Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cerebrating the AUSC Conakry Guinea National Office Success.

African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve "
Office of the President and Founder
P.O.Box: 6998 Kigali-Rwanda.
February 3rd ,2018.
Re: Cerebrating the AUSC Conakry Guinea National Office  Success.
Dear AUSC Leaders and Friends all,
The Office of AUSC President and Founder wishes to deliver
Congratulations to our beloved AUSC Conakry Guinea National Office .
We are very excited to see the great work you are doing to bless the beginning of the new year 2018 .
The Office of President and Founder of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve" wishes to communicate to the other AUSC Leaders all to use this excellent opportunities being inside AUSC to get participate in bringing innovative events to their youth and community in their regions no matter how much it takes ,their capacity to network with partners and interested sponsors will make your Offices more brighter,which will keep  maintaining your credibility and accreditations at highest level of needed AUSC Leaders on International Level .
This year of 2018 marks the beginning of the 3rd period of AUSC International Action Plan 2016-2019 which contains all broad activities that must be guiding other detailed activities of AUSC from International Level to Regional level and National Level including Diaspora.
Therefore ,it is a honor to have such kind of Appointed AUSC National Offices that have worked hard to register their AUSC Chapters in their Governments that allowed them to develop their specific AUSC National Action Plans for this year 2018 .
It will be a great achievement to make the AUSC Family more recognized by your Local Governments as an international non profit organization which came to their communities to demonstrate the effectiveness of Youth Academicians and those in academic background who have target to contribute in the shaping better lives of their Nations and with whom it will build a better Africa we all deserve .
In short ,
We would be happy to congratulate both AUSC Conakry Guinea National Office Leaders in being able to achieve their first activities that mark their AUSC Conakry Guinea National Action Plan 2018 .
We promise you a constant technical support and international accreditation of your Office to have more strong successes inside this family of AUSC .
We consider endless efforts provided by  Honorable Miss Alimatu Jalloh the current Special Advisor for AUSC President for New AUSC Leaders Recruitments Focal Point  and Former AUSC Conakry Guinea National Representative to have constructed a considerable Leadership inside AUSC Conakry Guinea National Office and much more appreciation to Honorable Mr Daba Keita former AUSC Conakry Guinea Eastern Zone Representative who is currently making this great move after being Appointed for AUSC Conakry Guinea National Representative, congratulations to His Excellence Saa Bobo AUSC Vice President for Advocacy and Partnership by staying close to their AUSC Conakry Guinea National Leaders and being native of Guinea is also an advantage for this cerebrated success inside AUSC International Community raised from AUSC Conakry Guinea National Office .
Please share.
Best regard .
AUSC President and Founder
African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve "
P.O.Box: 6998 Kigali-Rwanda.


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