Thursday, September 12, 2019

Students All Over the World,Get Test that It is true that Searching from different articles, Posts and Videos online and Reading different books marks a very excellent and exceptional culture for all students.

Dear Students All Over the World,
1. Searching from different articles, Common Good
Posts and Videos online and Reading different books marks a very
excellent and exceptional culture for all students and this makes brains
sharpen at a considerable level that helps to analyze the theoretical
knowledge and practical events ; among them, the Bible You can read
carefully and Sharing the 3 Angels Messages(Revelation 14:6-13"") to your all social media to reach every one you need to book for His or Her Seat in the next up coming Worldwide kingdom of King Jesus Christ (The Son of Heavenly
Father), which will make You book as well Your Seat that was seen in
the dream of Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon explained by 4 Beats
seen in Daniel Chapter 2 and 7 Holy Bible( ) {remember the 1st Kingdom(Babylon) perished, the 2nd Kingdom(Medo-Persia)perished, 3rd Kingdom (Greece) perished, 4th Kingdom (Roman Empire of Pagan Kings
Caesars "777")perished , then 4th Kingdom Duplicated and transformed its
self with division into 10 Kingdoms(Most of current European Union
Countries included promoting their common good to reach the rest of the
Nations Worldwide) from which 3 of them in 3rd, 4th,5th,to 6th Century
were cleaned and occupied by the In Leading Worldwide Kingdom(Roman
Empire of Christian Kings POPEs "666") which is going to perish soon,
Revelation 13:1-18 , and Revelation 14:1-20},{ }.( )
2. POPE Francis' Laudato Si' Paragraphs "159", "169", "237" Link the
Solidarity to the Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) and link SDG to the
Common Good(Sunday Worshiping by Law ) and link Sunday Law to the
Climate Change,to care for our Home Earth, and This Sunday Law to start
from the most strong Capitalist Country USA that works everyday without
having an official resting day and that made Labor Day on 2nd September
,2019 in USA raise this concern,which needs the Government to Sing the
Sunday Law that is mentioned in Laudato Si' Paragraph "237"
3. Read more about
a) Common Good( Sunday Rest/Sunday Worship by Law
and Death Penalty to be executed by Worldwide Governments for all people
going against unification of Church and Government Leadership to defend
the Sunday Worship by Law(To Stop Freedom of Consciousnesses )
b) Labor Day to be promoted and initiate International Day of Rest in favor of Sunday the
1st day of the week to dishonor real Sabbath 7th Day of the week ( ){Exodus
20:1-17( )}
c) Plan of Roman Church to Work with Worldwide Governments(International Community) to
accept its Common Good Leadership(
e) Persecution of Fundamentalists Groups ( )
f) Link between Roman Church ( forcing the World to obey Sunday Rest by Law) and Climate
Change Emergency (Worldwide Students Strikes){ }
g) When reading The Online Bibles remember to verify in Your hard copy Bible, because Online
Bibles such as New International Version(NIV) were designed in favor of
Ecumenism and lack more important words and thus loss the important
messages miss leading the Readers.( ), ( )
f) Students has a big role in the community in this end times , therefore, let every one choose
way to follow between Satan (Sunday Worshiping by Government Law" Sunday
Law") or God (Sabbath Worshiping by God's Law "10 Commandments")
{ }
Climate change with Worldwide economic crisis due to fossils generated fuels demeaning
( )
4.Therefore, Thanks to everyone surrendering fear to reveal the truth and
call for worldwide humanity to raise up their thinking, and prepare for
the soon coming hardships between Chosen people by God (10 God's
Commandments Keepers"including the Sabbath Day on 7th Day of the week"
by consciousness ) and chosen people by Satan(Sunday Worshiping"False
Sabbath Day on 1st Day of the week"/honoring/Resting=10 God's
Commandments Breaking by consciousness ).{ }
5. Ancient God's Church(Jewish People) refused Jesus Christ  uniting with State (Ancient Roman Empire Leadership) happened in that time Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday Read to Enter the Sabbath Day, and this is soon to surprise this world when USA united with Current Roman Catholic Church where they will prosecute God's 10 Commandments Keepers( 7th Day Adventists ) to begin from USA and to be an exemplary to continue in other countries all over the World.( ), ( ), ( ),( ),( ).

6. Don't wait to share these links and say Amen.( ),( , ( ,(, ( )

Greetings from Africa.


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