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General Conference of 7th Day Adventist Church has given the Great Controversy project a go a head and it is time now to distribute both Texts and Audio books to every individual human being on this earth, time is now to let every human being be informed of the Great Controversy Revelation and Truth. |
You can Click Here to View our Alarm, set for You to Start Counting down for 2nd Coming of Our Lord Messiah Jesus Christ our King of 7th Day Holy Sabbath and of All Sealed 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers until Tuesday, 15 October 2024 (Chicago time).
1765 | days |
42364 | hours |
2541843 | minutes |
152510588 | seconds |
It is 1765 days, 4 hours, 1 minute, 55 seconds
1)Covid-19 Jailed 57 Adventists. CDC BAN EVANGELISM Sharing Books. Super Rich $282 Billion PLAN-DEMIC
2)Amazing Word Ministries updated the You Tube Chanel with God's Grace Every Saint One rejoices . Amazing Word Ministries Updated Videos can also be found online from VIMEO, New YouTube Chanel and on the WebSite.
3)Catholic MASS is Essential? 100 Faith Leaders Want More LOCKdown. Covid-19 Doctors RECOMMEND SUNday
4)SDA Pastor Donated $20,000 TITHES To Govt. 10 10 10 NAZI REGIME Surveillance. Pope Lockdown Churches
5)Freedom vs Control of The Network. Free Speech Censorship. Liberty of Conscience Threatened
6)MASSIVE CROWDS Gather To Buy The New Air Jordan Sneakers After Lockdown Restrictions Were Lifted
7)Bill Gates in His Own Words: "Vaccination, Producing Population CONTROL & Childhood Death"
8)Nations $Trillions Covid-19 Lawsuit vs. China. Pope Universal Vaccinations. Pompeo Babylon Confusion
9)BREAKING: Amazing Word Ministries YouTube Censorship
10)Churches Open w/Bibles,Singing,Communion Ban.Satanic Healing Tests SDA.Escape CV19,Yet Get the curse
11)Pope May14 Global Unity,Pushes Universal Vaccination.SIGN for EXODUS Has COME Already.Deadly-Hornets
12)Standing On The Promises | Peace Be Still
The purpose of this article is to spread this Repetition Model application for 2300 Prophetic Days, as coupled to Historical 5 Strongest worldwide Empires from Babylon to Pagan Roman Empire till end of Early Christianity and Raise of Final Vatican Papacy 7th/2/2021 to 31st/7/2024.
Updated You Tube videos:4/5/2020.
1.Contact Tracing Army & 10/10/10/Rule. Dissenters are Threat to Public. Listen to Scientists. BONDAGE
2. Big Tech & Pope Tech Crush Reformation.Media GateKeepers Ban Dissent."Radical Sunday Rest 4 Climate"
3.Amazing Word Ministries' Pastor Emmanuel Nougaisse has been 5 days by now without updating His You Tube channel"Amazing Word Ministries ", Please frequently keep praying for Him to be safe and update the World more about his usual Prophetic Updates.Almighty God we pray for this Pastor to be protected from every devil attack and get Your mercy to keep serving this special this entire world with the final prophecy in 3 Angels and 4th Angel messages.
4.Five Cardinals and two prominent bishops speak about the end times
5.Adventist Cult Predicts 2020 Apocalypse - Ben Carson and Ted Wilson's SDA
6.Baptist: Sunday Rest For Climate. Gossipers Become Government Snitches For Rewards. Sign In Sun
1. a)Who is saying that The Holy Bible lies? Revelation 13:1-18 is being accomplished and the Great Controversy(
Chapter 35—Aims of The Papacy(Liberty of Conscience Threatened)/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 36—The Impending Conflict/The Great Controversy-Audio
) book predicted this current situation , this current generation will not pass without seeing Jesus Christ Appearing on the Sky, October 15th, 2024.( Video: Trump Helping Pope, Church & State Against The Constitution. Michelle Obama "Who Runs The World"?, Video:It was Said by USA President Trump:I’m Best President for Popery.RCC praises BenCarson as Its Champion.Image of Beast Speaks Next , Pandemic Patriot Act. Barbados PM:'World Needs Pope Leadership.' Harvard Prof:'Ban HomeSchooling.')
b)This is an occasion for every human being today to make final decision , either to accept the truth on the Great controversy book that was written by Ellen Gould White, in its all chapters , as if it was not true, Trump the President of United States of America(USA) should not have said that He is the Best President of the History of the Papacy.
c)The MARK of the BEAST has Linked A Never to Repent POPE Francis King of New Word Order with Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon before He repented.Almighty God wins with His SON Jesus Christ the Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath, defeating SATAN with His POPE Francis the Lord of SUNDAY "1st Day False sabbath" Failure is with CORONA VIRUS the Laudato Si' International SUN-DAY LAW meeting on May 14th 2020 at VATICAN for Global Pact fails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
2. Last Call for Last Warning to All 7th Day Adventists Individuals :100 Days for Prayers offered by SDA General Conference, Please use effectively these 100 Days and take more 40 Days fasting prayers ,With This You Will be saved and receive Latter Rain (IMVURA Y'ITUMBA).
3. On 22/10/2020 1st stage of Probation will Close like during Noah's Days-Jesus Comes on 15th October 2024-Repetition Model for 2300 Prophetic Days. 2nd stage of Probation will Closebefore 1st plague by February 7th-16th, 2024.
4.The Great Controversy Application in May 14th, 2020[False Theocracy of SATAN through POPE FRANCIS the Lord of SUND-DAY engaged in a Final Battle with The True Theocracy of Almighty God the Holy Father through Jesus Christ the Lord of SABBATH].
5. The Great Controversy Application " COVID-19 " with St CORONA Pandemic Now is Linked to ROMAN CATHOLIC "VATICAN" PAPACY and St. Cyprian Pandemic;While Almighty God is Against the New World Order as Jesus Christ Comes soonest possible: At 01:59' on October 15th, 2024.
6.The Great Controversy Application(COVID-19) within TOP 10 Governments in Europe that work with VATICAN to promote Sunday Law"Common Good" are being punished by Almighty God's Sword(COVID-19) due to promoting disobedience to our Almighty God's Mark the 7th Day Holy Sabbath.
7.The Great Apostasy of General Conference of 7th Day Adventist (SDA) Church Confessed to Roman Catholic Church on 31st October 2017-840=1177,1847+1177=3024,3024-1000= 15th October 2024,01:59'a.m the 7th plague and 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.Please share Trump&Dr.Ben Carson a 7th Day Adventist member of SDA united to keep USA raising the Papacy SUNDAY REST by LAW from VATICAN.
8.Help To Tell the World about the SIGNS OF THE TIMES,2024,The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Cleansing of Earth with Fire in 3024 and The New Earth.Please Help To Spread This Word.
9.Our King Jesus Christ is Coming in Spring of 2024.
10.Listen, Read and Share Links of The Great Controversy Book Audio All Chapters-English:
II.Updated YouTube Videos for 30/4/2020-1/5/2020:
1)The Mark of the Beast
4)The Number of the Beast(Text)
6)A CATHOLIC PRIEST LEFT 666!!! September 20, 2017.
7)Article Title: SUNDAY LAW is coming by February 7th-16th,2021-AUSC shares a Historical truth linking Holy Bible and Political Events that involve USA-VATICAN-and ELLEN GOULD WHITE:Trump:I’m Best President for Popery.RCC praises BenCarson as Its Champion.Image of Beast Speaks Next."The Great Controversy Application".The Mark of the Beast meeting united on 11th-18th October 2020.
8)Lockdown Kills More Than Covid-19. Pope NEW Education Ban Homeschooling Shield Children From Parents
9)Donald Trump Assassination Dream. Chaos Coming To America. Bible Prophecy, Preparation 4 2nd Coming
10)New Catholic Constitution: Government Coercion In America. Draconian Laws & Faith To Stand Alone
11)Vatican Commision For COVID-19. Rome: Vaccines Mandatory. Pope: Scotch Is Holy Water. US Funds Italy
12)Prophetic Dream Of Judgment Of The Living, Tried In The Fire. Straight Testimony Saves SDA Church
13)2020 report on international religious freedom identifies 14 countries of particular concern
III.Updated YouTube Videos for 30/4/2020-1/5/2020"The World War III is starting now leading to Holy Bible Armageddon starting by '31st July, 2024'-Visit online with below links on what is happening now between USA&China in the South China Sea-"The End is Near -Jesus Comes on 15th October 2024- (Holy Bible Prophecy Fulfillment: US-China Phase 1 Deal Eases Trade War For Now. Entire Russian Gov Resigns. Eye 4 Eye Tooth 4 Tooth by SavingHealthMinistries ,President Trump Warns Its "The Calm Before The Storm" With Military Leaders. Hinted at War in 2017,Donald Trump: The Last President Of America. Bible Prophecy In Daniel 11 & Revelation 13. Sunday Law by SavingHealthMinistries, Pope Francis, Trump, Putin Fight 4 Jews. Anti-semitism. Jerusalem In Bible Prophecy. Armageddon,Israel, Jews,Trump: The Last President Of USA Pt2. Middle East War. Visions & Dreams. East Wind In Bible Prophecy, Pope Francis Not The Last Pope. US +17 Countries Religious Freedom Alliance. Bible Prophecy Daniel,Mike Pence Meets Pope Francis @ Vatican, Discuss Iran. President Trump Speaks @ March For Life,Catholics Dominate White House in 2020. Papal Policy In Bible Prophecy: Protestant America Converts,Trump Acquitted. Catholic Law Pushed @ SOTU. $5 Billion Gov Funds For Religious Schools. Mike Pence,Trump Calls For Catholic Law @ SOTU: Gov Funding For Religious, Private Schools. Espinoza v Montana,Trump is the best choice for Catholic voters in 2020: Catholic apologist,One World Religion: Faith 4 Earth Initiative Unites World Religions. Climate Change & R.F. Alliance,The Last Elijah In 7th Day Adventists'SDA'. Gossipers In Bible Prophecy. Spiritual Vision In 4th Angel of Revelation 18,Pentagon: Expect Military Clash With China. US Prepares 4 War. Pelosi Warns EU of Huawei. 5G Summit,Pope Francis Disapproves Trump's Middle East Peace Plan. $3 Billion Deal India. Prophecy: Expect War,Trump Nominates Catholic Spy Chief. CIA: Catholic Intelligence Agency. Protestants Take CatholicMass,Chinese Warship Fires Laser at US Navy Plane. Pope Sick. Coronavirus, Italy Lockdown. Stocks Crash,Trump Declares Sunday, National Day Of Prayer For COVID-19. Vatican Agenda In Protestant Churches,Trump's Letter To Pope Francis 3/13/2020. Abe Lincoln: Jesuits Funded Civil War And Assassinated Him,Trump Declares National Emergency to Combat Coronavirus, China Blames US Military. Middle East War,Fed Reserve: US Working Hard On Digital Dollar. Coronavirus Accelerates Cashless Society. COVID-19,$2 Trillion Stimulus. Catholic Church Bailout. New World Order. Pope, Pelosi, Rubio: Common Good,NJ Lockdown Honoring Sunday. DOJ Seeks To Shred Constitution Amidst COVID-19: Detain Without Trial,Dr. Fauci, Jesuit Laws In America. Earn It Act Unconstitutional. Joseph: 7 Fat Cows, 7 Lean Cows,New Catholic Constitution: Government Coercion In America. Draconian Laws & Faith To Stand Alone,Prophetic Dreams. USA: Expect Invasion From China, Russia. US Military Mobilizes.Jacob, Peter Ladder,Pope Francis: Universal Basic Income, Digital Dollars. Trump Bans Green Cards. Unemployment Protests,Trump Tells Navy: Shoot Down Iranian Boats That Harrass US Ships. False Prophets In Sheep's Clothing,Trump Phone Call with Evangelicals, Catholics. ReOpen Church Sunday. No Movement Sundays Philippines,Donald Trump Dream Declaring A Day Of Worship For America. SUN Worship, Concentration Camps, & War,The World's First COVID-19 Immunity Passport Is Already Here. Digital Certificates. 24 Elders,Donald Trump Assassination Dream. Chaos Coming To America. Bible Prophecy, Preparation 4 2nd Coming,THE AMERICAN NEW WORLD ORDER EXPOSED: POPE FRANCIS, KENNETH COPELAND, RICK WARREN, & DONALD TRUMP,America Angry (April 30, 2020) - The Marines Revamp Strategy to Destroy China in South China Sea,High Tension (April 30,2020) : Chinese Military Warns U.S Warships Enter Disputed Waters of in SCS,High Alert ( April 29,2020 ) : US Deploys 50 B-1B Lancer to Near South China Sea in To Fight China,SOUTH CHINA SEA LATEST NEWS ( APRIL 28 2020 ) TAIWAN CALLS FOR RESTRAINT IN SOUTH CHINA SEA,Tensions (April 30,2020) Trump Calling NATO for Sends 300 F-35 And F-22 for Fight in South China Sea,USA vs China military power comparison update,These 5 Submarines could Destroy the World in 30 Minutes"These makes secret on World War III by 31/7/2024 giving birth to the Armageddon as Jesus Christ comes on 15th October 2024,South China Sea Latest News: Trump to put deadly rocket systems on Xi’s doorstep,High Alert (29/04/2020) - Chinese Military Warns U.S. Warship in South China Sea,Ready to Fight US (April 28,2020) : China Deploys 100,000 Military to South China Sea Amid Pandemic,World War 3 Panic as China Holds Secret Nuclear Tests - Dire Warning Over 'Worrying' Act,Breaking News (May 1, 2020) - US Defense Chief Warns: China as Threat to World Order,High Tension: (April 30, 2020) Chinese Warship fired Military Laser at US aircraft When going to SCS,Jack Ma warns of third world war, )
1)Did coronavirus accidentally escape from a Wuhan lab? It’s doubtful. | The Fact Checker during COVID-19.
2)World War III(WW3) News (May 1st, 2020) - US Military Is Ordering Over 10.000 Guided Rockets To Fight Russia And Chinaduring COVID-19.
4)World War III(WW3) Update (Mei 01, 2020)-U.S. 7th Fleet Ready To Fight in South China Seaduring COVID-19.
5)China Afraid (April 30, 2020) - Australia’s Military Came Together US Navy in the South China Seaduring COVID-19.
6)US Angry (29/04/2020) - Chinese Military lashes out at US Warships ‘intrusion’ in South China Seaduring COVID-19.
7)Tension Erupted (30/04/2020)- US Navy Stages Back-To-Back Challenges to Beijing's SCS Claims during COVID-19.
8)US Navy Challenges Beijing ( May 01, 2020 ) : Chinese Navy Deploys Two Submarines to South China Sea
9)Donald Trump Assassination Dream. Chaos Coming To America. Bible Prophecy, Preparation 4 2nd Coming
10)Breaking News (April 30, 2020) - China Can't Expel US Marines From South China Sea 3rd World War is going to start from Here!!!
11)South China Sea: 'Leave immediately and keep far off' - BBC News August 11- 2018 news
12).US VS CHINA ( April 30, 2020 ) - a Battle in the South China Sea is Truly Unstoppable,Here is short History of the cause of this War in the South China Sea as reported on February 13,2020.
13).Why China is building islands in the South China Sea(A over view on how the South China Sea is precious and brings the cause of War between USA and China being happening now 30/4/2020 Reported on 17/2/2017) Revelation 13:11-18 "USA is now trying of using Fire to put POPE FRANCIS a Jesuit Vatican Priest number 666 on the Chair of the New World Order Leadership".
14).This Is How Asia Will End in 2020
15)What does China want? | The Economist reported 27/8/2014.
16)China's territorial claims | The Economist reported more than 7 years ago
17)Here's Why China's Territorial Disputes May Lead to War
18)The South China Sea explained
19)Inauguration of the new South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Centre
20)South China Sea territorial dispute
21)Life on a disputed island in the South China Sea(A Citizen said China built an Island Bigger than what God has made here"Pagasa Island" naturally!!This will not work as he mentions that China made a bigger Island than what God has made before!!God is Almighty and therefore China will face the consequences to do So!! )
22)Taiping Island in the South China Sea
23)China’s Sand Islands Expand South China Sea Reach
24)Ready to Fight US (April 28,2020) : China Deploys 100,000 Military to South China Sea Amid Pandemic
25)US-China Phase 1 Deal Eases Trade War For Now. Entire Russian Gov Resigns. Eye 4 Eye Tooth 4 Tooth by SavingHealthMinistries
26)Donald Trump: The Last President Of America. Bible Prophecy In Daniel 11 & Revelation 13. Sunday Law by SavingHealthMinistries
27)President Trump Warns Its "The Calm Before The Storm" With Military Leaders. Hinted at War in 2017
28)Could Chinese & Russian military kick the US forces out of Japan & Pacific?,
29)Warning to China (April 28,2020) : US Deploys 20 B-52 bombers to ward Off China in South China Sea
30)Breaking News (27/04/2020) - China Intercepts US & Australia Navy in South China Sea Region
31)Tension Erupted (April 30): The US Ship and its Allies 4ttacked by Chinese Civilian Militia in SCS
32)Breaking News (27/04/2020) - China Intercepts US & Australia Navy in South China Sea Region
33)Warning To China ( April 29,2020 ) : US Deploys 70 B-1B Lancer To Fight Beijing Near South China Sea,
34)China warns US military over incursions in South China Sea
IV.The Great Controversy
Home EGW Writings Books The Great Controversy
Chapter 00- Introduction/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 1—The Destruction of Jerusalem /The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 2—Persecution in the First Centuries/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 3—An Era of Spiritual Darkness/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 4—The Waldenses/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 5—John Wycliffe/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 6—Huss and Jerome/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 7—Luther's Separation From Rome/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 8—Luther Before the Diet/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 9—The Swiss Reformer/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 10—Progress of Reform in Germany/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 11—Protest of the Princes/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 12—The French Reformation/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 13—The Netherlands and Scandinavia/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 14—Later English Reformers/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 15—The Bible and the French Revolution/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 16—The Pilgrim Fathers/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 17—Heralds of the Morning/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 18—An American Reformer/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 19—Light Through Darkness/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 20—A Great Religious Awakening/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 21—A Warning Rejected/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 22—Prophecies Fulfilled/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 23—What is the Sanctuary?/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 24—In the Holy of Holies/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 25—God's Law Immutable/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 26—A Work of Reform/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 27—Modern Revivals/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 28—Investigative Judgement(Facing Life's Record)/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 29—The Origin of Evil/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 30—Enmity Between Man and Satan/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 31—Agency of Evil Spirits/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 32—Snares of Satan/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 33—The First Great Deception/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 34—Spiritualism(Can Our Dead Speak to Us?)/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 35—Aims of The Papacy(Liberty of Conscience Threatened)/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 36—The Impending Conflict/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 37—The Scriptures a Safeguard/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 38—The Final Warning/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 39—The Time of Trouble/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 40—God's People Delivered/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 41—Desolation of the Earth/The Great Controversy-Audio
Chapter 42—The Controversy Ended/The Great Controversy-Audio
Please Read & Share bad news to 7 people"POPE FRANCIS is going to no longer stay a priest based in VATICAN ,He is Going on Using COVID-19 and United States of America(USA) to get raised for leading the Whole World as its President soon!!!"New World Order Sealed with SUNDAY REST by LAW":(Breaking News (May 1, 2020) - US Defense Chief Warns: China as Threat to World Order )