Delegates telling stories on delegates’ motivations to be part of 2nd AAFYC2018 as one of the AUSC International Members:
1.To bring African Academic Population together For The Better Africa We Deserve;
2. Learn more and share ideas contributing to a better Africa;
3. I was indeed inspired by aim of the organization;
4. I think we as African youth need more coalition and union. Youth in different African countries are doing amazing things but their neighbors are not hearing about it or being inspired of it. While for example, as an Arab student, I see a big strong network in the Arab youth that make NGOs and projects in general more developed and efficient not only on a national scale, but on a regional one. So I hope that we, African students can learn from that and follow it. And I believe this council is a great way to achieve this goal;
5. As an international medium that spread across boundaries, let's use education, science and technology to alleviate some of the continent ills and make Africa Great Again;
7. Am will for better Africa in future through youth commitments;
8. Join a youth forum to promote Pan-African ideals of unity and renaissance, to get opportunity to participate in meaningful discussion fora for the development of Africa;
9. I am a vibrant and dynamic pan African oriented young person with passion to be taken a proactive role tackling challenges of youths of Africa. I believe this membership will create a conducive platform to share ideas and contribute towards youth contemporary issues;
10. To provide essential responsibility and accurate care;
11. As a Pan African student I am always determined to work on Africa's unity and for Africa's progress through various activities. On the other hand, I like to interact and get connected to African students and the youth from every part of Africa so as to get the different dimensions of our rich continent. Through such interactions, I would be able to understand cultural and the socio-political dynamics of the continent in a way that will enable me speak for the entire Africa at the outside world. Moreover, I would like to share my experiences from Somalia and the dynamics of the conflicts in my country and the Horn of Africa;
12. Effort for protecting the rights of students;
13. As an African diplomat student living in former French colonization country i would like to participate the development of my country and also take part in the promotion of English language. By seen the action plan of AUSC i thought by joining this Ngo, i can achieve my aim but also the aim of the Ngo which is the development of Africa we deserve;
14. 1. a. actively participate in efforts to improve system-wide policy, human resources , Financing, management, service delivery, and information systems, b. share innovations that strengthen systems, including the Practical approach to lung health, c. adapt innovations from other fields, 2.Engage all care providers, a. Public–Public and Public–Private mix approaches , b. international standards for tuberculosis Care, 3. Empower people with TB, and communities, a. advocacy, communication, and social mobilization, b. Community participation in TB care, c. Patients’ Charter for tuberculosis Care, 4. Address TB/HIV, drug-resistant TB, and other challenges, a. implement collaborative TB/HIV activities, b. Prevent and control drug-resistant TB , c. address prisoners, refugees, and other high-risk groups and situations, 5.Enable and promote research, a. Program-based operational research , b. research to develop new diagnostics, drugs, and vaccine etc these are my main concern to be part for the meeting!!!!
15. Because i want to impactful and successful, I found out that AUSC is presenting and giving Africans latest life changing opportunity;
16. Interest I have in progress of African students and African as a whole;
17. It will serve as a training ground for entrepreneurship and future leadership;
18. I would like to make partnership with other fellow African to contribute for the betterment of our continent and our society.
19. Working towards African Unity with like minded individuals.
20. To be one of the AUSC is very good for youth because there are something institutions and knowledge;
21. I’m applying for the membership of your AUSC, which I admire greatly. I’ve been water and environment Engineering student for last year and I believe your group will be the ideal place for me to join and also i am expecting that it is great way of learning more from members and sharing knowledge ,opportunities;
22. I'm glad to join my ability with other African students in constructing our continent. I hope to AUSC member will be a great opportunity to me because I will the channel to reach my goal of developing my continent by joining anyone with the willing of developing our Africa;
23. Happy to work on a solo project and requiring little assistance from others;
24. I want to be one of AUSC;
25. Joining AUSC presents many opportunities to learn more about yourself, your goals, and your strengths. You can learn from how other students handle certain situations and test your current knowledge. You can also find out what you’re good at, whether that’s multitasking, staying organized, generating ideas, or serving others. This self-awareness will be beneficial in your future career;
26. To promote the welfare of African students at large;
28. To be the main part of AUSC;
29. Want to share views and professional skills with other young men and women from across Africa;
30. To be one of the vibrant youths who are often selfless and relentless towards developing Africa and also provide solutions to contrary issues;
32. My passion is to contribute to realize the African Vision of Unity and Prosperity where African's enjoy their human and democratic rights at free will. AUSC is a great opportunity to network, share ideas and common goals with fellow African students and leaders;
35. The Vice President of Eastern Africa Boit;
36. My greatest motivation to join AUSC is to champion for the right of Young people to education .I would love to fight till the end to help needy youths get access to higher education. I would make sure through awareness and appeal to different stakeholders’ education will change our society;
37. Want to get all the ideas from the top profile guests and implement in my country;
38. I want to link people in Africa with a goal of dependence in economic arena;
39. I would like to share my knowledge to my fellow members;
40. I would like to know more a about East African Community law;
41. As a pan African, I want to join AUSC in order to help our continent in fighting against ignorance in African population and strive the better Africa we deserve;
43. I'm so enthusiastic to bring positive change in African union; i believe it would be an excellent opportunity to fulfill that endeavor through having a platform Renowned AUSC. In the meantime i would like to thank you for considering my application, Regards; Jonas Mujungu Munyaraga;
45. Being AUSC member will help me gain knowledge as i meet people that i am able to share ideas with and be able to know the legal framework of different societies;
46. I would love to be a member of the council so as to be a part of the African youth community with diverse origins and hence presence of diverse opinions and ideas on development. And also to be able to improve my knowledge through various opportunities associated with the membership;
47. Being part of building a better Africa;
50. I need to participate in different, activities and a member in archive AUSC goals;
51. At an age of 15 i became the president of the youth parliament of my country since that time i decide or become a leader who will work with others in order to develop the situation of my country. I think by becoming of the member of AUSC can achieve this goal and be at the service of my community;
52. I want to learn about more opportunities that i can explore to develop my career;
53. Just for improving my career and motivating other young people;
54. To make impact not just in my nation but in Africa, because making Africa is the job if Africans alone;
55. I would like Supporting Africa Youth;
56. I'm very determined to see and champion the cause for socio- economic progress of the African continent, get as much information as possible, be aware of the position of Africa and the prospect of future development as far as the social and economic aspirations of the continent are concerned. I also cherish the importance of education in driving the cause for socio- economic transformation hence I crave to meet with other people in the academic and para-academic faculties and share ideas on ways people can apply their intellects towards the betterment of Africa as a whole. As an African student studying abroad I feel isolated from activities which are taking place in my continent and I hope to bridge that gap by getting involved, sharing with others and consolidating the idea of prioritizing the development of Africa as an obligation that I have to fulfill one way or the other;
57. Am always committed toward the unity and development of Africa and I belief we are the very people be make Africa what we are expecting. African is our mother land and we must contribute effectively towards her development;
58. I would like to be one of the AUSC to participate in some of my work in the field of photography and to present it to as many young people from different cultures and civilizations around the world as I would like to attend to gain more experience, knowledge, research, Change Africa better through the picture I have always wanted to attend a conference of this magnitude and importance;
60. Through the African union scholarship scheme I am opportune to earn a master's degree in one of the most prestigious university in Africa. As a show of gratitude and fealty, I intend giving back to Africa. Being part of this body will not only provide me with the right platform needed to help others in need , but knowing I am one of those that work towards making the change we need and desire in Africa will be a blessing. I believe in the Pan African spirit. I know we can make that change;
61. Am interested in acquiring knowledge and experience that will enable me cause change in my society;
62. It will help me to increase and share with my colleague knowledge gained from different professional associations;
63. I am passionate about growing my network and learn from people from different places, and sharing my experiences to them so that they can also learn from me. I hope that being one of the AUSC members will help me to achieve my passion. Also the values you promote at AUSC and the Vision you have can help me to achieve my goal of contributing to the change within my community;
64. It’s very important for gaining new knowledge and skills in my student life. This AUSC offers new colleagues in different careers. I want to know how to be professional leader, from now to the future;
65. For an extensive opportunity for personal development and networking;
66. My inherent desire and commitment towards a better society with equal opportunity and social justice to all and sundry towards a better youth which is only achieved through education;
67. I am driven to become a member because I looked at the mission of AUSC that is also in line with what I have in mind for Young African Leaders;
68. Je suis motivé par l'idée d'une Afrique prospère où chacun est libre,où la sécurité sous toutes ses formes règnent,sécurité économique,alimentaire,politique,sociale,etc;
69. J'ai décidé d'être leader de AUSC pour développer mes facultés dans l'art de parler en public et de savoir comment répondre à des question suis improvise;
70. I'm already to become a member;
71. I want to build a consortium of African Professionals to deliver professional development workshops to government workforce in Africa and the Caribbean in the areas of Business, Education, Health, Science and Technology - BEHST Institute. I am currently building my expertise in Data Analytics and Clinical Psychology;
72. To be able to participate in the all activities that have intentions in development;
73. Encouraging African students to have self-reliance than depend on foreign aid hence development of Africa depend on its own;
74. I am very passionate to be a leader;
75. My motivation to become a member of the AUSC is to be part of the African youth/students' voice that advocates for economic and social wellbeing of an African youth from the different communities in Africa as well as have important friends all over Africa that care about our union;
76. Motivation to be in AUSC is to develop the mind of youth member and to improve in skills of how to create own business;
77. I wish to give back to society;
78. To promote the spirit of oneness among the strongest Youth in Africa;
79. For improving my skills and share it with other members;
80. African unity through Education is of core value. I love it. Given the current world;
81. It's not easy to build a better nation without unity. I belong to Africa and as an African; I have much to contribute for a better and great Africa;
82. I would like to participate of the changing of Africa, contribute of the development; We need skills, knowledge, means and relation;
83. I'm student, so I will changes anything about students live;
84. I am inspired to be a member of AUSC because I would like to assist those who can't defend them self. I want to be a member because of our countries and unjust law. Most people don't know the law and they have nothing or no one to represent them. For me it's more about making awareness that there is law that can protect anyone for any situation. People love in silence because they believe that their situation is not worth to be talked about it protected. I'll love to be a leader that stands up for our people. I don't want to be seen but the little difference I can make counts a lot ;
85. I believe that Africa has the potential to rise above its well-known "plight of the poor and developing country" social, financial and economic stance. After reading about the AUSC, I realized how important it was for me not only as an African, but also as a black female to rise above the ashes and show the world what Africa is really made of. The organization mentions how in modern society the primary resources that Africa has is its youth and students. I could not agree more with this statement because the youth of today has the potential to become the future leaders of tomorrow. As a goal-driven, hard-working, passionate and dedicated individual to see the betterment of my country and African continent as a whole, I would be honored to join AUSC. I believe that Africa could be elevated, I strongly believe that if both the young and old people of this continent came together to develop and uplift it, Africa would be a better place for all who live in it. By joining AUSC, I would develop the necessary skills and qualities to become an even better, wiser and inclusive leader. I believe that AUSC will help me voice out my opinions in a fair-minded way, it will provide me with the necessary skills and knowledge to become a better leader who will not only put the needs of the poor first but would be on a quest to end poverty and corruption. I am an individual who believes that in order to grow a community, one should be part of it. In the true African sense, it takes a village to raise a child.
86. I was really inspired with a summit I attend about Africa, organized by YEMI (Youths Empowerment Manifestation Initiative), and I was told about this great Union;
87. To be part of the team that will provide answers to Africa's troubles. As a young person and Student, I am ready to provide my time, skillset and brains for the betterment of Africa and AUSC is quite the platform to begin my dream on. Africa has more than enough resources to still be regarded as the "dark continent" and be dependent on foreign aids and as youth, we have a role to play so as to give the best to the future generations;
88. I have a passion for advancing the struggle for the youth to start this day to make our future even better. I want to be part of a platform that can enable me raise my voice on issues that affect youth and take part in making decisions on how to go about with them;
89. As Africans, we've been in colonization for very long period but this time everything is changing. To have Africa we deserve but we do not have yet, we have to put together our effort as long as we all need a better future of our continent. I look forward to be a part of that;
90. Am aspiring to be a great leader in African and the world and I would need more training, learning and network to get me der. Would want to use the opportunity to expose me to like minds and the various possibilities that can help me achieve my ambition;
91. My name is Nshuti Jonathan, I am 20 years old, and Kigali Rwanda is my place of residence, I am a mature, positive and hardworking individual, who always strives to achieve the highest possible standard, create viable community development, at any given task in developing innovation mindsets for community in society. I possess excellent communication skills and I have the ability and experience to relate to a wide range of people. I enjoy learning new specifically in technology .I’m quick learner, I can work very well under pressure. I am able to identify a problem and find out the way to solve it using power of Technology to handle people’s challenges. My daily passion is about community development through creating positive impacts and taking action to sustainable development goals, saving community and creating something out of nothing for sake of development. I do have optimistic attitude and i am able to work with NGOs, government and other interested institutions to develop the community in country and around the globe. My target is to work in a challenging and creative environment in order to utilize my knowledge as software developer and effectively contribute to the growth of the organization and my society. i am worth and I have ambitions that you might be seeking .I believe to be also an IT consultant ,a creative and tech enthusiast, i am also undertaking my certification in software development at different colleges and innovation hubs. In my spare time, as every day is a good day to learn, I improve my skills through trainings, tech gatherings and networking. Some of the things that i am passionate about is coding, IT based research, art, events management and travelling those are the things that keep my blood circulating;
92. I believe that I am the ideal person for the vocational programme as I am a high achiever and have excellent communication skills. I believe that I am good at teamwork and brilliant working under pressure. The strong leadership qualities I possess enable me to inspire others to achieve and to exceed expectations, every day. I am team player with a noticeable willingness to work hard. I am involved in various projects which aim to improve people's lives, I am an Ambassador for World At School, an organization based in UK, life's most persistence and urgent question is "what are you doing for others?”, and every day I live to have an answer for that question .I took part 2013 South African Reserve Bank Monetary Challenge, which consisted of 70 schools around Gauteng, my team got position 5. I served in the Law Student Council of the North-West University for the term 2016/2017 as the Legal Research and development officer and one of the biggest successes I brought to Law Student Council is that I got the council various sponsors. I am currently the Legal Research Officer for the Black Lawyers Association Student Chapter the North West University branch. In 2016 I reached semi-finals stages in JUTA Mock Trial Comp; I represented NWU in the 26th African Human Right Competition which was held in University of Mauritius in 2017. The above listed proves my capabilities;
93. I'm a change maker, social drive and I believe I can contribute on African development;
94. My motivation it's all about to make change to an African society toward sustainable development and to promote self-reliance through enhancing innovation and invention together by developing African's talents and natural abilities as a main weapon of poverty and job scarcity;
95. I am a students leader and I believe in having a relationship with other African Students for the betterment of our continent;
96. This helps me to learn how we can build our better future Africa;
97. I am motivated because I need to be the positive impacts causer and I need to be empowered by others to be a good Africa who can causes good changes for African community;
98. To Connect With Fellow Africans;
99. Am a self-motivated person who goes all the way to fulfill her obligations, a hard working young lady who has a big society heart being one of the AUSC member I know it will allow me realize my strong points, enhance them and find ways of basing my career on youth strength;
100. I need to participate in this event, to know what is AUSC, Coz I give more value what I learn in every chance I get ;
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Organizing Committee(O.C) of the 2nd All Afrikana First Youth Congress (2nd AAFYC2018) |
Presentations during the 2nd AAFYC 2018:
La Paix et la démocratie Constitue la Clé du développement de l’Afrique
Depuis La période où la plupart des Pays Africains ont accédé à l’independance, ces Pays n’ont jamais trouvé la Paix. Nous sommes entrain d’observé plusieurs guerres dans beaucoup des pays et cela Jouant négativement sur le développement.
Mais pour n’est pas seulement parlé de la Paix , Nous devons connaitre que la démocratie est un élément très fondamentale pour le développement d’un pays.
Deux Questions Fondamentales que Nous devons nous poser :
1. En Afrique Nous avons vraiment la Paix ?
2.Les Pays Africain sont vraiment en démocratie ?
Qu'est-ce que la paix?
Qu'est-ce que la paix? A quoi est-ce que ça ressemble? Que ressent-on?
Comment savez-vous quand vous avez la paix ou êtes en paix?
Nous allons créer un poème ou une prière comme une façon de décrire ce qu'est la paix. Ceci est un exemple de CAFOD:
La paix est l'action résultant d'un accord pour mettre fin à une guerre.
La paix est la pose mutuelle bas d'armes.
La paix est l'arrêt mondial de la production d'armement.
La paix est la réconciliation entre les adversaires.
La paix est le changement des cœurs et des esprits des gens qui font la guerre.
La paix est le sourire du réfugié logé suit l'exil de la maison.
La paix est la satisfaction dans le visage de l'enfant qui a faim simplement nourris.
La paix est le retour à l'enfance d'un enfant soldat.
La paix est le respect pour les femmes et de leurs droits égaux en tant qu'êtres humains.
La paix est l'utilisation juste, miséricordieux et compatissant du pouvoir par les puissants.
La paix est l'autonomisation des personnes défavorisées et marginalisées.
La paix est la guérison est arrivé à travers commissions vérité et réconciliation.
La paix est le respect mutuel des personnes de toutes confessions et aucune.
La Démocratie ?
Chacun de Nous a une idée claire sur ces concepts!!!!
Le Pouvoir du Peuple , Par le Peuple et pour le Peuple.
Nous devons Comprendre pour que l’Afrique c’est développe cela doit passer par la prise de Conscience d’abord de la jeunesse et cela en menant des actions contrainte dans la communauté.
Mais la Clé pour tous c’est la Paix et la démocratie
Nous devons bien exercer notre leadership enfin d’influencer positivement et de devenir des faiseurs de Paix.
Le développement fait référence a une mutation technique, Social , démographique ,…
Mais cette mutation n’est possible que s’il y a la paix car il y a une interaction entre ces deux éléments. La stabilité est très importante pour le développent d’un pays car contribue même l’eppanouissement.
Si vous pouvez changer une salle de classe, vous pouvez changer une communauté, et si vous changez assez communautés, vous pouvez changer le monde.
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Dr. IRAGUHA BANDORA Yves, President and Founder of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve". |
Signed by
President and Founder
African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve".
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