy Bible in Matthew 20:1-16, while this Prophetic October 22nd, 1844 Atonement Day of 180 Years has to overlap these earlthly activities of spiritual most 4 Principal Annual Feasts of 1-Passover, 2-Unleavened Breads, 3-First Fruits, 4-Pentecost among which Matthew 20:1-16 described the Labourers who were called by Jesus Christ Himself beginning with the Millerites on October 22nd, 1844 representing the Hour of 6:00' a.m as the early morning of the Beginning of Judgement Process of the deads people in the Heavenly Sanctuary, while the Judgement of the Living People considered to take place alongside the work of Labourers working in the Vineyard of Almighty God in John 15:1-27 and Matthew 20:16 starting with the Labourers called at the 1st Time to begin their work on the 1st Hour at 7:00' a.m.
5)The Working of Labourers in Matthew 20:1-16 is directly connected to the Judgement of the Living People as it deals with people who existed on this Earth in the Post William Miller's Great Awakening and Adventists Movement where the displaying of all 10 Commandments was again freely taken under the care of the 7th Day Adventists Churches Globally starting form the Protestant Nation of United States of America(U.S.A) following most 4 Principal Annual Feasts of 1-Passover, 2-Unleavened Breads, 3-First Fruits, 4-Pentecost among which spiritually the gospel of the 3 Angels Messages of Revelation 14:1-20 was initiated to be proclaimed in the whole World by the 7th Day Adventists using the Writings of Mrs Ellen Gould White distributed under the guidance of the General Conference of the 7th Day Adventists Global Churches which was founded in Battle Creeks sometime Headed by Mr James White who coordinated initially the whole initial activities of distributing the whole writings of His Wife Mrs Ellen Gould White and diligently speeding the spreading of Pioneers' 7th Day Adventists Churches across the United States of America (U.S.A) in the process of the Jesus Christ's Early Morning work of finding the workers at 6:00' a.m in 15 Years from October 22nd, 1844 +15Years until the October 21st, 1859 to generate the 1st Called Labourers of 7:00' a.m in 15 Years from October 22nd, 1859 +15 Years until the October 21st, 1874 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers of 8:00' in 15 Years from October 22nd, 1874 +15 Years until the October 21st, 1889 to generate the 2nd Called Labourers of 9:00' a.m in 15 Years from October 22nd, 1889 until the October 21st, 1904 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers of 10:00' a.m from October 22nd, 1904 +15 Years until the October 21st, 1919 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers of 11:00' a.m from October 22nd, 1919 +15 Years until the October 21st, 1934 to generate the 3rd Called Labourers of 12:00' a.m in 15 Years from October 22nd, 1934 until the October 21st, 1949 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers of 1:00'P.M at 13:00' from October 22nd, 1949 +15 Years until the October 21st, 1964 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers of 2:00'P.M at 14:00' from October 22nd, 1964 +15 Years until the October 21st, 1979 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers to generate the 4th Called Labourers of 3:00'P.M at 15:00' in 15 Years from October 22nd, 1979 until the October 21st, 1994 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers of 4:00'P.M at 16:00' from October 22nd, 1994 +15 Years until the October 21st, 2009 to continue with the Younger SDA Labourers to generate the 5th Called Labourers of 11th Hour at 5:00'P.M at 17:00' from October 22nd, 2009 +15 Years until the October 21st, 2024 to bridge the Heavenly Canaan Called Labourers of 6:00'P.M at 18:00' from Tuesday October 22nd, 2024, whereas the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ must take place 1 Week before Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, fulfilling completely the link between the Prophecy of Daniel 8:1-27, Daniel 9:1-27, Daniel 12:1-13 and the Prophecy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 20:1-16 as prepared by raising Martin Luther's Protestantism Movement on October 31st, 1517 which gave birth to a U.S.A Protestant Mr William Miller during the Great Awakening Adventists Movement of October 22nd, 1844 targeting to generate the Current 144000 True 7th Day Adventists Saints of Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:9-12, Revelation 15:1-2, Revelation 20:1-4 and Revelation 7:1-8 generate in 174 Years through the same spiritual most 4 Principal Annual Feasts of 1-Passover, 2-Unleavened Breads, 3-First Fruits, 4-Pentecost which are overlapped by the Day of Atonement that began in the Heavenly Sanctuary on October 22nd, 1844 as a result of the Doctrines of the True 7th Day Adventists descendants of different Global SDA Pioneers including the Family of Mr James White & Mrs Ellen Gould White which was put in existence on August 30th, 1846 while today on August 31st, 2021 the True 7th Day Adventists cerebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Marriage of Mr James White&Mrs Ellen Gould White which has divinely created the everlasting Connection between 1st and 11th Hour Labourers described by Jesus Christ Himself in the Holy Bible in Matthew 20:1-16.
6)In Matthew 24:15-31, Jesus Christ prophesied the very importance of keeping the 7th Day Sabbath Holy in this Final Last Week of Daniel 9:27 that started on October 31st, 2017 to end in the Falling of 7 Last Plagues in Revelation 22:12-21 connected with Daniel 12:7-13 of successive 1260 Days, 1290 Days and 1335 Days starting from February 7th, 2021 +1260Days=July 31st, 2024 at the end of the 5th Last Plague that will last for 5 Months full beginning from March 1st, 2024 until July 31st, 2024, from February 7th, 2021 +1290Days=August 31st, 2024 at the End of the 6th Last Plague that will last for 1 Month full beginning from August 1st, 2024 until August 31st, 2024, and From February 7th, 2021 + 1335 Days= October 22nd, 2024 at the end of 180 Years of 1 Prophetic Day of Atonement that began on October 22nd, 1844 ,whereas the end of the 7th Last Plague will be at 1:59' a.m on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 lasting for 1½ Month full beginning from September 1st, 2024 until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:37-39 as the waters of the flood during Noah's Time lasted for Full 8 Months and 2 Days, likewise, from Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m subtracting 8 Months and 2 Days results on February 15th, 2024, therefore, the falling of the 7 Last Plagues will begin on February 15th, 2024 +8 Months and 2 Days= October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, while the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Last Plagues will fall on this Earth beginning from February 15th, 2024 until February 29th, 2024, however their must be a period of ½Hour of Revelation 8:1-6 equivalent to 7 Days and 12 Hours of Preparation of Sounding of 7 Last Trumpets of 7 Angels preparing to outpour the 7 Last Plagues in Revelation 15:1-8 as linked to Isaiah 6:3-4 meaning the end of the Proclamation of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message in 3 Days of Luke 13:31-33 specifying 3 Years of Harvesting in Babylonian Communities of Revelation 18:1-5 indirectly explained as a Samaritan woman on the well of Jacob in John 4:1-45 explaining the proclamation of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message from February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024 and ending by a smoke of burning incense in the Heavenly Sanctuary in the Most Holy Apartment where Jesus Christ was administering His Highest Priesthood since October 22nd, 1844 while the completeness of His work as Explained in Isaiah 6:3-4, Revelation 15:5-8 and Revelation 8:1-6 when the smoke of incense will thereby be presented in the front of the throne of Almighty God in the Heavenly Sanctuary and the burning incense will be cast down to fall in this earth to trigger the outpouring of the 1st Last Plague 2nd, 3rd , 4th , 5th, 6th up to the 7th Last Plague also explained as the sounding of the 7 Last Trumpets of Revelation 8:1-13,Revelation 9:1-21 and 11:15-19 and Revelation 16:1-21 from October 15th, 2024 until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
7)In Matthew 24:15-31 Jesus Christ has prophesied the importance of 7th Day Sabbath Keeping during a Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church Prophesied World Army of Jesuits deployed surrounding the spiritual Jerusalemrepresented by the Global General Conference of the 7th Day Adventists in the Year 2021 where the General Conference of SDA Global Church was prohibited to keep Baptising New Members and restricting its Global Members to never was feet again to share the holy communion services and to bind themselves on the Ecumenical Religious Liberty Principals and partaking in the Covid-19 Tests&Vaccination Babylonian wine of Jesuit Pope Francis denouncing the Spirit of Prophecy of the SDA Pioneers Guidelines against mRNA Vaccines usage that contradicts the Health Reform Principal of Temperance given by the Books of Mrs Ellen Could White as the Right Hand of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message against the Mark of the Beast"Sunday Rest by Law" while Climate Change Ecumenical Movements with Covid-19 Testing & Vaccination & Draconian Measures stand as the Image of the Beast and the Number of the Beast '666' while all 7th Day Adventists were called in Matthew 20:1-16 to defeat the Beast"Ecumenism " to defeat the Image& Number of the Beast as related to Climate Change and Covid-19 Testing & Vaccines and Draconian Measures that precede the U.S National Sunday Law Enforcement worldwide in the Year 2022 representing the Passover and Crucifixion Day of Jesus Christ comparing to the Last Final Week of Jesus Christ' s Earth History that started from Sunday as Day 1 represented by the Year 27 A.D of Jesus to be baptized and become the anointed Messiah represented nowadays by the Year 2017 in John 12:1-50 and in its midst on Thursday as Day 5 of Judas betrayal to Jesus Christ represented by the Year 31 A.D of Jesus Christ to be betrayed by Judas 1 of His Disciples represented nowadays by the Year 2021 in John 13:1-38,John 14:1-31,John 15:1-27, John 16:1-33, John 17:1-6, John 18:1-40 and in its ending on Sunday as Day 8 of Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Almighty God otherwise represented by the Year 34 A.D of Final Close of Probation of the whole Nation of Israel and end of Proclamation of the Gospel of Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Jewish Nation by the Disciples of Jesus Christ represented nowadays by the Year 2024 of resurrection of the Saints and 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the 1000 Years Cosmic Sabbath in Heaven in John 20:1-31 and Revelation 20:1-15 as connected with 1177 Principal Repetition Number.
II.The 1177 Principal Repetition Number and the brief separation of Act of Apostles 15:36-41 similarities of White's Family for the Course of Almighty God alone fulfilling the Prophecy of Jesus Christ in Luke 12:1-53, Luke 9:1-62, Luke 10:1-42 :
1)The 1177 Principal Repetition Number, is basically calculated following the evidenced Biblical Completed Healing of the Wound of the Papacy from February 7th, 2021 that will be allowed to rule the whole world in 42 Months alone in Revelation 13:5 which creates this Time Times and Half of Time Contextual Mathematics on Revelation 11:1-14 in its 2nd Application and directly linked to Daniel 12:1-13, Daniel 9:1-27, Daniel 7:1-28 and Daniel 8:1-27 as related to the end of 2300 Years on October 22nd, 1844 to the 1st Vision of Mrs Ellen Gould White in the Book of Early Writings where it is demonstrated the 7th Day Sabbath Divine Vision of Mrs Ellen Gould White on April 3rd, 1847 and the Martin Luther's Initiated Protestantism on October 31st, 1517 ended Official Globally on October 31st, 2017 by the Beast of Revelation 17:1-18 representing Jesuit Pope Francis who bears the Pontifex Maximus Title of Western Roman Emperor Constantine II since His Death in the Year 340 A.D and continue to bring in the principal of Almighty God's New Army recruitment of 144000 True 7th Day Adventists using the SDA Pioneers Messages of Beatification by Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ alone as was given to Waggoner and Jones at the Beginning of 3rd Hour of Matthew 20:1-16 in the Years 1888-1889, and form {October 31st, 2017-(840=500Years+340)=1177},
2)In this end time prophecy fulfilment, the 1177 Principal Repetition Number is a representative of the Seal of Almighty God under the Number 7 in Exodus 31:12-18,Exodus 20:1-17, Genesis 2:1-3, Ezekiel 20:12-20 under this deduction of scaling Mathematics taken from Ezekiel 8:1-18 and Ezekiel 9:1-11 of Our Crying for the Abomination and Great Apostasy taken place on October 31st, 2017 by the General Conference of SDA General Conference delegation that signed A Reforming Catholic Confession result in Scaling Mathematics of taking the Year {2017-840(12x70 or 500+340)=1177} taking 1177=177+1000= 1+1+7+7=16=1+6=7 the 7th Day Holy Weekly Sabbath covering 177 Sabbath Years Anniversaries from April 3rd, 1847 until October 21st, 2024 and the 7th Day Holy Cosmic Sabbath covering 1000 Years Cosmic Sabbath from October 22nd, 2024 at the beginning of 12th Hour of Matthew 20:1-16 as a rewarding Day of all Saints on the Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on the Sea of Glass receiving Crowns of Life-Harps of Gold and Palms of Victory over SATAN the Dragon and Over the Papacy the Beast-Image of the Beast-Number of the Beast'Covid-19' and Mark of the Beast'Sunday Rest by Law' until October 22nd, 3024.
3)From the Death of Western Roman Emperor Constantine II in 340 A.D +1177=1517 the Birth of Protestantism on October 31st, 1517,
4)From April 3rd, 1847 +1177=3024 the New Jerusalem Descending from Heaven after completing 1000 Years Cosmic Sabbath in Heaven from October 22nd, 2024,
5)From April 3rd, 1847 +177= 2024 the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ through the Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues in the sounding of the 7 Last Trumpets of rewards of Revelation 22:12 from February 15th, 2024 until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m,
6)From October 22nd, 1844 +177=2021 the Complete Healing of the wound of the Papacy in Revelation 13:3-18 from the U.S.A signing of the UN Paris Climate Agreement on January 20th, 2021 and Elevating Climate Change to the U.S. National Security as equally means elevating Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter LaudatoSI'237'Climate Emergency Executive Order National Sunday Law bidden Agenda on U.S National Security Considerations by Roman Catholic President Joe Biden on January 27th, 2021 to birth U.S Climate Act of 2021 and UN mandating the International Day of Jesuit Pope Francis' Fratelli Tutti on February 4th, 2021 declaring the New World Order and One world Government Principles of the Vatican Papacy prepared in the Fratelli Tutti Satanic Encyclical Letter of Jesuit Pope Francis at UN level approved and mandated on February 4th, 2021 +3½Days of Revelation 13:5=February 7th, 2021 and constantly from February 7th, 2021 +3½Years=July 31st, 2024.
7) The Church of Almighty God has cost Him to use individually each one of the members of the whole family of Mr James White&Mrs Ellen Gould White who sacrificed their relationship of caring to each other in their familiar normal life due to heavy duties of Father White as settling in Battle Creek heading the SDA General Conference Duties while Mrs Ellen Gould White could not Leave California Writing site where He was busy Writing His 1st Book the Great Controversy in the between March to May 1876 with misunderstanding on their Children Care who had to spend life alon in the business of Publishing Press especially for Willie on the account of Father and Edison on the Account of Mother and Hall who has been babysitting their Children since young age was assisting Father in Secretariat for the course of advancing the SDA Churches Spreading Programs of Father White while Emotionally Mother Ellen G. White had to sometime as a human being resist to the authoritative of leavening California to go stay with Father James White but wished not to leave without receiving instruction through a Divine Vision from Almighty God and James White waited the Divine Vision from Almighty God through Her Wife to be communicated to Him asking Him to leave Battle Creek to join wife in California, the separation was typical of Jesus Christ's Only reason of each one of them's life prophesied by Jesus Christ in Luke 12:49-53 in a similar Divinely oriented Separation between Apostle Barnabas and Paul Act of Apostles 15:36-41 but justified divinely by the determined continuation of proclamation of Almighty God's Course for the reason to continue to bring the people of Almighty God in His everlasting Kingdom to build His 7th Day Sabbath Keeping Church that cost Him the Blood of His Only Begotten Soon Jesus Christ in John 12:1-50 and Satan thereafter in Revelation 12:1-17 was determined to destroy the Church of Almighty God using His Full Power as extremely as possible and it confirmed the Great Controversy between Jesus Christ and SATAN through their Human being Followers especially of the account of Jesus Christ must take the current final 144000 True 7th Day Adventists warriors of Revelation 14:1-12 and on the account of SATAN must take the current final Jesuits warriors of Revelation 13:1-18 and Revelation 17:1-18 both of us facing each other in this Year 2021 representing the Day 5 on Thursday on which Jesus Christ shared the Bread and Wine of representation of His Body and His Blood that had was going to be shedding on the Cross on the next Day 6 on Friday on which Jesus Christ was Crucified as A Passover represented as Year 2022 finally becoming more deadly Battle between the Advocators of the True 7th Day Holy Sabbath and the Advocators of the Tomorrow War Pope Francis LaudatoSI'237'Sunday Rest by Law in the Year 2023 representing the Day 7 on Sabbath Day on which Jesus Christ was resting in the Tomb until the Global Close of Probation and Falling of the 7 Last Plagues and Resurrection of All Saints and Killing of All Sinners in the Year 2024 representing the Day 8 on which Jesus Christ was resurrected and show up to His beloved Disciples on that Sunday represented as Day 8 as the Year 2024 in which Jesus Christ will come with His rewards of Revelation 22:12 covering February 15th, 2024 until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m when Satan will be jailed by the Angel in Revelation 20:1-15 until the Death of SATAN and All His Allies and Followers including all fallen Angels after the ending of 1000 Years 7th Day Cosmic Sabbath from the Year 3024 to fulfill 7 Days of Almighty God's Cosmic Week of 6000Years ending in 2024+ 1000Years Cosmic Sabbath= 7000 Years ending in 3024 following the Principles reserve in the Holy Bible in Psalm 90:4&2Peter3:8&1John3:1-8;
Therefore, Every True 7th Day Adventist worldwide must be more protective to the SDA Costly pioneers' Course of Almighty God's Church mission and Vision to expose the Man of SIN Mr Pope of Roma of Revelation 13:1-18 and Revelation 17:1-18 and His Boss Fallen Lucifer A.K.A SATAN as the Dragon related to the present Truth in this Final Last Week of Daniel 9:27 began from October 31st, 2017 to End after full falling of 7 Last Plagues causing Mass Extinction of All Sinners from the Face of this planet in less than 11 Months from February 15th, 2024 until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ to enter the Heavenly Canaan on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 as by Tuesday on August 31st, 2021 there is only remaining 14Days and 1Month and 3Years of 1140Days remaining from 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13 as explained through the 1177 Principal Repetition Number above combating agains Jesuit Pope Francis and SATAN.
IV.The Prayer:
Almighty God Our Holy Father in Heaven, make great Your everlasting plan to destroy SATA in Your Mighty Power as You Created Lucifer explaining in Ezekiel 26,27,28 and Isaiah 14 having Your current 144000 True 7th Day Adventists to Use Us to Proclam the Final Warning 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message to the Whole World from February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024 so that every human being be completely warned in Your Mighty Power and that You be ble to fulfill 1John 3:8 by destroying all sinners who refused to repent during this remaining few days of probation in this 11th Hour to bring the 7 Last Plagues to jail SATAN and resurrect All Your Saints and take Us Your Faithful God fearing Saints in the Air to meet Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ, with your mercy continue to Forgive Our Sins we repent, as the Prayer in Christ Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
V. Related Kinyarwanda audio:
1)Itorero riri mu Ubutayu [ https://voca.ro/15yuy91C1Gm4 ].
2) Urupfu Rw' Abamarayika "Nta Kuzuka"(SATANI n' Abamarayika be) nirwo rutahiwe nyuma Y' Urupfu Rw' Abantu n'Umuzuko wa mbere 2024 (ABELI n' Abera bandi basinziriye) n' Urupfu no Kuzuka By' Imana(YESU KRISTO): igice cya 1[ https://voca.ro/1crHDLqQbSFz ].
3) Urupfu Rw' Abamarayika "Nta Kuzuka"(SATANI n' Abamarayika be) nirwo rutahiwe nyuma Y' Urupfu Rw' Abantu n'Umuzuko wa mbere 2024 (ABELI n' Abera bandi basinziriye) n' Urupfu no Kuzuka By' Imana(YESU KRISTO): igice cya 2[ https://voca.ro/1j8x3Zmew9hL ].
4) Urupfu Rw' Abamarayika "Nta Kuzuka"(SATANI n' Abamarayika be) nirwo rutahiwe nyuma Y'Urupfu Rw' Abantu n' Umuzuko wa mbere 2024 (ABELI n' Abera bandi basinziriye) n' Urupfu no Kuzuka By' Imana(YESU KRISTO): igice cya 3[ https://voca.ro/1a0SU5BxpPid ].
5) Urupfu Rw' Abamarayika "Nta Kuzuka"(SATANI n' Abamarayika be) nirwo rutahiwe nyuma Y' Urupfu Rw' Abantu n' Umuzuko wa mbere 2024 (ABELI n' Abera bandi basinziriye) n' Urupfu no Kuzuka By' Imana(YESU KRISTO): igice cya 4[ https://voca.ro/16VIyj2fEDUP ].
VI. Related Links:
1).Brief Separation of MrJames White&Mrs Ellen Gould White in May 1876 due to Heavy individual duty of Almighty God's Mission and Vision for the Global 7th Day Adventists Churches and Babylonian Churches before the End comes in 2024-3024.Click Here.
2).The Great Controversy & National Sunday Law Audio books.Click Here.
3).U.S.National Climate Sunday Act of 2021 in darkness. Click Here.
VII. Related Calculations and text images: