Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Has the pan-African hour come? A review of The Making of the Africa-Nation, AUSC International Communication Office has to share this information.

Has the pan-African hour come? A review of The Making of the Africa-Nation

Book review of  The Making of the Africa-Nation: Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance. Edited by Prof Mammo Muchie. Published by Adonis & Abbey, London.
President Thabo Mbeki and the Ethiopian professor, Mammo Muchie, are conjoined by similar concerns. They are aligned by their strong preoccupations with notions of the African, the African-Nation, pan-Africanism, African renaissance and African transformation. Perhaps not since Kwame Nkrumah have we had a systematic focus on pan-Africanism and its possibilities for articulating a broad range of African identities, including Diasporan ones under a unified force. And both Mbeki and Muchie are very serious about their common project.
Henry Sylvester Williams was a Trinidadian lawyer, councillor and writer, most noted for his involvement in the Pan-African Movement.
Africanism as an ideology of transcontinental liberation was formally established in 1900 when Henry Sylvester Williams, a Trinidadian law student, hosted the Pan African Congress. In those days of triumphant colonialism, it certainly was a very revolutionary gesture as it projected an anti-colonialist stance as well as ideology and also because it undermined established colonialist stereotypes of the African as being incapable of meaningful though and action.
Pan-Africanism was an important ideological response to centuries of racism and cultural and sociopolitical disempowerment. Muchie’s project is one that attempts a resurrection of pan-Africanism as an ideology of liberation and agency in the era of contemporary globalisation. His work in this regard connects with Mbeki’s political role as one of the most important supporters of pan-Africanism today.
Muchie’s introductory chapter is entitled “Has the Pan-African Hour Come?” From the look of things, pan-Africanism is definitely high on the African political agenda. For instance, in October 2014, the first meeting of intellectuals of Africa and the Diaspora took place in Dakar, Senegal, Present at the event were the heads of state of countries such as Nigeria, Cape Verde, Mali, Uganda, South Africa and the host nation, Senegal.
The conference discussed, among other things, pan-Africanism in the 21st century; the contribution of intellectuals of Africa and the diaspora to the deepening and strengthening of African integration in the context of the 21st century; African identity in a multicultural context; Africa’s place in the world; Africa’s relations with its diaspora; and science and technology.
These are all themes that are given prominent attention in the Muchie edited volume. He agrees that the question of a single African idea or identity for the entire African continent is usually problematic.
The author, V. Y. Mudimbe’s major work, The Invention of Africa (1988), is one of the most famous interrogations of the problematic status of Africanity. Paulin J. Hountondji, the Beninoise philosopher, has also debunked what he termed “the myth of unanimism” in relation to the question of African identities. By extension, there are indeed very significant moments in contemporary African philosophy that attest to the continent’s heterogeneity.
Muchie concurs that there are many African identities but he argues that this should not prevent Africans from forging a collective vision for the continent just as the Indians have been able to do. Contemporary pan-Africanism, in other words, should not be a platform for ethnocentricism.
Mbeki + Mandela + de Klerk
Instead, Muchie argues that it can be reconfigured as an ideology of agency in the face of the multiple disjunctures of the global moment as they affect the generality of Africans. Interestingly, Thabo Mbeki often stresses the point that he works for a nonracialised South Africa which in a significant way undermines charges that pan-Africanism and African Renaissance are masks for identity inflexibility.
Muchie asserts that “the right to the universal or the African does not have to challenge the right to remain different, speak different languages and worship different deities. It can complement it and in fact it can enrich it, provided that the dialectic between specificity and universality is resolved in favour of producing the national nucleus for creating a sustainable unification of Africa”.
I have concentrated on Muchie rather extensively because he alone has five chapters in the volume. Apart from theoretical reflections on pan-Africanism, there are also chapters that depart from this trajectory. In her chapter, Silvia Bercu argues that pan-Africanism requires a new humanism while Chen Chimutengwende calls for a redress of economic inequality and another struggle for liberation in order to make contemporary pan-Africanism more meaningful.
Gaddafi. Supporters lauded his anti-imperialiststance and his support for Pan-Africanism and Pan-Arabism, and he was decorated with various awards.
Not all the contributors are favourably disposed to pan-Africanist ideology. Messay Kebede, an Ethiopian philosopher based in the United States, argues that pan-Africanism has complicities with colonialist discourse and is often transformed into a political tool for narrow interests by African elites. New African editor Baffour Ankomah says there is no such thing as a free press, free from national interest. Li Xing explains how pan-Africanist ideology can profit from the Chinese revolution. Steven Friedman, on his part, argues that processes of democratisation in Africa have failed because they are disconnected from many significant contexts. First, there is a disconnection between the rulers and the ruled in Africa and also he suggests there is a contextual disconnection within African experiments with democracy.
The relations between pan-Africanism and pan-Arabism are also explored. Akram Hawas navigates the contours and history of those relations in the light of efforts by Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser and Libya’s Muammar AlGathafi. Part of AlGathafi’s approval of pan-Africanism, Hawas points out, comes from his dissatisfaction with Arab nationalism.
B. F. Bankie’s contribution identifies the Arab complicity in the Atlantic slave trade as a possible obstacle to cooperative Arab-African relations. For those relations to be cordial, he advocates a revisitation of the trauma that the slave trade was for purposes of atonement. Jacques Hersh explores the connections between Afro-pessimism and Afro-optimism and it is interesting to note that these issues have been important preoccupations in Gallic intellectual circles.
Finally, Mammo Muchie looks into the aims of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Nepad) and concludes that the project would only be viable if the problems of financial indebtedness to the Bretton Woods institutional order and general dependency are addressed.
By putting together this volume (and by his wide-ranging contributions to it), Muchie has positioned himself as probably the most assiduous theorist of pan-Africanism of the present. The volume obviously has many values; it is first of all a theoretically engaging tome that takes on, with a great deal of confidence, an important ideological configuration in the evolution of modern Africa. It can also serve as the intellectual manifesto of President Mbeki’s engrossing continental project.
If we are truly concerned about African agency and subjectivity in the age of contemporary globalisation, then we ought to take The Making of the Africa-Nation very seriously.
Review by Sany Osha.

Approved  on Tuesday January 31, 2017


AUSC President
Mr Iraguha Bandora Yves.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

AUSC International Communication Office publishing the Live Updates from the African Diaspora Investment Symposium 2017 (ADIS 2017) Silican Valley, Double tree Hotel, San Jose, California, United States of America ,with AUSC Presidency's Special Delegates ,Honorable Miss Daria Imbukwa AUSC USA Representative right and Honorable Miss Safiatou Diawara AUSC Niger Southern Zone Representative left in red colored Attire , Congratulations to AUSC.

From Left to Right, Honorable Miss Safiatou Diawara Chérif Souleymane(Niger) [In Red Attire], 
Title: AUSC Niger National Office in Charge of External Relations and AUSC
 Niger Southern zonal representative,E-Mail:

AUSC International Communication Office publishing the Live Updates from the African Diaspora Investment Symposium 2017 (ADIS 2017) Silican Valley, Double tree Hotel, San Jose, California, United States of America ,with AUSC Presidency's Special Delegates ,Honorable Miss Daria Imbukwa AUSC USA Representative right and Honorable Miss Safiatou Diawara AUSC Niger Southern Zone Representative left in  red colored Attire , Congratulations to AUSC.
Below is the official open letter dedicated to the AUSC president for the event in place by one of the AUSC President' s Special Delegates to the African Diaspora Investment Symposium 2017 in California-USA:

ADIS 2017

Hello Honorable,

I am really enjoying the program and both Safia and I had a really successful presentation. I am forever thankful for the day when you offered me the opportunity to lead the USA-Africa Diaspora, and connect with fellow youth such as Safia. I feel humbled to represent AUSC and youth of Africa well for I will keep doing so. 
We both have attained generous amounts of business cards and conversed with such great minds. Very diverse and very intellectual businessmen and women and as a citizen of the United States of America, it is humbling to not only see my American and African dream come true. 

Education Sub Saharan Africa

The event has been amazing and I feel so joyful to say that we received a lot of marvelous connections. One major connection was Dr. Olaf Hanh. He specializes in helping organizations like us grow and he would like to get in touch with you. 

Kindly take the time to reach out to him for he is eager to work with us, AUSC.

Thank you,

Approved by
AUSC President,

AUSC International Communication Office now to be Sharing news on The Launch of the Africa Talent Hub-CIC at The Education Innovation Conference held at Senate Hall at the University of London on 24 January, 2017

Professor Mammo Muchie, AUSC President's Special Advisor for African Union Focal Point.

AUSC International Communication Office now to be Sharing news on The Launch of the Africa Talent Hub-CIC at The Education Innovation Conference held at Senate Hall at the University of London on 24 January, 2017
At the EDUCATION INNOVATION CONFERENCE on January 24, 2017  at Senate House, University of London,  we had the opportunity to present the vision and mission of why Africa will earn the distinction and brand as the talent, invention, innovation, knowledge, science, technology, engineering and entrepreneurship destination green zone of the world but not as it is now portrayed as the talent departure  dry zone of the world. With the African Union Student  Council, the African Talent Hub and the African Entrepreneurship Award, serious initiatives  have been started to make the African youth the thinkers and doers and the makers and changers to enrich their  lives to be inspired  with a sense of wonder, curiosity and full employment. 
"The African Talent Hub, South Africa’s newest incubator, was formally launched. It is a genuine global, cross-border led by a team investors from South Africa, the UK, India and the US. The founder of the initiative, Professor Mammo Muchie from Tshwane University of Technology, which will host the incubator, said: “The ATH seeks to turn job seekers into job creators by helping young entrepreneurs in Pretoria and Johannesburg create impact. I’m delighted that such a global team including from India has come together to contribute to Africa’s success.” 
About the Economic Policy Group: Economic Policy Group ("EPG") is an economic and strategy consulting firm based in London and India, which offers economic analysis, strategic communications, policy advice and market entry assistance with India and East Africa, to businesses and the third sector around the world. EPG works across multiple sectors, including life sciences, healthcare, education, CSR and technology.
All rights reserved.

Delivered by Professor Mammo Muchie, AUSC President's Special Advisor for African Union Focal Point.

In Collaboration with

Pratik Dattani
Managing Director | EPG Economic and Strategy Consulting 
The Office Group, One Euston Square, 40 Melton Street, London, NW1 2FD, United Kingdom | www.economicpolicygroup.com

Approved for publication on Sunday January 29, 2017


Mr Iraguha Bandora Yves,

AUSC President

Friday, January 27, 2017

AUSC Urgent Global Announcement for all Interested AUSC Leaders, Members ,Advisors ,Friends all wishing to participate in the AUSC Launching its first International Branch of African Students' International Development Fund (ASIDF)"For The Self- reliant Africa We Deserve" on February 7,2017, From 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm Kigali-Rwanda Local Time, At The Kigali Convention Center (KCC).

African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve"
AUSC President's Office.
Kigali-Rwanda-East African Region.

February 2nd,2017.
Subject: Announcement for Awareness raising for the AUSC Divisions .
Dear all AUSC Leaders ,Members ,Advisors, friends  
The Office of the President of the African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve " has been working for reaching all the corners of the Globe to reach the African Academicians and professional energetic and dynamic youth in Africa and African Diaspora .

Therefore,has successfully managed to be extended into big AUSC Divisions:

This means that our AUSC Family here is a property of all willing African and African rooted people young and old generations to be included inside the AUSC specified Divisions according to own wills .
Those divisions are mentioned as  :
1)AUSC-Economic Sciences Division ,which has emerged The African Students' International Development Fund(ASIDF),soon to raise the African Students' International Development Bank( ASIDB ).
While there are more  divisions which are:
2)AUSC-Political Sciences Division ,which has emerged the African Students' International Critical Thinkers Board (ASICTB)
3)AUSC-Social Sciences Division, which has developed the African Students' International Newsletters Board(ASINB) with a special initial Newsletter Named "THE AUSC ALIVE" the Newsletter which is soon going to be available online with its appropriate website for daily producing voices of African Students and professional Youth from Africa and Diaspora ,also including the AUSC Groups members opinions and Constructive chats and more current African and global news for effective media in this Division .
4)AUSC-Education Division ,which has emerged the International African Students' Education Loan Board(IASELB).
And more Etc.... In ways coming.
Thus,we are really saying much and non limited
Congratulations to each and every one who is contributing in this move in this continent of Africa trying to translate Digital thoughts into physical items and congratulations to the whole family of the African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve ".

Best regards .

Signed on February 2nd,2017.

AUSC President. 
Kigali-Rwanda-East African Region.
Click here to Visit>>>>>>>>Radisson Blu Hotel & Convention Centre, Kigali-RWANDA-EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY.
AUSC President's Special Invitation to attend ECOBANK Special event of Africa's biggest digital Launching on February 7, 2017, At Kigali Convention Center, For  Launching ASIDF Digital Pan-Africa Initialization Contributions to host ASIDF inside the ECOBANK

African Union Students' Council(AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve"
AUSC President's Office.
Thursday ,February 2,2017.

AUSC President's Office releasing of the shifted Launching of the African Students' International Development Fund(ASIDF) and African Students' International Critical Thinkers Board(ASICTB).

Dear AUSC leaders ,Advisors, Members and Friends 

Good morning  ,

Due to logistics purpose, please allow me to announce the shifting of the recently communicated  African Union Students' Council (AUSC) Launching for the African Students' International Development Fund(ASIDF) in collaboration with ECOBANK Group's new brand of Africa's Biggest Digital Launching on February 7,2017 ,at Kigali Convention Center (KCC) .

Therefore, the event for Launching of ASIDF And ASICTB was shifted at Hill Top Hotel Kigali -Rwanda  for Event to take place on Friday March 31,2017, From 12:00' to 23:00'.

Kindly we request your continuous support to the ECOBANK new branding of the Africa's biggest digital launching on Tuesday February 7th,2017 as following the Invitation delivered to the AUSC President's Office allowing 35 AUSC delegates to attend this extraordinary event .

Thank you for your kind collaboration.

Best regards .

Signed ...✍🏿..on February 1st,2017

Mr Iraguha BANDORA Yves.
President of AUSC.
Tel &WhatsApp:+250736196204

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Welcome to the Official page of Medical Care Center For Excellence in Kigali-Rwanda.

Click HERE to read updates about 3rdAAFYC2019 Registration fees details.
Welcome to the Medical Care Center For Excellence in Kigali-Rwanda.
Call or Whatsapp:+250736196204
Medical Care Center For Excellence in Kigali-Rwanda was founded on Monday 18th December , 2017 by H.E Dr. IRAGUHA BANDORA Yves, MD,BScMedSurg(Hons), BScN(Hons),RN.

After seeing the gap existing in provision of health care professional expertise , consultancy and accountable ethical medical and surgical care delivery to the community in our surroundings, there has come an idea to create the first ever health  care Professional Company  named Medical Care Center For excellence with below detailed vision , mission, objectives and values using a methodological approach that maintains international health professionalism and ethical consideration of client  Centered care delivery  to operate on clients who present with  existing conditions and diseases worldwide.
I.                    The Company name:  Medical Care Center For Excellence (MCCE)”Rise and Shine”.
II.                  Full Address of the Office of the Company:  Nyarugunga Sector- KICUKIRO District
III.                P.O. Box: 6998 Kigali-RWANDA
IV.                Call: +250787384244
V.                  E-mail: mcce.information@gmail.com
VI.                Website: www.africanunionsc.org
VII.              Names of Managing Director: Dr. IRAGUHA BANDORA Yves,MD,RN,BScN(Hons)
VIII.            Names of Founder: Dr. IRAGUHA BANDORA Yves,MD,RN,BScN(Hons).

I.                    Vision:  To excel in running trustable and efficient medical care center for delivering Specialized Medical and Surgical Scientific, logistics and marketing expertise and consultancy  to our clients.

II.                  Mission: To indemnify preventable, curable and inhabitable life condition and diseases for maintaining a healthier community around the globe.

III.                Objectives:

1)      To Prevent Disease and Disabilities.

2)      To Promote Cure to Communicable and Non-communicable Disease.

3)      To Rehabilitate Post Traumatic, surgical, Medical and Natural Disasters affected Patients.

4)      To Provide Counseling and Group Therapy related to Psycho-Social Complaints.
5)      To provide advertisement and marketing space for Medico-surgical Services, Items and related maintenance.
6)      To provide trust-able and effective expertise and Consultancy related to Specialized Medical and Surgical Scientific, logistics and marketing Information.
7)      To provide Medico-Surgical mentor-ship and empowerment programs to our Clients.
8)      To conduct workshops, conferences and training In Medical Care Services Delivery.
9)      To bring opportunities to our clients on Health Sciences Education, research and Practice.
10)   To elaborate and establish Health care business policies for income generating services   .
11)   To promote innovation, creativity and Job creation.
12)   To maintain  originality , integrity  and dignity of Health care services delivery  and Professionalism inside Medical Care Center for Excellence (MCCE)”Rise and Shine”.
13)   To provide in Hospital and Home Patients Nursing and Medical care services.
14)   To work as Professional Commissionaires to provide Medical, Nursing and other Health Sciences Professionals Staffs.
15)   To provide ethical and forensic Medical and Nursing Services .
IV.                MCCE Values:
1)      Respect our clients
2)      Be Humble , true and trustable Health Care professional friends to our clients
3)      Always serve to prevent , cure and rehabilitate our Clients from Diseases and Disabilities
4)      Keep ethical  Health Care  professionalism
5)      Work on time and after time to excel in health care services delivery to our clients.
6)      Maintain Patriotism principals for maintaining clinical moral behavior to our clients.
V.                  Target Population; both gender considered:
1)      Pediatrics Clients.
2)      Adolescents and post-adolescent clients.
3)      Pregnant and post-menopausal clients.
4)      Elderly and Palliative care Clients.
5)      Both gender
VI.                Methodology on MCCE Client considerations:
1)      Individual Clients
Read more from MCCE website online:  http://www.mcce.life/2017/12/what-is-mcce.html

Thursday, January 19, 2017



Congratulations to Honorable Miss Chérif Souleymane Safiatou  ,AUSC Niger Southern zonal Representative ,for the good news that you have already got your United States of America Visa to be able to attend the African Diaspora Investment Symposium following the invitation from the African Diaspora Network (ADN) by the great work of  Honorable Professor Mammo Muchie the AUSC Presidency's Special Advisor For African Union Focal Point, Honorable Mrs Daniel Hartz the Founding Board Member of African Diaspora Network (ADN), Honorable Mrs   Almaz Negash the Founder of African Diaspora Network, (ADN) , Honorable Honorable Mr Ahmadou Tidjani Dan Nouhi Baoua the AUSC Niger National Representative, and with great collaboration with the  Embassy of the United States of America in Niger Republic and the Republic of Niger in Assistance for every financial supports.
As a very important person ,you are going to speak to the big African by Roots and Diaspora and International famous Investors ,You will be telling them the AUSC International Action Plan 2016-2019 Planned Activities including the Establishment of the African Students ‘ International Development Fund (ASIDF) “For the Self-reliant Africa We Deserve” From January 1st to June 30th, 2017 ; Establishment of the African Students’ International Development Bank (ASIDB) “For the Sustainable Economic Africa We Deserve” From July1st to December 31st, 2017 and  the 1st African Students Loan Board Establishment of International African Students ‘Education Loan Board (IASELB) before end of 2018,and inviting all of them to buy shares in this ASIDB via an official fixed  memorandum Of Understanding between Their Individual Institutions, NGOs, Societies and with the  African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)” For The Better Africa We Deserve” to be able to invest in African Young Generations and thus contribute much more in Developing their Native continent of AFRICA.
You will have to keep checking the AUSC International Website for celebrations of the AUSC Niger National Office to have got the AUSC Representative Miss Chérif Souleymane Safiatou, AUSC Niger Southern Zonal Representative and also In-charge of AUSC Niger National Office External Affairs getting an Invitation from ADN and a USA VISA to attend the African Diaspora Investment Symposium on behalf of the AUSC.
Honorable Miss Chérif Souleymane Safiatou ,AUSC Niger Southern zonal Representative, Honorable Miss Daria Imbukwa the AUSC United States of America Office Representative and Honorable Mrs Ebun Abolarin the AUSC Presidency's Special Advisor For Higher Level African Development Focal Point will be given time to deliver oral Presentations on the AUSC ASIDF, ASIDB, and IASELB in the Symposium following the consensus  agreed between the Office of the President of AUSC  and the Organizer of this great symposium which is the African Diaspora Network (ADN) .
The best AUSC Presentations among others from all delegates will be headed by thousands of the African Investors who live across the World who will be gathering in California and the AUSC International Logo is already on the Banner, thus all AUSC delegates will have to carry their service cards and Badges to be professionally appearing as AUSC Leaders during the whole symposium period.
You must read well the AUSC International Action Plan 2016-2019.
AUSC President’s Office will design for each of you a proper PDF PPT For Presentation.
You can also promote the All African Youth including Inventors, Innovators, Artists are invited to get prepared to attend this extraordinary work for "The First All Afrikana First Youth Congress(1st AAFYC)" Organized by AUSC, in Kigali, Rwanda Date: October 15-18, 2017 inviting many investors to participate in this congress as well as in the ongoing AUSC Niger National office Conference and all planned Activities inviting interested participants and by making your personal great Posters and take them  with you to the Symposium site in California the United States of America (USA) sharing this link: http://www.africanunionsc.org/2017/01/ausc-1st-congress-and-constitution.html , .

Congratulations .

AUSC President's Office/Kigali-Rwanda-East Africa Region/E-mail: ausc.president.office@gmail.com/Website:www.africanunionsc.org/Whatsapp:+250736196204.
AUSC President.

Honorable Miss Chérif Souleymane Safiatou , AUSC NigerSouthern zonal Representative, Visited Young Kids in Orphanage in Niger

Honorable Miss Chérif Souleymane Safiatou , AUSC Niger Southern zonal Representative, Visited Young Kids in Orphanage in Niger

Honorable Miss Chérif Souleymane Safiatou , AUSC Niger Southern zonal Representative

Honorable Miss Chérif Souleymane Safiatou , AUSC Niger Southern zonal Representative

African Diaspora Network Announcement

Join us! African Diaspora Investment Symposium 2017
Register Today - January 27-28, 2017 - DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton - San Jose, CA

ONLY A FEW SPACES LEFT! Reserve your space today.

The African Diaspora: Leveraging, Skills, Ingenuity, and Resources to Contribute to the Growing Business Ecosystem in Africa

African Diaspora Network (ADN) offers a visionary platform for the Diaspora and friends of Africa. We are a place where diverse voices strive toward a shared goal of contributing to the continent of Africa and the communities in which we live.

Join us from Jan 27-28 and hear our Luminaire Keynote Speakers share their journey, aspirations, vision, and commitment to using innovation and entrepreneurship to better the economic growth of Africa. 

Find our complete symposium agenda here.

Visit our website to learn more about the African Diaspora Investment Symposium 2017: ENGAGE - SPARK - ACTIVATE. 


EMEKA AFIGBOStrategic Products Partnerships, Facebook

TAFFI AYODELE, Co-CEO and Co-Founder, Thando Holdings, LLC

CHINEDU ECHERUO, Founder and CEO of Gigameet.com

UGWEM I. ENEYO, Co-Founder and CEO, Solstice Energy Solutions

Learn more about the global changemakers at ADIS2017.

Engaging the African Diaspora to
Catalyze African Innovation 
Podcast with Almaz Negash, Founder of ADN
 By Andrew Berkowitz,
Founder and Host of The Global Startup Movement

From Sub-Saharan Africa to Silicon Valley and beyond, the African Diaspora leverages their educational and entrepreneurial skills to contribute to the economic development of the Continent. In this exclusive interview, Andrew Berkowitz asks Almaz Negash why she started ADN and what the role of the diaspora and African governments is. Listen here to learn more.




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