Friday, August 18, 2017

AUSC is joining the World in Celebrating the 130th Birthday on August 17, 2017 of the father of PanAfrican Federalism =/=Celebrating the 130th Birthday of the father of PanAfrican Federalism,Born On August 17, 1887

AUSC is joining the World in Celebrating the 130th Birthday on August 17, 2017 of the father of PanAfrican Federalism =/=Celebrating the 130th Birthday of the father of PanAfrican Federalism,Born On August 17, 1887
AUSC is joining the World in Celebrating the 130th Birthday of the father of PanAfrican Federalism =/=Celebrating the 130th Birthday of the father of PanAfrican Federalism

Written by Joomaay Ndongo Faye
=== Pour le Français voir ci-dessous== Para o Português veja abaixo == Para el español véase más adelante ==

Greetings to everyone,
I hope that this message will find you and your loved ones in peace and good health.
Happy Pangool Marcus Garvey's 130th Birthday!
As we are celebrating this Special day let's keep in mind what he posed an important condition to be a member of the UNIA-ACL on August 3rd 1920 at Madison Square Garden in New York City; "“If you believe that the Negro should have a place in the sun; if you believe that Africa should be one vast empire, controlled by the Negro, then arise, and sing the National Anthem of the Universal Negro Improvement Association”.
 I am certain that Pangool(Saint)  Garvey would have included the African States in the Caribbean in this Political, Economical and Military entity controlled by African people World Wide.
=========== Francais ==========
Salutations à toutes et tous,
J'espère que ce message vous trouvera et que vos proches en paix et en bonne santé.
 Joyeux 130ème Anniversaire de Pangool(Saint) Marcus Garvey le père du fédéralisme Pan Africain!

Alors que nous célébrons cette journée spéciale, gardons à l'esprit ce qu'il a posé comme une condition très importante pour être membre de l'UNIA-ACL le 3 août 1920 à Madison Square Garden à New York City; "Si vous croyez que le nègre doit avoir une place au soleil, si vous croyez que l'Afrique doit être un vaste empire contrôlé par le nègre, levez vous et chantez l'hymne national de l'Association universelle pour l'amélioration des nègres".

 Je suis certain que Pangool (Saint) Garvey aurait inclus les États africains dans les Caraïbes dans cette entité politique, économique et militaire contrôlée par les africaines et africains du monde entier.

=========== Espanol ========
Saludos a todas y todos,
Espero que este mensaje lo encuentre a usted ya sus seres queridos en paz y buena salud.
¡Feliz cumpleaños de Pangool Marcus Garvey!
Al celebrar este Día Especial, tengamos en cuenta lo que él planteó como condición Sine qua none para ser miembro de la UNIA-ACL el 3 de agosto de 1920 en el Madison Square Garden de Nueva York; "Si crees que el negro debe tener un lugar al sol, si crees que África debe ser un vasto imperio, controlado por el negro, entonces surja y cante el Himno Nacional de la Asociación Universal de Mejora del Negro".
 Estoy seguro de que Pangool (Saint) Garvey habría incluido a los Estados africanos en el Caribe en esta entidad política, económica y militar controlada por los pueblos africanos de todo el mundo.
========== Portugues ================
Saudações a todos,
Espero que esta mensagem encontra você e sua família em paz e boa saúde.

Aniversário 130 feliz Pangool (São) Marcus Garvey Pan Africano pai federalismo!

Ao celebrarmos este dia especial, vamos ter em mente que ele posou como um requisito muito importante para a adesão da UNIA-ACL 3 de agosto de 1920 no Madison Square Garden, em Nova York; "Se você acredita que o negro deve ter um lugar ao sol, se você acredita que a África deve ser um vasto império controlado pelo negro, se levantar e cantar o hino nacional da Associação Melhoria Universal de Negro ".

 Tenho certeza Pangool (São) Garvey teria incluído os estados africanos no Caribe na entidade política, económica e militar controlada pela Africano e Africano em todo o mundo.

Joomaay Ndongo Faye
Harambee Pan African Federalists!
Africans can unite/Les Africains peuvent s'unir! or
Stop the new scramble for Africa by uniting the African  StateS!
Arretons la nouvelle ruee vers l'Afrique en unifiant les etats africains!

Indeed, Brother Joomaay, indeed !

On August 17, 1887. just two years after the conclusion of the infamous Berlin Conference wherein the Nations of Europe met to divide our beloved Africa Continent up among themselves, the champion of African Redemption, the Right Excellent Marcus Garvey was born !  The Hon. Marcus Garvey was without a doubt the greatest and most consequential Pan Africanist of the 20th century, period.  His most significant adherent in the 2nd half of the 20th century, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah credited "Marcus Garvey's Philosophy and Opinions" as being the "book that did more than any other to fire my enthusiasm".

On August 20, 1920, at the same historic First Convention of the African People of the World that you cited at Madison Square Garden in New York City, Marcus Garvey was duly elected as as the 1st "Provisional" President of Africa by the 25,000 African delegates representing more than 4 million Black people in 1,100 divisions of the UNIA-ACL from 40 different countries. And you are absolutely correct  in implying that the Rt. Excellent Marcus Garvey "would have included the African States in the Caribbean (as well as Black people on the North and South America continents) in this Political, Economical and Military entity control by African people World Wide" . Indeed, Garvey himself prophesied this in his classic essay entitled "African Fundamentalism" in which called for the establishment of an Global African political entity that " knows no clime, boundary or nationality' and on which "the Sun shall never set". Garvey cemented his rightful claim as the true father of Pan African Federalism with his classic Pan African Federalist Poem in 1927 entitled "Hail: The United States of Africa !"  (See Attachments for more details).

Thank you Brother Joomaay recognizing and highlighting this glorious day marking the 130th Anniversary of the birth of the Father of our Pan African Federalist Movement, His Excellency Marcus Garvey. Let us now move forward and do our duty as Pan African Federalist in the 2nd decade of the 21st century just as Garvey did his in the 2nd of the 20th century. The greatest birthday gift and tribute that we can pay to the legacy of Marcus Garvey will be bringing his Pan African Federalist Vision for the United African States into political reality "in less than a generation".  This new and blessed reality will also signal the re-emergence of Africa as a benevolent World Power.

This can and will be done !

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCUS GARVEY and until that glorious day, in the not to distant future, when we witness the 1st duly elected "permanent" President of the Universal Pan Africa Federation rise her/his hand to take the oath of office, in Africa,  I shall remain,

Your Faithful Pan African Federalist Servant,

Mwalimu K-Q Amsata (aka Brother Ed Brown)
Coordinator, RIC- North America, PAFC
P. O. Box 2070                                                                                   
Flagler Beach, Florida 32136-2070
Phone: (518) 649-7798/

Author: "The New Pan Africanism 2020"

Approved by
H.E Iraguha Bandora Yves
President and Founder
African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve".


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