AUSC International Committee involved All African Youth including Inventors, Innovators, Artists to get prepared to attend an extraordinary work for "The First All Afrikana First Youth Congress(1st AAFYC)" Organized by AUSC, in Kigali, Rwanda Date: October 15-18, 2017.
The First ALL-Afrikana Youth Congress
There have been a few recent efforts in this regards. In South Africa, the
African Unity for renaissance conferences was initiated in 2010. ( Beside this, we also have initiated the Pan-AfricanTalent initiative (PATI). Its main purpose is to turn Africa as the talent and innovationhub of the world. Africa should be the talent destination, and not as thetalent departure zone of the world. Talent retention, talent gain, talentreverse migration must be promoted. This process incorporating all thestakeholders, particularly the private and corporate world. They mustcontribute substantially to raise funds to promote employable talentedgraduates in the training process to avoid the current unacceptable skills mismatch.The PATI Returning Talent Fund (RTF) is established to raise funds. The first inaugural conference for PATI-RTF was held in TshwaneUniversity of Technology in Pretoria ( with the participation of private sector, students,professors and government. The conference aimed to create sustainablecollaboration to promote talent gain in and for Africa. Now The Africa TalentHub Community Interest Company has been established to mobilise resources toenable, empower and entitle the African education to become creators,innovators and entrepreneurs.
There is the African Entrepreneurship Award (AEA) transcending borders andgetting the young people to create in the uncharted ideas and new solutions bycreating new firms. The Award is a pan-African, stimulating in the 54 statesover 2000 entrepreneurial businesses. AEA is a true motivator and inter-Africanyouth mobility generator. (
We have also opened an education platform for African unity and renaissance(AUR) for an integrated development. ( The AUR conference aimed to make the world aware thatthe contribution of Africa to the world is rich. This platforms advocates the educationof Africans using the current e-learning outlets to reach all.
A. Panels
- Presentations by the African Federal Congress
- The Africa Unity for Renaissance
- THE Pan-African Talent Initiative
- The Afrikana Post-Graduate Academy
- Revisiting the Pan-African Congresses
B. Conference
- Youth education in the current education it real education?
- Does youth know African knowledge heritage
- Does the youth know African spiritual Heritage
- Does the youth know the African struggle heritage
- The Youth learning Afrikana languages
- Youth Entrepreneurship both economic and social entrepreneurship
- Youth creators, inventors and innovators
- Youth role in the African creative industry, arts and music
- Youth and gender roles in uniting Africa
- Agenda 63: Is it too late to postpone African unity?
- Removing leadership curse, state curse, institution curse
- How to create predictable and sustainable African unity anchored system
should include:
the October 15-18, 2017, there will be also time for doing the following: