The Office of President and Founder of African Union Students' Council (AUSC) in Kigali Rwanda is Proud of Africa Innovation Summit 2018(#AIS2018) at Kigali Convention Center from06 - 08 June, 2018 , which aimes for building a better Africa we all deserve,as does African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve",
Following invitations from AUSC President and Founder at : @AuscNewsLetters, @BandoraYves, @AUC_MoussaFaki @_AfricanUnion,@antonioguterres,@AUYouthProgram,#2ndAAFYC2018 .
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H.E IRAGUHA BANDORA Yves/AUSC President and Founder |
The AIS is an Africa-wide and home grown initiative aimed at harnessing the innovation potential of the continent. It aims to mobilize the people and, especially those with the ‘power to act’, including investors, the people with the ideas, the policy makers, the researchers and academics, the business community, the youth, as well as innovators and thinkers into a coalition for collective action to promote and build an enabling environment for innovation in Africa. The goal is to engage as many people as possible in order to build a broad constituency in support of innovation in Africa. The basic fact is that Africa cannot outsource its development.
The AIS platform includes regular Summits to promote dialogue, facilitate exchange of best practices among stakeholders and African countries, showcase what is happening on the continent, and share lessons of experience. The platform also includes engaging with African researchers and scholars to undertake case studies to tease out lessons of experience in order to facilitate learning by stakeholders. The African Innovation Exhibit which is also part of the AIS provides a stage to showcase homegrown innovations and innovators on the continent, while the Hackathons will challenge the people to come up with solutions to specific problems. The exhibitions and hackathons will allow stakeholders to seek ways to scale up potential solutions.
Each AIS will build on the previous ones by deepening the dialogue, engaging a wider number of stakeholders, as well as by focusing Africa’s innovation potential to address the challenges facing the continent. The aims are to identify path breaking ideas and disruptive solutions to be developed and/scaled up in Africa as well as build a constituency to help address the fundamental challenges facing the continent.
Why AIS?
Addressing the fundamental challenges facing the continent will not happen through a laissez-faire agenda and, more importantly, Africa’s structural transformation and sustainable development will only happen if African countries are able to build innovation-driven economies and societies. This is a pre-requisite in the emerging world, with accelerating pace of change and hypercompetitive economy, in which the only competitive advantage, according to Aires de Geus, is the ability to learn faster than one’s competitors.
African countries must transform and diversify their economies through value addition to primary commodities, efficient resource consumption, the use of low-carbon energy forms and services, and the development of services sector. Innovation is the single most important prerequisite for this to happen. Innovation must become a way of life on the continent. Through innovation, Africans can develop the solutions to address the developmental challenges such as poverty, health, energy, water, productivity, competitiveness, economic diversification, food security, climate change and governance facing the continent. The AIS aims to serve as a key platform to promote innovation in Africa.
An introduction of Africa Innovation Summit 2018
The 2018 Summit will be a multifaceted event that will bring together stakeholders from various sectors, including decision makers to seek innovative and disruptive solutions for the challenges facing African countries. The focus of AIS 2018 will include energy access, water, health, food security and climate change. AIS II will be a three-day event and the program will include five plenary sessions to introduce major thematic issues followed by a series of facilitated workshops, which will take place in focused workgroups to deepen the dialogue and to seek solutions to address the key challenges facing African countries. Each workshop will focus on a specific theme with three to four panelists and will be led by a facilitator. The aims of the discussions are to seek solutions, develop an agenda and mobilize the people and stakeholders for collective action going forward. The AIS 2018 will include activities before, during and after the Summit.
To register for the link saved as invitation to the African Union Students' Council (AUSC) from the Organizers of Africa Innovation Summit 2018 (#AIS2018) below :
Africa Innovation Summit (@AIS2018) tweeted at 9:03 AM on Sat, Jun 02, 2018:
Hi, here is the link; https://t.co/F7aYqFC6cF
(https://twitter.com/AIS2018/ status/1002807971871625216?s= 03)
Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download? s=13
The 2018 Summit will be a multifaceted event that will bring together stakeholders from various sectors, including decision makers to seek innovative and disruptive solutions for the challenges facing African countries. The focus of AIS 2018 will include energy access, water, health, food security and climate change.
The Summit brings together participants from all over the world, but with significant share coming from Africa. Participants will include:
Heads of States and Governments;
Ministers and other government officials and senior policy makers;
Heads of the regional and continental organizations;
CEOs of established companies and founders of start-ups;
Partners from Venture capital firms and private equity, as well as Bankers and capital market operators;
Academics, researchers, policy experts, science and technology experts;
Business angels, high net worth individuals, innovators, thinkers, and entrepreneurs.
Contact us for more information.
Website: http://www.africainnovationsummit.com
Email: info@africainnovationsummit.com
Wed, Jun 6, 2018, 8:00 AM –
Fri, Jun 8, 2018, 5:30 PM CAT
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Kigali Convention Centre
Kigali, Kigali City
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Approved by
President and Founder of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve"
P.O.Box: 6998 Kigali-Rwanda
Whatsapp: +250736196204
E-mail: ausc.president.office@gmail.com
Website: www.africanunionsc.org
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Join the 2nd All Afrikana First Youth Congress(2ndAAFYC 2018). |
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