The Final 3 Prophetic Days and Nights of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in this World Application in the 12 Hours Daily Principal of John 11:9-12 from the Season of Creation of September 1st, 2020 towards October 22nd, 2021 until October 22nd, 2024. Published on 15/12/2021-10/10/2=15/10/2024 on Tuesday at 1:59' a.m. The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -10/10/2 of 1044 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13 ending on Tuesday-October 22nd, 2024..Sunday.. At 10:01'-59'a.m-4:59'p.m.
1.Before the death of Jesus Christ to take place, the unification of Church and State had to take place, where the Highest Priests and the Leaders of the Ancient Jewish People standing for the Traditional Jewish Church and Sahenidrine Jewish National Traditional Court were obliged by Satan to find a way to bring Jesus Christ in their Court on behalf of their Church , and after collecting false accusations from false witnesses against Jesus Christ's Earthly Ministry, the Church Leaders thereafter took Jesus Christ to Pilate's Authority on behalf of the State under the Ancient Pagan Roman Emperors hence unification of Church and State in Persecuting and Crucifying and Killing Jesus Christ in the Year 31 A.D.
2. All live events started on Thursday afternoon in Day at:
*10th Hour*16h01':22/8/2020 until 16h59':21/9/2020 ( with Season of Creation and Creation Sunday movement from September 1st, 2020)Matthew 26:14-16,
*11th Hour*17h01':22/9/2020 until 17h59':21/10/2020( with 40 Prayers and Fasting Days from September 22nd, 2020 to October 31st, 2020)Matthew 26:17-19 till Thursday Evening at the 1st Night initiating the 24 Hours Day of Passover in Matthew 26:1-75 and Matthew 27:1-50 and Mark 15:42-47:
*12th Hour*18h01':22/10/2020 until 18h59':21/11/2020 to Friday Morning in the Year 2021 (From 2021 +42Months of Revelation 13:5'3½Years'=2024.5"Derived to provide the 7 Last Plagues Outpouring Period of 8 Months and 2 Days From February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m" Revelation 8:1-13,Revelation 9:1-21,Revelation 11:13-19,Revelation 15:1-8 and Revelation 16:1-21),
*1st Hour*19h01':22/11/2020 until 19h59':21/12/2020,
*2nd Hour*20h01':22/12/2020 until 20h59':21/01/2021(20/01/2021 United States of America Roman Catholic President Joe Biden signed for Approving Jesuit Pope Francis' LaudatoSI'237'Sunday Law hidden in the Paris Climate Agreement fulfilling Complete Healing of the Wound of the Papacy of Revelation 13:1-3 + 1Hour of Revelation 17:9-14"'2Weeks'15Days or 1 Prophetic Hour'"=04/02/2021),
*3rd Hour*21h01':22/01/2021 until 21h59':21/02/2021("04/02/2021'United Nations approving Fratelli Tutti' marking the complete Healing of the wound of the Papacy +3½ Days'Revelation 11:9-11'= 07/02/2021 +3½Years'42Months of Revelation 13:5-18'=31/07/2024" in the Final Last Week of Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:1-13 from 31/10/2017 to 31/10/2024 with 07/02/2021 being the Initiation of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message in the midst of the Final Last Week'Final Last 7 Years from 31/10/2017 to 31/10/2024) ,
*4th Hour*22h01':22/02/2021 until 22h59':21/03/2021,
*5th Hour*23h01':22/03/2021 until 23h59':21/04/2021,
*6th Hour*24h01':22/04/2021 until 24h59':21/05/2021,
*7th Hour*01:01'a.m:22/05/2021 until 01:59'a.m:21/06/2021,
*8th Hour*02:01'a.m:22/06/2021 until 02:59'a.m:21/07/2021(The Apostle Peter denying to have connection with Jesus Christ at the 1st Clock likewise did SDA General Conference Leaders denying their connection with Health Reform adhering to the Satanic Covid-19 Vaccines in Matthew 26:69-72),
*9th Hour*03:01'a.m:22/07/2021 until 03:59'a.m:21/08/2021(The Apostle Peter denying to have connection with Jesus Christ at the 2nd Clock likewise did SDA General Conference Leaders denying their connection with Health Reform adhering to the Satanic Covid-19 Vaccines in Matthew 26:73-74),
*10th Hour*04:01'a.m:22/08/2021 until 04:59'a.m:21/09/2021(The Church from 01/09/2021 to 04/10/2021 during the Season of Creation application of All Jewish Leaders together with Highest Priests and Pharisees and Scribes decided to take Jesus Christ'True 7th Day Holy Sabbath and its Keepers of Revelation 17:9-14' to take the case in the State at the Pilate's Court likewise All World's Religious Leaders Gathered at Rome together with Jesuits SDA General Conference delegates and Pope Francis drafting a Statement about 7 Global Goals of LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform to be handed to the United Nations' Heads of Governments during the COP26 Climate Summit on October 31st, 2021 till November 12th, 2021 in Matthew 26:73-74),
*11th Hour*05:01'a.m:22/09/2021 until 05:59'a.m:21/10/2021(Day 5" 21/10/2021" to Day 6" 22/10/2022 as the 1st Day of 1st Year counted from 06:01'a.m on October 22nd, 2021 ending at 18H:01' on October 22nd, 2022)(The Church from 01/09/2021 to 04/10/2021 during the Season of Creation application of All Jewish Leaders together with Highest Priests and Pharisees and Scribes handing Jesus Christ'True 7th Day Holy Sabbath and its Keepers of Revelation 17:9-14' to Pilate before starting to interrogate about the case in the State at the Pilate's Court likewise All World's Religious Leaders Gathered at Rome together with Jesuits SDA General Conference delegates and Pope Francis drafting a Statement about 7 Years Global 7 Goals of LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform to be handed to the United Nations' Heads of Governments at Rome from October 28th, 2021 until October 31st, 2021 invited by the Roman Catholic Church Leadership under Jesuit Pope Francis preparing their Satanic Approval of Sunday Law of LaudatoSi'237' as SUN Worship offering their Nations to SATAN in Accepting to Activate A Day of Rest in weekly basis since November 7th, 2021 during the COP26 Climate Summit on October 31st, 2021 till November 12th, 2021 in Matthew 74-75),
*12th Hour*06:01'a.m:22/10/2021 until 06:59'a.m:21/11/2021(The Church from 01/09/2021 to 04/10/2021 during the Season of Creation application of All Jewish Leaders together with Highest Priests and Pharisees and Scribes handing Jesus Christ'True 7th Day Holy Sabbath and its Keepers of Revelation 17:9-14' to the Roman Leadership of Pilate taking the case in the State at the Pilate's Court likewise All World's Religious Leaders Gathered at Glasgow United Kingdom together with Jesuits SDA General Conference delegates and Pope Francis handing their drafted Statement about 7 Years Global 7 Goals of LaudatoSI'237' Action Platform to the United Nations' Heads of Governments during the COP26 Climate Summit on October 31st, 2021 till November 12th, 2021 and these Wolves decided to Make November 7th, 2021 A Day of Rest fulfilling the cursed Setting Up of Abomination of Desolation of Daniel 9,11,12'Sunday as A Day of Rest' taking off the Divinely Commanded position of the daily Sacrifice'True 7th Day Holy Sabbath' in Matthew 27:1-2, Matthew 14-75), till Friday morning to evening at the 1st Day of 12 Hours of John 11:9 Jesus Christ the King of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath diying and buried in the Tomb in the Passover Day (2022):
*1st Hour*07:01'a.m:22/11/2021 until 07:59'a.m:21/12/2021,
*2nd Hour*08:01'a.m:22/12/2021until 08:59'a.m:21/01/2022,
*3rd Hour*09:01'a.m:22/01/2022until 09:59'a.m:21/02/2022,
*4th Hour*10:01'a.m:22/02/2022until 10:59'a.m:21/03/2022,
*5th Hour*11:01'a.m:22/03/2022until 11:59'a.m:21/04/2022,
*6th Hour*12:01'a.m:22/04/2022until 12:59'a.m:21/05/2022,
*7th Hour*13H01':22/05/2022until 13H59':21/06/2022,
*8th Hour*14H01':22/06/2022until 14H59':21/07/2022,
*9th Hour*15H01':22/07/2022until 15H59':21/08/2022,
*10th Hour*16H01':22/08/2022until 16H59':21/09/2022,
*11th Hour*17H01':22/09/2022until 17H59':21/10/2022,(Matthew 27:57-66, Mark 15:42-47)(Day 6" 21/10/2022" to Day 7" 22/10/2023 as the 1st Day of 2nd Year counted from 18H01' on October 22nd, 2022 ending at 06:01'a.m on October 22nd, 2023)towards Friday Evening (2022),
*12th Hour*18H01':22/10/2022until 18H59':21/11/2022,
*1st Hour*19H01':22/11/2022until 19H59':21/12/2022,
*2nd Hour*20H01':22/12/2022until 20H59':21/01/2023,
*3rd Hour*21H01':22/01/2023 until 21H59':21/02/2023,
*4th Hour*22H01':22/02/2023 until 22H59':21/03/2023,
*5th Hour*23H01':22/03/2023 until 23H59':21/04/2023,
*6th Hour*24H01':22/04/2023 until 24H59':21/05/2023,
*7th Hour*01:01'a.m:22/05/2023 until 01:59'a.m:21/06/2023,
*8th Hour*02:01'a.m:22/06/2023 until 02:59'a.m:21/07/2023,
*9th Hour*03:01'a.m:22/07/2023 until 03:59'a.m:21/08/2023,
*10th Hour*04:01'a.m:22/08/2023 until 04:59'a.m:21/09/2023,
*11th Hour*05:01'a.m:22/09/2023 until 05:59'a.m:21/10/2023,to Saturday Morning,(Day 7" 21/10/2023" to Day 8" 22/10/2024 as the 1st Day of 3rd Year counted from 06:01'a.m on October 22nd, 2023 ending at 18H01' on October 22nd, 2024)
*12th Hour*06:01'a.m:22/10/2023 until 06:59'a.m:21/11/2023, (Mark 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-12),towards Saturday morning to Saturday Evening (2023),
*1st Hour*07:01'a.m:22/11/2023 until 07:59'a.m:21/12/2023,
*2nd Hour*08:01'a.m:22/12/2023 until 08:59'a.m:21/01/2024,
*3rd Hour*09:01'a.m:22/01/2024 until 09:59'a.m:21/02/2024,
*4th Hour*10:01'a.m:22/02/2024 until 10:59'a.m:21/03/2024,
*5th Hour*11:01'a.m:22/03/2024 until 11:59'a.m:21/04/2024,
*6th Hour*12:01'a.m:22/04/2024 until 12:59'a.m:21/05/2024,
*7th Hour*13H01':22/05/2024 until 13H59':21/06/2024,
*8th Hour*14H01':22/06/2024 until 14H59':21/07/2024,
*9th Hour*15H01':22/07/2024 until 15H59':21/08/2024,
*10th Hour*16H01':22/08/2024 until 16H59':21/09/2024,
*11th Hour*17H01':22/09/2024 until 17H59':21/10/2024, towards Sunday Morning(At 18H00'-01' On Tuesday-October 22nd, 2024)
*12th Hour*18H01':22/10/2024 until 18H59':21/11/2024,to Sunday Evening (2024).
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