Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The 4 Day Process of Completed Healing of the Wound of the Papacy till the End ofthi World in 2024 from 7 February 2021=31 October 2017 +3½Years in Daniel 9:27: First with Inauguration of U.S. Roman Catholic President Joe Biden signing Paris LaudatoSI'237'Climate Agreement of United Nations(UN) 20 January 2021 + Last with International Day of Fratelli Tutti'Covid19Vaccination'Human Fraternity 4 February, 2021 signed by U.N Jesuit Chief Antonio Guterres +3½Days First =February 7th, 2021 then +3½Years Last =July 31st, 2024 Ending within 5th Last Plague (Revelation 11:9-11,Daniel 12:11-7-13,Revelation 13:3-5, Luke 21-22-23-24 for 3½Years 2021-2022-2023-2024).Published on September 28th, 2021 at 1:59' P.M.

0. Introduction:

1.The 7th Day of the 40-Jesus Christ's Wilderness Experience Praying and Fasting Days on 28/9/2021-17/12/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m,The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -17/12/2 of 1112 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Published on Tuesday September 28th, 2021 at 01:59' P.M.

2.The 4 Day Process of Completed Healing of the Wound of the Papacy till the End ofthi World in 2024 from 7 February 2021=31 October 2017 +3½Years in Daniel 9:27: First with Inauguration of U.S. Roman Catholic President Joe Biden signing Paris LaudatoSI'237'Climate Agreement of United Nations(UN) 20 January 2021 + Last with International Day of Fratelli Tutti'Covid19Vaccination'Human Fraternity 4 February, 2021 signed by U.N Jesuit Chief Antonio Guterres +3½Days First =February 7th, 2021 then +3½Years Last =July 31st, 2024 Ending within 5th Last Plague (Revelation 11:9-11,Daniel 12:11-7-13,Revelation 13:3-5, Luke 21-22-23-24 for 3½Years 2021-2022-2023-2024).Published on September 28th, 2021 at 1:59' P.M.

I.1st Day process was marked by Putting an End on Protestantism with A Reforming Catholic Confession signed from October 31st, 2017: 

1.Jesuit Pope Francis fixed A Such Satanic Agenda of rejecting Jesus Christ Kingdom of Grace, continuing working with that Satanic Covenant which will last for 7 Years only by the Prophesied 2nd Application of the Final Last Week of Daniel 9:27 until no one of this world's sinful human beings will be living on this earth surface due to the soon coming 7 Last Plagues at the end of these final 7 Years ending by October 31st, 2024: This is one final last week of this earth history prophesied in Daniel 9:27 ,at it beginning a Satanic covenant had to be signed to meet the criteria for Roman Pontifex Maximus on October 31st, 2017 A Reforming Catholic Confession covenant was signed to put an end on the Martin Luther's Reformation Movement of Protestantism against the False Satanic Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church Papacy, in the midst of these 7 Years an other Killing Leader had to come to bring desolation over the whole world and after 3½Years it was remarked that U.S.Catholic President Joe Biden returned the Protestant Nation U.S.A in the Paris Climate Agreement on January 20th, 2021 tending to Heal the Papacy's LaudatoSI'237' Agenda of the United Nations(UN) which Former Protestant U.S President Donald Trump had rejected dissociating from other Nations willing to Unite together to implement UN LaudatoSI'237'SundayClimate One World LaudatoSI'237 National Sunday Rest by Law Government Agenda of The Papacy required the consensus between Christians and Muslim obtained on UN level on February 4th, 2021 and nothing elsewhere was needed to make the Vatican City State Papacy again the World's Supper Power Nation as it was during 1260 Years during the Dark Ages, then it was counted the Heavenly constant of 3½Days to be followed by 3½Years needed to bring the End of the Vatican City State Global Supremacy again within the 5 Months period of the 5th Last Plague ending on July 31st, 2024 in Revelation 16:10-11 and bringing the final destruction of the Vatican-U.S.A-UN Global Leadership during the Armageddon World War in 1 Month period of the 6th Last Plague ending on August 31st, 2024 in Revelation 16:12-16 and Jesus Christ will Appear during the 1½ Month period of the 7th Last Plague ending on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 redeeming All His Saints both living and resurrected lifted in the Air and meet Jesus Christ with All His Angels in Great Power of His Glory that will Kill All Human beings who will be still alive on the surface of this old earth, and in 7½ Day We will arrive on the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan standing on the Sea of Glass on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024:

2.Link1[ https://reformingcatholicconfession.com/explanation/],

II. 2nd Day process was marked by January 20th, 2021 Having a Roman Catholic U.S President Joe Biden returning U.S in the LaudatoSI'237' UN Climate Change Satanic Agenda of the Papacy to control Religious and Political Leadership of the World under His Satanic Encyclical Letter LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform: Link2[ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/01/20/paris-climate-agreement/ ],

III. 3rd Day process was marked by February 4th, 2021 Having a Roman Catholic Jesuit U.N Chief Antonio Guterres Handing Over the Whole  Nations and world's Religions in the Fratelli Tutti'Covid-19 Vaccination' Satanic Agenda of the Papacy to control Religious and Political Leadership of the World under His Satanic Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti One World Satanic Vaccinated Sunday Keeping Government Agenda: Link3[ https://www.un.org/en/observances/human-fraternity ].

IV. 4th Day process was marked by February 7th, 2021 connecting the 3½Years from October 31st, 2017 of Daniel 9:27 and 3½Days from February 4th, 2021 of Revelation 11:9-11, to make the intersection of February 7th, 2021 ,the initiation Point of counting the End of this World as connected to Daniel 12:1-13 through its 1260 Days, 1290Days and 1335 Days,  with :

1) 7/2/2021 +3½Years(1260Days or 42Months)=July 31st, 2024,

2) 7/2/2021 +1290Days=August 31st, 2024,

3) 7/2/2021 +1335Days= Tuesday October 22nd, 2024,

Jesus Christ and His All Angels appearing 7½Days before 18h00' Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'-01:59' a.m ,in the 11th Hour of 12 Hours of Matthew 20:1-16 started from 6:00' a.m on October 22nd, 1844 +12Hours(180Years prophetic)=Tuesday October 22nd, 2024. Link4[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/09/ausc-new-article-11th-hour-in-matthew.html?m=1 ].

Monday, September 27, 2021

The 6th Day of 40-Jesus Christ's Wilderness Experience Praying and Fasting Days on Day 27/9/2021-18/12/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m,the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -18/12/2 of 1113 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Published on Monday September 27th, 2021 at 1:59'P.M.

The 6th Day of 40-Jesus Christ's Wilderness Experience Praying and Fasting Days on Day 27/9/2021-18/12/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.mthe 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -18/12/2 of 1113  Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Published on Monday September 27th, 2021 at 1:59'P.M.

 I.AUSC-NewArtcleTitle:Luke21:21-24(February 7th, 2021-February7th,2024-July31st,2024-Tuesday October 15th, 2024)


II.SERMON:ReadTheHolyBible:Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-17&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8Giving6000Years+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=7000YearsFor1FullCosmicWeek&2ndComingOfJesusChristForEndOfEarthIsIn6000Years&IsHappeningIn2024:ToBegin1000YearsCosmicSABBATHof#Hebrews4:1-16,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15&JesusWillComeOnTuesdayOctober15th,2024+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=3024inHell ComesAt7000YearsFull.

III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareThisLink&Screenshot[OpenLetterToAllBeloved PresentTruthPreachersWorldwide:( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/ausc-article-title1177the-mystery-of.html?m=1 )].

IV.PRAYER:DearMy#AlmightyGodTheOnlyOneTrueHolyFatherInHeaven&InEarth(Matthew23:8-12):ForgiveThisPerson:GiveYourHolySpiritToThisYourChild:AsAPersonIn1John3:1-24:InOrderToUnderstand#ThisYourLast3rdAngel'sLoudCryMessageFinalWarning:ToNeverDareToRestOnSundayAsItIsToWorshipTheSUNgod"SATAN":SundayRestByClimateChangeLAWinLaudatoSi'237'#MarkOfTheBeastJesuitPOPEFrancis=ClimateSundaysLockdowns:ButToAccept&BelieveInThe Luke6:5&BLOODOfJESUS CHRIST&ToRefuse&reject SATAN's#Image&NumberOfThePAPACY'sFratelliTutti:[SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Mask,Test&Vaccines)]:InOrderToBecomeFree&ToRepent&#ToRememberThe 7thDaySabbathToKeepItHoly:InOrderToDivorceFrom#AllDemons.AsTheEnd ofEveryLifeOnThisDyingOldEarth isNear:In2024;ThroughThe7LastPlagues=(February15th,2024UntilOctober15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)InRevelation16:1-21ToDoNotDieInSIN#ButToQuit SATAN(Luke15:1-10)TodayToLiveTogetherWith#JESUSCHRIST#InYourSoonComingEternalLifeInHEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024#InCHRISTJESUSNAME,I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:15-31. 



Dr.Iraguha Bandora Yves,RN,MD,MG.


Rwanda-East Africa.

VII.WEBSITE:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/].

II. SATAN is revealing His real connection with Covid-19 Vaccination Program Globally as it has been long ago Prophesied in Revelation 13:1-18:

1.In Rwanda if You Are Not Vaccinated with Covid-19 Vaccines You will Not Neither Be Accepted To Study Nor To Teach, fulfilling The No Buy No Sell Criteria of the Number of the Beast"666" as it is Connected to Jesuit Pope Francis and as The 1st Beast as well as it is connected to Joe Biden as the 2nd Beast.
2.It will be followed by A National Sunday Rest by Law, enforced globally as The U.S Climate Act of 2021 from U.S.A in this coming Year 2022, followed by persecution as stage 3 in the Year 2023 ,finally will be followed by Death Penalty in the Year 2014 after the Outpouring of the 3rd Last Plague simultaneously together with the 1st,2nd and 4th Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until February 29th, 2024, to be followed by the 5Months of the 5th Last Plague from March 1st, 2024 until July 31st, 2024 and be followed by the outpouring of the 6th Last Plague from August 1st, 2024 until August 31st, 2024 ,to be ended by the outpouring of the 7th Last Plague from September 1st, 2024 until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
3.The U.S.President Joe Biden has fulfilled His Prophesied duties by Providing Billions of Covid-19 Vaccines Worldwide as part of enforcement of the Number of the Beast Globally, soon throughout the Years 2021-2022-2023-2024, He will finally enforce U.S Climate Act of 2021 in the whole world until to the enforcement of National Sunday Rest by Law ,leading to t DeaDeath Penalty against the True 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keeping Individuals Worldwide.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Date: 25/9/2021 at 4:04'-6:59' a.m: 4th Day of the 40-Jesus Christ's Wilderness Experience Praying and Fasting Days on 25/9/2021-20/12/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m,The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -20/12/2 of 1115 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Published on A Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath September 25th, 2021 at 10:59' a.m.


[1. Igitero cy' Inkingo za Covid-19 cyatangijwe kubeza Isabato mu Rwanda tariki 15/2/2021 nk'uko byari byahanuwe muri Kamena 2020 bikuwe muri Mariko 14:1-72 na Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves n' Ababa b' Imana Phoibe na Joselyne nk' Uko yabihishuye, muri iyi Audio mu Kinyarwanda( https://voca.ro/93jDG6UqbSC ), Gusinya itegekory'icumweru byarangiye tariki 20/1/2021"Climate of LaudatoSI'237Sunday'"-4/2/2021" Covid-19Vaccines of Fratelli Tutti"+3½Days"Daniyeli 12:7, Ibyahishuwe 11:9,11,Ibyahishuwe13:5"=7/2/2021+3½Years"Daniyeli 12:7, Ibyahishuwe 11:9,11,Ibyahishuwe13:5"=July 31st,2024" Iherezo ry' icyago cya 5 cyizamara amezi 5 kuva 1/3/2024-31/7/2024", kuva tariki 7/2/2024 +7½Days"Ibyahishuwe8:1-6" kugeza 15/2/2024, icyago cya 1-2-3-4 bizasukirwa igihe kimwe kuva tariki 15/2/2024 kugeza tariki 29/2/2024, icyago cya 6 kizatangira tariki 1/8/204 kugeza tariki 31/8/2024, icyago cya 7 kizatangira tariki 1/9/2024 kugeza tariki 15/10/2024 saa 1:59' a.m Ku Iherezo ry' Imyaka ibihumbi 6000"Igitabo Intambara Ikomeye Audio ", icyumweru cyasinywe na President wa U.S.A Joe Biden tariki 20/1/2021, icyumweru kizahatirwa abantu muri 2022-2023-2024,Kuva nyumya y'inama ya COP26 1-12/11/2021 izahesha U.S.Climate Act of 2021 gukwirakwizwa mu isi hose kuva muri U.S.A no gushyirwa mu bikorwa mw' Isi yose : https://voca.ro/93jDG6UqbSC , 

2.Ntawemerewe Kugura No Kugurisha Adafite Igihamya ko Yikingije Covid-19"( https://www.ktpress.rw/2021/09/no-jab-no-class-varsities-in-rwanda-tell-students-staff-they-will-only-have-access-with-proof-of-vaccination/ ) Kaminuza zo mu Rwanda mugusohoza Ububuhanuzi bwo mu Ibyahishuwe 13:1-18 Ku barimu n' Abanyeshuli Bose: http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/09/6th-day-of-40-jesus-christs-wilderness.html?m=1  ]

3. Date: 25/9/2021 at 4:04'-6:59' a.m: 4th Day of the 40-Jesus Christ's Wilderness Experience Praying and Fasting Days on 25/9/2021-20/12/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m,The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -20/12/2 of 1115  Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Published on A Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath September 25th, 2021 at 10:59' a.m..



II.SERMON:ReadTheHolyBible:Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-17&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8Giving6000Years+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=7000YearsFor1FullCosmicWeek&2ndComingOfJesusChristForEndOfEarthIsIn6000Years&IsHappeningIn2024:ToBegin1000YearsCosmicSABBATHof#Hebrews4:1-16,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15&JesusWillComeOnTuesdayOctober15th,2024+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=3024inHell ComesAt7000YearsFull.

III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareThisLink&Screenshot[OpenLetterToAllBeloved PresentTruthPreachersWorldwide:( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/06/happy-sabbath-preparation-day6000years.html?m=1 )].

IV.PRAYER:DearMy#AlmightyGodTheOnlyOneTrueHolyFatherInHeaven&InEarth(Matthew23:8-12):ForgiveThisPerson:GiveYourHolySpiritToThisYourChild:AsAPersonIn1John3:1-24:InOrderToUnderstand#ThisYourLast3rdAngel'sLoudCryMessageFinalWarning:ToNeverDareToRestOnSundayAsItIsToWorshipTheSUNgod"SATAN":SundayRestByClimateChangeLAWinLaudatoSi'237'#MarkOfTheBeastJesuitPOPEFrancis=ClimateSundaysLockdowns:ButToAccept&BelieveInThe Luke6:5&BLOODOfJESUS CHRIST&ToRefuse&reject SATAN's#Image&NumberOfThePAPACY'sFratelliTutti:[SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Mask,Test&Vaccines)]:InOrderToBecomeFree&ToRepent&#ToRememberThe 7thDaySabbathToKeepItHoly:InOrderToDivorceFrom#AllDemons.AsTheEnd ofEveryLifeOnThisDyingOldEarth isNear:In2024;ThroughThe7LastPlagues=(February15th,2024UntilOctober15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)InRevelation16:1-21ToDoNotDieInSIN#ButToQuit SATAN(Luke15:1-10)TodayToLiveTogetherWith#JESUSCHRIST#InYourSoonComingEternalLifeInHEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024#InCHRISTJESUSNAME,I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:15-31. 






VII.WEBSITE:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/].

B)I. Ingaruka mbi z'urukingo rwa Covid-19( 1) https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-17-after-the-genocide-will-there-be-enough-vaccine-survivors-to-rebuild-civilization.html , 2) http://www.africanunionsc.org/2020/10/umunsi-wa-karindwi-ni-wo-sabato-imvura.html?m=1 ) Uwatsindishirijwe wese akeneye kwirinda no kuburira abatuye isi bose(Mu rwego rwa Temperance "Health Reform Principles"), ngo birinde kwikingiza izi nkingo z'ukuboko kw'iburyo kwa SATAN Papa Francis umujezuwiti w'umwicanyi ruharwa ikizira kiribata ubuturo bwera bw'Imana mw' isi gikoresheje Covid-19(Fratelli Tutti)&Paris Climate Agreement(LaudatoSi'237'), murwego rw'ubutumwa bwa Mwarayika wa 3 mu ijwi rirenga , AUSC iraburira umuntu wese kwirinda inkingo za Covid-19 n'inkubiri yokurengera ibidukikije ikomoka kwa SATAN I Roma kwa Papa Francis wica abantu abashora mukwikingiza izi nkingo zica uruboze abantu Za Covid-19(Ubuhamya bw' Imvaho bw'ukuntu umukecuru yicujije icyamute kwikingiza urukingo rwa mbere rwa Covid-19 abanabe Barbara minibike yaranze,bakaba basigaye bamubwira ngo iyaba yarapfuye, ngo niwe wijyanye kwikingiza kandi aziko asanzwe afire ibibazo mumubiriwe ngo kandi bakaba bari baramubujije akabananira akabyanga akajya kurwikingiza) None abaganga bakoreshejwe na Radio ijwi ry'ibyiringiro nabo bakumva ubu buhamya,bakabona ubugome bwabo,barigushora abadiventisiti mukuramya ibyifuzo by' ukuboko kw'iburyo kwa SATAN Papa Francis ntasoni barite koko?Ukuri nikuvugwe,kugaragazwe,kujye ahagaragara,abasha inkingo nabo bajye kuziteza,ariko babanje guhabwa amakuru hose yerekeye ingaruka mbi izinkingo za SATANI ziri guteza kubamaze kwikingiza urukingorwa mbere rwa Covid-19,bakazinukwa kutazasubira kwiteza urwa kabiri nk' uyu mukecuru twaganiriye akaduha ububuhamya,ibibibby'izinkingo,biravugwa mubatuye is I Bose,kandi abumva izindi ndimi,barabizi neza, Dr.Regis na Dr.Marc barakorera ukuboko kw' iburyo kwa SATANI Papa Francis babifashijwemo na Radio ijwi ry' ibyiringiro into biyihindura ijwi rya SATANI, rwose ntakubishidikanya ho,barayobye kera cyane,ntibafite kwatura ibyo bizira bamamaje isi yose ibateze amatwi ngo maze bihane kumugaragaro banabatizwe mumazi menshi kugirango babone kubabarirwa ibyaha byabo bakoreye kukarubanda nk'uko mu gitabo cy' Abadiventisiti b'umunsi wa 7 cyigisha iby' inzira yo Gutsindishirizwa n' Ubuntu Kubwo Kwizera cy' Integuza Ya Yesu Kristo No 1 babivuga?,nimwumve namwe uko umukecuru aciraho iteka urukingo RWA Covid-19 maze musobanukirwe umutware SATANI abobaganga bakorera, bayobya Abana b'Imana ngo bajye kwikingiza inkingo za Covid-19 buhumyi batabanje byibuze no gusobanurirwa n'abaganga babifitiye ubuhanga n'ubuhamya bw'ukuri bufatika bw' ubwicanyi bw'inkingo za Covid-19 ????Birababaje cyane,uko kugwa kw 'ubuyobozi bwitirirwaga ko buhagarariye itorero ry 'Imana(SDA General Conference Global & Local Leadership) bwamaze guhitamo gukoresha intwaro y'ikinyoma(SATAN yacuriye mu ijuru arwanya Imana yamuremye atangiza intambara ikomeye) bavugira kukarubanda hose ko ibijyanye na Covid-19 byose n'izonkingo za Covid-19 zirimo ari ntaho bihuriye n'ubuhanuzi bwo mu Ibyahishuwe 13:1-18 biganisha kukutemererwa Kugura cyangwa Kugurisha n'iba utarikingije urukingo rwa Covid-19(Nk' Umubare w'Inyamanswa n' Igishushanyo cy' Inyamanswa?) ngo bubone uko busubirana ububasha bwo guteraniriza abana b' Imana,munsengero bazajya binjiramo babanje kugaragaza icyemezo ko bikingije inkingo z'ukuboko kw' iburyo kwa SATANI Papa Francis???? Murarimbutse,Koko,Murarimbutse,Murarimbutse,Murarimbutse muzize kutabwirwa no kutamenya amakuru y'ukuri y'ibirikubera mubitaro no mumiryango y'abikingiza inkingoza Covid-19(Ezekiyeli 33:1-33) Murarimbutse,Koko,Murarimbutse,Murarimbutse,Murarimbutse weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?????????????.......................???????????????...................??????????....:Audio1:[https://voca.ro/18JTMiOaYzRr  ]

1.Abapasitoro n' abayobozi bose bahagarariye ukuboko kw'iburyo kwa SATAN Papa Francis mw' Itorero ry' Abadiventisiti b' Umunsi wa 7 Munzego zose mu Rwanda no Ku isi hose, mukuba barahangaye kwimura Yesu Kristo ubu bakaba bemeza ko Inkingo za Covid-19 zitagira ingaruka mbi mukwica ubuzima kubizera bazifashe(Kwica Amategeko ya Temperance nkana"Health Reform Inspired Spirit of Prophecy Principles"),nibaze Hano bumve ububuhamya bw'ukuri bw'imvaho,Nina bataribazi neza uko abaganga twakira imbabare zahuye n'ikibazo k'inkingo za Covid-19 mu by' ukuri zihora mugahinda n'akababaro bicujije icyabateye kujya kwikingiza inkingo za Covid-19.

2.Ntabwo amakuru atangirwa nabaganga b' ibinyoma nka SATAN kuri Radio ijwi ry' ibyiringiro kugushyigikira inkingo za Covid-19 ari ukuri, kandi si urukundo nyakuri rutera abaganga nka Dr.Regis na Dr.Marc kubeshya abaturage kuko bazineza ko baptize Medicine? hari abaganga bagenzi babo babyumva neza kandi bahora mu barwayi bafite ibibazo baterwa n' inkingo za Covid-19.

3.Ahubwo abashaka kuguma gutegera amatwi Radio ijwi ry' ibyiringiro bazasanga ari ukuboko kw' iburyo kwa SATANI(Papa Francis) kwamamariza SATAN inkingo za Covid-19,kuko iyo Radio ijwi rya SATAN yatubabaje cyanee nyuma yogufatirwa mu cyuho Dr.Marc na Dr.Regis bayivugiraho ibinyoma by' amagambo nkayo Papa Francis avugira kuri Roma English Report na Vatican New in English Televisions n' amagambo nkaya Pastor Ted Wilson avugira kuri Radio Voice of Hope ya General Conference y' itorero ry' Abadiventisiti b' Umunsi wa 7 ku isi yose ayobya abantu ko Temperance ntacyo ibuzanya kunkingo za Covid-19, kandi ko ntabuhanuzi bwo muri Bibiliya Yera n' Umwuka w' Ubuhanuzi buhuje n' inkubiri y'inkingo za Covid-19, nk' uko Papa Francis abivuga ninako Pastor Ted Wilson abivuga, ni nako abayobozi b'itorero ry' Abadiventisiti b' Umunsi wa 7 mu isi yose ndetse no mu Rwanda harimo bavuga, barayobye n' ibitangaza makuru byose bakoresha bivugira ukuboko kW' iburyo kwa SATAN.

4.Ubundi ntibitangaje kuko Lawodokiya yose yamaze kurukwa kuva tariki 22/10/2020 niyo mpamvubirikugenda byigaragaza ko nta Mwuka w'Imana ukirangwa mubayobotse imihango y'Idini iyobowe na Pastor Ted Wilson kuva murwego rw'isi kugeza mungo zabo bayoboke b' inkoramutima ba Pastor Ted Wilson na Papa Francis na SATAN banze kureka kurwa inyama no kutanwa amata no kutarya amagi no kutanywa amasukari no kutanywa ibyayi by' ikahwa n'insenda biyahuza banze kuyoboka kwivurisha imiti ikomoka Ku bimera mukwirinda Covid-19 bahitamo kuyoboka kwikingiza inkingo zikizira cy' umurimbuzi za Covid-19, ubu bakaba mubigaragara barimo gutandukanywa n' Ubwoko Bwera bw' Imana 144000 bwomu Ibyahishuwe 14:1-5-9-12 nk' Uko Madame Ellen Gould White yabyeretswe nk'Ishungura riteye ubwo rigomba kubanza kuba mubo munzu y'Imana mbere yo gushyirwaho agahato ko kuruhuka umunsi w'icyumweru w'Isabato mpimbano y'Ubupapa igenewe kuzamara imyaka 7 ihigirwa mo Abatararutswe tariki 22/10/2020 Bose barobanuwe muri Lawodokiye nk'Abera 144000 Twese Beza Isabato y' Ukuri y' Uwiteka bahishuriwe iherezo ry'Isi ryegereje rihujwe n'iyi nkubiri y'inkingo zagahato za Covid-19 bakazamaganira kure cyane tuyobowe na Mwuka Wera Muziranenge w'Imana kuva ibya Covid-19 byaza mumwaka waa 2020 kugeza nan'ubu , mu gihe Abadiventisiti b'Umunsi wa7(SDA) barutswe tariki 22/10/2020 Bose bo muri Lawodokiya Bose babikuye kumutima bashyigikiye kwikingiza inkingoza Covid-19 n'amafuti y'ubuyobozi bw'itorero bwabo bwemeza ko ntahuriro riri hagati ya Climate Change na Covid-19 n' Ibyahishuwe 13:1-18 mugushyiraho agahato k'Itegeko ry'Icyumweru(The Tomorrow War?No Sunday Law In The Pipeline"Pastor Ted Wilson") barihamya rwose ubwabo n'imirimo yabo ko batakigira Umwuka Wera( https://voca.ro/93jDG6UqbSC ) ubatangira mukutiroha mu byaduka byose byo mu minsi y'imperuka bya Ecumenism nkingo za Covid-19 na gahunda za Climate Change, Ubutinganyi, Gukuramo amada,n'ibindi bizira byose bikorerwa muri Yerusalemu bakajyana abantu mu kwikingiza inkingo za SATAN na Papa Francis za Covid-19 bakaba barikubajyana ho iminyago yo my Ibyahishuwe 13:8-10 bakabinjiza muri Baburoni ya SATAN na Papa Francis na Joe Biden na Antonio Guterres"abajezuwiti", babakuye muri Yerusalemu(Muri SDA Church nk'inzu yitiriwe izina ry' Imana Isumba byose  muri Ezekiyeli 8:1-18 na Ezekiyeli 9:1-11), Nyuma ya tariki 22/10/2020 yo kurukwa kw'Abanyerawodokiya nk'Urukungu rwarirukivanze mu masaka kuva tariki 31/10/2017 kugeza tariki 22/10/2020 nibwo Imana yarekuye ubuturobwera n' izo nyenyeri n' ingabo zose zirigusiribangwa n'uburozi bw'ubupapa(Covid-19 Vaccines of Church-State Unification"Umubare n' Igishushanyo cy' Inyamanswa") bakaba bariguhanwa mu butware bw' ihembe ryo muri Daniyeli 8:10-13, bitewe n' uko banze kumvira ubutumwabwo gutsindishirizwa n' Ubuntu kubwo kwizera ngo babwumvire bezwe nabwo bareke ibikomoka kumatungo byose n'Inyama zirimo n' amata n'ibindi bitandukanye nature ibyaha byabo babisabire imbabazi Ku Mana no kubo babikoreye nabo babikoranye Bose babishyikirize Yesu Kristo mubuturo bwera bwo mw'Ijuru maze ngo babone uko bajugunyira SATANI ubushwambagara bwe bw'ingirwa munezero n'ibyishimo byo kwica amategekoy' Imana 10 n'Isabato irimo, ntibamaramaje kureka kwibera mubyaha no kubihishira no kubibika mumitima yabo nk'inama yagiriwe abanyelawodokiya Bose(Ibyahishuwe 3:14-22), baracumuye bafunga insengero n' imirimo yose yera yakorerwaga mu nsengero kuva mumwaka wa 2020 batinya akarengane ko kahita kisuka kw' itoreroryose Ku isi hose kuva mukwezi kwa 3/2020 ubwo Covid-19 yatangazwaga nk' icyorezo mpuzamahanga n'abayobozi n'isi bagategeka abayituye kuguma mungo no gukinga insengero no kutazongera guhura bagasenga Imana nk'uko byahozeho mbere y'umwaka wa 2020, ibyo bigeretse kukuba barifatanije n'abaporotesitanti basenga icyumweru bagasinyira ko ubuporotesitanti bukuwe mu isi akihakana Yesu Kristo tariki 31/10/2017(A Reforming Catholic Confession), kuva iyi tariki ya 31/10/2017 isi yose yahise yinjira mumyaka 7 yanyuma isoza amateka y'isi ikazarangirira mu burakari(Daniyeli 9:27) bw'Uwiteka ariwo mujinya w' Imana aribyo byago 7 by' imperuka, kirangira muburyo bw'Umwuka muri Daniyeli 9:27, kuva 31/10/2017-31/10/2024, Yesu azaza muri 2024, Lawodokiya yamaze kurukwa kuva tariki 22/10/2020 kandi Abera ibihumbi 144,000 nabo baribamaze kubarwa kuva icyo gihe bafatwa nk' Umuganura Ku Mana basukirwa Imvura y'Itumba kuva 13/12/2020 kugeza ubu ntawakinishije gufata urukingo RWA Covid-19 nk'umuti usanzwe ngo arwikingize asubere inyuma ajye no kunywa .bubone bumushiremo!ibyo no nko kwisiga imyanda yo mu bwiherero, hanyuma ukayikarabisha irangi ngo wongere uhite usa neza utanuka nk'uwakarabye Isabune nziza n' Amazi meza!!(Iryo ni Ikosa ritakorwa n'Umuntu wuzuye muri we Imbaraga ya Mwuka Wera Muziranenge w'Imana Isumba byose ukurikira Umwana w'Intama aho ajya hose no mumatsinda y'Abana b' Imana Bahamagawe- Batoranijwe"22/10/2020"-Bakiranutse"Ibyahishuwe 12:17&14:1-5&17:14"Ibiharamagara byizinutwe Abasize byose bikorera iyi misaraba duhetse dukurikira Yesu Kristo"Matayo 10:34-42&1Abakorinto1:26-31&Luka 9:57-62&Luka 11:37-54&Luka 12:1-12&Luka14:25-35": http://www.africanunionsc.org/2020/11/2020-06-0614h4151inama-y-agakiza-yesu-i.html?m=1 ).

5.Abana b' Imana bakwiriye guhagurukana ibinyomaamakara NGO uburozi bwarwo  bivugirwa kuri Radio ijwi ry' ibyiringiro bakavuza impanda,kuko Isanduku y' Uwiteka birigaragaza ko ubuyobozi bw'Itorero ry' Abadiventisiti b' Umunsi wa 7 Ku Isi yose bayijugunyiye abatarakebwe bo muri Baburoni, ibyo badukoraho natwe turamutse ducecetse tukinumira,abantu bavugako bakiriye Imbabazi z'imana binyuze mukwatura Ibyaha no kubireka(Victory Over Sin,batsindishirijwe n' Ubuntu kubwo kwizera, nibaterura ngo bavuge ububi bw' inkingo za Covid-19 nk'ukuboko kw'iburyo kwa SATAN(Papa Francis) bazabazwa ibyo bahishiriye ibyaribyo, kurengera ubugingo bwabo bazabubura,nk'uko Yesu Kristo yabivuze muri Yohana 12:1-50.

6.Guhuza Gutunga Yesu Kristo Mumutima, Nokwiga Matayo 24:14-22, Nkumuntu utunze Yesu Kristo Mu Mutima we,Agomba no Gusobanukirwa Ko mukurahizwa n' Umupadiri w' Umujezuwiti no Gusinya "Care of Our Common Home=Paris Climate Agreement=LaudatoSI'237'" tariki 20/1/2021 aribwo ikizira(Ubupapa na Joe Biden) cyari gihagaze Ahera mugihugu cyahanzwe n' Abaporotesitanti, igihe Ubuporotesitanti bwari bumaze imyaka 3 bukuweho murwego rw'amategeko mubukristo kuva tariki 31/10/2017 ariho ubuyobozi bwa General Conference y' Abadiventisiti b' Umunsi wa 7 bifatanije n' abandi baporotesitanti basenga icyumweru,bagasinyira Umujezuwiti Papa Francis amasezerano yo kugarukira ibinyoma bya Kiriziya Gaturika y' I Roma no gutera Umugongo burundu ubutumwa bwo Gutsindishirizwa n' Ubuntu kubwo kwizera bwatangijwe na Martin Luther tariki 31/10/1517 bukaba bwari bumaze Imyaka 500 buvugwa ntarutangira,ariko kuva tariki 31/10/2017 ubuporotesitanti buvugwako bwarangiye mumategeko mpuza madini,bityo ntabwo igihugu cyakomeza kwitwa icyubuporotesitanti(America:USA) niyo mpamvu ikizira cyamaze guhagarara ahera,ubisoma akwiye kubyitondera,kandi akamenya ko iminsi(imyaka7) ikizira cyateganyije guteresha Isabato icyumweru cya LaudatoSi'237' ko Yesu Kristo yivugiye ko izagabanywa kubw'intore, bityo,abatekereza ko Yesu Kristo azageza 2017 ataragaruka baba bibeshya cyane, kuko, iminsi yo gutegeka kw'Ubupapa bwihaye(7 Years of LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform) kuva tariki 4/10/2021, mugihe ikizira cyahagaze ahera tariki 20/1/2021,Umunsi wambere w'imyaka irindwi ingana n'iminsi 7 ni umwaka wa 2021, Umunsi wakabiri ni umwaka wa 2022, uwagatatu-2023,uwakane-2024,uwagatanu-2025,uwagatandatu-2026,uwakarindwi-2017, Yesu Kristo avuga ko iyo minsi izagabanywa ho,ubwo twaba dukuyemo umunsi wa karindwi w'iminsi 7 ya LaudatoSi'237' Platform=iminsi itandatu,ubwo uwa 2027 nturi mo,nuwa 2021 wambere nturimo muminsi Yesu Kristo yagarukiramo mbere ya 2027, ubwo twamutegereza kuva umwaka wa 2022,2023,2024,2015,2026, ariko bitewe n'amasaha 12 yo muri Matayo 20:1-16 angana n'ubwami bw'Imana bwimikwa hakoreshejwe amaraso yabonetse mumwaka wa 31AD, ayinjijwe Aheracyane tariki 22/10/1844 ubwo Yesu Kristo yari atangiye Umunsi w'Impongano(Umunsi utarenza amasaha 12 y' amanywa muri Abalewi 16, Abalewi 23, Yohana 11:9-12) isaha yagihanuzi ingana n'iminsi 15 ubwo ingana n'imyaka 15, amasaha 12 yagihanuzi angana n'imyaka 180 ,kuva tariki 22/10/1844+180Years=22/10/2024, bivuze ko Umwaka wa 2024 ariwo Munsi Yesu Kristo azagarukiraho kugabanya iminsi 7 ariyo myaka 7 y' Ubupapa ya LaudatoSi'237' Action Platform, binahuye n' ubundi busobanuro bw' imyaka 7 y'icyumweru cyo muri Daniyeli muby'umwuka cyatangiye tariki 31/10/2017 + 7 Years=31/10/2024(Danieyeli 9:27), muyandi magambo cyageze hagati tariki 7/2/2021 bihuza n'uko ikizira cyamaze guhagarara ahera no gusiribanga ubuturo bwera,ufashe iyotariki 7/2/2021 +1335=22/10/2024(Daniyeli 12:11-13) ariyo minsi 1335 Danieyeli yahanuye kuzategereza yarangira agahagarara mumugabane we ariwo mugabane w'abera bazutse wo Kururembo two mu Ijuru Ku isaha ya 12(18:00') tariki 22/10/2024 ,ubundi abana b' Imana bujuje ibisabwa byose muri Ibyahishuwe 12:17, Ibyahishuwe 14:9-13, Ibyahishuwe 17:14, Ibyahishuwe 18:1-5, Ibyahishuwe 7 , Ibyahishuwe 15:1-3 na Ibyahishuwe 14:1-15 na Ezekiyelu 9:1-11 barekere Inkingoza Covid-19 Papa na Joe Biden bazabe aribo bazitera bonyine, Umva ubusobanuro burambuye muri iyi Audio2:[ https://voca.ro/1gu5rrtFoIT7 ]:

7.Ubuhamya bw'Ukuntu njywe we Dr.Iraguha Bandora Yves n' umuryango wanjye, namaze kwizera ko Ubutumwa go kuva mumigi no kujya mubyaro bwo muri Matayo 24:14-22 butangizwa n' Umwaka wa 2021 by' Umwihariko ikizira cy' Umurimbuzi cyamaze guhagarara ahera, bwatumye mfata gahunda y'amasengesho yo kwiyiriza ubusa no kwiraza ubusa no gusenga iminsi n'amajoro mirongo 40 nsaba Imana Data wa twese kunshakira Icyaro hanze y' U Rwanda cyangwa mu Rwanda ago nabasha kubona Umurima nahinga mo bitansabye gushyiramo ifumbire bikers bikamfasha gutunga urugo rwanjye, kuko hamwe nokuba Ntashobora kwikingiza urukingo rwa Covid-19 n' abo murugo rwanjye bose (Njyewe n'a Madamu wanjye n' Umwana wacu), bityo icyaro twifuza ko Imana yadushyira mo tukaba tutabasha kujya kugura ifumbire n'umuti wo utera imyaka iboneka kuberekana ko bemerewe kugura no Kugurisha binyuze mukuba berekana ko bikingije urukingo rwa Covid-19 kuva mumwaka wa 2021,2020,2023,2024 ,byatumye icyo cyaro tugisengera kuko kigomba kuba ari icyaro cyujuje ubuziranenge,kandi kitari ahantu hari umuhanda unyuramo ibinyabiziga ibyaribyo byose, hatagera umuriro w' amashanyarazi, kandi tubasha kuvoma amazi yizana mumusozi, kandi hatari umuntu ugenzura ko twambaye agapfuka munwa, hatagera umuntu ugenzura ko twikingije, hatari umuntu utubuza gusenga duteranye, hatari umuntu ushaka ko tubaho nk'abikingije covid-19, cyangwa kubaho nkabeza icyumweru, cyangwa kubaho nkabipimishije Covid-19 ,cyangwa kubaho nkabambara agapfukamunwa, hatagera umuntu utinya kwandura covid-19 kurusha gutinya Ibyago 7 by' imperuka bigiye gusukwa kubantu bose iiyemeza kwihuriza hamwe n'abashyigikiye ibyifuzo by' ukuboko kw'iburyo kwa SATAN Papa Francis, ago hantu ntihaba hari kandi na network ya telephone cyangwa Internet ya 4G na 5G,kurikira audio wumve uko iki kifuzo nasabye Imana nagikuye kumutima kugirango mbashe gusohoza umuhigo nahigiye Imana wo Gutegereza kugaruka kwa Yesu Kristo mumyaka 2 isigaye n'amezi 12 asigaye n' iminsi 20 yandikwa nk'iminsi 1115 isigaye kuva 25/9/2021-20/12/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m, Audio3:[ https://voca.ro/16y8Xo82bkIL ].

#Audio4:[ https://voca.ro/170TOosy3Q6I ].

#Audio5:[ https://voca.ro/18uIlycJXXkL]Umudive wafungiwe Covid-19 Agapfukamunwa amezi 4 ahitwa mw' Ikebero mu Ruhango yahakuye Ubumuga bukomeye cyane,Mukarengane.

#Audio6:[ https://voca.ro/1yVEjj0u9z5F ] Kwandikirwa n' Umuyobozi mushyashya w'Ibitaro bya GITWE amabaruwa adafite logic kubibazo by'imyizerere,Kudakuramo Inda,Kutikingiza Covid-19,Kutipimisha Covid-19, Kwimwa Icyangombwa(Internship Completition Certificate) cyimpesha License ya RMDC imyaka 2 Hose,Mukarengane.

#AudioS:[ https://voca.ro/1htmeKc52yLv ].

#Audio5c:[ https://voca.ro/1gGz6BJTEO1E ].

#AudioS1:[ https://voca.ro/16C7shFfky4B ].

#AudioS2:[ https://voca.ro/193BSB70joMg ].

#AudioS3:[ https://voca.ro/119W2WbltN8S ].

#AudioS4:[ https://voca.ro/1iVfvyOJy9N7 ].

#AudioS5:[ https://voca.ro/1aWevCb5eglw ].

#AudioS6:[ https://voca.ro/137RCfmaUXzg ].

#AudioS7:[ https://voca.ro/19cesp87Q0hL ].

#AudioS8:[ https://voca.ro/140N6lgqfDZp ].

#AudioS9:[ https://voca.ro/1pFhQKkMbazG ].

#AudioS10:[ https://voca.ro/1mrzfmgpPDQx ].

#AudioS11:[ https://voca.ro/124shnmFvdVU ].

#AudioS12:[ https://voca.ro/1bd0RfSIH9Q3 ].

#AudioS13:[  ].


*Audio y'ikigisho kigishijwe muri Kamena 2020 yo kuburira abantu Bose bezaga ISABATO Ku Kurangira kw'Imbabazi kubeza Isabato banze Ubutumwa bwo Gutsindishirizwa bwo kwatura Ibyaha no kubireka no kunesha ubupapa na Satani kuva Ubuporotesitanti buciwe mw'Isi tariki 31/10/2017 kugeza 22/6/2020-22/10/2020-7/2/2021 ,ubu Bose Bose Bose barikwisuka munyanja bahindutse aka zangurube zacuncumukiye kugacuri ziroha munyanja zigwamo zose zipfiramo zoseeee(Mariko 5:1-20) birunduriye mukwikingiza Covid-19 batesheje agaciro ubutumwa bwa Temperance n'ubutumwa bwa Marayika wa 3 mu ijwi rirenga(7/2/2021-7/2/2024)!!!Kurimbuka Kw'abatuye isi Bose Bose bose Kurabafashe abanzi b' ISABATO,Kurimbuka Guteye Ubwoba Kuraje Kubaramya Covid-19 bikingiza nk' Uko Papa Francis yabitegetse abatuye isi Bose batiga Ubuhanuzi neza(Hagiye gusukwa muri iyi Si yose Ibyago 7 Ku iherezo ry' imyaka 6000 kuva tariki 7/2/2024-15/2/2024 nicyo gice cyingana no guceceka kw' igice cy'Isaha kingana n' iminsi 7½ cyo muri Ibyahishuwe 8:1-6 abamarayika ba 7 bazaba bari gutegurakuzagusuka ibyago 7 muri iyi Si kuva tariki 15/2/2024-15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m),ukundi guceceka kw' gice cy' isaha tuzagikora mo urugendo rw'iminsi 7½ kuva kuri iyi Si kugera kuri Kanani yo mw' ijuru kuva tariki 15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m to 22/10/2024:[ https://voca.ro/93jDG6UqbSC].

*Audio:[ https://voca.ro/1eJIkk0zEwKX ].

*AudioC1:[ https://voca.ro/12SWyqXLKTCi ].

*AudioC2:[ https://voca.ro/19rEj6537JPV ].

*AudioC3:[ https://voca.ro/1n6ll5boo5K8 ].

*AudioC4:[ https://voca.ro/12uX5BnlcdqK ].

*AudioC5:[ https://voca.ro/1e7bWji6SiYc ].

*AudioC6:[ https://voca.ro/1fJ3Iu919Oa7 ].

*AudioC7:[ https://voca.ro/1oBU3TbsL7l2 ].

*AudioC8:[ https://voca.ro/1lbX5WpFKhk5 ].

*AudioC9:[ https://voca.ro/14lvY7FTqprv ].

*AudioC10Gbv:[ https://voca.ro/1buQWSSuyMEC ].

*AudioC11-Covid-19:[ https://voca.ro/1yVEjj0u9z5F ] Kwandikirwa n' Umuyobozi mushyashya w'Ibitaro bya GITWE amabaruwa adafite logic kubibazo by'imyizerere,Kudakuramo Inda,Kutikingiza Covid-19,Kutipimisha Covid-19, Kwimwa Icyangombwa(Internship Completition Certificate) cyimpesha License ya RMDC imyaka 2 Hose,Mukarengane.

*AudioC12Zt:[ https://voca.ro/1jwc2dOGYYJ0 ].

*AudioC13Covid-19VaccinationNoKutajabika IntokiZt:[ https://voca.ro/16U7LfnNdxQo ],Ubwicanyi bwo Gukuramomo inda mubitaro by'Abadiventisiti,bukururira Abakozi bakunda bubaha batinya Amategeko y' Imana mukarengane,n' Umuvumo w'itekaryose Kubuyobozi bw'Ibitaro.

*Audio14S-Yemwe Ngabo z'Umwami:[ https://voca.ro/11Vuwh8pgRqI ].

*AudioC15-Ifunguro ryera:[ https://voca.ro/14fHDYGqVOfD ].

*AudioC16Covid-19Vaccination:Number of the Beast'666'-NoBuyNoSell-Revelation 13:1-18-Imyaka 4000 yuzuye-3BC-27AD-31AD:[ https://voca.ro/15U1ujko4Jj4 ].

*AudioC17:Umurimo wo Mumatsinda:[ https://voca.ro/13bkyYuNYxAF ].

*AudioC18:Gutangaza Kugaruka Kwa Yesu Kristo, Umunsi n'isaha 15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m.:[ https://voca.ro/1e6dALpYx17h ].

*AudioC19:Urukingo"Number&Image of the Beast Ecumenism Church-State Union" si cyo gipimo cy' igeragezwa kubanyacyumweru batagiraga Inyandiko za Madame Ellen Gould White, ahubwo bazapimirwa kukimenyetso cy'Inyamanswa"Sunday Law-Mark of the Beast":[ https://voca.ro/17Dx1gy23FTf ].

*AudioC20:Kubeshyuza Gukingirwa Covid-19 Mubagenzi[ https://voca.ro/1kbZEugi8r0E ].

*AudioC20:Abagenzi bamaranira Kwambikwa Amakamba y'ubugingo mw'Ijuru:[ https://voca.ro/1hzjn1hlMJYC ].

*Audio:[ https://voca.ro/1meCLpJNuRT1 ].

*Audio:[ https://voca.ro/1bpZ9Vu30aJK ].

*AudioF5:[ https://voca.ro/1eYGaG1pnOsT ].

*AudioF4:[ https://voca.ro/11Jcxsmh9iJv ].

*AudioF3:[ https://voca.ro/11YhwpXXVlZH ].

*AudioF2:[ https://voca.ro/15vAWVv2CvI1].

*AudioF1:[ https://voca.ro/1cC3KmTLBBJf ].

*Audio:[ https://voca.ro/15AlD9rnH1Gu ].




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