I. Introduction: http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/08/the-tomorrow-war-film-exposed-7-stages.html
A.Note: The tomorrow War Satanic Film against 7th Day Holy Sabbath.
{This is African Union Students' Council(AUSC)" For The Better Africa We Deserve" Special Dedication to Our United States of America(U.S.A)based Amazing Word Ministries International YouTube Channel deleted by YouTube Team to please Allow You All Globally To Read, Analyze,Copy,Paste and Share this Link to At Least 7 Peoples online and offline:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/urukundo-rwa-benshi-ruzakonja-kutandura.html?m=1 ].
May Almighty God bless You All.}
I.AUSC New Artcle Title: 1177.
The Science"1177"of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October15th, 2024 at 1:59'a.m.
II.SERMON:Read from the Holy Bible in Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-11&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8 giving 6000Years+1000Years Cosmic SABBATH=7000Years for1Full Cosmic Week&2nd Coming of Jesus Christ for End of Earth in 6000Years is happening in 2024 To begin 1000Years Cosmic SABBATH,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15 JesusToCome on Tuesday October 15th,2024+1000Years Cosmic SABBATH=3024 Hell Comes at 7000 Years Full.
III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareTheLink&Screenshot[Open Letter to All beloved Present Truth Preachers Worldwide.Link:(http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/06/happy-sabbath-preparation-day6000years.html?m=1)].
IV.PRAYER:Dear My Almighty God Holy Father in Heaven,Forgive this Person,Give Your Holy Spirit to this Your Child/Person1John3:1-24 to understand this Your Last 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Warning to Never Dare to RestToWorship the SUN god"SATAN"by Law on Sundays"Mark of the Beast=Climate Sundays Lockdowns" but to Accept&Believe in the Luke6:5&BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST to Refuse&reject SATAN's Image&Number of The Beast'SARS-CoV-2-mRNA'"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Test&Vaccines)in order to be free to Repent,Repent,Repent To Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy in order to Divorce From All Demons as the End of Life on this Earth is Near in 2024 through the 7 Last Plagues(February15th,2024 Until October15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)of Revelation16:1-21 to do not die in SIN,Quit SATAN today to live togetherWithJESUS CHRIST in Your Soon Coming Eternal Life in HEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024,in CHRIST JESUS NAME I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:20.
V.WISHES:May Our Almighty God Bless You&Yours All.Amen.
E-mail: ausc.president.office@gmail.com,
Rwanda-East Africa.
VII.WEBSITE:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/ ].
1. This article contains the great message of today with AUSC wishing all Readers A Happy SABBATH Preparation Day:6000Years now at end ,ready to enter 7000 Years' 1000 Years Millenium of Almighty God's 7th Day COSMIC Week SABBATH on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Published on Friday-June 11th, 2021 at 5:59' P.M.
2. The best way of helping others to prepare for their rest during the upcoming 1000 Years 7th Day COSMIC SABBATH All Readers to this Article are invited to keep sharing daily at least to 7 New Peoples this Link below: [ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/06/happy-sabbath-preparation-day6000years.html?m=1 ].
II. Mathematics to calculate the year of the 8 Months and 2 Days period of Falling of 7 Last Plagues at the beginning of Almighty God's 7th Day COSMIC SABBATH from February 15th, 2024 to October 15th, 2024:
1. From Genesis 2:1-3 in the Holy Bible, the Term SABBATH was declared as a 7th Day on which the Creator of Universe the Almighty God Rested on after completing Six Days of daily Creation and blessed It and made it a Holy Day, therefore the declaration made by Almighty God was from then valued by God Fearing People across Generations to Generations until today on Friday-June 11th, 2021 at 5:59' P.M.
2. However in this article, the reader is invited to consider the Divine meaning of a Day of Rest in the Spiritual View by which it helps to understand the meaning of 1000 Years Heavenly COSMIC SABBATH that Almighty God is now preparing in this 11th Hour that started in the Year 2009 as it is going to begin very very soon at the 12th Hour in the Year 2024, while during the Almighty God's Cosmic SABBATH Rest that will be covering the whole Millennium stated in Revelation 20:1-15, there must be no Living Souls still Walking on this Earth while SATAN will be forced to Rest jailed by Almighty God in orderfor SATAN as well to rest on the Cosmic SABBATH due to His Vagabondage, as a SABBATH means to Rest completely from Working and Walking to Stop Activities and Involve OneSelf in Worship to the Heavenly HOLY FATHER Alone, and SATAN has completely refused to Worship Peacefully Our Heavenly HOLY FATHER.
3. At the ending 11th Hour today on Friday-June 11th, 2021 it is the duty of Human Beings to Seek for Peaceful 7th Day Rest and Worship to the Heavenly HOLY FATHER before the 12th Hour Begins in the 2024.
4. Peaceful Worship to the Heavenly HOLY FATHER begins with fully Submission of Self to the complete Obedience to All 10 Commandments of Almighty God that were clearly stated in Exodus 20:1-17 from which the 2nd and 4th Commandments were deleted by the Roman Catholic Church Popes in Order to deceive many Individuals across Generations to Generations until today on Friday June 11th, 2021 with no hope for them to cease this deceptive Catechism teachings the Roman Catholic Church seeks to Bring the whole World in Resting on a False 1st Day Papal Sabbath which is not Biblical and which is a Sun god day for worshiping SATAN Himself on Sundays and it was mentioned by Jesuit Pope Francis laying that On Sundays people rest to have Sundays unit them and Heal their Relationship with Almighty God while this deceptive LaudatoSI:237' Paragraph brings condemnation to the whole entire Jesuit Antichrist Encyclical SATANIC Document( LaudatoSI') , even if it was welcomed by All Global Nations under a transformed Document entitled Paris Climate Agreement from which the United Nations (U.N) gained advantage from United States of America (USA) under President Joe Biden on January 20th, 2021 who signed it and elevated it on National Security Consideration on January 27th, 2021 aiming to turn it into a US National Sunday Law that He wants to make a Universal Sunday Rest by Law under its US Congress Registered Bill entitled the U.S Climate Act of 2021 and that is the Real SATANIC Agenda of the Jesuit Pope Francis of Enacting and Enforcing the U.S Climate Act of 2021 in All Nations from U.S.A Embassies Worldwide through USAID to monitor its implementation and evaluation for realizations even by Force and it comprises the Climate Sundays Lockdowns similar to previous Covid-19 Lockdowns and these are what the Holy Bible calls the Worshiping the Image of the Beast and receiving the Mark of the Beast and while either ignorantly accepting to be Tested for Covid-19 or Consciously accepting to be injected with Covid-19 Vaccines is equivalent to receiving the Number of the Beast which is 666 in Revelation 13:1-18.
5. In a consistent manner , Almighty God ordered Human beings to respect a 7 Days Weekly Circle through out Generations where at every 7th Day those human beings who consider honoring Almighty God as their best choice should have to rest and worship Almighty God on the 7th Day SABBATH to Keep it Holy, remembering that the Creator Rested on the same day, and in 6 Days We Labor and receiving blessings of obedience to the 10 Commandments of Almighty God in each and evey 7th Day Sabbath(Saturday) by Keeping It Holy as we were instructed by Almighty God.
6. It is the same way, in 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalms 90:4 , Almighty God revealed that 1 day for Him is considered to be equal again to 1000 Years, and the Cosmic Week therefore will be completed after 7000 Years while the 7th Day will be comprising full 1000 Years a Biblical Millennium stated in Revelation 20:1-15 in Which All Human beings who disobey 10 Commandments or any of the 10 Commandments will be put in a sleeping state during the upcoming 7 Last Plagues in the Year 2024 by which Jesus Christ will come in the 7th Last Plague on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m and His Mighty Angel will Tie SATAN Jailing Him for 1000 Year to force Him to Rest the 7th Day Holy COSMIC SABBATH to prevent Him for continuing His Vagabondage and disturbances that Almighty God Could not Tolerate during His Cosmic 7th Day Holy SABBATH Resting and Worship , while All Saints from Adam's Son Abel who died and those of Us who keep today the 7th Day Holy SABBATH and who Obey All 10 Commandments of Almighty God Justified by Faith in Jesus Christ's Blood Alone We be lifted to meet Jesus Christ in Air and go to Rest the 7th Day COSMIC SABBATH in Heaven together with Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy SABBATH of Luke 6:1-5 from Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m until October 22nd, 3024 after 1000 Years COSMIC 7th Day Holy SABBATH of Our Almighty God the Creator of the Whole Universe of Our Holy FATHER in Heaven.
7. This decade which began in 2020 that was supposed to end in the Year 2030 will not be allowed to finish and it contains Two distinctive fianal Last Generations Groups of individuals of this world which are being forming themselves built on two different foundations in the Holy Bible from the 2nd and 4th Commandments , One Last Generation began in the Year 1991 and was expected to end in the Year 2031 after completing 40 Years and has its implementation of Divine Promised forgiveness to the Generations of 1000 Years Cycle repeatedly beginning from their Grandfather Adam and obeying the 4th Commandment of Almighty God of remembering the 7th Day SABBATH to Keep It Holy and inheriting this merciful forgiveness from the Promise Made by Almighty God in the 2nd Commandment of Exodus 20:4-6 by Almighty God and receiving blessings of obedience to be lifted to meet Jesus Christ in the Air in Revelation 22:12-17 during the 7th Last Plague , while the other Group is considered to receive the Mark of the Beast and will be killed by the 7 Last Plagues in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 16:1-21 due to refusing to worship peaceful the True Sabbath of Almighty God and will be punishment according to the 2nd Commandment in the 4th Generation of their Fathers of iniquities dated from 1831 to 1871 in their 40 Years Period of existence that was marked by their denied acceptance to the William Miller's October 22nd, 1844 Prophecy Fulfilment of the End of 2300 Biblical Years on Daniel 8:1-14 and Daniel 9:1-27 and this group has it Final Generation that started on October 22nd, 2004 expecting to complete its 40 Years by October 22nd, 2044 which is impossible because it surpasses the upper limit of 6000 Years dedicated to be counted for 6 Days of Lobor of the COSMIC Week ending by 2031 and the intersection of the Years allowed for two last generations obtained from adding 40 Years allowed for the Last Faithful Generation and adding 27 Years possible for the sinful Last Generation makes 40+27=67 Years and intersection found by dividing 67 by 2 gave 67:2=33.5 and 33.5 Years being added to the Lower Limit of the Last Faithful Generation beginning from 1991+33.5=2024.5 and this Year of intersection 2024.5 is the determining Year in which all 7 Last Plagues will take place and it gives the derivatives of its interval in Days and Months by which all 7 Last Plagued will fall , by delivering 2024.5 from Years(X) to Months (Y) and finally to Days(Z), we obtained X=2024, and Y=0.5 Years which are equivalent to Y=6 Months and 6 Months are delivered to give 6:2=3Months and 3 Months are delivered to give 3:2=1.5 Months and 0.5 Months are delivered to give 15 Days, and the full interval of which 7 Last Plagues will be falling during the Year 2024 is given be adding 3 Months + 1 Month= +/-4 Months and +/-15 Days and on each side from Left to Right of 6 Months We obtain 15 Days and 4 Months interval during the year 2024 ,which means on right side remove from 6 Months the 15 Days and 4 Months we obtain 6 Montsh- 15 Days and 4 Months and it gives 2 Months and 15 Days and it is written in Date as From February 15th, 2024 for the Lower Limit of the beginning of Falling of the 7 Last Plagues , and to find the Upper Limit we take the same median of 6 Months + 15 Days and 4 Months it Gives 10 Months and 15 Days and this is written in Date as Until October 15th, 2024 for the Upper Limit of the Finishing of Falling of the 7 Last Plagues; Making the whole interval in which the whole 7 Last Plagues will Fall from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024, with this simple mathematics used here as intersection 2024.5 obtained is verified by the previous calculated 1177 Principal Repetition Number which gave as well 1847 as a Year of 7th Day SABBATH Vision to Madam Ellen Gould While ordered to be disseminated to the whole Final 4 Generations on this Earth until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m and links it to the Isaiah 66:23-24 New Earth 7th Day Holy SABBATH in 3024 obtained by adding 1847+1177=3024 while considering the 1000 Years COSMO 7th Day Holy SABBATH the 3024 Years-1000 Years=2024Years which indicates the Year of the Beginning of the Almighty God's COSMIC SABBATH at the end of 11th Hour on October 21st, 2024 and the beginning of the 12th Hour on October 22nd, 2024 counted from October 22nd, 1844 after full interval of 180 Years of the 1 Atonement Day of full 12 Hours of Laboring stated in Matthew 20:1-16 and John 11:9-12 confirmed in Leviticus 16, 19, 23, and Daniel 7,8 and 12 after 1335 Days from February 7th, 2021. Happy 7th Day COSMIC SABBATH Preparation to You All Readers of this Small but 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Proclaimed Article. Listen More About: LaudatoSI's Great Reset and Road To COP26.
III. Precalculations quoted from an Open Letter to All Present Truth Preachers by the President and Founder of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)" For The Better Africa We Deserve ":
{ AUSC has been working tirelessly with fixed days of prayers and fasting to submit petitions to the Throne of Our Almighty God in Heaven who Alone new and promised to communicate both the Day and Hour of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in the book of Madam Ellen Gould White entitled "The Early Writings" in the subject entitled "My First Vision" it is said that Almighty God will allow to be known the day and hour of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and this was completed on October 22nd, 2019 through Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves when I was Fasting for 40 Days , I had prepared my points to submit petition on to the Throne of Almighty God in Heaven ,one of these points, I asked Almighty God to allow me to know and understand The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ based in the Bible Prophesy of Daniel and John the Revelator, I prayed to ask Almighty God to fulfill His promise that in Daniel 12:7-13 People of the Last Days will be able to understand what will be the End of everything that Daniel was not permitted to know and when I realized that the Climate Change Movement is taking a very serious step forward to bring the final event in the drama which is enforcement of Sunday Rest and worship by Law it was in that regard I decided to submit that petition to request Almighty God to send me His Holy Spirit to guide me in His Proper Word the Holy Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on October 22nd, 2019 I prayed that prayer and believed Almighty God will answer in Jesus Christ Name, very soon , I headed in my mind a number 180 , I was reading the Book of Genesis on the account of the Noah's Whole Experience, Almighty God couldn't not bring flood without communicating to Noah the exact specific Time it will Happen, He was given 120 Years and I though 180 is a period by which Jesus Christ will not go beyond during His Administration in the Holiest Apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary, since October 22nd, 1844, and Adding 180, this gave me October 22nd, 2024.
(I will never Use What's App Again, I follow What's Up Prof!). }.
1)The 1st Rewarding Generation during the ends of 6000 Years from Descendants of Adam and Seth will have 33 Years Old counted from the Year 1991 up to the Intersectional Year of both two final Generations in the very soon coming Year of 2024 in which the 7th Last Plague will be exactly marking the 2nd coming of Our Savior Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m,
2) The 2nd Generation which is the Final Last Reserved for the Punishment during the ends of 4 Last Iniquitous bound Generations from Descendants of Deniers of the William Miller's Great Awakening as saw in vision by Madam Ellen Gould White in the Book of Early Writings on the Title of the End of 2300 Years composing the Groups which She Saw was bowing in front of the Throne of Almighty God on besides which Satan poured over them the counterfeit holy ghost missing Love and Peace and Truth headed currently by Jesuit Pope Francis its 4th Generation people will perish at Age of 20 Years Old counted from October 22nd, 2004 to the Year 2024 during the 8 Months and 2 Days period of falling of the 7 Last Plagues from February 16th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m at the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ Our Savior King of Kings son of King David.
Please share.
Remember the 7th Day Sabbath to keep It.Repent,repent.
A.1.Click for English in the picture:Note:{This is African Union Students' Council(AUSC)" For The Better Africa We Deserve" Special Dedication to Our United States of America(U.S.A)based Amazing Word Ministries International YouTube Channel deleted by YouTube Team to please Allow You All Globally To Read, Analyze,Copy,Paste and Share this Link to At Least 7 Peoples online and offline:
2.[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/07/urukundo-rwa-benshi-ruzakonja-kutandura.html?m=1 ].
3.May Almighty God bless You All.}
4.Every thing believed in Covid-19 leads to 666 Number of the Beast"Jesuit Pope Francis the 1st Beast" to enforce the Mark of the Beast"U.S Climate Sundays Lockdowns Act of 2021" by the Image of the Beast"Global Churches and States Unions " under "U.S Jesuit White House Administration the 2nd Beast in the Years 2021-2024 "Revelation 13:1-18, Revelation 14:1-20, 15:1-8, 16:1-21, 17:1-18, 18:1-24, 19:1-21,20:1-15): [1)Six Face Shields covering 2)Six Facial Masks surrounding Six Hair Covers,3)Six Protective Gloves per each Column, 4)Six Protective Gowns, 5)Six Protective Boots per each Column, 6)Six Carriers for Covid-19 so called Six Clients Cadavers being carried outside from an Autobus with Six Rooms reserved Mortuary in Rwanda an East African Nation where a Vial of Covid-19 Aborted Foetuses Cells Manufactured Vaccine will begin to be Manufactured Financed by European Union for 1 Vial to be shared by Six believers in Covid-19 cases and deaths tolls surgings with fears revealed from a 7th Day Adventists Parents born Health Minister Dr.NGAMIJE Daniel ]:
7.ISABATO cyangwa Umunsi w' ICYUMWERU?
B.1.Almighty God is so powerful, is the Heavenly Father of Jesus Christ and All who decide to Choose Him and His full 10 Commandments including to Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy by Faith through the Plan of Salvation by which His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ accepted to die on the Cross to be able to deliver humanity from the snares hands of SATAN.John 11:1-57,John 14:1-31.
2.SATAN also has Children according to 1John 3:1-8-24 and those decide to disobey Almighty God by neglecting to keep 10 Commandments of Almighty God especially desecrating the 7th Day Holy Sabbath in order for the to Honor and Worship on Sunday.
3. Sunday Worship is a Nature SUN god SATAN worship and it has got its origin from ancient pagan idols and gods worshipers of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz who took different forms of civilizational adaptations some worshipped the SUN under name of Baal and is recorded in the Holy Bible during the Apostasy of Kings of Israel and Judah Kingdoms , recently worshipped as god Apollo in the Ancient Pagan Roman Empire ,continuously modified into a Sunday Worship of God by the Roman Catholic Church under a title of Lord's Day, and it is a total misinformation of how Sunday Worship was introduced in the Christian World that all deceived Sunday Worship Individuals continue to disobey Almighty God by desecrating His Holy 7th Day Sabbath.
4.By Following Literatures exploring the Origin of Sunday Worship in the Christian World from then until now, the AUSC recommended the review and analysis to be done from the Roman Catholic Church's Online Liturgical Sunday Worship Book.Click Here to Read the Book pages online, or click in the photos at the bottom of this article.
7. Following the famous Book of Madam Ellen Gould White entitled the Great Controversy-Audio-Text, AUSC recommends to continue self motivated analysis on the failures of the Roman Catholic Church to defend the Gospel of Salvation by Faith in Jesus Christ's Blood Only and Alone, and in deepening that failure, Popes decided to mislead the whole world in non Biblically Justifiable Sunday Pagan ritual Worship activities such as Forehead Water pouring Baptism, Sundays Eucharist SATAN's meal false communion distribution, philosophical attributions of SUN-god human based thinkings of Worship activities in a Sunday Sacrament and Word principles administered by Priests that have no Biblical Orientation of Sacrificial Offering on Sunday Mass Gatherings.
7.Therefore , AUSC published this New Article to Lead the followers of AUSC publications to Choose Either Almighty God(7th Day Holy Sabbath Worship) or SATAN(1st Day false Sabbath Sunday Worship A.K.A the 8th Day of the Week) before the End of Life on This Earth through the 7 Last Plagues From February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, while AUSC Presidency has Chosen Almighty God as Published on Friday-June 25th, 2021 at 12:59' P.M.
8.Every thing believed in Covid-19 leads to 666 Number of the Beast"Jesuit Pope Francis the 1st Beast" to enforce the Mark of the Beast"U.S Climate Sundays Lockdowns Act of 2021" by the Image of the Beast"Global Churches and States Unions " under "U.S Jesuit White House Administration the 2nd Beast in the Years 2021-2024 "Revelation 13:1-18, Revelation 14:1-20, 15:1-8, 16:1-21, 17:1-18, 18:1-24, 19:1-21,20:1-15): [1)Six Face Shields covering 2)Six Facial Masks surrounding Six Hair Covers,3)Six Protective Gloves per each Column, 4)Six Protective Gowns, 5)Six Protective Boots per each Column, 6)Six Carriers for Covid-19 so called Six Clients Cadavers being carried outside from an Autobus with Six Rooms reserved Mortuary in Rwanda an East African Nation where a Vial of Covid-19 Aborted Foetuses Cells Manufactured Vaccine will begin to be Manufactured Financed by European Union for 1 Vial to be shared by Six believers in Covid-19 cases and deaths tolls surgings with fears revealed from a 7th Day Adventists Parents born Health Minister Dr.NGAMIJE Daniel ]:
II.Understanding the AUSC Global Contribution on St.CORONA'666-mRNA Vaccines-Microchiping' and USA Climate Act of 2021 Sundays Resting and Worship activities refusal and rejection in Honor of 7th Day Holy Sabbath Resting and Worship:
St.CORONA.Virus'666-mRNAmicrochipingVaccines'Number of the BEAST"SATAN's SUN-DAY-CORONA-WORSHIP of NATURE Deals with Climate Emergency to save the Common Home(by POPE FRANCIS),but will never grant Eternal Life(JESUS CHRIST),while enforcing COMMON GOOD=SUNDAY WORSHIP "666" BY LAW"Laudato Si'(237)"(SATANIC) Contradict the Holy Bible(ALMIGHTY GOD),
,Revelation 13:1-18,Revelation 14:1-20,
![]() |
DR. IRAGUHA BANDORA Yves,ANTI-POPES,ANTI-SUNDAY-Worship,ANTI-St.CORONA-666-Vaccines,Rwandan 7th Day Adventist,AUSC Founder&President,MG,RN,BScN(Hons),MD Jesus Christ entered the Holiest apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary on Tuesday 22 October 1844, with 1st Probation Close for all 7th Day Adventists on Thursday 22 October 2020, and after 180 Years on Tuesday 15th, 2024 Jesus Christ our Savior will appear on the Earth's Sky, and after our journey to the Sea of Glass in 7 Days we will enter the Heavenly Gates on Tuesday 22 October 2024,and then after 1000 Years in Heaven, we will descend from Heaven with the New Jerusalem on this earth back on Friday on 22 October 3024 to begin the 7th Day Holy Sabbath on this Earth,next day will be the 7th Day Sabbath ,we will keep it Holy during the whole day , and on the Next Day on Sunday the 1st day of the Week , we will be able to enjoy to re-begin our Holy Calendar that was destroyed by SATANIC Leadership of VATICAN PAPACY by Popes who have given seat to this current Jesuit Pope Francis who is pushing for Global Sin of permanently destroying the Holy 7th Day Sabbath to Introduce the SATANIC SUN-DAY Rest and worship by Force by World Governments since February 7th to 17th, 2021, While 7 plagues will kill all human individuals who are going to accept that SUN Worship Day called Mark of the Beast with Its Image and Its Number 666"St.CORONA-Virus-mRNA testing and Vaccines Microchiping" as it is written in Revelation 13:18,Revelation 14:9-11 and Revelation 16:1-21. Warning to every person on this earth Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy,for We(AUSC Presidency) are Serving our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ as written in Luke 6:1-5. Chronological Holy secrets of the Four22nds, One15th, 5Octobers, 3Tuesdays,1 Thursday and 1 Friday:22 October 3024, 22 October 2024, 22 October 2020, 15 October 2024 , 22 October 1844 marked Our Savior' s beginning Day of Atonement when Jesus Christ started the heavenly Sanctuary Judgment, while the United Sates of America has set this date on the National Calendar "October 22, 2020" for Popular Holidays & Observances Worldwide on 22 October 2020, as We still had by then 130 days to get on 22 October 2020!They made every 22 October,a Judgment Day under a Paganism Zodiac Judgment Sign: |
III.Understanding the Ellen Gould White's Writings Global Contribution on St.CORONA'666-mRNA Vaccines-Microchiping' and USA Climate Act of 2021 Sundays Resting and Worship activities refusal and rejection in Honor of the April 3rd 1847's 7th Day Holy Sabbath Resting and Worship Divine Vision:
Article Title: End of This Earth's Final 4 Years Application of The Book Great Controversy within 1177 PRN and 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Period and QAnon.Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath Day-March 13th, 2021 at 12:59'P.M.Proverbs 1:1-33.
The Sanctuary Messages-October 22nd, 1844- October 22nd, 2024.
The Tabernacle and the Messiah.[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wVUcJUJBFMU&t=139s ].
Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb.[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g7lewy22t4M&t=11s ].
The Day of Atonement in The Heavenly Sanctuary-October 22nd, 1844- October 22nd, 2024- Leviticus 16.
Understanding the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur-Leviticus 16, Hebrew 9-10[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UYT-0AmlnA&t=126s ].
Understanding 1st Fruit, Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks.[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ubPKLDF_G6E&t=351s].
Understanding Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah.[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g9wDnsjMtW0&t=263s ].
Understanding Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot.[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u6PmxypqZ9I&t=288s ].
7 Last Plagues of Ending this Covid19 New World Order following the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message February 7th, 2021 - February 7th, 2024 -October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. Link:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/01/new-ausc-article-on-january-7th-2021-at.html?m=1 ].
Associated Article Title:
Our King Jesus Christ ,the SON of MAN,The Lord of 7th Day Holy SABBATH, The Owner of 10 Commandments of Almighty God is Coming Very Very Soon in this Coming Spring 2024.This is the Last week, that Completes 70 weeks Daniel 9:1-27.Please Prepare His Way, Repent,Repent, Repent, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Link:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2020/10/article-title-our-king-jesus-christ-son.html?m=1 ].
The 1847 End Time 2024 and Hell 3024 Application of 1177=1000+177 PRN within 24th-25th-26th-27th-28th of The 28 Fundamental Beliefs: The core beliefs of Seventh-Day Adventists(SDA) April 3rd, 1847 Theology and QAnon From October 22nd, 1844.Repent, Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It HolyJesus is Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. Published on A Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath Day-March 13th, 2021 at 1:59'P.M. Link:[http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/03/application-of-11771000177-prn-withing.html?m=1 ].
Jesus Christ Our 7th Day Sabbath Lord is very very very soon coming at the End of 70 Years on October15th, 2024 at 1h59'a.m from 1954 when the King of Babylon Pope Jean Paul II"Nebucadinezzar" Begun His Sunday Law Satanic Teachings at the Fall of His Son Pope Francis"Belshazzar" from the New World Order Presidency Predicted by Roman Catholic Archbishop James E. Quigley at His 170 Years of existence from October 15th, 1854: After The Writing on the Wall due to "Laudato Si 237-Sunday Law 7/2/2021" is going to be explained in Loud Cry by All Anointed 7th Day Adventists"144000 Saints" till 7/2/2024, Jeremiah 29:10-14, Jeremiah 30:1-24.Repent-Remember the 7th Day Sabbath To keep It Holy. Link:[http://www.africanunionsc.org/2021/03/jesus-christ-our-7th-day-sabbath-lord.html?m=1 ].
Read, Listen and Share Links of the Book "National Sunday Law". Associated Link:[ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C-7rLl1z86E&list=PLp4EdRHp7h4dnkW5gKD1BoLIwPTq4wI_d&index=2 ].
You can Click Here to View our Alarm, set for You to Start Counting down for 2nd Coming of Our Lord Messiah Jesus Christ our King of 7th Day Holy Sabbath and of All Sealed 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers until Tuesday, 15 October 2024 (Chicago time).
1765 | days |
42364 | hours |
2541843 | minutes |
152510588 | seconds |
The Great Controversy
Home EGW Writings Books The Great Controversy
37.[Chapter 37—The Scriptures a Safeguard/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),
38.[Chapter 38—The Final Warning/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),
39.[Chapter 39—The Jacob's Time of Trouble/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),
40.[Chapter 40—God's People Delivered/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda)=JESUITS,
41.[Chapter 41—Desolation of the Earth/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),
42.[Chapter 42—The Controversy Ended/The Great Controversy-Audio in English]-6000Years,(in Kinyarwanda).
1) National Sunday Law Book"Text ":
Associated Link:[ http://www.anym.org/pdf/National_Sunday_Law.pdf ].
2) National Sunday Law Book" Audio ":
Associated Links to All 7 Chapters:
2.Chapter II:NSL- Chapter 2. The Beast Identified.
4.Chapter IV:NSL- Chapter 4. Dynamite.
5.Chapter V:NSL- Chapter 5. The Mark Of The Beast.
7.Chapter VII:NSL- Chapter 7 Global Conflict.
.Igitabo cy' Intambara Ikomeye mu majwi kuri interineti,Umva ibice byose , ubikurure ho ubibike, ubisangize n' abandi;14/06/2020:
9.Chap 9-ZWINGLE
24.Chap 24-AHERA CYANE
32.Chap 32-IMITEGO YA SATANI:(Imyaka 6000)
42.Chap 42-IHEREZO RY'INTAMBARA:(Imyaka 6000)
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