Monday, June 21, 2021

AUSC Publishes Jesuit SAM SAWYER' s Vatican II SATAN War through a Hegelian Dialectic Scene Aiming To Admit Fallen Babylon Eucharist Which is the Foundation of SATANIC LAW of SUN-day Rest and Warship of Hostia revealing the real Image of SATAN towards the Hostia Paganism Rituals that must be delivered to every kind of Satanic Worshiping Individuals Such as Pro-Choice Demonic Abortionist U.S President Joe Biden with no Exceptions.Repent,Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus is Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.

0.Introduction:Note:{This is African Union Students' Council(AUSC)" For The Better Africa We Deserve" Special Dedication to Our United States of America(U.S.A)based Amazing Word Ministries International YouTube Channel deleted by YouTube Team to please Allow You All Globally To Read, Analyze,Copy,Paste and Share this Link to At Least 7 Peoples online and offline:[ ].

May Almighty God bless You All.} 

The Roman Catholic Church working for SATAN supports and partakes in Killing always, as also is supporting Abortion through acceptance of Using Vaccines(Case of Covid-19 Vaccines)  Procured by Aborted Foetus Cells,Read this Germany Measles Document in 2003; Link[ ].

1.In this Article AUSC Publishes Jesuit SAM SAWYER' s Vatican II SATAN War through a Hegelian Dialectic Scene Aiming To Admit Fallen Babylon Eucharist Which is the Foundation of SATANIC LAW of SUN-day Rest and Warship of Hostia revealing the real Image of SATAN towards the Hostia Paganism Rituals that must be delivered to every kind of Satanic Worshiping Individuals Such as Pro-Choice Demonic Abortionist U.S President Joe Biden with no Exceptions.Repent,Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus is Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. 

2. Jesuit Eucharist War is a Vatican II SATANIC Confirmation of Fallen Babylon Church"Roman Catholic Church" by which conservative Catholics will find a very significant open door to escape this SATAN's SUN-Day Warship Wide Gate to Enter Hell and will Choose the Narrow Gate of Jesus Christ to Enter Heaven in Eternal Life Which is Keeping The 7th Day Sabbath Holy based on the 4th Commandment urging every human being to Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.

3.This Article aims to play a Key Role in the current Final 3 Years Battle of Minds from 2021 to 2024 among the Christian So Called Believers from the Deceived Roman Catholic Church on the Truth about The Holy Communion that Jesus Christ installed in the Minds of Human Beings from A.D 31 based in the Matthew 26:26-30, where Jesus Christ presided Himself the Final Scene of His Accomplished Heavenly Mission of the Heavenly Sanctuary for the Plan of Salvation delivering Himself as a Lamb of Almighty to be Slain in the Powers of Death, readying Himself to confront SATAN Face To Face Through His Final Acceptance to Die according to John 12:20-50 dying For The Sins of Human Beings in Order to be able to deliver the Human Kind from the Powers of Death Through Romans Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

4. With no mistake to be conducted by Jesuit Pope Francis explained in this War proclaimed by Jesuit SAM SAWYER the Senior Editor of America Media from the America-The Jesuit Review, the War on the Holy Communion is a Final True Physical War that Jesuit Pope Francis has waged against Jesus Christ using U.S President Joe Biden in Vowing To Work for Interests of Roman Catholic Church not for U.S Protestant Constitutional Fundamental Principles where He signed Paris Climate Agreement in the U.S.A on behalf of Jesuit Pope Francis through His Encyclical Laudato SI' in its Paragraph Number 237 where Pope Francis Shows His Fulfilled Duty and Responsibility of engaging the whole world in a War against the Holy 7th Day Sabbath using the Eucharist by which Jesuit Pope Francis built the Foundation of SUN-DAY Rest and Worship as the Holy Bible Prophesied ANTICHRIST.

6. The biggest mistake committed by Human beings who live in this Covid-19 Era is to Fail to Follow the Revealed Final Events on this Earth that were reserved and clearly explained in the Book of the Great Controversy of Madam Ellen Gould White inspired by Our Almighty God in Heaven, from which every human being can detect every code that is currently being use by Jesuits to explain the word of God in the sense that condemns Jesus Christ as a Murder and SATAN as a True Savior for the Whole World, and through Climate Change and Covid-19 issues people worldwide were given an other Last chance to be able to connect Jesuit Pope Francis with SATAN and be able to identify Who is Jesus Christ that is being promoted by Jesuit Pope Francis in His whole Last Days Daily Activities.

7. Jesuit SAM SAWYER is understanding clearly that Eucharist was given a wrong rule in Salvation of Sinners who consider Eucharist as a Holy Communion while denying Jesus Christ's True 7th Day Holy Sabbath Worship and its foundational Feet Washing; While Jesuit SAM SAWYER Himself tends to act as if Eucharist that Roman Catholic Church Bishops in USA are urging on opposed to Joe Biden a SATANIC Abortionist President wants to partake might be taken as a True Biblical Holy Communion, that is His One Sided Hegelian Position of daring to proclaim that no one among Roman Catholic Church believers can win the Communion War, and that is True, because the subject of their debate is centered on the Eucharist which is not a Christian Founded Ritual, contrary, Eucharist is a derivative of Pagan Rituals of Hostia related events from which Pagans of ancient gods worship used to partake while giving their full humanity to SATAN , in the way by eating the Hostia, Pagans believed that they were mingling themselves with Earthly Chemical Components and having their best reason to worship the Nature including the so called Mother Earth, Brother SUN and Sister Water  with very precised target to Worship SATAN on the SUN-DAY denying completely the Image of Almighty God in them that has to be revealed through their accepting to Worship Almighty God alone according to His 10 Commandments among which He urged the whole humanity to Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy and To worship God on the Holy Day as He instructed in Exodus 16:1-36 for He Has Blessed the 7th Day Sabbath Since the Creation Week in Genesis 2:1-3.


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