1.The 11th Day of 12-COP26's Almighty God Interventional Michael Standing for The 7 Last Plagues Falling on this earth in 2024.5 in 1177-Praying and Fasting Days on Day 11/11/2021-4/11/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m, The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -4/11/2 of 1068 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13...Thursday.. [T-R-SDA Praying Group's 12 Days of Praying and Fasting for COP26's 12 Days meeting conclusions termination in 2024.5 and in 1177 during the 7 Last Plagues of Revelation 16:1-21].
#COP26 is the Last Days Events Satan's meeting prophesied by Madam Ellen Gould White assembled by SATAN Himself with His Demons possessing All Nations Presidents and the whole COP26 delegations aiming at setting up a False non Biblical Day of Rest"Sunday" of Pope Francis' LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform on 04 October 2021 “Religion and Science: Towards COP26” Pope Francis, Link:[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5X9jme22LAw ]:
*This Roman Catholic Church's Full 7 Years LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform is a strategic plan[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=koOZgKvRcAM ] put in a Statement drafted for this purpose by Global Religions Leader during the whole Season of Creation Gathering from September 1st, 2021 until October 4th, 2021 and Pope Francis in 15 Days from October 28th, 2021 until November 12th, 2021 Res tLeainfluced by Jesuit Popeders Governments by the whole World'shas been working with All Demonically Possessed Heads of World Governments to initiate His False Sabbath A Da of Rest on Sunday on November 7th, 2021 to wage spiritual War Against the True Worship and Day of Rest on the 7th Day Holy Sabbath whose King is Jesus Christ in Luke 6:5 ,hence the fulfilment of Revelation 17:9-14-18 in 1Hour equivalent to 15 Days from October 28th, 2021 until November 12th, 2021, We are The 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists and are globally right away involving Ourselves in exposing this Counterfeiting of the True Biblical Day of Rest"The 7th Day Holy Sabbath" to warn the whole World's Individuals to do not dare to adhere to this LaudatoSI'237' Sun-worship Day of Rest determined by the Whole World's Satan Possessed Presidents determined to enforce this false Day of Rest "Sunday" to their Nations' Citizens in 7 Years of LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform of Jesuit right hand of SATAN Pope Francis who mandated Covid-19 Satan's Aborted Foetuses Processed Vaccines in Fratelli Tutti through All world's Demons Possessed Governments Leaders by 2021:"Pope To COP26,World:Follow Me Or Face God’s Judgments.3rd Angel Sounds:Fallen Stars & Drink Wormwood",Link:[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v93GE-boMmY ].
*Satan's New World Order Kingdom of Jesuit Pope Francis through this Set Abomination of Desolation by The COP26 Satanic Presidents of All Nations who participated in SUN worship Mass on 7/11/2021 in Glasgow Roman Catholic Church Cathedral to Initiate A False Day of Rest on Sunday provoked Almighty God to put an end on this old earthly Satanic Kingdom of Pope Francis, Antonio Guterres and Joe Biden whose speeches are prophesied 3 uncleanness flogging like spirits of Revelation 16:1-21 that must be Ended by Almighty God Alone throughout Outpouring His Wrath of The Prophesied 7 Last Plagues in Revelation 14:9-12,Revelation 15:1-8, Revelation 8:1-13, Revelation 9:1-21, Revelation 11:13-19& Revelation 16:1-21 in the Year 2024 during this final prophesied 11th Hour of this Earth History in Matthew 20:1-16 beginning from October 22nd, 2009 ending on October 21st, 2024.
*Read more about this 11th Hour of this Earth History in Matthew 20:1-16 originated from William Miller's Great Awakening on October 22nd, 1844 counted for the 6:00'-59' a.m while this Satanic COP26 Congragational Demons' meeting happed in the time period of 11th Hour counted for the 5:00'-59' P.M with this timing being more explained by clicking on this Link:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/09/the-11th-hour-in-matthew-201-16-clear.html?m=1 ].
i)A Day of Rest: COP26 Satan's Presidents and Pope Francis on 7/11/2021(Daniel 12:11) Fixed Sunday as A Day of Rest"The 1st Day of the Week The False Day of Rest" ,replacing and demeaning The 7th Day Holy Sabbath 'Saturday' A Day of Rest"The True Day of Rest" that was fixed in Eden by Almighty God Himself in Heaven, during the 1st week of Creation in Genesis 2:1-3 & Exodus 20:8-11 & Exodus 31:12-18, 7/11/2021(Daniel 12:11). And fixing Sunday as A Day of Rest by UN COP26 meeting on 7/11/2021 by request from Pope Francis' LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform 2000 Ecumenical Global Religious Leaders realized in 8 Months and 5 Days from March 7th, 2021 the Roman Catholic Church and its Global Allies cerebrated the 1700th Anniversary of Satanic Roman Emperor Constantine's decree on March 7th, 312 declaring Sunday as A Day of Rest in the whole Roman Empire following the request from 7th Day Sabbath Keeping Christian Roman Church Bishops.Video Link:[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak6h30XbFjk&t=194s ].
ii)A Work-Free Sunday: COP26 Satan's meeting has already fixed A Day of Rest:COP26 Satan's Presidents and Pope Francis on 7/11/2021(Daniel 12:11) Fixed Sunday as a day of Rest ,replacing and demeaning the 7th Day Holly Sabbath 'Saturday' A Day of Rest that was fixed by Almighty God Himself in Heaven, during the 1st week of Creation in Genesis 2:1-3 & Exodus 20:8-11 & Exodus 31:12-18, 7/11/2021(Daniel 12:11). And finally promoted International Labor Organization (ILO)'s Work Free Sunday"Decent Work, Just Transition, a Weekly Day of Rest for Worldwide Workers fixed on every Sunday per every week,agreed by U.S. President Joe Biden,Pope Francis and Antonio Guterres to wage the Final War on A Day of Rest instituted by Almighty God in Eden fulfilling Revelation 17:14 and Revelation 16:11-16, Jesus is Coming very very soon in 2024 with outpouring the 7 Last Plagues on this Earth in 8 Months and 5 Days from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m to intervene as Michael standing to defend the True Day of Rest which is the 7th Day Holy Sabbath. Video Link:[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vMulRirUspk&t=486s ].
2.The AUSC Article Title:1177=The Mystery of the Final 1 Last Week of Daniel 9:27 from 2017 to 2024 of the End of This Earth History Through The 7 Last Plagues.Published on 25/7/2021-20/2/3=15/10/2024 at 1:59' A.M of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's Waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day-20/2/3 of 1177 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Sunday.At 1:59' P.M.
A.Table of Content: Exact End of 6000Years in 1997.
0.AUSC Article Title-Introduction:The 11th Hour clear fulfilling divine connection of the 50-October 22nd, 1844 Millerites and 144000-October 22nd, 2020 Biblical Saints True 7th Day Adventists of Revelation 14:1-15 description link for reading and sharing [ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/09/the-11th-hour-in-matthew-201-16-clear.html?m=1 ].
1177=The Mystery of the Final 1 Last Week of Daniel 9:27 from 2017 to 2024 of the End of This Earth History Through The 7 Last Plagues.Published on 25/7/2021-20/2/3=15/10/2024 at 1:59' A.M of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's Waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day-20/2/3 of 1177 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Sunday.At 1:59' P.M.
I.1st Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 27 A.D to 34 A.D.
II.2nd Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2017 to 2024.
III.3rd Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in Days:D1-D2-D3-D4-D5-D6-D7 to D8 of Jesus Christ's Final Annual Feast of Unleavened Breads and Passover on this Earth in 31 A.D.
IV.God's Workers and 12 Hours of Labour for the 1st Application in the 1st Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2017 to 2021.
V.God's Workers and 12 Hours of Labour for the 2nd Application in the 2nd Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2021 to 2024.
VI.End of this Earth History through the 7 Last Plagues for the 1st Application of the 42 Months Theory in the 2nd Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2024.
VII.End of this Earth History through the 7 Last Plagues for the 2nd Application of the 7000 Years Cosmic Week Theory in the 2nd Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2024.
Published on July 25th, 2021 at 1:59' P.M(East African Time), under Authorisation of Author:
Founder and President of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve".
E-mail: ausc.president.office@gmail.com,
Website: www.africanunionsc.org.
Copy Rights, 2021.
My Personal Link:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/09/6th-day-of-40-jesus-christs-wilderness.html?m=1 ].
1.The last week of this Earth History is Characterized by a Final 1 Last Week that prophetically counts for 7 Last Years by which the 7th Year must experience the falling of the wrath of Almighty God which is expressed through the falling of the 7 Last Plagues. These 7 Last Plagues were reserved to be falling in a period of 8 Months and 2 Days that must take place in 1 single same Year of the last 7 Years of this Earth History and those 7 last years will end in the upcoming year of 2024 as it is going to be proved here in this article.
2.These 7 Final last years began in the year 2017 on October 31st, 2017 following the Great Apostasy of the General Conference of the 7th Day Adventists (SDA) Church following their secret delegation which was sent to partake with other Global Protestants Religious Leaders in signing the 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 Falling Away covenant of Ending the Martin Luther's Protestantism through a document signed named A Reforming Catholic Confession for the Vatican Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis. The beginning of these 7 last years from 2017 to 2024 are symbolically represented in the scriptures in the Book of Daniel 9:27 as the Final 1 Last Week which will end with the wrath of Almighty God being poured on the Prince who was revealed to the Apostle John as the 2nd Beast(U.S Catholic President Joe Biden's Administration) in Revelation 13:1-18 who raised in the midst of this week aiming to give Universal Military Power to Cause the whole earth to bow down under the Moral Authority of the 1st Beast of Revelation 13:1-18 represented by Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis the successor of the Pagan Roman Emperors in Daniel 9:26-27 who owned the titles of Caesar who crucified Jesus Christ in the year 31 A.D about 3 Years and Half of His Earthly Ministry that started after His Anointment by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God in the form of a White Dove which descended on His shoulder in the year 27 A.D.
3.Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis who I the current successor of the Pagan Roman Emperors in Daniel 9:26-27 from the Holy Bible as this Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis is the Last Final 1st Beast of Revelation 13:3-10 operating as Roman Catholic Church's Supreme Diplomat under the Former Western Roman Empire's Emperor Constantine II's title of Pontiff of Roma which by origin signifies the Bishop of Roma+Pontifex Maximus with Pontifex Maximus title representing the title of Caesar attributed to the Ancient Roman Pagan Emperors even before the Birth of Jesus Christ(B.C). The Prince who came in the midst of this final 1 last week is represented by United States of America(U.S.A) Catholic President Joe Biden who has signed the LaudatoSi'237' generated Paris Climate Agreement on January 20th, 2021 and who elevated Climate Change on the U.S.A Security Consideration on January 27th, 2021 to give universal Military power under the new Global Sunday Rest and Worship by Law Bill, entitled U.S Climate Act of 2021 of Jesuit Senators Headed by Democrat Senator Bob Menendez to enforce the Climate Change Draconian Rules of the successor of the ancient pagan Roman Emperors Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis of His Satanic Encyclical Letter Laudato SI'237'.
4.The Year 2021 is therefore the Year that similarly used by World 'U.S Supper Power President Joe Biden elevate the Vatican Popes' Agenda of former Dark Ages Scandals carried Out by the Roman Catholic Church after the similar Elevation to Global Dominance was conducted by Emperor Clovis of the Kingdom of France in 500s of 6th Century, however on February 4th, 2021 is the day of International Fraternity Day given account by the All Worldwide Nations under their Umbrella on United Nations(UN) General Secretariat to bow down under the Vatican Jesuit Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti which was launched in October 2020 generated from the Covid-19 and pushing the formation of One World Government which is being led by the Roman Catholic Church Satanic Jesuit Priest Mr Mario Jorge Belgorio(Pope Francis).
5. Therefore, this Year of 2021 is the Year that marked the Complete Healing of the Wound of the Papacy since the Year 1798 when Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte Killed Pope Pius through His General after the whole completed Dark Ages of Papal Global Power of 1260 Years since 538 A.D.
6. In Revelation 13:5 the completed Healing of the Wound of the Papacy will be followed by 42 Months Papal Global Power and end in the 7 Last Plagues ,especially in the 5 and 6 Last Plagues in the Year 2024 as the Year that marks the End of 7 Last Years of the Final 1 Week of Earth History of Daniel 9:27 and Vatican Papacy ,U.S Catholic President Joe Biden with United Nations(U.N) representing the 3 unclean spirits like flogs are predicted in Revelation 16:1-21 to become the final coalitions that are waging this Covid-19 and Climate Change Sunday Rest and Worship by Law under the guidance of SATAN himself and will soon perish in this coming Year of 2024.
7.The beginning of the Daniel 9:27 Final Last Week on October 31st, 2017 served a very mysterious date from which the whole world is gaining the overviews on the past historical periods and specific dates on which significant prophetic events took place, it generated the 1177 Principal Repetion Number which has taken the leading role to the reader to be able to link different prophetic dates and events from which the Biblical application of 7000 Years of the Cosmic Week got verifiable time periods.
8.Taking October 31st, 2017 as a date on which Protestants Leaders on International Level Signed A Reforming Catholic Confession Satanic Covenant with Jesuit Pope Francis to put an End on Martin Luther's Protestantism in order to give the Papacy its lost supremacy on International Level Morally and Juridically, this explained the Falling Away First of Apostle Paul prophesied in the 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 where the Global Leadership of the Church of Almighty God that Keeps the 7th Day Sabbath Holy deviated from the Truth as the General Conference of the 7th Day Adventists (SDA) took its part in sending a delegation of its representatives to fulfill 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7, and the Falling Away on the side of the SDA General Conference explained its Great Apostasy.
9. From October 31st, 2017 uncountable Satanic rituals such as bring Cadavas in the SDA Churches prior to their burying, LGBTQ supporting, Stopping from the Pulpits All Present Truth True SDA Preachers from using evidence based Spirit of Prophecy Books such as the Great Controversy, and other abominable practices similarly to those from the Roman Catholic Church planted the permanent chaotic misunderstandings among the DA Churches Members and separations began where since 2017 many refrained themselves from returning again in to atted the Church services in the SDA Churches Buildings and started small Home based groups ,effectively until today many True SDAs have been receiving the blessings of Almighty God being in those formed home based churches and Served for Almighty God to select 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Globally from October 31st, 2017 until October 22nd, 2020 ,and those selected 144,000 Saints of Revelation 14:1-5 were anointed by the Former Rain and Latter Rain Holy Spirit from Almighty God to represent the same 12 Disciples of Luke 9:1-6 and 70 Disciples of Luke 10:1-16 in order to replace those Regular Ligne SDA General Conference Pastors.
10. The number 144,000 Symbolically represent many True 7th Day Adventists Worldwide who are currently resisting the Satanic Climate Change and Covid-19 draconian Protocols online and offline in all Nations worldwide and by being helped by Almighty God Himself, their efforts began with the Ending of the Year 2019. Therefore, multiplying 12x70=840 a product of both Luke 9 and 10 Disciples needed to recover the Church of Almighty God that was misrepresented by the Apostate SDA General Conference on October 31st, 2017, and taking 2017-840=1177, with this Number 1177 becoming the Principal repetition Number by which all Global Human beings are currently experiencing its linked great prophetic events of the Historical periods of this Great Controversy between Jesus Christ and SATAN and between Jesus Christ's True Christians and the Satan's Human Folowers.
11. From October 31st, 2017 substracting 500 Years marks the beginning of the Martin Luther's Protestantism on October 31st, 1517, while 1517 substracting 1177 Years marked the Beginning of the Incorporation of the Pontifex Maximus Military Title of Western Roman Empire's Emperor Constantine II to the Roman Catholic Church Bishop of Roma Title following the Death of Emperor Constantine II in 340 A.D.
12. The Years 340 were counted before the Bishop of Roma gain indirect Control and supervision of the Western Roman Empire's Emperor Constantine II in the Year 340 A.D, While from the Year 340 A.D ,the Roman Catholic Church Bishops holded accountability of the Western Roman Empire's Title Pontifex Maximus which by combination Bishop of Roma adding Pontifex Maximus generate the Current title of Pope.
13. From 340 A.D the Popes from Roman Catholic Church continued their Paganism based rituals corrupting the Early Christianity and until October 31st, 1517 ,Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses on the Wittenberg Cathedral to stop the Roman Catholic Church's corruption of the Christian World, and initiated the Protestantism that existed in all the followed periods until October 31st, 2017 where the Truth was restored after 500 Years, combining 340 Years in which the True Early Christianity existed adding 500 Years of Truth Restoration makes 840 Years of maintained Truth as it was given by Jesus Christ Himself When He was still on this Earth and as He has inspired All Ancient Testament Prophets to write about it.
14. The October 31st, 1517 Martin Luther's Protestantism has gained its Biblical Great Awakening Epitome from where William Miller managed to calculate the End of the Daniel 8:14 long time period of 2300 Years beginning from 457 B.C to October 22nd, 1844 which marked the Beginning of the Atonement Day in the Heavenly Sanctuary by Our Highest Priest Jesus Christ the Lord of the Holy 7th Day Sabbath from then until Now.
15. The October 22nd, 1844 William Miller's Great Awakening gained its Protestantism achievement by Generating the Adventists Movement from which the Almighty God's Full 10 Commandments' 7th Day Holy Sabbath Significant vision were given to the whole world on April 3rd, 1847 through Madam Ellen Gould White during that Divine Vision and led to the establishment of the 7th Day Adventists Church that began in the homes within small individuals groups in the United States of America (U.S.A) growing in numbers until the Year 1859 which marked the end of 15 Years of the Hour of 6 A.M that Jesus Christ used to call the 7th Day Adventists Workers who began to work at the 1st Call for the 1st Hour at 7 AM beginning from October 22nd, 1859, 3rd Hour at 9 AM beginning from October 22nd, 1889, 6th Hour at 12 PM beginning from October 22nd, 1934, 9th Hour at 3PM beginning from October 22nd, 1974, 11th Hour at 5PM beginning from October 22nd, 2009 and 12th Hour at 6PM beginning from October 22nd, 2024 working with Jesus Christ on this Earth during the whole Judgement Period of Atonement Day He began from October 22nd, 1844, while this calling is explained in Matthew 20:1-16 as it will be detailed in the following Chapters below.
16. From April 3rd, 1847 the SDA Churches continued to increase in numbers globally and constructed the Revelation 3:14-22 Laodicean Church which rejected the Wagoner and Jones True message of Justification by Faith given from Heavenly Sanctuary in the Years 1888 and until October 22nd, 2020 the Laodicean SDA General Conference Leadership with all Laodicean SDA Churches Members were rejected from the True SDA Irregular Lines Members whom the Holy Bible in Revelation 14:1-5 are currently represented by the Number 144,000.
17. The Principal repetition Number 1177 is importantly linking the Year of vision of 7th Day Holy Sabbath in 1847 to the prophesied 7th Day Holy Sabbath Year in the New Earth in Isaiah 66:23-24 by adding 1847+1177=3024, and the Cosmic Week of 7000 Years become more justified by its 1000 Millennium Holy 7th Day Sabbath Rest in Heaven that are subtracted from 3024-1000=2024, with the Year 2024 becoming therefore the Year of the closing of the Atonment Day of Spiritual 12 Hours which are equivalent to 12HoursX15Years=180 Years of Atonement started on October 22nd, 1844+180 Years ending on October 22nd, 2024 after 7 Days of Our Journey from Earth at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' A.M.
18. The Principal Repetition Number 1177=1000+177, and considering 1000 as the Years of the 7000 Cosmic Week within which Revelation 20:1-15 must take place from October 22nd, 2024 until October 22nd, 3024, therefore, the remaining 177 Years are part of 6000 Years and are taken from the Beginning of the Atonement Day on October 22nd, 1844 +177=2021 the Year marking the fulfilment of Revelation 13:3 of the Complete Healing of the Wound of the 1st Beast which was completed in 2 different Global Levels 1st on January 20th, 2021 when U.S.A Roman Catholic Church President Joe Biden signed the Paris LLaudatoSI'237' generated Climate Agreement and on February 4th, 2021 when the whole World's Nations represented by the United Nations(UN) declared the International Fraternity Day marking the fulfilment of complete bowing of all Global Governments and Nations bowing to the Vatican's Pope Francis Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti which called them to become part of the One World Government which began to work behind the curtains in this Year 2021 especially as linked to the Almighty God's Ways of calculating the times ,this gave beginning of the Specific Date of the Revelation 13:5 of Ruling the Whole World in 42 Months by the 1st Beast Helped by the U.S.A Joe Biden Administration represented in the Revelation 13:11-18 as the 2nd Beast as well as represented in Daniel 9:27 as the Prince who came in the midst of the Final Last Week of 7 Years counted from October 31st, 2017 until October 31st, 2024 while its midst exactly is located on February 7th, 2021, which is the Specific date of the beginning of the 42 Months period of Leadership of the Papacy in 1260 days that are equal to 3 Years and 6 Months(3 Years and 1/2) also meaning Time Times and Half of Time ,which otherwise are meaning 3 Days and 12 Hours ,a period required from February 4th, 2021 +3 Days and 12 Hours to get at the Date of February 7th, 2021.
19. In Daniel 7:1-28 and Daniel 12:1-13 this calculated periods of Time Times and Half of Time has 3 distinctive implications beginning as
1)1260 Years from 538 A.D to 1798 to cover the Papacy's Dark Ages Global Satanic Supremacy,
2) 3Days and 1/2 or 3 Days and 12 Hours from February 4th, 2021 to February 7th, 2021 to recover the Papacy's wounded Dark Ages Global Satanic Supremacy,
3) 42 Months converted in 1260 Days equaling to 3 Years and 1/2 or 3 Years and 6 Months from February 7th, 2021 to July 31st, 2024 the date which marks the End of the whole Papacy's recovered Wound Dark Ages New World Order Satanic Covid-19&Climate Change Supremacy of Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 13:5 ending at the end of the 5 Months of the 5th Last Plague of Revelation 9:1-12 and Revelation 16:10-11.
20. From Daniel 12:11 is 1290 Days and Daniel 12:12-13 is 1335 Days similarly used by William Miller during their 1st Application from the Reign of Emperor Clovis of France in 400s A.D to Emperor Justinian in 538 A.D who raised the Papacy's Dark Ages Global Satanic Supremacy until the Year 1843 and 1844 were used to obtain the Prophetic link between Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 12:7-13 in Years(1290 Years and 1335 Years), likewise in the current 2nd Application are being used here to obtain the prophetic link between Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:7-14 in Days(1290 Days and 1335 Days).
1) From February 7th, 2021 adding 1290 Days ending on August 31st, 2024 marks the End of the 6th Last Plague of Armageddon of Revelation 9:12-21 and Revelation 16:11-16.
2) From February 7th, 2021 adding 1335 Days ending on October 22nd, 2024 marks the End of Atonement Day of 180 Years from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2024 , while the ending of Atonement Day 3 very important activities that comprise 1*Judgment, 2*Atonement, 3*Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary .
These 3 very important activities were closed on different dates during the 180 Years period from October 22nd, 1844
1* Judgement: From October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2020 the 1st closing of probation for the Church of Almighty God marked by the great shaking of the Laodicean SDA Churches members one by one began after the completed judgment of the deads which began with Abel son of Adam and Eve and was declared accepted continued and from which the judgement of the living began during the same period of 180 Years starting from the 7th Day Adventists by October 22nd, 2020 before the Complete Healing of the Papacy's Wounded Head through U.S.A Catholic President Joe Biden on January 20th, 2021 and U.N Jesuit Antonio Guterres on February 4th, 2021 and after 3 Months of Amos 4:1-7 from October 22nd, 2020 Closed probation for Global 7th Day Adventists Laodicean General Conference Church , All individuals 7th Day Adventists had been judged to be given Latter Rain based on their maximum using of Former Rain and continued from February 7th, 2021 with proclaiming the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message against Pestilence 19 Draconian Rules and warning the whole world about the Hidden agendas of the Papacy in these Covid-19 and Joe Biden 's Climate Change Policies aiming at enacting the U.S.Climate Act of 2021 which is a way fixed by the U.S.A Democrat Senators in the U.S.A Congress registered the Joe Biden's Executive Orders on Climate Change elevated at U.S.A National Security Consideration on January 27th, 2021 aiming to birth the U.S.National Sunday Rest and Worship by Law as part of Prepared COP26 program for the Joe Biden administration in leading the whole world on the combating Climate Change until the end of Joe Biden's Term in Office in the Year 2024.
2* Atonement: the Atonement is carried by Our Highest Priest Jesus Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary and it concern living individuals and has started as the judgement of the living started firstly from the Laodicean SDA Churches members considering their rejection or acceptance of the Justification by Faith given as counsel to the Laodicean SDA Churches members in Revelation 3:18, it has been finished within the Shaking that has been taking place in the whole global SDA Churches Members for some of SDA Global Churches Members who completely rejected the Counsel to the Laodicean SDA Churches by October 22nd, 2020 including the Leadership of the Global SDA General Conference Churches were rejected and All True 7th Day Adventists remained in their respective Global SDA irregular lines Home based Churches and this Atonement continues within individual 7th Adventists during the whole period of proclamation of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message from February 7th, 2021 until the Global Close of probation after completed 3 Years of Calling the People of Almighty God to get out of Babylon from February 7th, 2021 to February 7th, 2024 fulfilling Luke 13:32-35 and John 4:32-45 proclaming Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 in full 3 Spiritual Days likewise did Jesus Christ currently to be interpreted in 3 Years from February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024 prior to the beginning of the Silence of Revelation 8:1-6 and Revelation 15:1-8, as this silence of 1/2 Hour Spiritual means 15 Days:2=7 Days and 12 Hours from February 7th, 2021+ 7 Days and 12 Hours= February 14th, 2024 midnight.
3* Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary: Jesus Christ Our Highest Priest must Stand Up as mentioned in Daniel 12:1-7 becoming ready to begin the final activity of Cleansing of the Repented Sins from the Heavenly Sanctuary as deposited therein in a Sins' Dustbin, spoken like this to make it easy for the reader to understand that deposits of Our repented Sins are still stored in the Heavenly Sanctuary but they must be taken from the Most Holy Apartment form Where Our Highest Priest Jesus Christ is administering His Final Activities during this whole Atonement Period resulted in collecting Our All Sins from the whole deads accepted Saints and All living Accepted True 7th Day Adventists who survived the Shaking by becoming Shaken-In and All Living Babylonian Accepted called people of Almighty God with All His Saints' repented Sins soon becoming evacuated from Heavenly Sanctuary from the Holiest Room of the Heavenly Sanctuary and will have to be deposited on the Head of SATAN at the End of the 7 Last Plagues that will start to be poured on this Earth after the 7 Days and 12 Hours Silence, from February 15th, 2024 with the falling of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Last Plagues falling simultaneously each in its specific respective Region on this earth until February 29th, 2024 as explained in Revelation 8:7-13 and Revelation 16:1-9, followed by the 5 Months 5th Last Plague from March 1st, 2024 until July 31st, 2024 explained in Revelation 9:1-12 and Revelation 16:10-11 at the End of 1260 Days of Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 13:5 , to be following by the 1 Month 6th Last Plague from August 1st, 2024 until August 31st, 2024 explained in Revelation 9:13-21 and Revelation 16:12-16 at the End of 1290 Days of Daniel 12:11, to be followed by the 1 Month and 15 Days 7th Last Plague from September 1st, 2024 until The 2nd Coming Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m explained in Revelation 11:15-19 and Revelation 16:17-21 on 7 Days perior to the End of 1335 Days of Daniel 12:12-13 on Tuesday-October 22nd, 2024 when We will be all Standing on the Sea of Glass with All Saints including Daniel All of Us being called by Jesus Christ at the 12th Hour of Matthew 20:1:16 to receive Our Rewards which were explained in the 1st Vision of Madam Ellen Gould White as Palms of Victory, Crowns of Gold and Harps of Gold while Standing on the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on Day 8 from Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at the morning of Resurrection explained in John 11:1-44 from midnight 00:01' a.m to 1:59' a.m will be the Day 1, Day 2 , Day 3, Day 4, Day 5 on A Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath resting on the Planet were Enoch Lives , Day 6, Day 7, and on the Day 8 Tuesday-October 22nd, 2024 We will all Saints together with All Heavenly Angels together with Our Everlasting Savior King of Kings Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ will arrive on the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan.
21. The Holy Bible in Number 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6 explains how a Day is converted in a Year and prophetically 1 Day of 24 Hours gives a Year of 360 Days and to calculate How many Prophetic Days are found in 1 Prophetic Hour ,must be calculated by taking 360 Days:24 Hours=15 Days, which means that 1 Prophetic Hour =15 Days , and following the Day to Year Principal, 15 Days =15 Years, therefore, 1 Hour is equivalent to 15 Years, Hence 12 Hours prophetically in John 11:1-44 counted for Day Light in which Walking is possible during the Day in 12 Hours and in which at the End of 12 Hours on the Evening at the 12th Hour explained in Leviticus 19:13, Deuteronomy 24:15 and Matthew 20:1-16 indicates that from October 22nd, 1844 All Workers will have been working during a time period of 1 single Day of Atonement prophetically covering 12 Hours of Day light which are equivalent to 180 Years that will End very very soon at 12th Hour means at the 180th Year from October 22nd, 1844 adding 180 Years which will End on October 22nd, 2024 on Tuesday during the Ending Year of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week from October 31st, 2017 to October 31st, 2024.
22. The Biblical Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 1st Application is therefore interpreted as 7 Days and are equivalent to 7 Years, beginning from the Year 27AD was counted as Day 1(D1), 28 AD=D2, 29AD=D3, 30AD=D4, 31AD=D5, 32AD=D6, 33AD=D7, and 34AD=D8.
23. The Biblical Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2nd Application is therefore interpreted as 7 Days and are equivalent to 7 Years,beginning from the Year 2017AD is counted as Day 1(D1), 2018 AD=D2, 2019AD=D3, 2020AD=D4, 2021AD=D5, 2022AD=D6, 2023AD=D7, and 2024AD=D8.
24. The Biblical Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 3rd Application is therefore interpreted as 7 Days and are equivalent to the Final Last 1 Week of Jesus Christ's Earthly Ministry in which He was Crucified in the Year 31AD,beginning from Sunday counted as Day 1(D1), Monday=D2, Tuesday=D3, Wednesday=D4, Thursday(Passover Holy Communion with the 12 Disciples and Betrayed by Judas in Gethsemane)=D5, Friday(Sabbath Preparation Day Crucified on the Cross)=D6, Saturday(Sabbath Day Rest in Tomb)=D7, and Sunday(Resurrection Day)=D8.
I.1st Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 27 A.D to 34 A.D.
1.The created link from this 1st application of Years from 31AD to 34 AD as linked to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday-October 15, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, is from Events connected with the 3rd Application of Days from Thursday on Day 5 when it was Thursday(Passover Holy Communion with the 12 Disciples and Betrayed by Judas in Gethsemane)=D5, followed by events on D6,D7, and D8, while Day 8 was previously revealed that it is directly linked to the Year 34AD in the Chapter 0 point 24, again therefore, the Event that took place on Day 8 in Chapter 0 point 23 which is Resurrection Day is directly linked to the Year 34AD and indirectly linked to the current Year of 2024 in which the Similar Event as happened on Day 8 directly will indirectly happen in the Year 2024 marking the fulfilment of John 11: 1-44 indirectly on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
II.2nd Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2017 to 2024.
1.The created link from this 2nd application of Years from 2021AD to 2024 AD as linked to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday-October 15, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, is from Events connected with the 3rd Application of Days from Thursday on Day 5 when it was Thursday(Passover Holy Communion with the 12 Disciples and Betrayed by Judas in Gethsemane)=D5, followed by events on D6,D7, and D8, while Day 8 was previously revealed that it is directly linked to the Year 2024AD in the Chapter 0 point 24, therefore, the Event that took place on Day 8 in Chapter 0 point 24 which is Resurrection Day is directly linked to the Year 34AD and indirectly linked to the current Year of 2024 in which the Similar Event as happened on Day 8 directly will indirectly happen in the Year 2024 marking the fulfilment of John 11: 1-44 indirectly on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
2.Therefore, the Year 2024 linked to Day 8 as Sunday of Resurrection of Jesus Christ is preceded by D7 on Sabbath Day of Rest in the Tom linked indirectly to the Year 2023(Global Religious Sunday Rest and Worship by Law with Church and State National Enforcement alongside U.S. Joe Biden Administration Enforcement of Global U.S Climate Act of 2021 with Draconian Measures similar to those of Covid-19) and Preceded by D6 on Friday of Crucifixion Day of Preparation on the Cross linked indirectly to the Year 2022(Global Climate Sunday Rest by Law with U.S. Joe Biden Administration Enforcement of Global U.S Climate Act of 2021 with Draconian Measures similarly to those of Covid-19) and Preceded by D5 on Thursday(Passover Holy Communion with the 12 Disciples and Betrayed by Judas in Gethsemane) linked indirectly to the Year 2021(U.S.Joe Biden Signing the LaudatoSi'237' generated UN Paris Climate Agreement on January 20th, 2021 and Antonio Guterres signing the Fratelli Tutti generated False Christian-Muslim Fraternity Day on February 4th, 2021 to bring in 3 Days and 12 Hours total Healing of the Wound of the Papacy on February 7th, 2021 bringing the Climate Change on its U.S National Security Consideration leading the U.S Congress Jesuits to Birth the U.S National Sunday Rest by Law in this Year 2021 and COP26 in Glasgow November 2021 ).
III.3rd Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in Days:D1-D2-D3-D4-D5-D6-D7 to D8 of Jesus Christ's Final Annual Feast of Unleavened Breads and Passover on this Earth in 31 A.D.
1.This link created from Chapter 0 point 21 is explained by the events Jesus Christ conducted from Day 1,D2,D3 before the Day 4 and D5 on Thursday(Passover Holy Communion with the 12 Disciples and Betrayed by Judas in Gethsemane) linked indirectly to the Year 2021(U.S.Joe Biden Signing the LaudatoSi'237' generated UN Paris Climate Agreement on January 20th, 2021 and Antonio Guterres signing the Fratelli Tutti generated False Christian-Muslim Fraternity Day on February 4th, 2021 to bring in 3 Days and 12 Hours total Healing of the Wound of the Papacy on February 7th, 2021 bringing the Climate Change on its U.S National Security Consideration leading the U.S Congress Jesuits to Birth the U.S National Sunday Rest by Law in this Year 2021 and COP26 in Glasgow November 2021 ).
2.And as Day 5 marks the indirect link to the Year 2021 them the Preaching of Jesus Christ from Sunday of D1 ,Monday of D2, Tuesday of D3 and Wednesday of Day 4 are similar to the Events indirectly Carried Out by The True 7th Day Adventists from Day 1 directly linked to the Year 2017 and continued to be carried out through out the Day 2 directly linked to the Year 2018, Day 3 linked to 2019, Day 4 linked to the Year 2020 and the Probation therefore was Closed as Jesus Christ declared the Close of Probation to the Ancient Pharisees and Priests and declared that the Church of Almighty God in Jerusalem was left without Glory of Almighty God which departed from that Church forever and similarly the Glory of Almighty God has departed forever from the 7th Day Adventists General Conference Churches on Day 4 which is directly linked to the Year 2020 as explained in John 12:12-50, followed by events of Day 5 explained in John 13:1-38,John 14:1-31, John 15:1-27, John 16:1-33, John 17:1-26 and John 18:1-27 directly linked to the current events transparing in this Year 2021.
3.Therefore, the Day 6 explained in John 18:28-40, John 19:1-42 has similar events happened to Jesus Christ in Day 6 as directly linked to the Year 2022 will as well happen to the Saints of Jesus Christ those deciding to Obey the 7th Day Holy Sabbath as it will be the Year of Global Cimale Sunday Rest by Law under U.S.Climate Act of 2021 controlling all Nations via U.S Embassies and USAID and trying to hinder the 1000 Millennium Cosmic Week Sabbath Preparation for the Next Year 2023 linked to Day 7 as a Resting 7th Day Sabbath of Jesus Christ in the Tomb on Saturday and Year 2024 linked to Day 8 as a Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ on Sunday as the similar Resurrection of All died Saints including Lazarus and Daniel will have to take place on October 15th, 2024 at the Morning of Resurrection from 00:01' a.m to 01:59' a.m as explained in John 11:44(12 Hours given as 180 Years prophetically counted from October 22nd, 1844 adding 180 Years of Walking together with Jesus Christ in working in the Vineyard of Almighty God in Heaven explained in John 15:1-17 and Matthew 20:1-16 will end in the Year 2024), John 20:1-31 and John 21:1-14.
IV.God's Workers and 12 Hours of Labour for the 1st Application in the 1st Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2017 to 2021.
1.The events Jesus Christ conducted from 27AD to 31AD are similar to the Events of True 7th Day Adventists were bringing in this World since the Year 2017 until the Year 2021, because the 1st Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 27 A.D to 34 A.D. are indirectly linked to the 2nd Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2017 to 2024 as 27AD is linked to 2017, Jesus Christ started to call and select His Disciples from the Rest of the Jewish Church of that Time and continues to preach the Gospel of Salvation through out the followed Years in 28AD which is linked to 2018, 29AD which is linked to 2019 and 30AD which is linked to 2020 similarly All 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists were being selected from the Rest of the Laodicean Global SDA Churches Members from 2017 through out the the followed Years 2018, 2019, until to the October 22nd, 2020, while 31 AD is linked to 2021, in 3 Years and 1/2 Half Jesus Christ has selected 12 Disciples and 70 Disciples to work with them from the rejection of the Messiah by the Chief Priests of Ancient Israel in 27AD leading to rejection of John the Baptist in the Year 27AD Betraying Jesus Christ to the Pagan Romans in 31AD and rejection of 12 Disciples and 70 Disciples in the Year 34AD Leading to the Severe persecution and Killing of Steven by Stones similarly these events are linked to the Role of Modern Chief Priests and Pharisees from the Global SDA General Conference Churches in their Rejection of Messiah during a Reforming Catholic Confession in 2017 likewise rejecting True 7th Day Adventists Preachers from the Churches Pulpits in 2017 ,betraying True 7th Day Adventists to the modern Roman the Jesuits during Covid-19 Vaccinations in 2021 and heading to Completely rejecting 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists leading them to the severe Persecution and Death Penalty in 2024 as happened to Steven in 34AD ,causing the Closing of Probation for the Whole World in 2024 as it happened with closing of Probation for Jews in 34AD triggering the Final Destruction of Jerusalem permanently in 70 AD after 36 Years from 34AD similarly in 2020 Closed Probation for Global SDA General Conference Churches Laodicean Members triggers the Destruction of the Whole World as Stated in Matthew 24:1-44 after 3.6 Prophetic Days equivalent to 3 Years and 6 Months equivalent to 42 Months of Revelation 13:5 and Daniel 12:7 connecting the Year 2021 to the Year 2024 from the link created from the Year 31AD connected to the Close of Probation of Jews in 34AD which is indirectly linked to the Year 2024 from 1st Application to the 2 Application of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week by which its midst fell in the Year 31 linked indirectly to this Year 2021 confirming that the Work of Shaking and Selecting the Disciples was conducted from 27AD to be completed before the Year 31AD as well as it was conducted from 2017 and has been completed before the Year 2021 on October 22nd, 2020.
2.Therefore, according to Matthew 20:1-16, the 12 hours of Labor and workers application in the 1st half section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2017 to 2021 concerned the selection conducted within the 7th Day Adventists Global General Conference regular Lines Churches and produced a similar 12x70=840 Disciples effects of generating 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Anointed with Former Rain inherited from the Workers who founded the 7th Day Adventists Movement from October 22nd, 1844, with evidence based Biblical justifications that Jesus Christ used he Millerites to call the Workers who started their Labour at the 1st Hour beginning from October 22nd, 1859, called at the 3rd Hour from October 22nd, 1889, called at the 6th Hour from October 22nd, 1934, called at the 9th Hour from October 22nd, 1974, called at the 11th Hour from October 22nd, 2009 and the 11th Hour workers are the current True 7th Day Adventists selected to compose the 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Worldwide who were stated as the Bride of Jesus Christ who was made ready in Revelation 19:1-21 and were given white robes symbolizing the righteousness of Jesus Christ with Victory over Sins, who were made ready based in Revelation 17:14 ready to participate in the final 3 Years Spiritual war that began on February 7th, 2021 to end on February 7th, 2024 proclaiming this 3rd Angels' Loud Very Message against Jesuit Pope Francis Climate and Covid-19 Agendas and His Satanic Allies Globally involving All the enemies of Our Almighty God's Holy 10 Commandments including the 7th Day Holy Sabbath.
V.God's Workers and 12 Hours of Labour for the 2nd Application in the 2nd Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2021 to 2024.
1.This 2nd Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2021 to 2024 comprises the whole 3 Days of Luke 13:31-35, John 4:32-40, 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-7 equivalent to 3 Years full counted from February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024.
2.The link from 31AD linked to 2021, with selected Disciples worked within the Jews and in 34 AD linking close of probation of 34 Year to 2024.
3.Thus workers from thesetime period are called 11Hour's workers who are proclaiming the Angel's 3rd Angels' Loud Cry to the world.
4. The calculation of the 3Years and1/2 First Section and the other 3 Years and 1/2 Second Section to divide the Daniel 9:27 Last Week into 2 specific Halves asconfirmed herein below according to the each Half's Predicted and Preserved Final Events of this Earth History ,has been determined linking Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:7-12-13 as below demonstrated:
1.Daniel 9:27 Last Week in its 2nd Application begins from October 31st, 2017 ending during the same events of falling of wrath of Almighty God during the 7 Last Plagues in the Year 2024 to the October 31st, 2024.
2.Daniel 12:7-12-13 Last 3 successive 1260 Days, 1290 Days and 1335 Days having the same departure Date ending respectively on the different ending dates also must be ending in the same Year 2024 as in which Daniel 9:27 Last Week Has to be ending in its 2nd Application on October 31st, 2024.
3.Therefore, the Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:12 must have the same Ending Point on October 31st, 2024 and this intersection must help Us in determining the midline on the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in terms of Date specifically giving Us the exact Day to begin to Count the 2nd Section of the 2nd Half of 3 Years and 1/2 of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in which all 3 successive periods of 1260 Days, 1290 Days and 1335 Days must be accomplished according to Daniel 12:1-13.
4. The mathematical calculation of the midline which gives Us the exact Ending of the 1st Section of the 1st Half of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week determines as well the Events that transpire in the midst of the Daniel 9:27 Final Last Week which is the coming of the Prince who must cause the sacrifices to cease and set up the abomination of desolation interpreted in Revelation 13:1-18 as the 2nd Beast Satanic Roman Catholic U.S President Joe Biden who has to enforce dragon like draconian rules upon the whole world's Nations forcing them to worship the 1st Beast Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis in Revelation 13:1-18.
5. The midst of Daniel 9:27 therefore is calculated by joining together the two Ending points of the Daniel 9:27 Final Last Week on October 31st, 2024 which is mathematically written as 31 Days10Months&2024Years and the Ending of 1335 Days of Daniel 12:12-13, while 1335 Days equal to 15Days8Months&3Years, therefore the midst is obtained at the difference from subtraction of Days from Days, Months from Months and Years from Years:
6.Substraction from 31Days10Months&2024Years-15Days8Months&3Years=(31-15=16 Days, then the midst in Days is obtained by dividing 16Days by 2=16Days:2=8Days),(10Months-8Months=2Months),(2024Years-3Years=2021Years), the End results gives 8Days2Months&2021Years and it is Mathematically used to determined literary Date that marks the 1st Day of the 2nd Section of the 2nd Half of the 3Years&1/2 Halves of the Daniel 9:27 Final Last Week.
7.The 1st Day of the 2nd Half of 3Years and1/2 is part of 1335 Days and that Day has as its Date on February 8th, 2021.
8.While the Ending Last Day of the 1st Half of 3Yearsand1/2 is part of the 1st Section of the 1st Half of 3 Years and 6 Months that began On October 31st, 2017 Ending on February 7th, 2021.
9.Therefore, We Use February 7th, 2021 as initial Point declared in Daniel 12:11 to determine the departure Point Date to count respectively the 3 Last Final Successive and Consecutive Time Periods from:
1)February 7th, 2021 +1260Days of Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 13:5 ending on July 31st, 2024,
2)February 7th, 2021+1290Days of Daniel 12:11 ending on August 31st, 2024 ,
3)February 7th, 2021 +1335Days of Daniel 12:12 ending on October 22nd, 2024,
10.Whereas Daniel 12:13 is declared as the Joyful Ending of every Prophetic Event of the Daniel 12:1-13 Plan of Salvation including the Standing up of Daniel on the Sea of Glass on October 22nd, 2024.
11.However, Daniel needs all 7Days of Journey from this Earth at His resurrection in oder to be able to Stand on the Heavenly Canaan on October 22nd, 2024 on Day 8 including the 7th Day Holy Sabbath that makes this 7 Days whole Journey from Earth to Heavenly Canaan very Biblical as stated in the 1st Vision of Madam Ellen Gould White in the Book of Early Writings.
12.The 7Days Journey from Earth to Heavenly Canaan brings Us to the Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m as the last Hour of the exact Date of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ obtained by Substraction made from Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 - 7 Days= Tuesday October 15th, 2024(22Days-7Days=15Days), and from 00:01' to 01:59' a.m being the Morning of Resurrection is determined as intersection Hours From Matthew 24:42-44, Mark 13:35-37 and Luke 12:38-39 and Ellen Gould White's Midnight Time of redemption of Saints as mentioned in Her Book of Heaven.
VI.End of this Earth History through the 7 Last Plagues for the 1st Application of the 42 Months Theory in the 2nd Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2024.
1.In Revelation 13:3-5, Satan uses Jesuit Pope Francis to Rule the Worl under New Word Ordee, from February 7th, 2021, adding 42 Months equivalent to from the Year 2021 it gives 2024.5.
2.By derivation, 2024.5 gives 2024 Years and 0.5 Years which is equivalent to 6 Months , and 6Montgs :2=3 Months and 3 Months:2=1.5 Months ,which is equivalent to 1 Month and 15 Days, therefore, 3Months+1Month+15Days =4Months and 15 Days.
3.Therefore, to determine the intervals between the two limits of 7 Last Plagues falling are taken from 6Months+- 4Months and 15 Days giving 15Days/2Months and 15Days and 10 Months, in the Year 2024, otherwise are written as February 15th,2024 to October 15th,2024 at 1:59 a.m.
VII.End of this Earth History through the 7 Last Plagues for the 2nd Application of the 7000 Years Cosmic Week Theory in the 2nd Half Section of the Daniel 9:27 Last Week in 2024.
1.These Biblical verses Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 20:1-17 are used to determine the Period of the falling of the 7 Last Plagues which are triggered by the Persecution against the True 7th Days Adventists Saints linked to the Events of the Year 34AD which brought Close of Probation and in the next 7Days and 12 Hours of Silence in Heaven and will be falling in 8Months and 2 Days from February 15th, 2024 to Tuesday-October 15th, 2024.
2.According to the Cosmin Week of 7000 Years, the End of 6000 Years as the 150th Generation will receive eternal rewards ,while the 4th Generation will be punished in the full All 7 Last Plagues as explained in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 22:12-17.
3.Based in Spirit of Prophecy Books of the Great Controversy and the Desire of Ages, Jesus Christ was on this Earth during the 100th Generation of 40 Years at the Ending of 4000Years.
4.Therefore, the 6000 Years final Generation began from 1991 until 2031 with probability to complete their 40 Years of Age, while the 4th Generation whose Fathers of iniquity who rejected William Miller's End of 2300 Daniel 8:14 Prophetic Years denied as Well the Truth about Adventism's Great Awakening and finally rejected the Heavenly Sanctuary Message of April 3rd, 1847 of significance of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath revealed to Madam Ellen Gould White honored by All True 7th Day Adventists even now and those who rejected William Miller's Great Awakening are those people who hated Almighty God fulfilling Exodus 20:4-5 in the same Generation of 1831 to 1871 from which on October 22nd, 1844, adding their followed 4 Generations which equal to 160 Years from October 22nd, 1844 adding 160 Years resulted on October 22nd, 2004 the year of the beginning of their 4th Generation which is the last generation to be visited by Almighty God with punishments during upcoming 7Last Plagues falling in 1 Same Year of 2024 in 8 Months and 2 Days period, and for this 4th Generation aiming to end on October 22nd, 2044.But the 4th Generation of Sunday Resting and worshiping people globally will end as well in 2031 with probability to complete only 27 Years on This Planet Earth, Thus finding intersection of both Generations gives 40Years+27Years= 67 Years:2= 33.5 Years, and taking the lower limit of the 150th Generation in 1991 adding 33.5 Years gives the Intersection Year of 2024.5.
5.By derivation, 2024.5 gives 2024 Years and 0.5 Years which is equivalent to 6 Months , and 6Montgs :2=3 Months and 3 Months:2=1.5 Months ,which is equivalent to 1 Month and 15 Days, therefore, 3Months+1Month+15Days =4Months and 15 Days.
6.Therefore, to determine the intervals between the two limits of 7 Last Plagues falling are taken from 6Months+- 4Months and 15 Days giving 15Days/2Months and 15Days and 10 Months, in the Year 2024, otherwise are written as February 15th,2024 to October 15th,2024 at 1:59 a.m.
The above details must be serving to awaken all Global readers and be ready to meet Jesus Christ in Air in the SKy on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'a.m to 01:59' a.m the morning of resurrection of All Saints fulfilling the promised resurrection to the Prophet Daniel12:12-13 and journey of 7 Days towards the Heavenly Canaan to arrive there on Day 8 on Tuesday-October 22nd, 2024 together with All Saints, All Holy Angels with Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ of Luke 6:5.
I.AUSC New Artcle Title:
The Science"1177-PRN"of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October15th, 2024 at 1:59'a.m.
II.SERMON:Read from the Holy Bible in Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-11&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8 giving 6000Years+1000Years=7000Years for 1 Full Cosmic Week&2nd Coming of Jesus Christ for End of Earth in 6000Years happening very soon in this upcoming Year 2024,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15 Jesus Comes on Tuesday October 15th,2024+1000Years=3024 Hell Comes at 7000 Years Full.
III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareTheLink&Screenshot[Open Letter to All beloved Present Truth Preachers Worldwide.Link:(http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/06/happy-sabbath-preparation-day6000years.html?m=1)].
IV.PRAYER:Dear My Almighty God Holy Father in Heaven,Forgive this Person,Give Your Holy Spirit to this Your Child/Person1John3:1-24 to understand this Your Last 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Warning to Never Dare to Rest For and Worship the SUN god"SATAN"by Law on Sundays"Mark of the Beast=Climate Sundays Lockdowns" but to Accept and Believe in the Luke6:5&BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST to Refuse and reject SATAN's Image&Number of The Beast SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Test&Vaccines)in order to be free to Repent,Repent,Repent To Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy in order to Divorce From All Demons as the End of Life on this Earth is Near in 2024 through the 7 Last Plagues(February15th,2024 to Tuesday October15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)of Revelation16:1-21 to do not die in SIN,Quit SATAN today to live togetherWithJESUS CHRIST in Your Soon Coming Eternal Life in HEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024,in CHRIST JESUS NAME I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:20.
V.WISHES:May Our Almighty God Bless You and Yours All.Amen.
Dr. Bandora,MD,MG.
E-mail: ausc.president.office@gmail.com,
Rwanda-East Africa.
VII.WEBSITE:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/ ].
1765 | days |
42364 | hours |
2541843 | minutes |
152510588 | seconds |
It is 1765 days, 4 hours, 1 minute, 55 seconds
Set on Current time which was on Sunday, 15 December 2019, 18:58:28 CST (local time in Chicago) At time of loading, accuracy was within 0.529 seconds.

This Picture Above Portraits A False Gospel Preacher pretending to have His Christianity Based Apostolic Global Leadership Power inherited from Early Christian Apostle Peter while This is
A SATANIC Jesuit POPE Francis HELL Bidden DIPLOMAT of NEW WORLD ORDER(LaudatoSI'237'-Sunday Rest and Worship by Law-&Fratelli Tutti'-
Covid-19 Tests and
Covid-19 Vaccines-) who engages His SATANIC DIPLOMATIC Jesuits Spies Two by Two even to 5 Jesuits Satanic Diplomats(
Click in the Picture Above) in All Global Governments in All Nations to Work with All Government Leaders as His Ambassadors. Hence Covid-19 Similar Draconian Rules became Applied Successfully in Each of the Global Governments uniformly from December 2019 and until Now, SATAN is using the Roman Catholic Church to create Bounds of Church and State Union under
Covid-19 Testing and Vaccines ,Closing Churches and Putting Citizens in Sundays Lockdowns to be more increased during Upcoming Years with U.S.Climate Act of 2021 Globally becoming Implemented likewise Covid-19 Sundays Lockdowns to Force this Covid-19 based Image of the Beast and Number of the Beast and Mark of The Beast of Revelation 13:1-18, Revelation 14:9-12, Revelation 15:1-8,Revelation 16:1-21, Revelation 18:1-24, Revelation 20:1-15 and Revelation 22:1-21.
I.AUSC-NewArtcleTitle:Luke21:21-24(February 7th, 2021-February7th,2024-July31st,2024-Tuesday October 15th, 2024)
II.SERMON:ReadTheHolyBible:Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-17&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8Giving6000Years+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=7000YearsFor1FullCosmicWeek&2ndComingOfJesusChristForEndOfEarthIsIn6000Years&IsHappeningIn2024:ToBegin1000YearsCosmicSABBATHof#Hebrews4:1-16,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15&JesusWillComeOnTuesdayOctober15th,2024+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=3024inHell ComesAt7000YearsFull.
III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareThisLink&Screenshot[OpenLetterToAllBeloved PresentTruthPreachersWorldwide:( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/ausc-article-title1177the-mystery-of.html?m=1 )].
IV.PRAYER:DearMy#AlmightyGodTheOnlyOneTrueHolyFatherInHeaven&InEarth(Matthew23:8-12):ForgiveThisPerson:GiveYourHolySpiritToThisYourChild:AsAPersonIn1John3:1-24:InOrderToUnderstand#ThisYourLast3rdAngel'sLoudCryMessageFinalWarning:ToNeverDareToRestOnSundayAsItIsToWorshipTheSUNgod"SATAN":SundayRestByClimateChangeLAWinLaudatoSi'237'#MarkOfTheBeastJesuitPOPEFrancis=ClimateSundaysLockdowns:ButToAccept&BelieveInThe Luke6:5&BLOODOfJESUS CHRIST&ToRefuse&reject SATAN's#Image&NumberOfThePAPACY'sFratelliTutti:[SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Mask,Test&Vaccines)]:InOrderToBecomeFree&ToRepent&#ToRememberThe 7thDaySabbathToKeepItHoly:InOrderToDivorceFrom#AllDemons.AsTheEnd ofEveryLifeOnThisDyingOldEarth isNear:In2024;ThroughThe7LastPlagues=(February15th,2024UntilOctober15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)InRevelation16:1-21ToDoNotDieInSIN#ButToQuit SATAN(Luke15:1-10)TodayToLiveTogetherWith#JESUSCHRIST#InYourSoonComingEternalLifeInHEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024#InCHRISTJESUSNAME,I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:15-31.
Dr.Iraguha Bandora Yves,RN,MD,MG.
Rwanda-East Africa.
VII.WEBSITE:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/].