AUSC-ASICTB,AUSC Critical Thinkers advocate calls for urgent repentance for every human being to book Your VISA in The NEW EARTH.Jesus Christ The King of NEW EARTH is coming back very very soon:
Deals with Climate Emergency save the Common Home(POPE FRANCIS),but will never grant Eternal Life(JESUS CHRIST),while enforcing COMMON GOOD=SUNDAY WORSHIP "666" BY LAW"Laudato Si'(237)"(SATANIC) Contradict the Holy Bible(ALMIGHTY GOD),
,Revelation 13:1-18,Revelation 14:1-20,
AUSC SPONSORSDeals with Climate Emergency save the Common Home(POPE FRANCIS),but will never grant Eternal Life(JESUS CHRIST),while enforcing COMMON GOOD=SUNDAY WORSHIP "666" BY LAW"Laudato Si'(237)"(SATANIC) Contradict the Holy Bible(ALMIGHTY GOD),
,Revelation 13:1-18,Revelation 14:1-20,
Read a letter from AUSC president’s office of approval for AUSC Sponsors MOU.
AUSC President’ s Office.
Wednesday, 3rd August ,2016.
Object: Approval for AUSC Sponsors MOU.
The Office of the President of African Union Students’ Council[] takes this official approval declaration for any AUSC Office seeking for any sponsor or Partner to provide financial sponsorship to the AUSC Office on any level ,to use these guidelines below:
1. This published African Union Students’ Council Official Sponsors Memorandum of Understanding will be kept online on the AUSC International Website for all willing AUSC Offices to use it in establishing financially based partnership .
2. Any AUSC Office having negotiated for sponsorship from their regions,Countries,Zones ,Districts ,Universities ,Schools and Academic Institutions ,will be allowed to use this MOU are requested to be AUSC officially witnessed by the AUSC National Representatives as witnesses and the Sponsoring Organization representative or individual sponsor both will have to attach hard copy photo , sign and stamp in the provided spaces on the MOU and a well signed and well filled Form from the AUSC Office requesting Sponsorship will be Scanned in color and submitted as attachment online to the AUSC International Communication office.
3. Any sponsor who agrees to sponsor any office, will deal with the AUSC representative and download the form,print it in color ,fill it and scan in color to be uploaded and sent as PDF Document attached to the AUSC International Communication Office E-mail .
4. The AUSC President’s Office takes final responsibility to provide an approval of this MOU after investigating who is the sponsor online, provide the Stamp and AUSC President’s Signature and attach AUSC President’s Photo .
5. The Office of the President will have to Scan in color the stamped and signed Final MOU and send it as a printable soft copy MOU to the Office of requesting Representative’ s e-mail .
6. A final Signed and stamped Hard copy of the MOU will be kept as hard copy in the AUSC International Communication Office Data bases.
7. All AUSC Offices are requested to attach the MOU with an official Letter Requesting the AUSC President’ s Office to Approve the MOU between requesting AUSC Office and available Sponsor as a signed PDF document including the sponsors electronic addresses including the websites.
Note: To get your MOU to become a regular Sponsor of AUSC please send a request to: E-mail:
approved by
The President of African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)”For The Better Africa We Deserve” ,
H.E Mr Iraguha Bandora Yves, RN,BScN(Hons)’
Medical Doctor in Training Year 5.
University of Rwanda,
Nyarugenge Campus.
Office of the President of AUSC ,
African Students' International Development Fund (ASIDF) was innovated from the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) to become the only possible fund of African Youth and Academicians to create the first Students' International Bank named African Students' International Development Bank (ASIDB) and to obtain the ASIDB International Board Membership the participant must be a registered AUSC member from any Recognized AUSC Office approved by an officially Appointed AUSC Representative by the Office of the Founder and President of AUSC in Kigali-Rwanda -East African Community(EAC).
To be admitted in the AUSC 's African Students' International Development Fund (ASIDF) for International Board Membership , individual AUSC member must transfert the annual contribution fees to the ASIDF of initial amount of 120USD on the ASIDF International Account in ECOBANK RWANDA below:
The following are new AUSC sub accounts opened in the ECOBANK-Rwanda and will be used to transfer any Contribution for your membership in the International Board of African Students' International Development Fund(ASIDF) whenever the person can be the ASIDF account number is : 0010093812905902 in ECOBANK-RWANDA.
Every current AUSC Adherent Member must pay the initial ASIDF International Board Membership fees of 120USD as mentioned above which makes it possible to be added to the 1st List of Adherent and members of honor of AUSC who initiates the ASIDF International Board which will be notarized at the Office of notary of the Headquarters of the AUSC in the Country of RWANDA and be given the certificate for completion of Payment of the initial funds to the ASIDF Account mentioned above by the AUSC Founder and President's Office From Kigali.
Note: For other all transactions reserved for AUSC conferences ,workshops ,training and other academic purposes, the deposit must be done by using the following Account Number: 0010093812905903 of ASICTB in ECOBANK-RWANDA.
Call for Donations and Opportunities:
Please if you have any other important opportunity to share to the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) International Communication Office, write to us from e-mail: ,
to be shared on the AUSC International Website to reach many Youth Across Africa and Worldwide.
Approved by
Please if you have any other important opportunity to share to the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) International Communication Office, write to us from e-mail: ,
to be shared on the AUSC International Website to reach many Youth Across Africa and Worldwide.
Approved by
President and Founder of
P.O.Box: 6998 Kigali-Rwanda
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