0. Intoduction:"QAnon Gematria Decode: US MARINES SING DAYS OF ELIJAH, IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCES, LAST CALL": Open Letter to H.E President of Republic of Rwanda on Covid19 Vaccination Program by Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves, MD, MG, RN,BScN(Hons).Wednesday-February 17th, 2021 at 7:59' a.m: Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tbVn8If13yXjvN4-Nhc7saitfX1xRhNv/view?usp=drivesdk Biden’s first 100 days- Laudato Si'237' is on Joe Biden's 1st day presidency table on January 20th, 2021, to praise Pope Francis a Satanic Jesuit gay Biblical Satanic Beast of Revelation 13:1-18,Signing its UN Nations' Sunday Rest and Worship by Law Paris Climate Change Agreement: As with any new presidential administration, all the focus will be on what is accomplished in the first 100 days – an arbitrary measure, to be sure, but one that politicians use to set an agenda, and one that pundits use to gauge a new president’s initial governance. Biden has laid out an ambitious plan, mostly as a reaction to Trump’s policies as president, but particularly to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Biden has promised to rejoin the Paris climate agreement on his first day as president. Trump left that accord in 2017. The new president is also expected to undo many of Trump’s executive actions on the environment, as well as on immigration.
President-elect Joe Biden has laid out a program that complements the Pope's thinking. ADN'(Alaskans' Democrat Nationals)'?( ADN )-said"I focus on this narrow issue because it will be the first wedge between Alaskans' congressional delegation and the Biden administration. But I want them to work together in the future in accordance with Pope Francis' wisdom. Our congressional delegation could use this transition of presidential power to make a better future. The immediate obstacle will be their opposition to Biden's environmental concerns. It is likely that Biden will find a way to prevent oil development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Many Alaskans and our congressional delegation will claim that this is a crushing tragedy, and will then declare that he is anti-Alaska, and will bitterly oppose him on all subsequent issues. Yet the truth is that Alaska's current woes were not caused by not drilling in ANWR and will not be corrected by drilling in ANWR. Alaska's politicians have managed to put us in our current position in spite of Alaska's numerous large oil fields that have been pumping oil for decades. If our politicians are squabbling about the size of our Permanent Fund dividend checks , while subsidizing oil companies and preventing personal taxation, then our real problems lie within our political management and outside the oil fields. For decades, many Alaskans- particularly politicians - have supposed that drilling in the Refuge will have the magical ability to correct our problems, but our problems lie elsewhere and will persist whether the Refuge is drilled or not as long as political mismanagement is the norm. Pope Francis wants us to care about the poor, but our politicians care about the rich, such as the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, which will get even richer if the Refuge is drilled. The politicians do not care about the Gwich'in, people of the caribou, who are poor and will likely become nutritionally and spiritually poorer with drilling. Why favor the Inupiat over the Gwich'in, who oppose drilling in ANWR? Because of a very un-Francis-like preference for material wealth over environmental protections, and an indifference to economic hardship. The North Slope Borough Inupiat do not suffer economic hardship; the Gwich'in do, yet the Inupiat are favored by the politicians.", "I have got a Space at the beginning of the Year '2021?' to discuss in commentary 'the thoughts of Pope Francis as expressed in his'Laudato So: on Care for our Common Home. We know what Pope Francis thinks about the urgency we must feel to correct global warming." Published December 27, 2020.",ADN continued to say "I focus on this narrow issue because it will be the first wedge between Alaskans' congressional delegation and the Biden administration. But I want them to work together in the future in accordance with Pope Francis' wisdom. Their differences seem irreconcilable, even bitterly hostile. Yet how are we going to be able to step forward with the environmental protections that we desperately need, particularly with global warming? Expanding oil and gaz extraction is a step backwards; limiting it is is step forwards, and every small step matters. My appeal is that our congressional delegation take the larger view. Pope Francis is well named. Saint Francis of Assisi(1182-1226) had an illustrious career, and is perhaps remembered best for his comprehensive love of nature and humans. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, he "considered all nature as the mirror of God, and as so many steps to God." In 1979, Pope John Paul II declared him to be the patron of ecology. Pope Francis refers to ", Read more about this Satanic Alaskans' oil and gaz and global warming linking Laudatory So with Joe Biden USA giving the Beast Pope Francis the power to breath beginning in next Year January 20th, 2021 fulfilling Revelation 13:3-18 via signing UN Paris Sunday Law Climate Change Agreement" a currently hidden Prophetic USA's National Sunday LAW" to Read from Original Source click HERE! Jesus Christ Our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath is coming very very very soon to destroy permanently All Sinners and put this Earth in a 1000 Years humanity Life shutdown from October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, while deceived world is now following Satan through uplifting Sunday Resting and worship by Law from Pope Francis' Laudato Si'237' rejecting the True 7th Day Holy Sabbath LAW given to the whole world humanity by Jesus Christ Himself who is Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath'Luke 6:1-5" which as well contains the SEAL or MARK of the Living Almighty God Our True Holy Father in Heaven who created not only this Earth this Satanic Pope Francis said He wants to save by combating climate change, but also Almighty God created the whole universe and everything which is in the whole universe including Lucifer who rebelled to become SATAN the DEVIL and this EVIL Right Hand of This DEVIL SATAN which enjoys to KILL and DESTROY SOULS with him soon in 3024 Lake of FIRE of Isaiah 66:23-24& Zechariah 14 & Revelation 19,20 and 21,Jesus is coming very very soon this October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. It is going to be OVER as said in Revelation 22 and in book of the Great Controversy Chapters 38,39,40,41,and 42. Like wanting to commit suicide by preparing Genocide to the True 7th Day Adventists remnants of the seed of the Man of Almighty God Abraham and SON of King DAVID JESUS CHRIST our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath, look here below what this pope Francis Gay Jesuit is dealing with Pachamama the god of pagans to set up Sunday rest and worship by LAW"An abomination of desolation":
USA NEW BILL on ALIENS "Live Demons" aiming to terrify the world in 180 Days from 31/12/2020 Helped by COVID-19 Fake Disease.
This article is going to demonstrate the fulfilling prophecy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:32-44.
:This is the Loud Cry Message,TheOnlyReason why Jesus Christ"The Lord of 7th Day Sabbath" Raised 144000 True 7th Day Adventists to Dissolve,Expose&Defeat SATAN and His Man of SIN POPE FRANCIS"The Lord of 1st Day Sunday"in 3 Years"February7,2021 Till February7,2024".Repent,Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.
Broadcast comment on the 3 Years of 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message to 8 Month and 2 Days of 7 Last Plagues"7 Trumpets" Period from February 7th, 2021 until Jesus' 2nd coming on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m and October 22nd, 2024 plus 1000 Years to the New Earth in October 22nd, 3024:
37.[Chapter 37—The Scriptures a Safeguard/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda), 38.[Chapter 38—The Final Warning/The Great at 1:59' a.m and OcControversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),Now on January 1st, 2021 We are nearing the same persecution of about 2000 Years ago.39.[Chapter 39—The Time of Trouble/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda), Now on January 1st, 2021 We are nearing the same persecution of about 2000 Years ago.40.[Chapter 40—God's People Delivered/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda)=JESUITS,Now on January 1st, 2021 We are nearing the same persecution of about 2000 Years ago.41.[Chapter 41—Desolation of the Earth/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),Now on January 1st, 2021 We are nearing the same persecution of about 2000 Years ago at the closings of SATAN's works of about to complete 6000 Years within humanity on this Earth.42.[Chapter 42—The Controversy Ended/The Great C1:5ontroversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda).Now on January 1st, 2021 We are nearing the same persecution of about 2000 Years ago at the closings of SATAN's works of about to complete 6000 Years within humanity on this Earth , and He will perish completely at the end of 7000 by Almighty God to create the New Heaven and New Earth by October 22nd, 3024.We can not say that 7 last plagues will last only for 7 days ,it is already reserved for every True 7th Day Adventist to have full understanding of the process of Advent of Our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath because there is no one else who can be more understanding of the whole process of 2nd coming of Our Lord of 7th Day Sabbath Jesus Christ who must come during the 7th Last Plague rather than a True 7th Day inspired remnant of the seeds of Abraham and as Almighty God has given His 144000 True 7th Day Adventists the full right to Hear and to understand the voice of Almighty God Our Holy Father in Heaven telling Us the exact Day and Hour of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath ,as it was given to Ellen Gould White during Her 1st Vision in the book of Early Writings ,the communication from Our Father in Heaven to tell Us the exact Day and Hour of 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ must precede or must be published and headed by the 144000 True 7th Day Adventists Saints before the pouring of the Latter Rain, which must be followed by the happiness and shining with the Glory of Our Almighty God in Revelation 18:1-5 as Moses was shining when He was coming downwards from the Mount of Sinai carrying Two blocks of Stones on which full 10 Commandments of Almighty God were written including the 4th Commandment which contains the Seal and the Mark of the Living Almighty God in Heaven which is the 7th Day Holy Sabbath.
Therefore, the 7th Day Adventist must understand that there will not be an secret about You to Know the exact Day and Time of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath, because Almighty God Himself Promised to Ellen Gould White that before pouring the Promised Holy Cost to the Adventists ,the Day and hour of 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ will be communicated before to the 144000 saints and then after the promised Holy Host which is non other than the Latter Rain will thereafter be poured to the 144000 True 7th Day Adventists Saints ,please to understand this ,You must read the whole 1st Vision of Ellen Gould White as it is Found in Her 1st Published Book entitled the Early Writings between page 30 and 40 either in English or any other Translated language.:
1) For Dear Remnant Pastor Emmanuel Nougaisse the beloved brother in Jesus Christ with very glorious Everlasting blessings to You and to the AMAZING WORD MINISTRIES Channels even if You are hardly proclaiming this everlasting gospel of the 3rd Angel's Message in Hardships being persecuted from all sides by Pope Francis' Facebook, Twitter,YouTube Satanic Jesuits Sensors, continue to be very strong with Happiness in our Soon Coming Jesus Christ Our Savior and Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath.
This sermon contains the same message about the falling of 7 last plagues as explained from the Spirit of Prophecy by Ellen Gould White in the Early Writings about the 1847 Revealed Truth About the 7th Day Holy Sabbath which Almighty God will be using to draw a Line between the True Children of Almighty God and the Children of the Seed of SATAN, who will unite with Roman Catholic Pope Francis in Laudato SI'237 to welcome His Abomination of Desolation the Sunday Rest and Worship by Law which was Prophesied in Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11 , Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.
Last 7 Plagues can not be all poured in 7 Days only. This is what was considered as 1/2 hour in a Video and is found in Revelation 8:1-6, this is exactly 7Days and 12 Hours,thank you for good prophetic calculation.

However as the Spirit of Prophecy said about the Journey from this Earth to Heaven being 7 Days in Early Writings"My First Vision" ,we understand that this 1/2 Hour has an other different explanation and Almighty God has as well revealed it in this Article as it has to do with Revelation 15:1-8 and Revelation 8:1-6-12,Chapters 38, 39, 40, 41 &42 of the Great Controversy Book , Revelation 9, 11, 15 & 16 for the 7 last plagues Angels preparedness before the 7 Last Plagues start to be poured on this Earth during the 7 Sounding Trumpets of those 7 Angels who were being preparing to come to start pouring their Cups full of 7 Last Plagues on this Earth One by One based on each Angel blowing His Trumpet 1 by 1 from the 1st Angel pouring the 1st Plague was as well explained as blowing the 1st Trumpet and for 1st 4 Last Plagues are mentioned in Revelation 8:2-12 as 4 Trumpets blown, it is the same way 1st 4 Last Plagues are explained in Revelation 16:1-9, while the 1/2 hour of Revelation 8:1 is the theoretical preliminarily explanation of the Practical Preparedness of 7 Angels being called by One of the 4 Heavenly Beast to receive 7 Cups before the smoke from Almighty God filled the Heavenly Temple to forbid any Human to enter in which means to let Jesus Christ do not continue to administer in the Most Holy Apartment, until all 7 last plagues will be completely poured on the Sinners on this Earth.Revelation 15:5-8. The evidence that the 7 last plagues will be poured in more than 7 days is based on the 5th Last Plague which will last for full 5 Months in Revelation , understanding the code here as decoded by the Holy Spirit, Reding about the 5th Trumpet of the 5th Angel blowing it as a preliminary explanation of the 5th Last plague in Revelation 16:10-11.
The 5th Last Plague of Revelation 16:10-11 will last for 5 months in Revelation 9:5 and Revelation 9:10 and it is reserved to don't kill sinners but to shame the One World Government of Pope of Rome in full 5 Months to bring spiritual and physical Darkness on his throne as said in Revelation 16:10-11 as well as was explained in the Book of Last Days Events of Ellen Gould White in the Chapter entitled "The 7 Last Plagues with Sinners".
Here in Revelation 9:4 is the code which the Holy Spirit decoded for everyone to be able to Understand that all 7 Trumpets in this final rapid movements of the End of Earth History of SATAN and His Companions Sinners and His Man of SIN Pope Francis the Gay Jesuit, this decoded code about 7 Trumpets was surely clarified to allow everyone be able to matche 7 Trumpets with 7 Last Plagues.

Revelation 9:4[Here was mentioned the words" To harm nothing else, except 'Those human beings who do not have the SEAL or the MARK of Almighty God in THEIR Forehead'"] Then in Revelation 9:5 The order was given to sorrow and pain mentally and physically "Those human beings who do not have the SEAL or the MARK of Almighty God in THEIR Forehead" For the whole Period of 5 Months and it was repeated to strengthen its connotation in Revelation 9:10 to make it clear that the 5th Last Plague Must be the most sorrowful and Painful mentally and physically wrath of Almighty God that will kill nobody among sinners for 5 months because they have rejected the Loud Cry 3rd Angel Message That Should have been Received by them to Put in their Forehead the SEAL or the MARK of Almighty GOD during the Loud Cry Period Which Must Come in this World After The Almighty God has Poured the Latter Rain to All His 144000 True 7th Day Adventists Saints and as well as after Having Communicated to His Saints the Day and Hour of 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and as well , to have this code be decoded to everyone to Understand that the 5th Trumpet stands for the 5th Last Plague and that it will last for full 5 Months reserved for only "Those human beings who do not have the SEAL or the MARK of Almighty God in THEIR Forehead in Revelation 9:1-12" and the SEALING which they have rejected must take place in the near future after the Mark of The Beast"Paris Climate Sunday Law Agreement of Laudato SI'237" is signed in the United State of America(USA) by the Current Roman Catholic elected President Joe Biden the 2nd Beast to speak like a Dragon to enact and finally to enforce the Whole World Leaders to bow to the 1st Beast to enact and enforce the same Mark of The Beast"Paris Climate Sunday Law Agreement of Laudato SI'237" the same way is going to be enacted and latter on to be enforced by Law in the United State of America(USA) by Joe Biden who is going to begin His Presidency by this January 20th, 2021,the use of inverse is needed to clearly decode this code for everyone to understand that the 5th Trumpet also represents the 5th Last Plague and will Last for 5 full Months From March 1st, 2024until July 31st, 2024 in ending of 42 months of the Leadership of the Beast in Revelation 13:5 in Daniel 12:7 and in Revelation 11:1-14 to complete 1260 Days prophecy starting from February 7th, 2021, while the 5th Trumpet blows, on this Earth in 5 Months, only Those human beings who do have the SEAL or the MARK of Almighty God in THEIR Forehead,will not be having sorrows and pain mentally and physically because they will be protected from not only the 5th last plague but also for other 7 last plagues in the same protection ability of Almighty God as that One Noah and His whole Family experienced in the Ark during full 8 Months and 2 Days Period in Genesis 7:11 From February 17th, until October 15th, in Genesis 8:5-12, The same way 7 Last Plagues will Last for 8Months and 2 Days From February 16th, 2024 Until 1:59' a.m on October 15th, 2024 at the same day and same hour of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of The 7th Day Sabbath.
2) For Dear Remnant Professor Walter Veith, the beloved brother in Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7Th Day Sabbath, with very glorious Everlasting blessings to You and to the AMAZING DISCOVERIES Channels even if You are hardly proclaiming this everlasting gospel of the 3rd Angel's Message in hardships of sensors of pope Francis and His YouTube Jesuits.
Dear Brother in Jesus Christ, this sermon contains a very rich everlasting salvation gospel and it has very impacts on the whole family of 7th Day Sabbath Keeping Individuals and to the whole World"
Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Is This The End? Part 1 (2 Hour In Depth Study) - What's Up Prof? 8" ,this Video really means much about our Soon Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath.
This sermon contains the same message about the falling of 7 last plagues as explained from the Spirit of Prophecy by Ellen Gould White in the Early Writings about the 1847 Revealed Truth About the 7th Day Holy Sabbath which Almighty God will be using to draw a Line between the True Children of Almighty God and the Children of the Seed of SATAN who will unite with Roman Catholic Pope Francis in Laudato SI'237 to welcome His Abomination of Desolation the Sunday Rest and Worship by Law which was Prophesied in Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11 , Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.
In the same explanations based on the Vision Ellen Gould White received in the Year 1847 about the truth of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath, in Early Writings, She mentioned that there must come a short period of trouble but before the 7 Last Plagues start, and in which the Loud Voice of the 3rd Angel's Message must be being proclaimed before to get to the drawn line of global close of Probation by Almighty God.
It was mentioned therein too that the Latter Rain Must come first as a refreshing power of the Holy Spirit from the Throne of Our Holy Father In Heavenly Sanctuary where Jesus Christ Our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath is now Administering His Highest Priest Final Judgement works in the Most Holiest Apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary until the close of Probation and then will start the falling of 7 last plagues within which Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath will 2ndly Come during the 7th Last Plague.
In the same book of Early Writings in the First Vision of Ellen Gould White concerning the Journey of the Adventists going to the Holy Gate of the Heavenly Canaan, while they began to Walk in that narrow path the light which was behind them as was mentioned, it was the Midnight Cry which represented the Great Awakening of October 22nd, 1844 Millerites' movement which has given birth to Our current 7th Day Adventist Movement, it was mentioned that during the journey, Jesus Christ rose up His Right Hand and a very bright Shinning Light was seen in that His Right Hand, lighting in the whole path and which made the journeying Adventists more happy and able to continue their journey confidently without only relaying on the Great Awakening "Midnight Cry", for no doubt, that light was raised from the Right Hand of Jesus Christ from His Opening of the Ark of Covenant in the Most Holiest apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary on April 3rd, 1847 on that same day Ellen Gould White received the Vision about the Truth of the 4th Commandment which She Saw Shinning mostly in comparison to the others remaining 9 Commandments, which thereafter followed by receiving instructions from Jesus Christ to tell to all Adventists to Remember To Keep The 7th Day Sabbath Holy, and thereafter the whole movement of 1st Day Sunday Adventists who welcomed that Vision given to Ellen Gould White on April 3rd, 1847 turned to the 7th Day Adventists (SDA) and grown into the global 7th Day Adventists independent and dependent SDA General Conference Churches, Ministries and groups.
During this 1st Vision of Ellen Gould White after appearing of the light from the right hand of Jesus Christ, there was Heard the Voice of Almighty God giving to the those journeying Adventists telling them about the exact Day and Hour of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and Only 144000 Saints Knew and Understood this voice" A Code",and after hearing that same coded Voice, then Almighty God poured to them the Promised refreshing" The Holy Ghost" The Latter Rain.
It is mentioned that the wicked could not hear that same coded voice, instead they confused it with thunderstorms, thunder, earthquakes just all about calamities and climate changes and as much as was complicated for the wicked to identity and understand that coded voice of Almighty God telling the Whole world of these last days , it fulfills the Vision of Daniel 12:5-10 where only 144000 Sealed Saints of Almighty God were to know and understand this coded voice of Almighty God in Daniel 12:7,and it was promised to the Adventists through this 1st Vision of Ellen Gould White, and by only relaying on these promises, Everyone can now claim not only for the Latter Rain until there is first the knowing and understanding of this coded Voice of Almighty God,which Daniel claimed for Almighty God to explain it to Him in Daniel 12:8.
However, as simple as being a very good student of Bible Prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, and using other biblical evidences and the Spirit of Prophecy , every 7th Day Adventist should have faith required to know and understand this coded voice of Almighty God telling Us all the exact Day and hour of 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of The 7th Day Sabbath.
Therefore, in different citations that were used to demonstrate that SATAN' s work will not go beyond 6000 Years, also the last chapter of the Book The Great Controversy Ellen Gould White has mentioned that in about 6000 Years Almighty God will put an end to the Works of SATAN on this Earth during the same period of Jacob's Trouble when the whole sinning World who will be Having the Mark of the Beast, the Number of the Beast and the Image of the Beast will finally decide to kill Us all whole rejected and refused categorically to bow down to the Mark of the Beast, the Number of the Beast and the Image of the Beast, and a death penalty to whosoever continues to Honor the 7th Day Sabbath and who keeps to Oppose the Leadership of the Man Of SIN Pope of ROME by not accepting to Rest and worship Sunday not having COVID-19 Vaccines 666 Microchips and who don't accept to join other Christian Ecumenical VADEMECUM Lifestyle will all face this death penalty and happening exactly immediately after the simultaneously falling of the 1st 4 last plagues all around the globe, the death decree will be passed during the Earl beginning of the 5th Last Plague, which will Last for 5 months as we saw above.
Therefore, when trying to calculate when 6000 Years will be completed, in the Spirit of Prophecy in the Desire Of Ages it was mentioned that when Jesus Christ was in the wilderness during the SATAN's Temptations in 40 Fasting Days He was 30 Years Old while that Year the World was under SATAN' s Work for full 4000 Years.
Except that when Jesus Christ was Baptized it was in the Year 27AD, It was mentioned in the Video that 6000 will be completed in the Year 2027!. Because by adding only 2000 Years on 27 A.D saying that Jesus Christ was Baptized in the Year 27 ,while He was 30 Years Old can be found in the Early Writings as explaining the calculation to the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9 by William Miller.
In a better way to calculate the exact end of 6000 Years, we must consider that Jesus Christ was baptized in the Year 27 AD, but at age of 30 Years Old. Which gives us 30-27=3 Years that were ignored, to understand that when Jesus Christ was Baptized even if it was in the Year 27 AD but He was 30 Years Old and it was at the complete of all 4000 Years ,with the World being under SATAN's Works, it is now demonstrated in this way: [6000-(1997-3)]=4000=(6000-2000), At the world's 4000 Years ,Jesus Christ was 30 Years Old in the Year 27 AD,mathematically written like this,30-27=3 Years,6000 Years will be completed
at the Year "X" obtain by adding 2000Years to 4000,while 2000 Years added to the 27 AD considering that in 27 AD Jesus Christ was 30 Years Old and there is 3 Years to be considered as well to make sure that 6000 will be completed at a Year [(27-3)+2000]=2024 , While X=(2000+27)-3=27+(2000-3)=27+1997=2024.
Therefore, We needed to decode the exact end of 6000 Years by taking 4000+1997+3=6000.
Therefore, the age of -3 also was there when Jesus Christ was 30 Years Old at the Year 27 A.D, meaning age were to be calculated as 3 years +27 years to obtain 30 Years Old, but the Years 3B.C+ 27 AD= 24 Years,very totally different when trying to count ages of a Person as for the case of Jesus Christ by starting from His birthday in 3B.C up to His Anniversary of 30 Years Old in 27AD , there is 3 Years to do not be ignored while precising the End of 6000 which We must obtain by adding a number 2000 from 4000 Years , indeed we can better add a number 2000-3 which is the number 1997, because Jesus Christ was born in the Year 3BC, and Baptized in the Year 27AD at the age 30 Years Old.
Hence, the end of 6000 will be in the Year 27+(2000-3)=2024, not in the Year 27+2000=2027 only without considering that We must adjust the calculation with -3 Years of 3B.C considering the Year in which Jesus Christ was born.
More sure way also to use Faith about Prophecy of Daniel 9:26-27 for full prophetic fulfilment of the Week in which the End of Sinners on this earth is an other Maher coded code to decode to make sure that the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of The 7th Day Holy Sabbath is in the Year 2024:
All 7th Day Adventists must understand the Great Apostasy of the so called Protestant Christian Leaders with many from the 7th Day Adventists Global Church of SDA General Conference were included who resigned from Jesus Christ the Lord of The 7th Day Holy Sabbath betrayed their Original Protestantism Reformers Principles and signed a Satanic Covenant with SATAN himself through Pope Francis a Jesuit to make A Reforming Catholic Confession on October 31st, 2017.
In Daniel 9:27 it says that Pope Francis had to sign a covenant with many which had to last for only 1 week that ends on the End of this World Sinners by which in its midst the Pope brings that Abomination of desolation, and 7days to make this last final 1week are the 7 Years that will End in 2024.
In Daniel 12:11-13, we were given the exact same midst of this final last 1 week of Daniel 9:27 as the point of reference from which three determined prophetic final days of related final rapid movements will be conducted ,using that same midst reference point of when an abomination of desolation will be fixed ,it will be fixed in this final last 1week of Daniel 9:27 between 31/10/2017 until 31/10/2024.
The abomination of desolation from Daniel 12:11 is the same as that of Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14 and Daniel 11:31 which is the enactment of Sunday Law.
With this abomination of desolation when it will be fixed ,we will there for be able to start counting:
1) Daniel 12:7(1260 Days),Daniel 7:25
2) Daniel 12:11(1290 Days),Daniel 7:26
3) Daniel 12:12-13(1335 Days),Daniel 7: 27
Using the last final 1335 Days to match this with the final day of 31/10/2024, 1335 days equal to 3Years 8Months and 15 Days.
Taking [(31/10/2024) -(3Y8M15D)]=31-15=16,10-8=2,2024-3=2021, we remain with 16 Days, 2 Months, and 2021.
The day of fixing the Abomination of desolation is between 16:2=8 which is the median, Meaning, we need to count 8 Days from 7th February, 2021 Until February 16th, 2021.
Therefore, it is between 7th and 16th February 2021.
Therefore, From February 7th, 2021 adding 1335 Days bring Daniel and other saints to stand in our destination on the Sea of Glass on the main gate of our heavenly Canaan: 7+15=22, 8+2= 10, 2021+3= 2024. Which give us ,the date of 22/10/2024.
But as the journey from Earth to Heaven takes 7 Days, then, Jesus Christ will come on the day (22-7=15), On 15/10/2024.
The hour is past midnight and before the Crockery of crocks ,From 00:01'a.m to 1:59' ,and the Whole World can experience the transition from 11:59' pm to 00:01'a.m for the whole world to be in midnight takes at least 2 hours and thus every point on earth can enter the same midnight as from Australia to the western world to be in midnight in USA that will be no longer midnight in Australia but can be 2 hours past midnight, so 1:59' a.m was precised basing this transition from 11:59' p.m, 14/10/2024 to 00:01' a.m, 15/10/2024.Then the whole world will see Jesus Christ Our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
With an other reseach ,there is a discovered 1177 Principal Repetition Number , it tested and confirmed the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath in the Year 2024.
2017-840(340+500)=1177. 1177=1000+100+70+7=(1+1+7+7=16=1+6=7)=7=1177,
Thus, 1177=7=1177, 7 the Day of Sabbath being a Representative of the SEAL of Almighty God.
0AD+340 Years:death of Constantine II,Bringing Bishop of Rome on Pontifex Maximus Power to become The PONTIF OF ROME.This became Able from then to End Free 7th Day Sabbath Based Christianity in Europe with persecution to them,in order for Him to keep disseminating the Child of the Papacy"Sunday sacredness " in all Christian Churches in His so called Holy Roman Empire.
From 31/10/1517 +500 Years= 31/10/2017: The PONTIFF OF ROME was able to put an end of Protestantism Reformation from Top Leaders during the covenant of "A Reforming Catholic Confession".
Therefore, 1177 can test these Two Prophetic Links 340 AD with 1517 AD of the birth of Reformation by Martin Luther, taking 340+1177=1517. Jesus Christ arranged the matter of believing the way the world needs to be Saved of by FAITH in 1177 Years,He raised A Day of Reformation on 31/10/1517 with Martin Luther hanging 95 Theses which later He Used to raise Milerites' great awakening movement which He used again to Bring back the 7th Day Sabbath freedom on this Earth on 3/4/1847.
1177 thereafter was used to test the day when the 7th Day Holy Sabbath based Calendar like that initially used in Eden in Genesis 2:1-4 to be relocated in New Earth of Isiah 66:23-24, linking Two prophetic Points from 1847 to 3024.
1847+1177= 3024.
And being in New Earth in the Year 3024 in New Jerusalem, taken 1000 Years for Us to be in Heaven following the Year of 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. 3024-1000=2024.
Thus, Jesus Christ will come therefore in the Year 2024.
Linking 22/10/1844 with 22/10/2024 The 180 Years Jesus Christ will complete His work of Offering the World who trusted in His Blood either by offered blood of animals in ancient testament and offered blood in New testament as a 1st fruit feast to our Almighty God our Holy Father in Heaven on the next day 23/10/2024,considering that on 22/10/2024 will be the 1st Day of celebration of Unleavened Breads which will be represented by Human beings seating in Front of Our Holy Father The Almighty God in Heaven on 23/10/2024,To fulfill Esther Chapter 1&2.
3) For Dear Remnant Pastor Andrew Henriques, the beloved brother in Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7Th Day Sabbath, with very glorious Everlasting blessings to You and to the PROPHESY AGAIN TV YouTube Channel even if You are hardly proclaiming this everlasting gospel of the 3rd Angel's Message in hardships of sensors of pope Francis and His YouTube Jesuits.
This sermon contains the same message about the falling of 7 last plagues as explained from the Spirit of Prophecy by Ellen Gould White in the Early Writings about the 1847 Revealed Truth About the 7th Day Holy Sabbath which Almighty God will be using to draw a Line between the True Children of Almighty God and the Children of the Seed of SATAN who will unite with Roman Catholic Pope Francis in Laudato SI'237 to welcome His Abomination of Desolation the Sunday Rest and Worship by Law which was Prophesied in Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11 , Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.
However, based on the same ways should the Jewish people use to determine the 1st Advent of Jesus Christ , even if they failed to calculate exactly the exact Day and Hour of His Birth, it was the best advice they should have followed from Daniel Prophecy in Daniel 2:1-47 and Daniel 9:1-27, as well as for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ , we are advised to keep our eye open, and in Matthew 24:1-51 Jesus Christ reminds us to repeat the Full Searching of the Prophecy of Daniel fully as it contains calculation, everyone on this earth not only 7th Day Adventists should exactly do the same Way wise men from East did through exact Daniel's prophetic based calculation to know the date and hour of not only the 1st but also the 2nd Advent of Our Savior Jesus Christ,decoding all the Codes that were not revealed to Daniel 12:8 about 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath,because this is the mentioned time to Know every Truth as Promised by Almighty God in Heaven in Daniel 12:9-11and to be able to understand the final 1260Days, 1290 Days and 1335 Days ,We should only use Calculation as now time has come ,Already Almighty God has permitted the Holy Spirit to Help Us to calculate and Understand these last days' rapid movements' related Daniel's Prophetic Mathematics to fulfill John 16 and John 17 whole chapters,as much as every 7th Day Adventist Remnant is concerned now for the 1st Vision of Ellen Gould White contains this Promise as well, You must find that Voice of Almighty God in His Holy Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy,not waiting His Microphone voice in the sky before October 15,2024 at 1:59' a.m.With that Trumpet of Jesus calling deads to be resurrected,and Us to go meet Him in this sky.
4) For Dear Remnant Author of the Bible Flock Box, the beloved brother in Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7Th Day Sabbath, with very glorious Everlasting blessings to You and to the BIBLE FLOCK BOX YouTube Channel even if You are hardly proclaiming this everlasting gospel of the 3rd Angel's Message in hardships of sensors of pope Francis and His YouTube Jesuits.
Dear Brother in Jesus Christ, this sermon contains a very rich everlasting salvation gospel and it has very impacts on the whole family of 7th Day Sabbath Keeping Individuals and to the whole World" Will Only 144,000 Be Saved? The TRUTH Will SURPRISE You! " ,this Video really means much about our Soon Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of 7th Day Holy Sabbath. This sermon contains the same message about the falling of 7 last plagues as explained from the Spirit of Prophecy by Ellen Gould White in the Early Writings about the 1847 Revealed Truth About the 7th Day Holy Sabbath which Almighty God will be using to draw a Line between the True Children of Almighty God'Those with the SEAL of Our Living God' and the Children of the Seed of SATAN'Those With The Mark of The Beast' who will unite with Roman Catholic Pope Francis in Laudato SI'237 to welcome His Abomination of Desolation the Sunday Rest and Worship by Law which was Prophesied in Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11 , Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.
However, based on the Sealing Process in Revelation 7:1-14 ,the same Sealing process is as well detailed in Ezekiel 9:1-11, and All those two above mentioned Sealing processes have a common reason which is to prepare a fixed number of people who have overcome SATAN justified by Faith in Jesus Christ and by whom Jesus Christ had given His Divine Power to have victory over Sin.
In Revelation 14:1-4, these people whom Jesus Christ obtained full confidence in were the same people in Revelation 17:14 who were strongly prepared before the setting up of the Abomination of Desolation in Daniel 12:1-11.
These sealed individuals were prepared from the other same Church of individuals in Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12 fulfilling the condition in Revelation 19:1-10 where the heavenly holy beings declared them as a ready bride.
They are to be considered as a Ready Bride in Revelation 19:1-10 because they were going to be Presented as a 1st fruit to the Almighty God one day after Our Hiest Priest finished our atonement on 22/10/2020 in order for Almighty God to Pour Promised Holy Ghost"Latter Rain" on Us on Pentecostal day on 13/12/2020 just 50 Days after 23/10/2020 the Day on which Jesus Christ presented us to the Almighty God as the 1st Fruit ,one day following 22/10/2020 the Day of Atonement as Justified as the Wedding between Jesus Christ this His Bride considered as the remnants Church of Almighty God in the Revelation 14:1-4.
Therefore, this remnants Church of 144000 represented individuals are the True 7th Day Adventists selected among others previously considered as being part of initial still existing Laodicean 7th Day Adventists General Conference Churches who are being sensitized to received both the Number of the Beast"COVID-19 Tests & Vaccines " and Mark of the Beast"Climate Change Paris Agreement Sunday Rest and Worship by LAW" and will join therefore the Babylonian One World Government Ecumenical Vademecum based SATAN' s Church bowing to the Image of the Beast" National Church and State Union " and composes the group of people in Amos 4:6-7 who will soon be crying to Almighty God to be given the Latter Rain in February 7th-16th, 2021 after they realize that through Joe Biden on January 20th, 2021 a USA National Climate Change Paris Agreement Sunday Rest and Worship by LAW was singed and that the enactment of USA National Sunday LAW reveals that Almighty God had Poured the Latter Rain some few 7th Day Adventists of the represented 144000 Remnants Church Three Months Ago on December 13th, 2020 as mentioned in Amos 4:6-7, and as Promised to the Adventists in the Book of Early Writings "My First Vision" as well as Jesus Christ has prophesied about the beginning of the harvesting the ripening fruits and grains from Babylon in Revelation 18:1-5,which must be the Proclamation of the Loud Cry 3rd Angel's message in 4 months that follows the Month of October 22nd, 2020 in John 4:32-38 which will be in January 22nd, 2021 Just Two Day after the Joe Biden Administration completes 2 Days of His first 100 Days as USA President, who officially going to enact USA National Climate Change Paris Agreement Sunday Rest and Worship by LAW to give the 1st Beast the Power to initiate the 42 Final New World Order Battle"Daniel 12:7-13 Final Movements in 3 sequences of consecutive Days: 42months equaling1260 Days ending of 31/7/2024, and 1290 Days ending on 31/8/2024, and 1335 Days ending on 22/10/2024-From February 7th, 2021 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m and October 22nd, 2024" in Revelation 13:5-18 against Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath in Revelation 17:1-18 through His 144000 7th Day anointed Individuals Remnants Church in Revelation 14:1-20 as bringing the enjoyeable fall of the Babylon Power in Revelation 19:1-21.
Therefore, this Sealing of 144000 7th Day Adventists has started following the Great Apostasy of the 7th Day Adventists Global General Conference on October 31st, 2017 the Day when their Official Hidden 7th Day Adventists delegates signatures were officially signed on the SATAN' s own covenant"
A Reforming Catholic Confession " with others so called Christian Protestants Global Churches and Denominations and Organizations Leaders to put an end on Jesus Christ's Initiated Protestants Reformation Movement Officially initiated through Martin Luther' s 95 Theses hanged on the Door of Wittenberg SATANIC ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH as a Global witness and Launch of Universal Protestants Reformation on October 31st,1517.
In fact, the process of sealing of 144000 basing firstly in Ezekiel 9:1-11 confirmed that it was only reserved for the 7th Day Adventists wh were to be selected from other 7th Day Adventists members of the Apostate General Conference of the 7th Day Adventists Global Churches explained in Ezekiel 8 about their apostasy on October 31st, 2017 where the sealing Angel sealed not only those 144000 Saints "7th Day Adventists individuals" in physical numbers as all alone, but also whosoever baptized as a 7th Day Adventists from All Nations worldwide who have been real members of the SDA Churches who as well could identity and notice any single abomination being brought inside the SDA Churches secretly with a silent movement smoothly and slowly being brought by the Leaders and Churches Elders influenced by some Jesuits SDA infiltrated Pastors from October 31st, 2017 until the Global Closure of the SDA Churches in this Year 2020 as Almighty God Himself allowed it to happen to fulfill Amos 4:1-7 ,therein all of those True SDA individuals who shouted crying to denounce those abominable Satan's policies and lifestyles which were being introduced in the SDA Churches likewise in Ezekiel 9:1-7 were all Sealed by October 15th, 2020 and their sins cleaned during atonement Day on October 22nd, 2024 for those 1st Fruits represented True 7th Day Adventists by the number of 144000 Saints offered as 1st Fruits to Our Almighty God on October 23rd, 2020 to fulfill Revelation 14:1-4 and Revelation 7:1-8 as they were ready from then to be given the Latter Rain after 50 Days on December 13th, 2020 in order work with Jesus Christ in proclaiming the 3rd Angel's message with Loud Cry to harvest the people of Almighty God who will still be in Babylon from February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024 in full Three Years to bring before Almighty God by October 15th, 2023 ready for atonement day on October 22nd, 2023 to be presented as other 1st Fruits of the final harvest of those multitudes of people of Almighty God from Babylon on October 23rd, 2023 to have that multitudes of people that John explained in Revelation 7:9-14 for them also to be given refreshing Holy Spirit by February 7th, 2024 , which will make them be able to keep the strong Faith when Jesus Christ will be no longer Seating of the Mercy's Seat in the Most Holiest Apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary as the Global probation will have been closed by October 22nd, 2023 the Day of Final Atonement ,where from February 7th, 2024 7 Angels will be preparing to come to start pouring the 7 last plagues on February 16th, 2024 until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath appearing on the SKY to rescue Us from Jacob's time of Trouble and to lift Us up with all of His Saints both live and those all to be resurrected from this Earth to meet Him with Thousands of other thousands of thousands of His Angels and Saints to begin our 7 Days Journey Heading to the Sea of Glass to arrive on the Main Gate of Our Heavenly CANAAN on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 to fully fulfill the prophecy in Revelation 14:1-20 and Revelation 18:1-21 and Revelation 19:1-21.
In this understanding that 144000 Saints represents a Bride already married to Jesus Christ this Year 2020 justifies the reason why Jesus Christ will appear on This SKY Tuesday at 1:59' a.m on October 15th, 2024 while coming from the weeding in Heaven that took place From October 15th, 2020 until December 13th, 2020, as the 144000 SDA individuals represent 5 wise virgins while the rest of other SDA Churches members represented 5 foolish virgins.
The number 144000 is a symbolic number of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ who spread the gospel of salvation by the bloodshed of Jesus Christ"The True Bread" to the whole world to initiate the Christianity worldwide, to be obtained, we consider 5 breads that Jesus Christ used to feed 5000 men as 1 bread satisfied 1000 men and spiritual application of 12 unleavened breads in the Heavenly Sanctuary preached by 12 disciples of Jesus Christ spiritually resulted in [12 disciples X12 heavenly unleavened breads X1000 True 7th Day Remnants]=144,000 Spiritual Disciples whom we are today.
Therefore, the 144,000 Sealed Saints will not be able to reject the Mark of the Beast, because they were sealed with the seal of of the living God and their names were already written in the book of life of the Lamb of Our Almighty God by October 22nd, 2020 fulfilling Revelation 13:8 making the exception before the Mark of the beast to become fixed in the USA by next year 2021.
Instead, 144,000 Saints will proclaim the 3rd Angel's message with a Loud Cry to fight against the Roman Catholic Church's Social Satanic Demonic " Ecumenical VADEMECUM" teachings, to warning the whole world helped by Jesus Christ under the power of the latter rain defeating SATAN Himself by Exposing the Satan's right Hand the Man of SIN the SON of Prediction"Pope of Rome" From February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024 to help those currently people of Almighty God Who are still in Babylon who have never been given any other opportunity to hear this Truth about the 10 commandments of Almighty God within which the 4th Commandment to Remember the 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy which was not seriously taught to them by any one before, so that they will have to be able to reject this soon Coming Mark of the BEAST[ Joe Biden's enacted signed USA National Climate Change Paris Agreement Sunday Rest and Worship by LAW],so that they can be able therefore to accept and receive the Mark of Living Almighty God in Heaven, before the Global Close of Probation and the beginning of falling of the 7last plagues in the Year 2024.
Click on bold blue words to Keep listening more about these shared 10 Facts About the 144,000 in Revelation: All . Are There SOULS in HEAVEN Now? | Revelation 6:9-11, these Souls are not yet in heaven, instead their bloodshed are speaking with their teachings they left "The Holy Bible" which they protected and preserved it from Roman's Pagan Emperors and Pontiffs Hunting It "Revelation 11:1-19" until Now, on the cost of their bloods and therefore It has raised other saints through out of generations to other generations by whom also are still represented by currently living Saints whom We represent as being taught from them the gospel of Salvation by faith in Jesus Christ , allowing us to obtain Victory over Sin representing the righteousness of Jesus Christ which is explained as them being receiving White Lobs, needed for Us to endure the coming Same persecutions as theirs,from Joe Biden's signing the Paris Agreement LaudatoSi237 Climate Change USA National Sunday Rest and Worship by Law on January 20th, 2021 until July 31st, 2024 at the End of 1260 Days"42 Months " New Work Order's Leadership in Revelation 13:5 during the 5th Trumpet of the 5 months 5th Last Plague. They are waiting to be resurrected at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ their Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath, on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, during the 7th Last Plague: 37.[Chapter 37—The Scriptures a Safeguard/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda), Read more in this New Article on December 19th, 2020_10h10' a.m: This is the Only Reason why Jesus Christ"The Lord of 7th Day Sabbath" has Raised the 7th Day Adventists"144000" to Defeat and Expose SATAN and His Man of SIN POPE FRANCIS"The Lord of 1st Day Sunday" a Satanic Jesuit Gay and His already Coming Demons companions "Advent of Aliens December 2020-2021". .Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.
I. Detailed article's biblical and prophetic activities and reseach literature reviews currently:
1.The reality of every activity that is currently taking place is what in this article we will see as the fulfilling prophecy of the events which Jesus Christ prophesied the had to take place before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, according to the whole Prophecy of Daniel and it keeps its same role to reveal the exact date and hour of 2nd comingding to the Holy Bible and the History of worldwide common activities and the powerful rules which everyone can see today applied to every single individual on this earth.
According to the Holy Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy as given to the Whole World from Almighty God through the Writings of Ellen Could White, the Divine Powers that are in collisions include the Holy Laws of the Almighty God in Heaven and the False Deceptive Laws of Satan who failed to obey Almighty God in Heaven and decided to dissociate Himself from the Holy Beings to start His Own Kingship Style of Darkness, and that Darkness He designed has everything to do with either desecrating One or many even will to desecrating all 10 Commandments of Almighty God in Heaven and on this Earth, and He has managed to initiate that Darkness founded Kingship style with 1/3 Angels whom He deceived in Heaven and on this Earth deceived the 1st Family of Adam and Eve in Eden ,where He managed to posses the Whole Humanity from the 1st Human beings Created by Almighty God in the Garden of Eden and continued to reign in the hearts of some individuals fully who failed to obey Almighty God's Commandments through Out Centuries and Millenniums from the day aAdam was Created till the time when the Flood Came during the days of Noah ,even up to the birth of Jesus Christ in the Year 3BC in the Family of Judas the Ancestor of King David , Satan tried to Kill Jesus Christ while He was still a Baby, using a Roman King Herod's Army, but failed. Jesus Christ also was before prophesied named Emmanuel in Isaiah 7:10-25 from His Birthday, and at His Age of 30 Years Old in the Year of 27A.D, Jesus Christ was Baptized in deep Water of the river Jordan by John the Baptist, and immediately the Holy Spirit from The Holy Father in Heaven came in the form of a dove falling on Him while testifying that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of Almighty God accompanied the Voice of Almighty God speaking from the Sky Clouds in Heaven ,saying that He Takes Please From His Son Jesus Christ, and that same time Jesus Christ was then anointed as the longtime Promised Messiah, the One who was to come to rescue the Humanity from the Darkness Founded Kingship style of SATAN, by initiating His New Holy Kingdom of Grace with which everyone can join the Holy Father in Heaven.
Everyone could by then till now be able to join Our Almighty God in Heaven by accepting to be part of the New Kingdom of Jesus Christ the Lord of 7th Day Sabbath ,by only Trusting in the Messiah, and latter the Messiah was to be crucified on the Cross , where He died on that Darkness Founded Kingdom fixed Cross, He was then Crucified and killed without any allegations of any Mistakes He would have committed, or any criminal activities that should be the reason to Crucify Him.
However, the Messiah who was promised to the whole World as a savior could only be able to save everyone who trusts in Him, by accepting His Gift of Blood He shed on that Cross.
Thereafter, Satan himself with His same initial Sinful Deceptions to the 1st humans, tried to lead the Post Jesus Christ resurrection Humanity in the Darkness of His imagined Kingdom, by deceiving many individuals who accepted Jesus Christ as their savior to desecrate Our Almighty God's Holy 7th Day Sabbath of the 4th Commandment, by deciding them to Honor the 1st Day Sun god worship, which was the Day fixed by the descendants of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz after the Flood from the Almighty God during Noah's Days.
Sunday Rest and worship is based on Sun god Worship from the Historic Towel of Babel located currently in the Country of IRAQ in Genesis 10:8-12, and Genesis 11:1-9.
During that same time after the flood, Sun god worship was dedicated to the Satanic Worship of Nimrod the SuN god and was finally introduced in the early Christian Churches by the Ancient Roman Emperor Constantine I helped by the Christian Bishop of the Church of Rome which before Honored the 7th Day Sabbath and replaced the 7th Day Sabbath to accepted Sun Day the Day of worshiping the Sun god Apollo, from belief initiated in the hearts of all those who accepted Jesus Christ as their savior while remaining attached to the ancient paganism rituals of worshiping on that Sun day, which was long ago dedicated to worshiping Nimrod the sun god of ancient Paganism Babylonian communities.
It was the Roman Catholic Church Bishops from Rome who decided to disseminate that Darkness Founded Sun worship Sunday associated with Worship Semiramis "by name of Virgin Mary, and Tammuz by names of December 25th born Son of Nimrod and Semiramis comparing Him with Jesus Christ, and cerebrating that Darkness founded Kingship style birthday of Tammuz on December 25th confusing it by name of Christmas to all blinded so called worldwide Christians".
By honoring Sunday in the place of keeping the true 7th Day Sabbath of the 4th Commandment of Almighty God in Heaven associated with believing in Christmas as a birthday of Jesus Christ both are considered by Almighty God as the most dangerous Sin that the Roman Catholic Church keeps laying to the whole world to adhere to starting from the day Constantine I ruined with forcing a Sunday Law to be enacted in the Christian Church of Rome on March 3rd, 321 until today, and such kind of abominations all they take their root from the same origin from the ancient paganism rituals which were initiated on this world from the Nimrod' s Towel of Babel in the current country of Iraq ,also known in the Biblical and Historical Ancient Babylon empire of the Worldwide known King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 1:1-21.
2. There is a cycle which has turned to its initial point: Based from the Towel of Babel in the Ancient Babylon Empire which is the origin of Sun worship and Tammuz Christmas believes,currently celebrated in the whole world,but previously celebrated in different Worldwide Countries except in some Muslim countries such as the Islamic state of IRAQ located in the same region of the Ancient Towel of Babel and the Ancient Kingdom of Babylon,there was no space reserved for Christian based believes to be accepted in the Islamic States such as Christmas and Sunday Rest and Worship by Law as the Muslims even had Jihad wars operated to hinder the expansions and invasions of Christ Jesus based teachings in their Muslims communities worldwide especially in the True Islamic States,differently, Muslims were misled before on what really Christmas and Sun Worship would mean for a Country like IRAQ by not ignoring its cultural based Towel of Babel and Ancient Babylon Powerful Empire should never be aware of a Christmas of Tammuz and Nimrod and Semiramis adopted by a so called Christian Roman Catholic Church, this paradigm shift from the real Kingdom of Babylon of Ancient Towel of Babel Pagans is what the Pontiffex Maximus Pope Francis is leading today because it had everything to do with the Original Tammuz based worship of a December 25th Christmas and Nimrod sun worship of Sunday as well as Semiramis based Virgin Mary worship from the True descendants of the Authors of Sunday and Christmas Satanic Worship from the Towel of Babel, by all satanic deceptions carried out throughout the centuries by the Roman Catholic Church in the hearts of all individuals who accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, but who were deceived by Satan to disobey the Truth of Keeping The 7th Day Sabbath , the lay of Sun god worship of Nimrod and the Christmas worship of Tammuz with the Virgin Mary worship of Semiramis has turned back to the origin of Nimrod and Semiramis and Tammuz in the country of Iraq on December 25th, 2020 ,where Pope Francis has delegated his cardinal from Vatican to IRAQ which is the Ancient Babylon, where People gathered together to build the Towel of Babel in order to desecrate the Law Almighty God gave to Noah after the flood finished in order to reproduce and multiplying to scatter in the whole world.
Those people who took decision to disobey that Command to go to scatter in the whole world it was the same sun day god worshiped Roman Catholic Church Nimrod who was their King, who decided to don't let people of Almighty God to go around the globe to scatter over the whole world to multiply to reproduce more individuals to follow the command of Almighty God.Nimrod assisted in gathering people together instead of departing as Almighty God ordered them refused the command of Almighty God by concentrating themselves together to the Towel of Babel!!!!!This is what Fratelli Tutti the Satanic Encyclical letter of Gay Jesuit Pope Francis released this Year 2020 urging the whole world to unite together with the Pope of Rome!!!!!!!!while Almighty God in the Holy Bible termed the Roman Catholic Church Pontifex Maximus as the Enemy of the Heaven calling Him the Beast whose identification Number is 666 and evidence based Coronavirus Vaccines were released to Help the Son of Perdition the Man of SIN the Satanic Right Hand the Gay Jesuit Pope of Rome to be able to use Coronavirus Fake Disease as a Monster Pandemic that kills millions of souls as if it is going to kill the millions of people less than those Almighty God is going to kill during the coming 7Last Plagues From February 16th, 2024 till the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ during the last 7th Plague on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
The Holy Bible has warned every human being to do never unite with the Man of Sin who is the Right Hand of SATAN and who is the Pope of Rome as whosoever will unite with the Pope of Rome is blindly United with SATAN and is immediately becoming the enemy of Almighty God and all the Enemies of Almighty God choose to desecrate His Holy 7th Day Sabbath in order to sacrate the Nimrod sun god worshipping of SATAN.
The New World Order One World Government that the Pope Of Rome is pushing using COVID-19 and COVID-19 Microchip 666 Vaccines is going soon to be fixed through Signing the Paris Agreement in the United States of America(USA) by the New elected Roman Catholic Church President of USA Joe Biden as a National Sunday Rest by Law to combat the Climate Change ,and this uniting power of Satan for the whole world under the UN Climate Paris Sunday Law Agreement in all Countries worldwide combined with COVID-19 Mask,Testing and Vaccination draconian Laws also going together with a Sunday Based One World Religion of Satan is a Similar Event engaged by the Vatican's Satanic Pontifex Maximus Jesuit Gay Pope Francis and is a totally same event such as the One Nimrod engaged to Build the Towel of Babel in the current Country of IRAQ the Ancient Empire of Babylon, like that Almighty God has called the Vatican's Pontifex Maximus the Modern King of Modern Babylon and by worshiping the Sun Pope Francis Represents Nimrod and by His influence on bringing the whole Country of IRAQ under his knees He therefore Rule the Whole Towel of Babel and the Whole Empire of Babylon and is soon going to Rule the Whole World when He the Pontifex Maximus Pope Francis of Rome will be able to bring the World's Supper Power USA under His knees in this next Year 2021 When USA elected President Joe Biden will be brought under the knees of Pope Francis' Satanic Encyclical Letter Laudatory SI' by Signing the UN Paris Climate Change Agreement which President D.Trump has Rejected in the year 2017, ad this slavery based Leadership of New Elected President Joe Biden of the World's Supper Power USA is an evidence of that Pope Francis the Modern King of Babylon is the King of the Whole World by the Year 2021.
Fortunately, as Nimrod who tried to gather the whole world Under His Leadership To The Towel of Babel in the current Country of IRAQ based on the 3rd and 4th Angels' messages of Revelation 14:9-13 and Revelation 18:1-5 by Using the True 7th Day Adventists Fearless 144000 True 7th Day Sabbath Keepers of Revelation 14:1-4 and Revelation 15:1-5 Almighty God is going to dissolve this Satanic New World Order One World Government Satanic Gathering of Satanic Pontifex Maximus Pope Francis a Jesuit of Rome in the only 3 Years from February 7th, 2021 till February 7th, 2024 to completely dissociate His People From Babylon to Seal them with the Seal of the Living Almighty God in Ezekiel 20:12,20, and Exodus 31:12-18 which is the Holy 7th Day Sabbath and the Latter Rain Holy Spirit, and with that Sealing through the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message in 3 Years will be followed by the 7th Last Plagues from February 16th, 2024 Till October 15th, 2024 to destroy all souls on this Earth until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, and as Jesus Christ prophesied in Matthew 24:32-44 the Last 7 plagues will destroy all sinners in 8Months and 2 Days only as the Flood also completely destroyed All Sinners in 8Months and 2 Days ,from where Nimrod and other descendants of Noah who disobeyed Almighty God likewise the whole world today is going to be doing by desecrating the 7th Day Sabbath by bowing to honor the sun god through joining Pope of Rome Laudato SI' Climate Sunday Rest and Worship with COVID-19 Mask-Testes-Vaccines Draconian Law they are firstly going to face desolation and will finally be dissolved and killed by 7 Last Plagues of Revelation 16:1-21 the same way people of the Ancient Nimrod Kingdom on the Towel of Babel faced the Almighty God's divided One World Government of that time failing to agree on the same language as the current UN Sunday Paris Climate Change Agreement Laudatory SI Language which must be divided to many and different tongues and where miscommunicating to how they could keep building their Towel of Babel"New World Order till 2030 will never be possible to achieve SDGs!!!!!!" and finally in Revelation 17:1-18 same departure to different regions in this world will happen in order for the prophecy of Daniel 2 and Daniel 3 to take place based on their groups of people who found themselves speaking the same languages, to give a way to the New Kingdom of Glory of Jesus Christ and all His Saints to be set up during the Last 7th Plague From September 1st, 2024 till October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, to fulfill Daniel 9:1-27 and Daniel 12:1-13, and from October 22nd, 2024 till October 22nd, 3024 to fulfill Revelation 20,21 and 22.
To fulfill the Prophecy of Matthew 24:15-32-36-44 , the Pope of Rome has turned the whole world into One New World Order Government helped by Climate Change Paris Agreement delivered from His Laudatory SI' and Helped by COVID-19 Where the whole world today is facing individually the consequences of Such Draconian Satanic Rules.
On the one side politically, the Pope of Rome hardly uses the United Nations(UN) to initiate what He called Global Citizenship, and sustainable Lifestyles in achieving Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) but these all plans will continue to be associated with Worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz on every Sunday termed the weekly Day of Rest by Law in order to Combat Climate Change as was initiated in the Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter Laudato SI' and Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti emphasized in pushing the whole world to weekly Resting on Sunday ,which will be considered as gathering the whole world on Building once again the Towel of Babel in Honoring Sun worship Sunday of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz the abomination that contradicts the True Resting and Worship Day commanded by the Living Almighty God in the 4th Commandment of to Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.
In the UN Paris Agreement ,Sunday Rest is going to be worldwide enforced and spiritual part Satan will be praying is to use the Roman Catholic Church hierarchies in all Nations to Use National Councils of Religions by State Power influences dictating other Christian based Denominations and other non Christian religious denominations forced to go along with the teachings of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz from the Darkness founded Kingship style of Satan promoted in the Roman Catholic Church Social Teachings to ruin the True Christianity which was Founded by Jesus Christ Himself who is the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath.
3. Therefore, the whole situation that is today mounting from the Power of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz based Roman Catholic Church influences through the Global Leadership of United Nations (UN) ,United States of America (USA) and the Vatican Pontifex Maximus, is currently taking place of the same case of disobeying the Command of Almighty God to never think of Uniting the whole world under one single individual power which works for not Almighty God but for Satan as it was the case at the Towel of Babel working for the Darkness founded Kingship style of Nimrod the sun god of ancient paganism rituals of worshiping Satan ,this will be the reason to the Holy Father in Heaven to animate the True 7th Day Adventists who were prepared before October 15-22/2020 to make a whole number of 144000 Saints of Almighty God in Revelation 14:14 in order for Almighty God in Heaven to use Us to dissolve the Satanic Worship from the Darkness founded Kingship style of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz based One World Government to make it failing and will end up by frustrating the Roman Catholic Church Papacy which will finally decide to introduce its famous dark agaes persecutions to the True 7th Day Adventists individuals anointed by Our Holy Father in Heaven with Latter Rain from 13/12/2020 , bringing the Final Warning 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message to the Whole World to warn every single individual on never daring to link spiritually and politically with the Satanic Worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz of Roman Catholic Church Social Teachings in order to be secured by Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath, saving those who accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and who accepted to Honor all 10 Commandments of Almighty God including Truly Honoring the 7th Day Sabbath by Keeping It Holy which will be the way to ascape the soon coming 7Last Plagues that Almighty God reserved to destroy all living individuals on this Earth those all deceived to honor Sun worship Sunday and Christmas Satanic Worship from the Darkness Founded Kingship Style of Satan from February 16th, 2024 Till the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
4. Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath is also named Emmanuel God being with Humanity from the Holy Father in Heaven and decided to become a Son of Man to reign the Kingdom of Human beings that was initiated by Jewish King David ,today His Only Enemy is everyone who trusts in Satan unknowingly and or knowingly buy desecrating His Kingdom,the 7th Day Sabbath based Kingdom, and the most powerful rules which everyone who trusts in Satan follows to Worship Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz are generated from the Darkness Founded Kingship Style of the ancient Paganism Babylonian communities and which extended today applied to the Roman Catholic Church biblical Babylon and makes the sun god of ancient paganism rituals of worshiping Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz as their savior but confusingly turning Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath their Savior while dared to desacrate His True Day of Worship and Resiting on the 7th Day Sabbath, they worship Sunday and Christmas Satanic Worship from belief initiated in the family of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz to Honor Satan. This must be a clear way to demonstrate that Pope of Rome is the Only Human being who plays Satan Leadership among all Satanic deceived Human beings who oppose The Laws of Almighty God in the Name of Christians ,and Jesus Christ who is the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath has managed to initiate the 7th Day Adventists Movement from the Milerites' Great Awakening Movement of October 22nd, 1844 until April 3rd, 1847 when Jesus Christ in a revelation He gave to Ellen Gould White open the Heavenly Sanctuary Most Holiest Apartment's Ark of Covenant revealing to Her the Two blocks of Stone from which all 10 Commandments of Almighty God are written where the 4th Commandment of Remembering to Keep the 7 th Day Sabbath Holy was the most shining written commandment, thereafter instructed Her to disseminate that revelation to all Adventists to urge them to initiate the movement that is waiting the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ the Lord of 7th Day Sabbath at to call themselves 7th Day Adventists, as from the 1st Vision of Ellen Gould White in the book of Early Writings it was mentioned that by only proclaim the 3 Angels' messages in Revelation 14:1-13 the movement of 7th Day Adventists should grow up and until the final time of Almighty God to elect True 7th Day Adventists Protestants making the number of 144000 Saints ,those from worldwide 7th Day Adventists Churches will be used to expose and defeat the whole world united together under the guidance of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz Sunday Rest and Worship by Law being promoted by the Satanic Gay Jesuit Pope Francis of Rome ,that action of warning the whole world to dissociate from Satan and His Man of Sin right hand pope Francis' New World Oder Draconian Rules ,the warning 3rd Angel's Message will be proclaimed in Loud Cry From February 7th, 2021 to complete 3 Years till February 7th, 2024, where Probation for the Whole world will be closed.
5. Therefore, after the close of Probation following the next coming 3 Years Loud Cry 3rd Angel' Message between the years February 7th, 2021 and February 7th, 2024, there will be completed event of Almighty God sealing His People from Babylonian communities who will also accept to Obey Almighty God by Deciding to reject Sunday Worship and accept to join the True 7th Day Sabbath and proclamation of the 3rd Angel's Message as well .
6. The 7 Last Plagues of Revelation 8:1-13, Revelation 9:1-21, Revelation 11:15-19, Revelation 14:9-11, Revelation 15:1-8, Revelation 16:1-21 those chapters in the whole Bible all have been explained to the extend that whoever coming to read this article be able to disseminate these below chronological sequences, which Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath wants every single individual on this Earth to know about ,before the 7 Last plagues fall From February 16th, 2024 until the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m on the sky .
In Matthew 24:1-51, Two Connecting Verses Linked the Last Final Events of the Earth History with Pope Francis' Promoted Sun Worship and Rest by Law Matthew 24:15 to the book of Daniel 2,3,7,8,9&12 ,and to Matthew 24:38 linked with Genesis 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9, 10,11&12 and Revelation 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19&20.
The instructions Jesus Christ given to everyone who trusts in Him as His Only Savior, include also to Know exactly when He will come in order to do not be surprised by His 2nd Coming of the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath in Matthew 24:32-44 as it must not be the same case of non believer by asking to the Holy Father to tell us the exact Time of the 2nd Coming of the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath which in that Time Jesus Christ told His Disciples that Only Our Holy Father in Heaven Knew that Exact Day and Hour of 2nd Coming of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ our 7th Day Sabbath Lord .
Therefore, by askingOur Holy Father in Heaven on October 22nd, 2019 to reveal the Day and the Hour of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ during a whole 40 Days Fasting Prayer From September 22nd, 2019 till October 31st, 2019 in the Name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from the Holy Father in Heaven as was promised in John 16 and 17 descended to explain that every Truth about the Final events including the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath to the Author of This Article[
Article Title: Our King Jesus Christ ,the SON of MAN,The Lord of 7th Day Holy SABBATH, The Owner of 10 Commandments of Almighty God is Coming Very Very Soon in this Coming Spring 2024.This is the Last week, that Completes 70 weeks Daniel 9:1-27.Please Prepare His Way, Repent,Repent, Repent, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” ] and by Almighty God's Grace this True was publicly shared and disseminated to the whole world by the end of the Year 2019 ,however, whosoever trust in the Promises of Almighty God given to the humanity through Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath will also accept this promise given to all 7th Day Adventists and to the Whole World through the 1st Vision of Ellen Gould White and to the Prophet Daniel in Daniel 12:7-13, as today You also can see the current global situations combining the Climate Change, Ecumenical movements and COVID-19 Draconian Laws with its Global Citizenship based COVID-19 digital Vaccines and Test Certification and identification is against of the Holy Bible by fulfilling the Prophecy in Revelation 13:1-18 that concerns those who are going to be not fitting to live in this World of SATAn and Pope Francis but Fortunately who are known by Jesus Christ and are written in the Book of the Lamb slain to save the Humanity from the Darkness Founded Kingship Style of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz of Satan paganism rituals sun god Worship on Sunday, the Good News is enclosed in the same Article that Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath is coming very very very soon to rescue Us from these sorrowful 3 Years and 6 Months "42 Months -1260 Days" New World Order Satanic Leadership of Pope Francis which will be very very very soon destroyed by the 6th and 7th Last Plague of Revelation 16:12-21 as Jesus Christ Our Savior and Lord of The 7th Day Holy Sabbath will come during the 7th Last Plague On October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. Hold Fast Dear Saints of Almighty God, Remember the 7th Day Sabbath to Keep It Holy.Reject Satan's Sunday, Reject Satan's COVID-19 Testes and Vaccines, Rejects all Sins , Proclaim Fearlessly the 3rd and 4th Angels' messages to the individuals in the all communities around You as you go finding them in their homes, in their fields, along the roads and everywhere individual by individual this is how ,the whole world will be witnessed in this short period of time in these coming 3 Years Form February 7th, 2021 till February 7th, 2024 before the 7last plagues begin to fall on this Earth From February 16th, 2024 till the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
The Coming Year of 2021 even from January 20th, 2021 when a Roman Catholic Elected President of USA Joe Biden will finally swear in, it will be the real time to begin the practical living style prophesied In the verse of Matthew 24:15-22 by Jesus Christ Our Soon Coming Lord of 7th Day Sabbath who ordered two things: 1st to Keep the 7th Day Sabbath Holy even during the Time to flee the power of Satan exposed by the Prophecy We all must read in the whole prophecy of the ancient Testament by the Prophet Daniel, throughsearch everything concerning an abomination that makes desolation"Sunday-Pope Francis-Vatican Leadership-Jesuits-Joe Biden" being determined for desecrating the Holy Divine Powers and Laws of the Living Almighty God in Heaven which He Himself expressed in His Everlasting Holy full 10 Commandments of Almighty God including the 4th Commandment of to Remember to Keep The 7th Day Sabbath Holy and by stressing on that Holy 7th Day Sabbath, Jesus Christ said it will come the real time of Trouble where individuals who accepted Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Sabbath will be forced to worship Sunday"Nimrod " associated with Worship Semiramis and Tammuz" called Virgin Mary and Christmas baby ", and He said pray so that your flight will not be on the 7th Day Sabbath or during the period of cold whether, which means that honoring the 7th Day Sabbath will never be a bad choice and decision by consciousness despite Satan's Man of Sin Pope of Rome having pushing the whole world into one side politically and false spiritual Sunday Rest and worship by Law" spiritual Ecumenical VADEMECUM-Satanic sun Worship".
The next point that links Jesus Christ instruction on His 2nd Coming is what the Prophet Daniel wagiven as vision in Daniel 9:26-27 of a 1 final and last earth history week which means 7 last and final years on this earth ,which were started on October 31st, 2017 when the Magor Great Apostasy of so called Christian Protestant Global Denominations Leaders submitted their savior Jesus Christ Protestant based Reformation principles of a soul being saved only by Faith based on the Holy Bible only ,but that day they signed a covenant with the Beast Pope Francis to end the Protestantism in a document they termed " A Reforming Catholic Confession" denouncing as false teachings the original teachings of all Protestant Reformers who exposed that the Papacy of Rome works as a Government that uses the Holy Bible to Rule politically against what Jesus Christ whom they say they represent on this earth denounced that His Kingdom is not for this current Satanic Earthly Leadership which even Martin Luther a Priest has protested for and has never changed its initial Satanic needs to rule the whole world even now pope Francis is preparing preparing preparing this whole world to become united into one world government"Fratelli Tutti" which Vatican Pope of Rome will be its Top Leader. Therefore, 7 years from Daniel 9:27 will end on 31/10/2024, and by the amidst of those 7 Years which is in February 7th-16th, 2021 was prophesied that the pope of Rome will turn the whole world into one side politically Sunday Worship by resting on Sun day by Law to combat climate change via United States of America(USA) signing the Paris Agreement by Joe Biden, and persecution will be given ground to whosoever will not bow and comply to respect Paris Sunday Climate agreement draconian rules from Next Year 2021.
The prophet Daniel was shown in Daniel 12:7-13 Three determined Last Events periods on this earth mentioned
1) In Daniel 12:7 for 3 Years and 6 months which equal to 1260 days From February 7th, 2021 till July 31st, 2024 as the 42 Months of Revelation 13:5 within which this New World Order Papal One World Government will be ruling with little time of so called Peace and Fraternity Globally with Sunday associated Satanic Worship which will face 5full months and 17 days of 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Last 7 plagues From February 16th, 2024 till July 31st, 2024.
2) In Daniel 12:11 for 3 Years and 7 Months which equal to 1290 days From February 7th, 2021 till August 31st, 2024 as the 42 Months of Revelation 13:5 within which this New World Order Papal One World Government will be ruling with little time of so called Peace and Fraternity Globally with Sunday associated Satanic Worship which will face 5full months and 17 days of 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Last plagues From February 16th, 2024 till August 31st, 2024 during the World war named Armageddon in Revelation 16:12-16 and Revelation 9:12-21.
3) In Daniel 12:12 for 3 Years and 8 Months and 15 Days which equal to 1335 days From February 7th, 2021 till October 22nd, 2024 as the 42 Months of Revelation 13:5 within which this New World Order Papal One World Government will be ruling with little time of so called Peace and Fraternity Globally with Sunday associated Satanic Worship which will face 8 full months and 2 days of 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Last 7 plagues From February 16th, 2024 till 2nd coming of Jesus Christ at 1:59'a.m on October 15th, 2024 and Till We complete 7 Days journey from this Earth to the Gate of Almighty God's Heavenly Canaan on October 22nd, 2024.
7. The Last 7 Plagues will be falling in these 4 Main sequential Periods following a 1/2 prophetic hour of 7days and 12 hours of Revelation 18:1 From February 7th, 2024 Till February 15th, 2024 with a silence of 1/2 hour in Heaven while the Sealing 3rd Angel will have completed his Work and while One of the 4 Heavenly Beast will be calling 7 Angels in Heaven One by One getting Out of the Heavenly Sanctuary in Revelation 15:1-8 giving each of them His Own Cup of the Wrath of Almighty God of indignation in order to given them an order to start pouring each cup of the wrath of of Almighty God in this Earth as expressed in 7 Last Plagues :
1) From February 16th, 2024 until February 29th, 2024 the falling of 1st 4 last plagues of Revelation 16:1-9 and Revelation 8:1-13 will start where each plague will fall in its appropriate region on this Earth. Sinners will be starting to experience Many deaths of their massive destruction from everywhere on this earth in those 14 Days of the 1st 4 last plagues.
2) From March 1st, 2024 Until July 31st, 2024 the falling of the 5th last plague of Revelation 16:10-11 and Revelation 9:1-12 will start lasting for full 5 months ,where this 5th plague will not cause any death to sinners but will bring much sorrows and painful sufferings physically and mentally to all Sinners in full 5 months period following a death decree to be released by the One World Government to Kill True 7th Day Sabbath keeping 7th Day Adventists for the reason that the 4 last plagues worsened the Climate Change Calamities on this earth trying to blaim Us that it was because We refused to Honor the Child of the Papacy and Satan which is Sunday rest and worship by Law. A very Darkness like never was seen by the eyes of persons on this last day earth will happen during this 5th plastic plague to stop those Jesuits murders to do not Kill Us till the End of 42 Months=3 Years and 6 Months=1260 Days on July 31st, 2024 as it is prophesied in Daniel 12:7 , Revelation 11:1-14, and Revelation 13:4-9 to complete the 42 month of the New World Order One World Government Leadership of the Satanic Pontifex Maximus gay pope Jesuit of Rome seating on the throne of Satan Himself in Vatican Today. All 10 Commencements will be shown by an Angel's Hands in the sky to the whole world's individuals as written on two blocks of stones and the 4th commandment of to Remember To Keep The 7th Day Sabbath Holy that the whole world is rushing to desecrating by replacing to with Sunday of Pope Francis' Laudato SI'237 ,will be theost brilliant of all others 9 remaining commandments of Almighty God during the darkness period of this 5th Last Plague.
3) From August 1st, 2024 Until August 31st, 2024 the falling of the 6th last plague of Revelation 16:12-16 and Revelation 9:13-21 will start and be lasting for 1 full month ,where this 6th plague will cause many deaths to sinners and will bring much sorrows and painful sufferings physically and mentally to the remained sinners who will endup by cursing the Name of Almighty God who can cause them to Persh like that in that Worldwide Destructive War of Armageddon when the Eastern World will bombard the Western world with destroying the Vatican ,with nations being in collisions each other mass destructions will happen as the whole world will be in its full final destruction regretting the way every nation was deceived by the Satanic Gay Jesuit Pope Francis of Rome in desecrating the 7th Day Holy Sabbath by accepting to sign for him His COVID-19 Laudato SI satanic Climate Change Paris Agreement Sunday Rest and Worship by Law!!!!. This last 6th plague will continue until the end of August 31st, 2024 to complete the 1290 Days prophesied in Daniel 12:11.
4) From September 1st, 2024 Until 1:59' a.m on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 the falling of the 7th last plague of Revelation 16:17-21 and Revelation 11:14-19 will start falling the 7th Last plague lasting for 1full month and 15 Days ,where this 7th plague will not cause any death to sinners until every eye shall be able to see Jesus Christ Appearing on the Cloud of the Sky coming with the Glory of Almighty God accompanied by the huge multitudes of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of singing joyful holy glorious Heavenly Angels and Saints calling dead people of Almighty God by names to resurrect where We will be lifted in the Cloud to meet Our Lord of 7th Day Sabbath Son of Man Our Savior Jesus Christ King of Kings and all Eyes shall See Him and those who Crucified Him shall resurrect to see Him too but they will together with remained sinners experience a short period of much sorrows and painful sufferings physically and mentally and be all killed by the brightness of His Glory at the same Time on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. We will journey for 7 Days from this Earth Sky to arrive on the Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on the Sea of Glass on October 22nd, 2024 at the End of 1335 Days prophesied in Daniel 12:12-13 together with Daniel to stand on our Promised Heavenly Destination. During the Journey We will station to the planet where Enoch lives on the 7th Day Sabbath in order to Rest and worship together with our Lord of 7th Day Sabbath Jesus Christ and next following Day we will continue our Journey heading to the Sea of Glass.
II. The 197 Days and 8 Months and 2 Days Similarities of both period of the Noah's Days Flood and our Soon to happen 7 last plagues: 197 Days period for 1st 6 last Plagues during 6Months and 17 Days from February 16th, 2024 until August 31st, 2024 completing the same 197 Days ,and 8 Months and 2 Days Similarities of the whole Period from the 1st Day Almighty God made Noah to enter the Ark and closed it 7 Days before the rain started to fall until the day Noah sent the dove at the 3rd Time outside the Ark the same day which marked that there was nolonger any water remained from the water that was making the flood at the same day it was completed 8Months and 2 Days which is similar to 8 Months and 2 Days from February 16th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m when all 7 Last plagues will be finished at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord of 7th Day Sabbath.This time all Sinners will have been destroyed by the 7 Last Plagues as it was the case to all Sinners completely were destroyed by the Flood at the end of the same 8 Months and 2 Days as it happened during Noah's Days for Us to have the fulfilment of Jesus Christ' s Word in Matthew 24:32-44 referred to Noah's Days about the similarities of His 2nd Coming to the destruction that happened to sinners during the flood of Noah's Days.

IV. Prophetic Channels :

Read,copy,paste&Share This Link to 7 people online:[ http://www.africanunionsc.org/2020/12/new-ausc-article-on-december-28th-2020.html?m=1]
:This is the Loud Cry Message,TheOnlyReason why Jesus Christ"The Lord of 7th Day Sabbath" Raised 144000 True 7th Day Adventists to Dissolve,Expose&Defeat SATAN and His Man of SIN POPE FRANCIS"The Lord of 1st Day Sunday"in 3Years"February7,2021 Till February7,2024".Repent,Remember The 7thDay Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus is returning On 15/10/2024@1:59'a.m.
1765 | days |
42364 | hours |
2541843 | minutes |
152510588 | seconds |
It is 1765 days, 4 hours, 1 minute, 55 seconds
Set on Current time which was on Sunday, 15 December 2019, 18:58:28 CST (local time in Chicago) At time of loading, accuracy was within 0.529 seconds.
The Great Controversy
Home EGW Writings Books The Great Controversy
The Book Great Controversy in Audio: Igitabo Intambara Ikomeye mu majwi
36.[Chapter 36—The Impending Conflict/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),37.[Chapter 37—The Scriptures a Safeguard/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),38.[Chapter 38—The Final Warning/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),39.[Chapter 39—The Time of Trouble/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),40.[Chapter 40—God's People Delivered/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda)=JESUITS,41.[Chapter 41—Desolation of the Earth/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda),42.[Chapter 42—The Controversy Ended/The Great Controversy-Audio in English],(in Kinyarwanda).
Copy and paste to share to 7 people /Sangiza n' abandi bantu 7,Yesu yaje twatashye:2020-06-06:14h41'51''Inama y' Agakiza Yesu i Getsemani itangiranye n' itariki ya 1Nzeri2020 kugeza kw' Itegeko ry' Icyumweru 15Gashyantare 2021,Yesu azagaruka 15 Ukwakira 2024,Isaha yageze,Mwiyeze Imbabazi Z'Imana Kubeza Isabato ni 22Ukwakira 2020. Imvura y'itumba n'ihembura rizamara amezi 3 n' iminsi 15, bizahuza na Gashyantare 7th-17th, 2020.Twatashye Yesu Yaje,Mwige Ikigisho cya 42 Intambara Ikomeye, musome Yesaya 12:1-6, Musome 1 Abami 81:66, Mubihuze na Yohana 17:1-26"17:17"Ubereshe Ukuri, Ijambo Ryawe niryo Kuri:1)Inyandiko: http://www.africanunionsc.org/2020/06/2020060614h4151getsemani-itangiranye.html ,2) Amajwi: https://vocaroo.com/93jDG6UqbSC , 3) YouTube updates on Sunday Law movements: http://www.africanunionsc.org/2020/05/click-here-to-listen-to-updated-sunday.html |
"Uwiteka Imana yacu Uhabwe ikuzo n' Icyubahiro, dore aho iki gitabo kigeze , mumajwi, umuntu wese uje aha abasha nawe kumva ibice byose by'iki gitabo INTAMBARA IKOMEYE mu Kinyarwanda, kandi akanakanda ahanditse download, ibice byacyo byose uko ari 42 akabikura kuri interineti akabika amajwi y' iki gitabo hafi ye , bitewe n'akarengane kegereje abeza isabato yawe Data wa twese ,akazabasha kuba aho yabisangiza n'abandi bitamusabye kuba yasubiye kuri interneti.
kandi Mwami mana yanjye ,nkaba ngusaba kumvisha abasoma iby'iyi nyandiko kurararikirwa nayo gutakambira Uwiteka Imana yacu ngo tubashe guhabwa Imbabai z' Ibyaha , no gusukirwa Umwuka Wera Mu Mvura y'itumba.
Mbisabye byose mu Izina rya Yesu Kristo Umwami n'Umukza wacu.Amen."
Igitabo cy' Intambara Ikomeye mu majwi kuri interineti,Umva ibice byose , ubikurure ho ubibike ,ubisangize n' abandi;14/06/2020:
9.Chap 9-ZWINGLE
24.Chap 24-AHERA CYANE
32.Chap 32-IMITEGO YA SATANI:(Imyaka 6000)
42.Chap 42-IHEREZO RY'INTAMBARA:(Imyaka 6000)
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