Friday, August 28, 2020
AUSC shares the Link between Pope Francis' Laudato SI' and Climate Change' Sunday Law on universal level, The Plan for SATAN and the Final Conflict between Jesus Christ the Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath and Pope Francis the lord of Satanic Sunday Law. September 1st, 2020 till February 1st, 2024-7 last plagues start and End on October 15th, 2024, at 01h59' te Second coming of Jesus Christ, Our King , The Lord of 7th Day Sabbath.Repent keep True 7th Day Holy Sabbath, Dear 7th Day Adventist individuals,Choose Death before Dishonor like Jesus Christ did in 31 AD.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Please Dear followers, Follow the below link to understand the link between Climate Change and False Sabbath of Sunday a Mark of the Beast found in Revelation 14:9-13[ Global Emergency SABBATH REST To Save PLANET. Breaking SUNday 20,000 Euros PENALTY @PopeFrancisVoter ]
Thursday, August 20, 2020
2020-08-19-11h16'09'', Audio: Yesu yerekanye Isabato"Icyimenyetso cy' Imana" mu mwaka 1847 abinyujije muri Ellen Gould White atangiza itorero ry' Abadivantisite b' Umunsi wa 7 batsinda Satani n'Icyumeru cye aricyo kimenyetso cy' Inyamanswa"Ubu Papa na kiriziya gaturika" yubatse mu myaka 1177 uhereye mu 340 ukageza mu 1517 havuka Ubuporotestanti, Yesu akoresheje imyaka 177 gusa gusenya i Cyumweru kuva 7th/4/1847 kugeza igihe azaba agarutse ku itariki 15th/10/2024, Yesu azaza afunge Satani mumyaka 1000 kugeza amurimbuye mumuriro wa Gihenomu n' abakorera Kiriziya gaturika bose n' abanzi b' Isabato bose ku itariki 22/10/3024 ,Abeza isabato ubu tuzatangire ubuzima bushya mu Isi Nshya, Tweza Isabato ,Yesaya 66:23-24./Jesus Christ has defeated Satan , through raising 7th Day Adventist movement from 7th April 1847 and this is going to take only 177 years until 15th October 2024 when Jesus Christ will come on the Sky.
A Reforming Catholic Confession, Open this Link to read more:
Yesu yerekanye Isabato"Icyimenyetso cy' Imana" mu mwaka 1847 abinyujije muri Ellen Gould White atangiza itorero ry' Abadivantisite b' Umunsi wa 7 batsinda Satani n'Icyumeru cye aricyo kimenyetso cy' Inyamanswa"Ubu Papa na kiriziya gaturika" yubatse mu myaka 1177 uhereye mu 340 ukageza mu 1517 havuka Ubuporotestanti, Yesu akoresheje imyaka 177 gusa gusenya i Cyumweru kuva 7th/4/1847 kugeza igihe azaba agarutse ku itariki 15th/10/2024, Yesu azaza afunge Satani mumyaka 1000 kugeza amurimbuye mumuriro wa Gihenomu n' abakorera Kiriziya gaturika bose n' abanzi b' Isabato bose ku itariki 22/10/3024 , Abeza isabato ubu tuzatangire ubuzima bushya mu Isi Nshya, Tweza Isabato ,Yesaya 66:23-24.
2 Audios in Kinyarwanda:
Audio 1:
Audio 2:
English translation:
Jesus Christ has defeated Satan , through raising 7th Day Adventist movement from 7th April 1847 and this is going to take only 177 years until 15th October 2024 when Jesus Christ will come on the Sky.
This is happening like this now, while Satan is willing to keep his efforts to build Sunday that He straggled to raise during the whole 1177 Years from 340 AD to 1517 at the birth of Protestantism.
As after 31/10/2017 the whole Christianity via their wglobal Representatives signed a Reforming catholic Confession , the papacy kep advancing Sunday Law movement in Darkness via Climate Change, Paris Agreement, Laudato Si', COVID-19, which is soon going to become the mark of the Beast (the Papacy and Roman Catholic Church).
However, Jesus Christ through Ellen Gould White and the individual 7th day Adventist has raised the 3rd Angel's message in Revelation 14:9-13 that promote the 7th Day Holy Sabbath to use it to destroy the Universal Sunday Law and its worshipers during the last 7 plagues and thereafter Jesus Christ will imprison Satan for 100 Years and permanently Destroy Satan and all sinners in hell 22/10/3024 , allowing us who keep 7th Day Holy Sabbath to live forever in New Earth with a New life keeping the 7th Day Holy Sabbath forever and ever. Isiah 66:23-24.
AUSC-ASICTB,AUSC Critical Thinkers advocate calls for urgent repentance for every human being to book Your VISA in The NEW EARTH.Jesus Christ The King of NEW EARTH is coming back very very soon:
,Revelation 13:1-18,Revelation 14:1-20,
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Belief Origin.Inspirational Verse: Isaiah 62:1-12 , Jesus Christ entered the Most Holiest apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary on Tuesday 22 October 1844, with 1st Probation Close for all 7th Day Adventists on Thursday 22 October 2020, and after 180 Years on Tuesday 15th, 2024 Jesus Christ our Savior will appear on the Earth's Sky, and after our journey to the Sea of Glass in 7 Days we will enter the Heavenly Gates on Tuesday 22 October 2024,and then after 1000 Years in Heaven, we will descend from Heaven with the New Jerusalem on this earth back on Friday on 22 October 3024 to begin the 7th Day Holy Sabbath on this Earth,next day will be the 7th Day Sabbath ,we will keep it Holy during the whole day , and on the Next Day on Sunday the 1st day of the Week , we will be able to enjoy to re-begin our Holy Calendar that was destroyed by SATANIC Leadership of VATICAN PAPACY by Popes who have given seat to this current Jesuit Pope Francis who is pushing for Global Sin of permanently destroying the Holy 7th Day Sabbath to Introduce the SATANIC SUN-DAY Rest and worship by Force by World Governments since February 7th to 17th, 2021, While from February 7th-17th, 2024 to October 15th, 2024 All 7 last plagues will kill all human individuals on this earth who are going to accept that SUN Worship Day called Mark of the Beast with its number 666 as it is written in Revelation 13:18,Revelation 14:9-11 and Revelation 16:1-21. Promise to inherit the new Earth is found in Isaiah 12:1-6, and Chapter 42 of the Great Controversy. Warning to every person on thus earth Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy,for We are Serving our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ as written in Luke 6:1-5. Chronological Holy secrets of the Four22nds, One15th, 5 Octobers, 3 Tuesdays,1 Thursday and 1 Friday. 22 October 3024: Eden's 7 Days Holy Calendar beginning in New Earth, 22 October 2024: 7th Day Holy Sabbath Sealed Saints arrival on Heavenly Sea of Glass, 15 October 2024: 2nd Coming of Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ during the 7th last Plague , 22 October 2020: 1st Probation"Heavenly Judgement" Close for All 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers and beginning of 3 months and 15 days periods for Later Rain descents until February 7th, 2021, 22 October 1844: Last Day of William Miller's 2300 Prophetic Days' Advent Movement"Midnight Cry" and Last Day of Jesus Christ leaving the Holy Apartment of Heavenly Sanctuary and 1st Day of beginning of Heavenly Judgments on died individuals from Sept the son of Adam and Eve the same 1st Day of Jesus Christ our Highest Priest the Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath Entering the Most Holiest heavenly Sanctuary ; The United Sates of America(USA) has set this date on the National Calendar "October 22, 2020" for Popular Holidays & Observances Worldwide!! We still have by now 130 days to get on 22 October 2020. IS ...OCTOBER 22, ZODIAC SIGN![]() Libra OCTOBER 22, 2020 UNITED STATES HOLIDAYS & POPULAR OBSERVANCESOCTOBER 22, 2020 POPULAR HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES WORLDWIDE
Updated Prophetic You Tube Video August 20th, 2020:
1) Donkey & Elephant:“Pope for President & Modern Constantine.” CA Church’s Court Victory Rebukes SDA:
2) SDA General Conference PRAISES Jesuit Fauci. Covid G20 INTERFAITH Racism. NON-MASK Wearers Criminals:
3) "No Jab No Pay."Back to School Mandatory Tracking App. NY:No Room Access w/o Signing Quarantine Form:
4) Adventists BEWARE Of LockDown Compliance MORALITY PILLS Children NAZI QUARANTINE. Pope Covid Exposed :
5) ATTENTION Adventists Pope COMMON GOOD SUNday Law 2020 Election. Jamaica Reelect Holness FREE Vaccine :
A Reforming Catholic Confession, Open this Link to read more:
Yesu yerekanye Isabato"Icyimenyetso cy' Imana" mu mwaka 1847 abinyujije muri Ellen Gould White atangiza itorero ry' Abadivantisite b' Umunsi wa 7 batsinda Satani n'Icyumeru cye aricyo kimenyetso cy' Inyamanswa"Ubu Papa na kiriziya gaturika" yubatse mu myaka 1177 uhereye mu 340 ukageza mu 1517 havuka Ubuporotestanti, Yesu akoresheje imyaka 177 gusa gusenya i Cyumweru kuva 7th/4/1847 kugeza igihe azaba agarutse ku itariki 15th/10/2024, Yesu azaza afunge Satani mumyaka 1000 kugeza amurimbuye mumuriro wa Gihenomu n' abakorera Kiriziya gaturika bose n' abanzi b' Isabato bose ku itariki 22/10/3024 , Abeza isabato ubu tuzatangire ubuzima bushya mu Isi Nshya, Tweza Isabato ,Yesaya 66:23-24.
2 Audios in Kinyarwanda:
Audio 1:
Audio 2:
English translation:
Jesus Christ has defeated Satan , through raising 7th Day Adventist movement from 7th April 1847 and this is going to take only 177 years until 15th October 2024 when Jesus Christ will come on the Sky.
This is happening like this now, while Satan is willing to keep his efforts to build Sunday that He straggled to raise during the whole 1177 Years from 340 AD to 1517 at the birth of Protestantism.
As after 31/10/2017 the whole Christianity via their wglobal Representatives signed a Reforming catholic Confession , the papacy kep advancing Sunday Law movement in Darkness via Climate Change, Paris Agreement, Laudato Si', COVID-19, which is soon going to become the mark of the Beast (the Papacy and Roman Catholic Church).
However, Jesus Christ through Ellen Gould White and the individual 7th day Adventist has raised the 3rd Angel's message in Revelation 14:9-13 that promote the 7th Day Holy Sabbath to use it to destroy the Universal Sunday Law and its worshipers during the last 7 plagues and thereafter Jesus Christ will imprison Satan for 100 Years and permanently Destroy Satan and all sinners in hell 22/10/3024 , allowing us who keep 7th Day Holy Sabbath to live forever in New Earth with a New life keeping the 7th Day Holy Sabbath forever and ever. Isiah 66:23-24.