The 1st Joint African Healthy Kidney Scientific Researchers Conference (1st JAHKSRC) to take place in Rwanda, at Hill Top Hotel from March 9th, 2017, On 13th March and on March 30th, 2017 is following the Campaign progression covering the month of March 1st to 31st 2017 for the main purpose of promoting the 3rd, 4th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Goals of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN).
Welcome to Join all PlannedCampaign activities in 3 Health Center (HC): Nyarugunga HC in Kicukiro District,Kimisagara HC in Nyarugenge District and Remera HC in Gasabo District,regarding celebration of WORLD KIDNEY DAY in Rwanda at the 2nd time,with the theme” Kidney Disease & Obesity”. FromMarch 6th to 8th/14h00 to 16h00/EVERY DAY. Freescreening Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Body Mass Index& Proteinuria.
Arrival of delegates:
7:00-8:00 /Registration &
Breakfast for All Delegates by Organizing Committee (OC) and Moderator for all sessions Master of Ceremony (MC).
Opening remarks:
– 8:30 /Welcoming delegates and Presentation of the Concept Note of the conference, by President of the Conference.
1st session:
8:30-9:30 /Panel No1:
HKF-R and RNSSO: Topic “ Historic for Innovation & Invention of the World Kidney Day( WKD) Celebration on National Level in Rwanda as co-founded by HKF-R and RNSSO ; Sponsored by AUSC, Lancet Laboratories, University of Rwanda and Africa Healthcare Network on March 10th, 2016 at the University of Rwanda Nyarugenge Campus/ Plus an Overview of origin of WKD annual celebration on
International Level ”.
2nd session:
9:30-10:30 /Panel No2:
OHEO, CYPAN and FNSSO: Topic “Role of Partners and their Action Plans in
relationship with the Celebration of World kidney Day, 2017”
3rd session:
10:30-11:10 /Workshop [4 most selected registered Oral Presentations for Abstracts
and Power Points All]:
Registered Presenters (4 Only) Topic”Science Fiction & Design for International
research on Kidney Diseases, literature review and Publications on National
4th session:
-11:20 / Closing remark and feed backs :
Guest of Honor: Topic “Recommendations for next year conference
5th session:
11:20-11:50 /Talk [Registered Poster Presentations for Abstracts
and Power Points All]:
Registered Presenters (6 Only) Topic “Health Break with Cocktail and networking
Opening MEMO
The Office of the
president of African Union Students’ Council (AUSC); a Pan-African Organization
with mission to raise awareness of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG) among Africans and vision to shape
the Better Africa We Deserve; through its partnership and collaboration
established with Kigali City’s Health
Centers through our planned Campaign activities in Kicukiro District,
Nyarugenge District and Gasabo District , regarding celebration of WORLD KIDNEY
DAY in Rwanda 2nd time, with theme” Kidney Disease & Obesity” ; welcomes
all willing and interested Scientific
researchers and Individuals from across the World to participate in the 1st
Joint African Healthy Kidney Scientific Researchers’ Conference (1stJHKSRC), In
Kigali-Rwanda, Thursday March 9th, 2017, to celebrate the International WORLD
KIDNEY DAY in RWANDA for the Second time firstly organized by the
AUSC,RNSSO,HKF-RWANDA Copy Right, March 10th, 2016.
The AUSC President’s Office will fully support the whole
event to take place in Kigali-Rwanda this time
to benefit all Rwandan Population
who are not yet considering themselves as Diseased with the Kidney
Diseases and bring in an academic
innovation for a special event of this year 2017 that will involve the whole
continent of Africa physically present and online discussions to take place,
for the main purpose of promoting the
3rd Goal of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations by creating the 1st Joint African Healthy
Kidney Scientific Researchers Conference(1st JAHKSRC 2017) to take place in Rwanda,
at Hill Top Hotel from March 9th , 2017 , On 13th March and on March 30th ,
2017 following the Campaign progression covering the whole for the main purpose
of promoting the 3rd,4th,15th, 16th, and
17th Goals of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United
Nations(UN). In fact, the Celebration of the World Kidney Day on International
Level is organized by different NGOs either in the same countries or Worldwide
and choosing where to focus for obtaining considerable harvest of Health
education for the betterment of the World’s Population in General.
Therefore, this is a joint event with the below planned
activities to cover the whole month of March from 1st March to 31st
March, 2017.
2017. Only Topics will be selected for
approval for presentation during the conference for all abstracts that must be
fitting in the Theme of the year 2017: “KIDNEY DISEASE & OBESITY”
Healthy lifestyle for healthy kidneys.
FILL This form to be able to participate in the Conference :
All Planned Conferences Payments Structure:
1st JAHKSRC 2017 Conference registration and participation on that single day fees is 20USD per individual for all Professionals in Health , 10USD for International Students, and 00.00USD for all Rwandan Students university to primary School students are all invited.
The registration and participation fees will be covering Tea Break and Conference Materials only .
to be paid on the reception of the Conference Hall.
FILL This form to be able to participate in the Conference :
All Planned Conferences Payments Structure:
1st JAHKSRC 2017 Conference registration and participation on that single day fees is 20USD per individual for all Professionals in Health , 10USD for International Students, and 00.00USD for all Rwandan Students university to primary School students are all invited.
The registration and participation fees will be covering Tea Break and Conference Materials only .
to be paid on the reception of the Conference Hall.
PARTNERS' All Planned Conferences ACTIVITIES.
1. 1.
Monday 6th March to Wednesday 8th
March, 2017: World Kidney Day 2017 Campaigns for RNSSO, AUSC, HKF-R , every day from 14h00 to 16h00 ,Kigali Local Time. Kicukiro, Remera, Kimisagara.
2. 2. Wednesday 8th March ,2017 The
International Women’s Day Celebration for
CYPAN, AUSC, OHEO, One Day from 14h00 to 16h00. NYARUGENGE-Kimisagara.
3. 3.
Thursday 9th March, 2017: Open officially the
1st Joint African Healthy Kidney Scientific Researchers Conference (1st
JAHKSRC) for HKF-R, AUSC, RNSSO, OHEO, CYPAN, FANSSO, MyFe, One Day from 07h30 to 11h30. HillTop Hotel & Country Club KICUKIRO.
4. 4.
Monday 13th March, 2017: The
Commonwealth Day Celebration 1st TIME in Rwanda by Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors’ Network (CYPAN)-RWANDA Chapter For CYPAN, AUSC, OHEO: One Day from 14h00 to 17h00. Kicukiro, King David High School .
5. 5.
Friday31st March, 2017: The Official
Launching of African Students’ International Fund (ASIDF) and African Students' International Critical Thinkers Board (ASICTB) and African Students' International Newsletters and Media Board (ASINMB) For AUSC. One Day from 14h00 to 16h00. Hill Top Hotel and Country Club .
1.Every Part of this Agenda for
the World Kidney Day 2017 and associated
event on Thursday 9th March, 2017 for Opening officially the
1st Joint African Healthy Kidney Scientific Researchers Conference (1st
JAHKSRC) is provided in details of related activities on World Kidney Day
Celebration Via websites links of the International Federation of Kidney
Foundations (IFKF) IFKF official
Website:, the International
Society of Nephrology (ISN) ISN official Website:, the International official website of the
WORDL KIDNEY DAY(WKD) WKD official Website:, the Healthy
Kidney Foundation-Rwanda official
the African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)”For The Better Africa We Deserve” AUSC official website:, the Rwanda Nursing Sciences Students’ Organization
(RNSSO) “ Arise and Shine” RNSSO official Website:,
the Federation of African Nursing
Sciences Students’ Organizations (FANSSO)” Together in Nursing” FANSSO official
Website:, and Wikipedia
official website:,
2. Every Part of this Agenda for
the event on March 8th, 2017 International Women’s Day Celebration , Monday 13th
March, 2017 for the Commonwealth Day Celebration with the THEME of this Year
2017: “A Peace Building Commonwealth “is based on the provided in details of
related membership for Rwanda in the Commonwealth from the Commonwealth Secretariat (CMSEC)
CMSEC Official Website links:,
Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors’ Network (CYPAN) CYPAN official Website:,,
3. Every Part of this Agenda for
the event on Friday 30th and 31st March, 2017 on the
Official Launching of African Students’ International Fund (ASIDF) is provided
in details of related activities of the African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)
International Action Plan 2016-2019 on the AUSC official International Website:,, , .
Find more information online by opening this link below:
OF A HEALTHIER KIDNEY DONOR” , In Kigali-Rwanda, Thursday March 9th, 2017,
Celebrate the WORLD KIDNEY DAY in RWANDA for the Second Time, AUSC, RNSSO, HKF-RWANDA
Copy Right, March 10th, 2016.
Fill this Form on the link below for
online registration to attend this free of charge conference, and submission of
your Abstracts, PPT or Poster Presentation.
Expected participant 60 females and
40 males:
Find more information online by opening this link below:
Best regards.
Approved by
Iraguha Bandora Yves
1ST JAHKSRC President.
The current event of the Kidney Day Celebration in Rwanda
for the first Time is being prepared
based on the experience we got from the
first time World Kidney Day Celebration innovated by the collaborating
celebration of the World Kidney Day for the 1st time in Rwanda under the theme “Kidney Disease
& Children. Act Early to Prevent It” on 10th March 2016 marked with
different activities like free medical screening of kidney diseases and
non-communicable diseases of more than 100 people, free consultations done by
invited nephrologists and scientific presentations were offered and the
following were the interested partners as invited by AUSC, RNSSO and HKF-R :
1.The Ministry of Health with its Rwanda Biomedical Center
2.The University of Rwanda the College of Medicine and
Health Sciences Department of Nursing
3.The Africa Healthcare Network (AHN)
4.The Lancet Laboratories
The earlier Preparation of the “World Kidney Day Celebration
on 9th March 2017” in Rwanda, has taken place only from the
collaboration of the African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)”For The Better
Africa We Deserve” , Health Kidney Foundation Rwanda (HKFR) and the Rwanda
Nursing Sciences Students’ Organization (RNSSO)”Arise and Shine” Associate
Member of the Commonwealth Students’ Association (CSA)”Fraternity” with the
Federation of African Nursing Sciences Students’ Organizations
(FANSSO)”Together In Nursing” and the Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors
Network (CYPAN) also will give raise on the Celebration of the 1st
Commonwealth Day in Rwanda on 13th March, 2017 and the Official
Launching of the African Students’ International Development Fund (ASIDF) of 30th
March, 2017, and others as available on the Agenda to complete the joint event
activities as satisfying all partnering NGOs.
This is the second time in Rwanda to have the World kidney
Day Celebration taking Place in Kigali Rwanda, and the first time has provided
an exceptional experience to both the
Rwanda Nursing Sciences Students’ Organization(RNSSO)” Arise and Shine” and
Healthy Kidney Foundation Rwanda (HKF-Rwanda), and its main Partner the African
Union Students” Council (AUSC) “ For The Better Africa We Deserve” where these
organizations today take this great
occasion to arise the potential of a healthy life among Africans based on a healthy Kidney.
The purpose of the World Kidney Day campaigns is to raise
awareness about the health of kidneys and highlight the immense burden caused
by chronic kidney disease as well as encourage the government and the general
public to invest in preventive measures and healthy lifestyle.
Therefore, it is in that context, African Union Students’
Council (AUSC)” For The Better Africa We Deserve”, Healthy Kidney Foundation –Rwanda and the Rwanda Nursing
Sciences Students’ Organization (RNSSO)”Arise and Shine” wish to open officially the 1st Joint African
Healthy Kidney Scientific Researchers Conference(1st JAHKSRC).
This first ever existed conference will be the driving model
of advanced research and innovative
African Scientific Researchers platform to overlap different morbidities and
conditions that accidently lead to the chronic damage of the Kidneys of human
beings, which makes the affected African Population becoming the Health burden
of their African Governments due to expensive searching for Kidney Transplant
Donors and specialized care delivery found out of African Countries.
This conference, will give time to African scientific
Researchers in the field of Health , to structure the ways forward that the
African Health Institutions can follow to minimize and totally cover the
management of African Population that are at high risk of developing Chronic
Kidney damage such as obese and diabetic people.
The Theme of this 1st Joint African Healthy Kidney
Scientific Researchers Conference (1st JAHKSRC) is structured scientifically as
”Live the Life of a Healthier Kidney
The theme of this 1st Joint African Healthy Kidney
Scientific Researchers Conference (1st JAHKSRC) is very significant on which
measures all African Population will have to take to be prepared to become
Kidney Donors. Therefore, it is in that way all African Population can learn
how to maintain their kidneys safe and ready to serve their bodies to become
healthier Kidney donors and completely eradicate preventable Chronic Kidney
damages in Africa.
This campaign is planned for the second time in full
sponsorship by the African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)”For The Better Africa
We Deserve” partnering with the ministry
of Health through Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) and other health sciences Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) including Healthy Kidney Foundation-Rwanda and Rwanda
Nursing Sciences Students’ Organization (RNSSO), Federation of African Nursing
Sciences Students’ Organization(FANSSO), Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors’
Network (CYPAN) following initiation of our campaign in Rwanda from March 10th,
2016 for scientific kidney diseases screening in Kigali City. The Event will as
well give time for advocating for al United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals including the Partnership, Peace and Health.
Our current targeted Population is located in Kigali City’s
three catchments areas in three Health Centers of Nyarugunga Health Center in
Nyarugunga Sector in Kicukiro District, Remera Health Center in Remera Sector
in Gasabo District, Kimisagara Health Center in Kimisagara Sector in Nyarugenge
District, starting from 5th to 13th March, 2017. AUSC wished to fully implement
3rd SDG” GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING” in Rwanda. This requested partnership and
collaboration with Kigali City is supported by Article 4 and 5 of attached AUSC
Notarized Constitution by Notary of Government of Rwanda, while our annual
campaign will keep reducing occurrence of kidney disease, comorbidity and
Mortality in Kigali City.
Associated conference will take place at Hotel Hilltop on
9th March 2017; bringing together all screened individuals and invitees of this
organizing team, with screening team trained AUSC volunteers.
International Concept Note for the World Kidney Day
Celebration 2017 in Rwanda
1. World Kidney Day 2017
World Kidney Day 2017 will be celebrated in Rwanda as it
will be all over the world on 9th of March, (2nd Thursday in March).
2. World Kidney Day History
World Kidney Day is a global health campaign celebrated
every year all across the world focusing the health and importance of the major
body organ, kidneys to reduce the occurrence of kidney diseases as well as
related health problems. It is commemorated worldwide on annual basis on the
2nd Thursday of March. It was started celebrating in the year 2006 by the 66
countries which were increased to become 88 countries in just 2 years.
3. Why World Kidney Day is Celebrated /
Objectives of World Kidney Day
World kidney day is celebrated all over the world on second
of Thursday in the month of March in order to raise the public awareness about
the kidneys importance and its contributions to the overall health. It is
celebrated to make the common public aware about the diseases and problems of
the kidneys in order to reduce the occurrence of kidney diseases as well as all
the associated health problems of the kidneys. Some of the objectives of
celebrating the world kidney day are mentioned below:
It is celebrated to highlight the kidney problems related to
the common health disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure which may lead
to the Chronic Kidney Diseases.
It is celebrated to encourage the common public through the
systematic screening of all patients having problems like diabetes or
It is celebrated to motivate and promote the common public
for the better prevention by describing them all aspects of the prevention
measures in order to get prevented from such kidney problems.
It is celebrated to instruct the medical professionals about
all aspects of the kidneys as well as teaching them to play their key role in
the detection and prevention of kidneys problems among the people of high risk
It is celebrated to get together of all the medical
professionals from the local and national health authorities in order to
control the spread of Chronic Kidney Diseases.
It is celebrated to deal with the high risk problems as well
as implement the new strategies by motivating all the governments’ authorities.
It is celebrated to encourage the people about the kidneys
donation and transplantation as a best option of life saving for getting free
from the kidney failure or other Chronic Kidney Diseases.
It is celebrated to encourage the people for the early
detection and prevention methods of the kidney problems to reduce the future
complications and deaths and disability from the chronic renal and
cardiovascular failure.
4. How World Kidney Day is Celebrated
World Kidney Day is celebrated every year all across the
world to gather millions of people at one place to raise the voice for the
kidney health awareness. Variety of local, national or international level
events are being organized for years by the kidney national associations,
organizations, kidney health stakeholders, healthcare professionals,
authorities and individuals to make a difference in the society for the kidney
Variety of physical activity events like walking, cycling,
jogging, fitness, dancing and etc are organized to get together. Fact sheets
and posters of the related event are distributed in the schools, community
centers and other educational institutions, news publishing at the websites or
web pages and promotion of the campaign motto through the blogs, forums,
twitter or Facebook and other informational websites. Kidneys health related
topics like importance of kidney, kidney diseases and problems, kidney
transplantation and life-saving aspect of the kidney donation are discussed in
the classrooms, job places or other public places.
At the big kidney health centers, students and researchers
organize meetings to discuss their own research works, lecture on the chronic
kidney diseases, prevention measures, renal transplants, dietary and treatment
advice and etc. Public health announcements are takes place at various TV channels
on both national and international level to make aware the common public about
kidney donation, transplantation, early detection, prevention measures,
treatment, lack of donor organs or use of deceased donor organs and so many
National and international level kidney problems conferences
are held to discuss about to get solution. Other topics which are discussed are
kid’s renal diseases, chronic renal diseases of adults, peritoneal and
hemodialysis, diet for the patients with renal diseases and etc. Free health
checkups are organized such as screening of blood glucose level, creatinine
level, urine test, blood pressure and etc by the courtesy of health minister
for the general public.
5. How to Take Care of Your Kidneys
Before knowing the points of kidneys care, you must have to
answer yourself of some questions like are you at risk, do you suffering from
the high blood pressure, do you have diabetes, do you have an earlier family
history of kidney disease, are you obese or overweight, do you have smoking
habit, are you more than 50 years of age, are you belong of African,
Aboriginal, Hispanic or Asian origin.
If your answers are yes to any of the question, you must
meet your health practitioner or doctor to get the right solution as some early
chronic kidney diseases never show any signs or symptoms. If you are really
health conscious then meet your doctor to avoid any type of delay in the kidney
failure as well as get the right treatment early at the right time. You would
be surprised that a person with a simple kidney problem can lose up to 90% of
his kidney functions without experiencing any signs or symptoms.
6. Follow the following 8 Golden Rules for
Better Kidney Prevention
Any of the kidney disease attacks like a silent killer and
affect the quality of life. Below are mentioned some easy steps to get
prevented from the risk of developing kidney problems:
Help your kidneys by keeping yourself fit and active as
exercises helps in reducing blood pressure and thus reduces the risk of
developing Chronic Kidney Disease. This event celebration motivates people for
daily walking, running and cycling exercises.
Help your kidneys by maintaining and controlling the normal
the blood sugar level as high blood sugar level lead to the diabetes and thus
kidney damage. This event celebration motivates people with diabetes to get
regular medications, tests and check up of their kidney functions.
Make your kidneys healthy by regular monitoring of your
blood pressure as high blood pressure lead to the heart attack or stroke thus
causes kidney damage. The normal blood pressure level of any person is 120/80.
This event celebration encourages people to adopt healthy lifestyle and dietary
changes, discuss their problems with doctor, monitor blood pressure on regular
basis and etc.
Keep your kidneys healthy by eating healthy and maintaining
normal weight as overweight and unhealthy eating habit lead to the diabetes,
heart diseases and many other problems lead to the Chronic Kidney Disease. This
event celebration motivates people about the dietary habits and weight control
measures like reducing the salt intake (5-6 grams or 1 tsf of salt a day),
limit the intake of processed or restaurant foods, daily physical exercises and
Keep your kidneys healthy by maintaining the normal fluid
intake on daily basis (at least 3 to 4 litres a day) as it helps the kidneys to
filters out sodium, urea and other body toxins from body which may lead to the
risk of developing chronic kidney diseases. World kidney day celebration on
global basis encourages the people about proper fluid intake.
Keep your kidneys healthy and fit by avoiding smoking or getting
in contact with other smoking person as it slows down the blood flow to the
kidneys which lessens their ability to function well as well as enhances the
risk of kidney cancer by 50%. This event celebration promotes the people to
keep their kidneys healthy by demonstrating the loss through smoking.
Keep your kidneys healthy by avoiding the intake counter
pills on regular basis as these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(ibuprofen) which may lead to the kidney damage and various diseases. Such
medications may cause arthritis or back pain and put your kidneys at risk.
Keep your kidneys healthy by getting proper and regular
check up of your kidney functions and developing of diabetes, hypertension,
obese, family history of kidney disease and etc.
7. Symptoms of Kidney Problems
Most of the people never show symptoms until it gets advance
however, some of the symptoms like swollen ankles and legs, fatigue, early
tiredness, difficulty in concentration, low appetite, haematuria or occurrence
of blood in urine, albuminoria or foamy urine or occurrence of albumin protein
in urine and etc can be felt if noticed carefully. Some other symptoms of
reduced kidney functions are:
Alteration in the amount of urine, appearance of urine and
frequency of passing urine during night
Pain in abdomen in the kidney areas
Difficulty in sleeping
High blood pressure
Shortness of breath
Feeling of vomiting or vomiting
Bad breath
Early Detection of Kidney Diseases
Most of the people ignore their common problem that’s why
they remain undiagnosed in the early stages of kidney problems. World kidney
day celebration is a way to call everyone on stage at one place in order to get
checked early if developing or having any risk of kidney disease. This event
celebration brings people together and encourages them about the simple kidney
function tests to get diagnosed of any risk factors which may lead to kidney
Never let your kidney problems to destroy your precious
kidney functions as it progresses very silently without any symptoms. The early
detection of kidney problem is very necessary to get the suitable treatment to
prevent your kidney damage, deterioration and complications. Through this event
celebration, simple laboratory tests of kidney are carried out by taking small
samples of blood in order to measure the values of creatinine, albumin
excretion and estimate the GFR (glomerular filtration rate).
The availability of Serum Creatinine level in the blood,
albumin in urine and blood sugar level measures the overall kidney health and
its functions or Glomerular Filtration Rate. Creatinine, a waste product comes
from the muscle activity, is generally getting removed from blood through the
normal kidney functions, when its level rises in blood it denotes the slowness
in kidney function. Normal GFR is 100 ml/min, but when it falls below 60 ml/min
it indicates some serious kidney problems and immediate need to meet your
kidney specialist. The presence of albumin in urine indicates the risk of GFR
problem and premature heart attacks or strokes.
8. World Kidney Day Themes
World Kidney Day event was started celebrating in 2006 and
has not stopped growing ever since. The every year campaign of celebration
highlights a particular theme:
The theme of World Kidney Day 2006 was “Are your kidneys
The theme of World Kidney Day 2007 was “CKD: Common, harmful
and treatable”.
The theme of World Kidney Day 2008 was “Your amazing
The theme of World Kidney Day 2009 was “Protect your
kidneys: Keep your pressure down”.
The theme of World Kidney Day 2010 was “Protect your
kidneys: Control diabetes”.
The theme of World Kidney Day 2011 was “Protect your
kidneys: Save your heart”.
The theme of World Kidney Day 2012 was “Donate – Kidneys for
Life – Receive”.
The theme of World Kidney Day 2013 was “Kidneys for Life –
Stop Kidney Attack!”
The theme of World Kidney Day 2014 was “Chronic Kidney
Disease (CKD) and aging”.
The theme of World Kidney Day 2015 is “Kidney Health for
The theme of World Kidney Day 2016 would be “Kidney Disease
& Children: Act Early to Prevent It”.
OBESITY” Healthy lifestyle for healthy kidneys.
1. Definition of Obesity
The Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat
accumulation that may impair health. In 2014, worldwide over 600 million adults
were obese.
Obesity is a potent risk factor for the development of
kidney disease. It increases the risk of
developing major risk factors of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), like diabetes
and hypertension, and it has a direct impact on the development of CKD and end
stage renal disease (ESRD): in individuals affected by obesity, the kidneys
have to work harder, filtering more blood than normal (hyperfiltration) to meet
the metabolic demands of the increased body weight. The increase in function
can damage the kidney and raise the risk of developing CKD in the long-term.
The good news is that obesity, as well as CKD, is largely
preventable. Education and awareness of the risks of obesity and a healthy
lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise, can dramatically help in
preventing obesity and kidney disease.
This year World Kidney Day promotes education about the
harmful consequences of obesity and its association with kidney disease,
advocating healthy lifestyle and health policy measures that make preventive behaviors
an affordable option.
2. The relation between Kidney Disease and
Kidney disease is more likely to develop in obese people
including in those with diabetes and hypertension.
By 2025, obesity will affect 18% of men and over 21% of
women worldwide, and that severe obesity will affect 6% of all men and 9% of
all women around the world. In some nations, obesity is already present in more
than one-third of the adult population and contributes significantly to overall
poor health and high annual medical costs.
In the general population, obesity increases the risk of
death and contributes to many other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes,
hypertension, high cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnea, fatty liver, gall
bladder disease, osteoarthritis, various cancers, mental disorders, and poor
quality of life.
A growing body of evidence indicates that obesity is also a
potent risk factor for the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and
end-stage renal disease (ESRD). People who are overweight or obese have 2 to 7
more chances of developing ESRD compared to those of normal weight. Obesity may
lead to CKD both indirectly by increasing type 2 diabetes, hypertension and
heart disease, and also by causing direct kidney damage by increasing the
workload of the kidneys and other mechanisms.
3. Reducing obesity may reverse or slow CKD
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious condition that
develops suddenly, often lasts a short time and may disappear completely once
the underlying cause has been treated, but it can also have long-lasting
consequences with life-long problems. AKI occurs more frequently in obese
Therefore, this is a joint event with the below planned
activities to cover the whole month of March from 1st March to 31st
March, 2017.
2017. Only Topics will be selected for
approval for presentation during the conference for all abstracts that must be
fitting in the Theme of the year 2017: “KIDNEY DISEASE & OBESITY”
Healthy lifestyle for healthy kidneys.
Monday 6th March to Wednesday 8th
March, 2017: World Kidney Day 2017 Campaigns for RNSSO,AUSC,HKF-R
Wednesday 8th March ,2017 The
International Women’s Day Celebration for CYPAN,AUSC
Thursday 9th March, 2017: Open officially the
1st Joint African Healthy Kidney Scientific Researchers Conference (1st
Monday 13th March, 2017: The
Commonwealth Day Celebration 1st TIME in Rwanda by Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors’ Network (CYPAN)-RWANDA Chapter For CYPAN
Friday 31st March, 2017: The Official
Launching of African Students’ International Fund (ASIDF) For AUSC.
1.Every Part of this Agenda for
the World Kidney Day 2017 and associated
event on Thursday 9th March, 2017 for Opening officially the
1st Joint African Healthy Kidney Scientific Researchers Conference (1st
JAHKSRC) is provided in details of related activities on World Kidney Day
Celebration Via websites links of the International Federation of Kidney
Foundations (IFKF) IFKF official
Website:, the International
Society of Nephrology (ISN) ISN official Website:, the International official website of the
WORDL KIDNEY DAY(WKD) WKD official Website:, the Healthy
Kidney Foundation-Rwanda official
the African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)”For The Better Africa We Deserve” AUSC official website:, the Rwanda Nursing Sciences Students’ Organization
(RNSSO) “ Arise and Shine” RNSSO official Website:,
the Federation of African Nursing
Sciences Students’ Organizations (FANSSO)” Together in Nursing” FANSSO official
Website:, and Wikipedia
official website:,
2. Every Part of this Agenda for
the event on March 8th, 2017 International Women’s Day Celebration , Monday 13th
March, 2017 for the Commonwealth Day Celebration with the THEME of this Year
2017: “A Peace Building Commonwealth “is based on the provided in details of
related membership for Rwanda in the Commonwealth from the Commonwealth Secretariat (CMSEC)
CMSEC Official Website links:,
Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors’ Network (CYPAN) CYPAN official Website:,,
3. Every Part of this Agenda for
the event on Friday 30th and 31st March, 2017 on the
Official Launching of African Students’ International Fund (ASIDF) is provided
in details of related activities of the African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)
International Action Plan 2016-2019 on the AUSC official International Website:,,
Done on December 26th,
2016,,,,,,, Tel:
+250787384244, WhatsApp: +250736196204.
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