Monday, June 3, 2019

Welcome new partners to the International African Students ' School (IASS),Kigali-Rwanda

International African Students ' School (IASS) is welcoming new partners and students from across the continent.IASS in Kigali-Rwanda owns your future education with African values.
International African Students' School -Iass is now available on Facebook,


I. Announcement :
The office of President and Founder of African Union Students' Council(AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve" in Kigali-Rwanda with pleasure announces the Initial Administration of INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS)in KIGALI-RWANDA , under AUSC Education Division managed by International African Students ‘Education Loan Board - (IASELB).

The INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) has been endorsed during the 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congess (1stAAFYC2017) which took place at Hilltop Hotel and Country Club Kigali-Rwanda from 15th to 18th October, 2017. Click to view the 1stAAFYC2017 Declaration online

The 1st AAFYC 2017 in its second day reassembled the AUSC International Members for the 1st   African Union Students' Council (AUSC) International General Assembly and has approved many developmental projects depending on each division of AUSC including the INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS).

The 1st AUSC International General Assembly has therefore endorsed the project of executive committee of the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) designed during the meeting on 1st October , 2017 aimed to establishing the INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) as the 1st School innovated from the African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve" , to be under its education division of International African Students' Education Loan Board (IASELB) headed by Mrs KAMAYIRESE Adele ; whereas the school had target to operate firstly in Rwanda, and thereafter be able to open different branches all over the continent of Africa and Diaspora with time.

a) IASS School Motto: Being Positive, Social & hard working for better future.

b) IASS School Values: i. Respect and tolerance, ii. Honesty  and integrity, iii. Being responsible, iv. Creativity, v. Being positive.

c) IASS School for real choice: i. The Classroom size is wide enough, ii. Offering made in Rwanda instructional materials, iii. Having courageous and loving teachers, iv. Having modern toys that children play harmoniously with teacher's assistance, v. children develop their basic skills in modelling , drawing and others using appropriate materials, vi. Children study from Bible, pray and praise God, vii. Children learn pre-sciences from their beautiful natural environment.

d) IASS School being there for any parents, offering pre-primary education just meeting the needs of parents' cherished kids.

e) IASS School  teach both French and English , as well as Kinyarwanda letting  all kids being highly fluent in these three languages.

f) IASS School beginning with Excellent Foundation Lessons : i. BABY CLASS, ii. MIDDLE CLASS, iii. TOP CLASS

g) The fixed initial administration of INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS)  has started registration process of INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) in the Government of Rwanda with its Rwanda Education Board (REB) through the Local Administration of Kicukiro District in Kigali-Rwanda, to officially replace the names of former Life Nursery School after MVCP Administration closed its activities and after obtaining an official agreement  letter on 12th December , 2017 to rend and take over the fundamental properties  and names of the Life Nursery School from the Legal Representation of MVCP by Pastor Ngeyen Yinkfu the National Overseer of the Ministere de la Vie Chrestienne Profonde also known as Deeper Christian Life Ministry to the administration of INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS).

j) For more information please contact Legal Representative of INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) Mrs KAMAYIRESE Adele  on Tel: +250788496893 , E-mail:

II. The executive committee of the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) on 13th December , 2017 in its meeting has approved the following:

1) Official Initiation of the school named  INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) with main objective to develop education in Africa  by starting from the sector of Kanombe of the Kicukiro District, basing on the objectives of the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) as mentioned in the Notarized Constitution of the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) by  the Notary of the Government of Rwanda in Kanombe Sector, Kicukiro District, Kigali City in Rwanda .

2) Fixation of initial administration of the INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS), with initial leadership set to be composed of one legal representative KAMAYIRESE Adele and one headmistress  WIBABARA Faith ,who are the legal in charge of administration of IASS .

3) Setting functional duties of initial administration of the INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) which include but not limited to: negotiations of renting buildings and owning fundamental properties and names of the "Life Nursery School" registered with "Registration Number  08 " in Kicukiro District by the Church of Ministeri de la Vie Chretienne Profonde,(M.V.C.P) also known as Deeper Christian Life Ministry with the Registration Number "A. M. No 133/11 of 28 October.2004 whose National Headquarters are located behind Kabeza market B.P. 2581,Kigali-Rwanda.

4) Fixation of an official date of replacing the names of Life Nursery School  to INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) and beginning activities  of the INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS)  after obtaining an official agreement  letter to rend and take over the fundamental properties  and names of the Life Nursery School from the Rwanda National Legal Representation of the Ministere de la Vie Chrestienne Profonde also known as Deeper Christian Life Ministry .

4) Fixation of initial physical address of the INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) in Bwiza village, KABEZA Cell, Kanombe Sector, Kicukiro District, in Kigali City-Rwanda; From Kabeza 7th Day Adventist Church, moving down the street and reaching the IASS School buildings in 200 meters for pedestrians, bicycles , motorcycles and cars all way available.

5) Increasing the numbers of students with possible displacement of the current physical address depending on the number of students and upgraded Program from Nursery School Program to Primary School Program and more programs in near future.

6) Registering the INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS) by the fixed initial administration of INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN STUDENTS' SCHOOL(IASS)  with the Government of Rwanda via the Rwanda Education Board (REB) through the Local Administration of Kicukiro District in Kigali-Rwanda.

7) Miscellaneous.

Approved on behalf of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)" For The Better Africa We Deserve"
Call for Donations and Opportunities
Please if you have any other important opportunity to share to the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) International Communication Office, write to us from e-mail: ,
to be shared on the AUSC International Website to reach many Youth Across Africa and Worldwide.

Approved by

President and Founder of
P.O.Box: 6998 Kigali-Rwanda
Click HERE to read updates about 3rdAAFYC2019 Registration fees details.

Click HERE to read updates about 3rdAAFYC2019 Registration fees details.

Any case;talk to the Representative of IASS call:+250788496893, visit us:


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