0.Revelation Chapter 13, Last Day Events Of Bible Prophecies Are Fulfilling. Who's On The Lord's Side?
Dear beloved Present True Preacher Pastor Emmanuel Nougaisse,
This is my great concern on everyone of you as copied to this email:
1)You need to become very time bound True 7th Day Adventists, I wonder why Pastor Emmanuel is reading the Revelation 13 verse 3 and verse 4 ,escaping verse 5 continued to verse 7 and surely You are doing the great work of Warning the whole world about the complete Healing of the Wound of the Papacy,
But read also verse 5, it is not your job to let Holy Spirit explain the rest of the details ,but your Job is to mention as well the 42 Months in verse 5,
As the wound has been completed to heal in 2021 it is very clear the way you put it in this Video (Revelation Chapter 13, Last Day Events Of Bible Prophecies Are Fulfilling. Who's On The Lord's Side?: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v= IrK2wf05I0c&list= PLp4EdRHp7h4eunfCyB5EXqTTmlmc6 _LVK&index=15&t=452s ) mentioned that the wound of the Papacy has completely Healed, who healed this wound?that is U.S Catholic President Joe Biden as Emperor Clovis did in French 490-508 He gave His all power to Vatican and William Miller definitely calculated 1335 Years to obtain 22/10/1844 and this is Our long period that is above all 1260 Years from 538 to 1798 and 1290 from 538 to 1843~1844 as William Miller took 1335-1290=45 Years added them to 1798+45Years=1843~1844,
I would rather be specific on what the Revelation 13:5 mentioned that the whole leadership of Papacy will last only for 42 Months and these are 1260 Days not again 1260 Dark Ages Years but Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 Days(3½Days=3½Years=42Months=1260Days,from 2021), so they(3½Days=3½Years=42Months=1260Days,from 2021 of Revelation 13:5)fall in the Year 2024, Let please limit ourselves from jumping this Revelation 13:5 because none will condemn You from speaking what is written in the Holy Bible ,Ellen Gould White said no need to use dates and time prophecy for the 3 Angels' messages as they stand on their own power from Almighty God and the 3rd Angel's Message as well, However, the change is very specified in the 1st Vision of Madam Ellen Gould White in Her book Early Writings ,She specified that Almighty God will communicate the Date and Hour of 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ to the 144000 ,You probably think this will happen in future, but it had to happen before the complete Healing of the Wound of the Papacy to Allow the beginning of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message and it is part of what Almighty God said it will become as much as emergency to choose Either the 7th Day Holy Sabbath or the Sunday after healing that the 7 Last Plagues are very very close to fall on this earth in 2024 because ,the Tomorrow War and the COP26 in November 1-12,2021 are linked with specifying the Year 2022 as the beginning of the Mark of the Beast Crisis and I have to tell You that Almighty God has spoken the Day and Hour of His Son's Second Coming on October 15th, 2024 from 00:01' to 01:59' am as the morning of resurrection taking place: Two evidence that Almighty God speaks through the Holy Bible and The Saints in Revelation 14:1-5 is the link Almighty God created from Early Writings in the 1st Vision and Moses Face Shining linked to Revelation 18:1-5 and that Glory of Jesus Christ which is Victory Over Sin is present time Truth as You can Your Selves evidence it from tour daily life and it is an evidence of outpoured Former and Latter Rain and those preceded the Covid-19 Poison Crisis of 2021:( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/ausc-publishes-ellen-gould-whites-last.html?m=1 ).
I am sure that from January 20th, 2021 and January 27th, 2021 the 2nd Beast has completed its part to bring complete Healing of the wound of the Papacy by taking LaudatoSI'237' from Paris Agreement to U.S National Security Consideration as an Emergency Crisis thus the US Senator Bob Mendez started His Internal Bill of U.S Climate Act of 2021 on April 19th, 2021 to wait for COP26 to finalize the Sunday Rest by Law and use that Bill to enforce the Papacy's LaudatoSI'237' in U.S.A and Worldwide via US.Embassies and USAID as specified in that Bill ,find an Article on( www.africanunionsc.org), and Uniter Nations had to include U.S.A in its existed Global Nations to bow to the Papacy through setting Up the Fratelli Tutti International Day on February 4th, 2021 , thus Almighty God started His Mathematics of Day 3½ from Daniel 12:7-13 involving 1260 Days , 1290 Days and 1335 Days all completing in the sane Year of 2024:( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/usnational-sunday-law-of-2021usclimate.html?m=1 )
From Days to Years of Ezekiel 4:6,Number 14:34 and Daniel 12:11-13 and Revelation 13:5 All beginning with 3½ Days meaning 3½ Years equivalent to 1260 Days and as we are in the last days of the healed wound of the Papacy these Chapters 12 from Daniel 12 and 13 from Revelation 13 are not expected to go beyond 1260,1290&1335Days to 1260'1290&1335 Years as it happened for William Miller's Era,these are Days as they were planned and to serve for the Purpose to demonstrate the emergency needed in choosing either the Mark of The Beast or the Seal of Almighty God and also planned for the 2nd Application of Revelation 8:1-13, Revelation 9:1-21 and Revelation 11:13-19 matching the Falling of the 7 Last Plagues in Revelation 16:1-21 in 1 Day in Revelation 18:8 which is One Year of 2024 in 8Montgs and 2 Days:( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/04/open-letter-to-jorge-mario-bergoglio.html?m=1 ).
1)February 4th, 2021+3½ Days=February 7th, 2021,
2)February 7th, 2021+3½Years(1260 Days)=July 31st, 2024 End of 5 Last Plague of 5 Months in Revelation 9:4-5 of Wrath against those who has the Mark of the Beast during 5 Trumpet or 5th Last Plague which demonstrates its Beginning from March 1st, 2024 +5 Months to July 31st, 2024.
3)February 7th, 2021+1290 Days=August 31st, 2024 End of 6th Last Plague of 1 Month specified in Revelation 9:12-17,
4)February 7th, 2021+1335Days=October 22nd, 2024 and this is when Daniel will have to stand on the Sea of Glass together with All Saints including us, and it will have required 8 Days by which 7 will be used for the whole Journey from Earth to Heaven and from 22nd-7Days=15th, Jesus Christ will come on October 15th, 2024 at the morning of resurrection from Midnight to 1:59' a.m then Journey towards the Heaven on October 19th, 2024 will rest the Holy 7th Day Sabbath on Planet where lives Enoch and continue on Day 8 on Tuesday-October 22nd, 2024 we will arrive on the Seal of Glass, please tell the would world about this Application of the Daniel 12 and Revelation 13 for 42 Months are there to serve for this fearful last Days of The Tomorrow War era to create emergency that will go alongside with COP26 decisions in the remaining 3 Years until February 7th, 2024 ,as Revelation 8:1 specified 7 Days and 12 Hour of ½ Hour to prepare for 7 Last plagues which all 4 of them will begin from February 15th, 2014 and all completed to fall on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/answers-about-180-years-and-2nd-coming.html?m=1 )
Proof and test for this beautiful calculation is based on Heavenly Sanctuary Message of 1 DAT of Atonement that must not go beyond 12 Hours of Day ,means 12 Hours equal to 180 Years by taking 1 Hour prophetically= 1 Year of 360Day:24Hours=15 Days, 15Days=15 Years, then 1Hour=15 Years, 12 Hours=180 Years, from October 22nd, 1844+180Years=October 22nd, 2024, where Revelation 20:1-15 must take place for upcoming tomorrow is an other Sabbath of 1000 Cosmic Sabbath from October 22nd, 2024 +1000 Years =October 22nd, 3024, Justified by 1847+1177=3024, 3024-1000 cosmic Sabbath=2024 of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ( http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/ausc-article-title1177the-mystery-of.html?m=1 ),October 31st,2017-(12x70 Luke 9&10 or 340+500 Years)=1177.
NB: Madam Ellen Gould White Clearly Prophesied that We will and Must Apply;as the Revelation 14:1-15 mentioned Saints who are the 144000 True 7th Day Adventists; the same similar 1840s' power of Great Awakening of William Miller's October 22nd, 1844 movement calling the whole world 's Attention on the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in Our Last Times of 42 Months remaining after the full Completed Healing of the Wound of the Papacy of this Revelation 13:5 with Time Bound Specific 3½ Days=3½Years=42Months=1260Days Ending Period of this Earth History to Finish in the Year 2024 from 2021 to fulfill completely the Prophecy of Daniel 12:1-13&Daniel 9:27.
The Science"1177"of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October15th, 2024 at 1:59'a.m.
II.SERMON:Read from the Holy Bible in Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-11&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8 giving 6000Years+1000Years Cosmic SABBATH=7000Years for1Full Cosmic Week&2nd Coming of Jesus Christ for End of Earth in 6000Years is happening in 2024 To begin 1000Years Cosmic SABBATH,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15 JesusToCome on Tuesday October 15th,2024+1000Years Cosmic SABBATH=3024 Hell Comes at 7000 Years Full.
III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareTheLink&Screenshot[Open Letter to All beloved Present Truth Preachers Worldwide.Link:(http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/06/happy-sabbath-preparation-day6000years.html?m=1)].
IV.PRAYER:Dear My Almighty God Holy Father in Heaven,Forgive this Person,Give Your Holy Spirit to this Your Child/Person1John3:1-24 to understand this Your Last 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Warning to Never Dare to RestToWorship the SUN god"SATAN"by Law on Sundays"Mark of the Beast=Climate Sundays Lockdowns" but to Accept&Believe in the Luke6:5&BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST to Refuse&reject SATAN's Image&Number of The Beast SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Test&Vaccines)in order to be free to Repent,Repent,Repent To Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy in order to Divorce From All Demons as the End of Life on this Earth is Near in 2024 through the 7 Last Plagues(February15th,2024 Until October15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)of Revelation16:1-21 to do not die in SIN,Quit SATAN today to live togetherWithJESUS CHRIST in Your Soon Coming Eternal Life in HEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024,in CHRIST JESUS NAME I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:20.
V.WISHES:May Our Almighty God Bless You&Yours All.Amen.
Dr. Bandora,MD,MG.
E-mail: ausc.president.office@gmail.com,
Rwanda-East Africa.
VII.WEBSITE:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/ ].
Thanks .
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