African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve ".
Office of the President and Founder.
Office of the President and Founder.
Friday ,January 26th,2018.
Re: Announcing Congratulations for Award success to Ours Honorable Hassan Yari Latifa AUSC Niger National Office Leader.
Dear public ,
The Office of AUSC President and Founder in Kigali-Rwanda would like to present and Congratulate a great young achiever of the AUSC Niger National Office Miss Latifah Yari Hassan who has won a special Award of the best innovation project in Niamey Niger ,and it is not only remarkable for the unity demonstrated by the AUSC Niger Chapter to her support for nominations but also from the whole family of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve" while the whole value of this award is 20.000.000 Franc CFA .
It is with honor and appreciation that we consider endless efforts that has been raised and propagated by Honorable Mr Ahmadou Tidjani Dan Nouhi Baoua AUSC Niger National Representative who has Launched Local and International Campaign to for all AUSC Community to Support Honorable Miss Hassan Yari Latifa on this way to succeed and get recognition of the overall support at the International Level .
Thus ,The Office of AUSC President and Founder in Kigali-Rwanda has got such kind of happiness and pleasure to disseminate internationally this great achievement which has come inside our AUSC family from AUSC Niger National Office .
Congratulations to all AUSC Niger National Leaders and AUSC International Community all .
We wish you all the best in your daily activities that are maintained to build the better Africa we deserve as young people of today and as deserving our next generations .
Signed on Friday January 26th ,2017.
President and Founder
African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve ".
President and Founder
African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve ".
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