Wednesday, November 22, 2017

[SelfHelpNews] Clement Payne Movement of Barbados Press Release-- WE DENOUNCE THE COUP AGAINST MUGABE

ZIM Pres

Zimbabweans Experiencing An Overt Bloodless Assassination, Orchestrated By The Western World:
Zimbabweans Experiencing An Overt  Bloodless Assassination, Orchestrated By The Western World

Chief Elder Osiris

I Share With You What You Need, Not What You Want!!!

With all of the Black Folks in the world, white folks do to Black folks as they will themselves to do, without expected repercussion, so there is no wonder A Nigger was so easy to make by white Racist Prejudice Oligarchs, noted to be the oppressors, and they do suppress Black folks for their personal gain in their world.

Here we have a proven Black Warrior Revolutionary that is despised by the western world, a world with a history  taking advantage of the goodness of Black folks, to the extent of having the motivation to Enslave Black Afrikans for purpose to be treated as white folks Chattel, and even to this day we Black folks have no anger enough that will give us the Mind of spirit to reject such a behavior known to have Black folks to be a depended people without a desire to be Free, just pretend to be.

We Black Afrikans are so pathetic to the degree that we give excuse for allowing white folks to crucify our worthy Black leaders, we do nothing but take the cue from white folks as to why our Black leaders should be assassinated if they act to uppertive in the face of white authority, expressing the right of Black people to determine our own destiny.

We always find excuse to do nothing in pursuit of our freedom, and we condemn those who attempt to do so, by making claim that such a strong minded Black leader is no more than a tyrant and a murderer of Black people, those in a governing position, not taking into account that there are masses of Black folks who has been made to act like a made white folks nigger and deserve no mercy to come to them when acting as agents to our oppressors who block our right to Freedom to live as we so choose to live.

Even America, when facing opposition coming from other Americans white folks, had to experience what they call a civil war, as they pretended it to be over the condition of treatment of Black folks who were label to be white folks chattel, making claim that their civil dispute was over Black folks, when in fact it was a division between the North and South based upon Economic ground and not Black folks Enslavement, and in that civil war, white relatives was killing each other, yet that behavior was rendered to be a respectful and useful one.

But oh no, not Black folks behavior in the wake of the treatment white folks extend to Black leadership, as Black folks follow after the white master making claim that Mugabe need to go, because the western world says so, by implementing sanctions against the Black Afrikan Zimbabwean people, the making of a depended upon the white world for the Black world survival.

Yet, our Divine Afrikan Ancestors provided to us a Land with all of the natural resource needed o maintain a Divine Black World, yet Black folks choose to cover for white folks in the doing their Racist work against the Black World of Afrika, as we willingly support the assassination of strong and determined Black leadership, by stating that it is Mugabe longevity that is an evil to Black Afrikan people, when it is the sacredness of Time that grant to you long life living, which is a sign of the Divine Essence acceptance of you, concerning your stay with life, how you live it, is based upon the mind and spirit you express to the people you serve, and if that service is not of the people acceptance, it is the people of Afrika right to correct it, not some out side evil force with a history of disrespecting your Blackness, which white racism has a history of doing regarding Black people.

No way in hell, with all of you Black Afrikans, should our Black leaders be taken away in the act of assassination, bloodless or bloody, not without objection coming fro Black folks, but then, white folks perfected the making of the Afrikan Nigger, they who worship to emulate the white oppressors behavior toward the likeness of the Black Afrikan.

With the perfect making of the Afrikan Nigger, the Mind of that making, is not the Mind Nature Designed for us to be qualified to develop Divinely, and without our Divine Mind, Black Folks become an enemy to the collective  Self and to Freedom for Afrika and Black Afrikan people.

Therefore, while living as the nigger white folks have made us to be, Afrika become no more as once was and there can not be a United State Of Afrika and the Reunification of the Black World is no longer a Dream nor a Vision to be true of Black Afrikan people,we who are no longer guided by our Divine Mind but by the mind of our oppressors, as we celebrate the assassination of Mugabe.

The Black Brand New Afrikan, has been made to be a disgrace to Afrika and to the collective self of Black Afrikans, we witness the demise of Zimbabwe from Black Afrikan Revolutionary Leadership. 

Chief Elder
[SelfHelpNews] Clement Payne Movement of Barbados Press Release-- WE DENOUNCE THE COUP AGAINST MUGABE:



If indeed President Robert Mugabe has tendered a letter of resignation as the Speaker of the Zimbabwe House of Assembly claims , then let us be honest enough to recognize and acknowledge that yet another African leader has been unlawfully overthrown in a military coup that was cheered on and encouraged by the Western (European) political establishment !

No so-called letter of resignation that emerges out of a situation in which the duly elected President of a country is arrested by armed soldiers ; held in detention; and subjected to a process of mental and psychological coercion can be considered to be a genuine or legitimate document. And the fact that Western political leaders could welcome and applaud this "happening" demonstrates once again their utter hypocrisy and lack of principle.

Much is made by the Western Establishment and their docile (and dangerous) News Media that President Mugabe has been in power for 37 years, but what they conveniently gloss over is the fact that Mugabe didn't put himself there. Rather, he was elected time and time again by the people of Zimbabwe, and more often than not in the face of trenchant and determined Western efforts to unlawfully derail his electoral prospects.

But then again this is par for the course with Western imperialist Governments and oligarchies. Indeed, it is said that Imperialism never sleeps and is always determined to have  "the last laugh" and to prevail in the end.

As we are all aware, Robert Mugabe defied and defeated the Western imperialist forces over and over again, and this fueled their rage at and hatred of the man. And so, they were determined to "get" Mugabe even if it was the last thing that they did. They were determined to prevail and secure a "victory" , even if the so-called "victory" is against an old man who is approaching the end of his journey.

You see, Imperialist forces are always desperate to send a message of their invincibility, less the people of the exploited World come to perceive their inherent weakness and lose their fear of them! And so they encouraged their minions and collaborators to move against Mugabe even though the man is 93 years old and his Presidential term is coming to an end in a few months time. 

Now, of course, there is nothing wrong with political forces in Zimbabwe being critical of and wanting to challenge President Mugabe. But there is a LEGITIMATE way of doing so and there is also an ILLEGITIMATE way of doing so. And the LEGITIMATE way is through something called the political / electoral process !.

There is a political process and there is also an electoral process, which is a component of the political process. And one engages in something called "political struggle" and "elections" in order  to change democratically elected political leaders and administrations.

Thus, a resort to military means can only be justified if one is dealing with a tyrant who has usurped power and who  has made it impossible to challenge and remove him or her through the political/electoral process.

But this was not the case with President Mugabe ! Not only was President Mugabe democratically elected by the people of Zimbabwe, but he had done nothing to suggest that he had subverted or was going to subvert the Zimbabwe electoral process. In fact, far from that, the country was actually readying itself for Presidential elections in 2018.

Thus, if  Mugabe's party , ZANU PF, and the leadership of the Army felt that they wanted a new President, why not challenge Mugabe ( and his wife) through the political and electoral process rather than resorting to the illegality of a military coup?
No sensible person has ever claimed that sections of the Zimbabwean people and political class did not have the right to challenge Mugabe politically and to engage in a political/electoral struggle against him (and his wife).

The correct course of action for Mugabe's political enemies would have been  to challenge him politically/electorally-- even if they might have disgraced themselves by acting in consonance with the encouragement ,approval and assistance of the forces of  Imperialism .

The coercive arm of the state-- the Military-- had demonstrated that it was in opposition to Mugabe.So what could there possibly have been to prevent Mugabe's political enemies from engaging him  in legitimate political struggle? Absolutely nothing !

The essential and irrefutable  point is that there was no justification whatsoever for a military coup in Zimbabwe and against President Robert Mugabe. And  so we cry shame on all those who have welcomed and supported this reactionary reversion to African soldiers unlawfully interfering in and subverting the processes of democratic governance. 



[SelfHelpNews] FW: Speaker Claims Mugabe "Resigned"? We Must Hear from President Mugabe! --- Fwd: WADUPAA --- URGENT --- WADU Supports a CARICOM/Cuba Led Delegation to Africa on ZIM/Africa Crises, w/CARICOM SG; JA Portia Simpson; USA, Congresswoman McKinney;.../Path :
From: Min Menelik []
Sent: 21 November 2017 19:14
Subject: Speaker Claims Mugabe "Resigned"? We Must Hear from President Mugabe! --- Fwd: WADUPAA --- URGENT --- WADU Supports a CARICOM/Cuba Led Delegation to Africa on ZIM/Africa Crises, w/CARICOM SG; JA Portia Simpson; USA, Congresswoman McKinney;.../Path to Wa

Where is Mugabe, the greatest of our leaders in the African Nationalist tradition of Thutmose, to Hannibal, to Desslines... ? Let him speak for himself about his resignation? WADU is urging all Africans in and outside of Africa to convene public meetings on Zimbabwe by mid December to assess the situation there and also to begin to take a full stock of the State of African people for coordinated actions in 2018 to resolve the crises consuming the African continent and soon the whole African world. As usual those fronting as leaders are cowardly, silent and passive during critical moments in our history as within the last decade of treacheries and war against African people, especially targeting our beloved Homeland, Africa. Min. Menelik
ABC News - On Nov. 17, The speaker read a letter reportedly from Mugabe, in which he said he was resigning immediately and voluntarily in an effort to ensure a "smooth transfer of power," according to the Associated Press. The announcement was met with widespread cheers from lawmakers…
The IAM Ubuntu led the organizing of the African Diaspora as a Pan African sacred force starting in 1999 by pulling together some of the most powerful leaders like Freedom Fighter Baba Elombe Brath, with the High Priest MLK Fellow Dr. Ndugu T'Ofori-Atta, and later, even the "legendary" Ambassador Dudley Thompson to create WADU. The mission is to support the AU united states of Africa AU government. WADU has since led the way, but with Africa under siege and the hijacking of major global organizations through weapons of mass deceptions, threats, lies and bribes, we must redouble our efforts to save ourselves. We are urging you who are sacred to join IAMU or any other with the authentic Pan African spiritual force essential to reinforcing the Pan African Movement. Family, the current situation calls for Pan African repatriation teams for the building of the All Afrikan government for our "second liberation" as called by Baba Brath (2005) and recently by Baba Mugabe. Minister Menelik of IAMU/Co-Founder WADU

-----Original Message-----
From: Min Menelik <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 20, 2017 6:37 pm
Subject: Fwd: WADUPAA --- URGENT --- WADU Supports a CARICOM/Cuba Led Delegation to Africa on ZIM/Africa Crises, w/CARICOM SG; JA Portia Simpson; USA, Congresswoman McKinney;.../Path to War in Africa, via Germany; U.S. Forever Africa War;Why are U.S. troops; US Ramp Up Strikes; Millions Dying; U.S. to Unlock Africa; Slavery Created ISIS; War Begets Terror; EU Slave Camps in Libya... Africa; Slavery - I Drank my Urine; Slave Auction in Africa; Sold for $400; Impeaching Mugabe; AU, Zim Like a Coup; What SA Knows; AUC Invites to Invest; Paradise Papers; Togo Crisis, Buhari Rejects; Western Imperialism Imposes; EU Military Changing... for Africa; Mugabe no resignation; Tricky Business; U.S. on Africa Meeting; Reparations Case; Rubbish near Caribbean; Haiti Buy Sugar from EU; Black Panther and BLM; White Backlash; Radical Black; Brazile, its a Cult; You are my Slave;...
Vice President, Cuba, H. E. Mr. Salvador Valdes Mesa in Africa
Cuban Vice President in South Africa to ... specially invited to the 28th Summit of the African Union, ... Vice President in South Africa for AU Summit

Cuban Vice President in South Africa to Strengthen Relations

Cuba's Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa
Cuba's Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa
Johannesburg, February 1 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba's Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa is in South Africa on an official two-day visit aimed at strengthening relations, during his current Africa tour that began in Ethiopia and will wind up in Mozambique.
Valdes Mesa was welcomed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Luwellyn Landers, who conveyed to the guest he can always consider South Africa as his second home.
The Cuban official said he was honored to visit South Africa on the occasion when South Africans commemorate the centennial of one of their most illustrious sons, Oliver Tambo.
Valdes Mesa flew to Johannesburg from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he represented Cuba as the nation specially invited to the 28th Summit of the African Union, held January 30 and 31.  Besides attending that event, he also fulfilled a program as part of an official visit to Ethiopia.
There was also the fact that Grenada’s revolutionary Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, during the 1980 Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference ... The African Union (AU) is as concerned as the Caribbean Community …
Pan African Agenda - ACTION     Min. P.D. Menelik Harris

ZIMBABWE --- First, in this PAA, we need you to continue focusing on Zimbabwe by expanding your advocacy outreach to the embassies of Zimbabwe, African Union, South Africa, Guinean (AU Chair), Chad (AU Commissioner) in Washington, at the United Nations, in UK, Brussels, France, EU, CARICOM and tell them that you are calling on behalf of WADU (or your organization), the African Diaspora and African people to: 1. Ensure the protection of our great leader Baba Mugabe --- the legitimate and the greatest leader we have today in the African world; 2. To Ensure fair and peaceful transition of leadership in Zimbabwe; and 3. That the leadership expedite the call and work for the United States of Africa Union Government based upon the work those like Garvey, Nkrumah, Khaddafi... 

Without these actions, Zimbabwe and southern Africa like much of Africa will continue to be devastated from more treacheries, destabilization and invasion by re-colonial forces. Do not be distracted nor be deceived by operatives of the empire but Register your position now at this historic moment and crossroads in history. Your voice is especially significant if you did not speak or act for justice when the re-colonial war on Africa started with the attack on Ivory Coast and then the invasion of Libya. So far, they are receptive to my call but we need you to also take action, not just talk. We are also planning for a representative to speak to the community and if necessary for WADU to take a delegation to ensure the above.

CFA ANTI-COLONIAL ACTION -- In promoting Action, though have been mostly neutralized by colonial forces for initiating the recent uprise against France in West Africa, we are still pleased with the work of Brother Kemi Seba against the CFA Francafrique colonial currency. As a result of his work, the Africans in the Francophone nations have become more engaged against their oppression and we must continue supporting the struggle in Togo for justice in an All African Government. Since the Kemi “fire” on France, the West African and Central African leaders are more engaged in attempting to create an African currency. The problem is that Nigeria is blocking this effort as it did with Nkrumah before and Khaddafi recently in the AU. Nonetheless, we must continue pushing forward because deception is pervasively used by the fraudulent neo-colonial mis-chiefs to dupe African people that they making progress for our full liberation. We must have consistency in the struggle and lend support on any key front.

AU-DIASPORA --- Finally, do not take the hype about the AU and Diaspora because we have been down this path before and we must learn… that many of those in leadership today are pawns of our oppressors. Let me clear that the AU is the most important organization for African people in the world and was recreated by Khaddafi to become a powerful instrument for African people after the OAU floundered on the edge of history’s precipice by the 1990’s. In the Diaspora, CARICOM is the most important organization mainly like the AU it has African nations, not just Black organizations and groups such as those in Europe, USA and elsewhere. Thus, when H.E. Faki talks about the Diaspora, instead of working with the nations of CARICOM, they are focused on the recent arrivals… for them to be classified as their Diaspora 6th region. Secondly, their main attempt is to gain the interests of Blacks with capital or have access to white capital for business and trade with Africa. They are not interested in Pan Africanists and or African Nationalists who liberated Africa. They have allowed rogue elements of the AU and operatives of key nations to undermine these, in their struggle to control the Diaspora. Instruments of the empire have been used to compromise these groups because they are seen as a threat to the re-colonial war on Africa which is supported by many in the Black elite of Africa and the USA.

Now, please pay attention to Zimbabwe but also know that these are attacking us on all fronts so we must be vigilant beyond Zimbabwe. Further, we must remain focused on the Pan African agenda for a Union Government as the only way forward to fully liberate African people. Now, please support WADU noble mission to establish the United (Ubuntu) States of Africa in 2017. Kwaheri, Min. Menelik
WADUPAA  --- Why are U.S. troops; What SA Knows; AUC Invites to Invest; Paradise Papers; Togo Crisis, Buhari Rejects; US Ramp Up Strikes; Millions Dying; U.S. to Unlock Africa; Slavery Created ISIS; War Begets Terror; EU Slave Camps in Libya... Africa; Slavery - I Drank my Urine; Slave Auction in Africa; Sold for $400; Path to War in Africa, via germany; U.S. Forever Africa War; Impeaching Mugabe; AU, Zim Like a Coup; Western Imperialism Imposes; EU Military Changing... for Africa; Mugabe no resignation; Tricky Business; U.S. on Africa Meeting; Reparations Case; Rubbish near Caribbean; Haiti Buy Sugar from EU; Black Panther and BLM; White Backlash; Radical Black; Brazile, its a Cult; You are my Slave;..
The Herald - 
The Kagame report on reforming the African Union (AU) — named after its chair, Rwandan president, Paul Kagame — was accepted by African leaders at its summit in July. The report’s

Africa has been failed by westernisation. It must cast 

Africa has been failed by westernisation. ... This is the only viable path to preventing the continent from fully becoming western Africa ...

"The present generation may rewrite history but it does not write it on a blank page.” – Maurice Halbwachs. South Africa is fast becoming a dystopian country as it finds itself adrift ...

Local 10 News - 
(CNN) - Foreign ministers whose countries form an anti-jihadist force in the Sahel region of Africa called on Washington to further support their effort Wednesday, as US ...

of U.S. military operations over the past decade after the establishment of U.SAfrica Command (AFRICOM) in 2008. By this time, U.S. Special Operations troops were already deployed throughout the continent. The main …
AUC Invites African Diaspora to Invest in Africa
Chairperson Faki was confident that this key partnership would be reinforced through the AU Mission to the USA and …
Revelations by media partners as part of the Paradise Papers have exposed the offshore dealings of some of Africa’s most powerful politicians and most profitable companies. More than a dozen journalists from eight African countries …
The U.S. military has launched airstrikes this month in Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Friday, for the first time since September, in Libya. According to a defense official, the drone strike in the desert of central Libya …
In October, a devastating bomb attack rocked Mogadishu in Somalia, killing more than 300 civilians. The event …
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson hosted discussions Friday at the State 
These are external links and will open in a new window After reports emerged of …
The military on Friday changed tack in its determination to remove Zimbabwe …
She said Mnangagwa was allowed to enter South Africa after he was fired and was then allowed to return to Zimbabwe after the military made ... will never accept …
SECRETARY TILLERSON: Thank you. And good morning ... Our aim today is to expand and enrich the United States’ relationship with Africa along three fronts that we’re going to be discussing today: promoting trade and investment; …
The incident prompted President Bill Clinton to order an American withdrawal from the country and shaped U.S. military policy in Africa for years to come. But not only have American troops returned to Somalia, but early this …

The Nation - "Europe must have a joint intervention force, a common defense budget and a joint doctrine for action.... That is why we will propose before the end of the year a European Defence Fund, to turbo boost research and.”...
While the world is focussing on Donald Trump’s foreign policy plans in Afghanistan and West Asia, the U.S. is continuing, without much media scrutiny, its proxy wars in Africa. Recently, it became evident that the U.S. military’s newest ally in the ... - Media reports have suggested a coup attempt in Zimbabwe in the wake of the announcement by the ruling party that the country was in a "bloodless transition" of power from long-time ...
HARARE - The leader of Zimbabwe's war veterans said on Sunday plans to impeach President Robert Mugabe would go ahead as scheduled after the 93-year-old leader defied expectations that he would resign in a national address. …

The Guardian - 
The EU policy of helping Libyan authorities intercept people trying to cross the Mediterranean and return them to prisons is “inhuman”, the UN has said. “The suffering of migrants ...

International Business Times - 
From becoming one of the major points in Africa from which migrants can attempt to cross over into Europe, Libya is now turning into a slave trade city thanks to the heavy flow of ...

teleSUR - Many migrants, who are now left destitute after having sold everything to be smuggled through Libya, are being forced into slavery. Migrants are being sold into slavery, for as low as ...
“Another thing I discovered was that some of us were sold as slaves to some Nigerians who were into human trafficking. They would ask the Nigerian immigrants to call their family in Nigeria to send money to them. We were therefore at their mercy because they gave us little food just to survive everyday.  Read more at: - Media reports have suggested a coup attempt in Zimbabwe in the wake of the announcement by the ruling party that the country was in a "bloodless transition" of power from long-time ... - Hillary Clinton was at that time Barack Obama’s Secretary of State ... to pursue in Syria the same “regime change” policy that had led to disaster in Libya. This meant pumping money and ... - Predictably, the knee-jerk reaction to the October 14 bombing has been to call for an all-out war against ...  "The escalation began in the last year of US President Barack Obama’s administration and expanded under his successor, Donald...

(Gen.- Weakened Economically, Politically, Zim now Vulnerable to Invasion) 
Zimbabwe's economic crisis has compromised the effectiveness of its military with old aircraft, cutting soldiers' food rations and rising debt. A top general has warned that this has ...

Africa’s Colonial Vestige, the CFA Franc...

CFA franc?) thinks that expelling Kemi Seba is the perfect illustration that the people who run this CFA currency ... Currency Transitions in Early Colonial ... - As protests in Togo continue against President Faure Gnassingbé, the bishops said they are disturbed the political crisis has "taken an ethnic and religious trend, with the appearance ...

Togolese protestors in Paris. Image credit Pascal Van via Flickr. On the morning of October 18th, I woke up to a message from a friend in Togo, West Africa: “Hello, Liza. For the past ...

Atlanta Journal Constitution - The DNA you send in the mail through genetics kits and ancestry programs like 23andMe and Ancestry can be used by police in a ...

Amsterdam News - 
Caribbean governments that are chasing down European nations to pay reparations for the cruel transatlantic slave trade have added a new dimension to their increasingly intense efforts ...

The Independent - Shocking images have captured a Caribbean island’s clear blue seas being choked by a tide of plastic rubbish. Taken off the Honduran island of Roatan, the pictures show plastic cutlery, ... - 2 days ago
Pretty much all of old Havana was built by enslaved Africans. The areas that weren’t are often linked to slavery in horrific ways. The grand Old Square was constructed as the island’s ...

Bloomberg - Low prices make region’s white sugar cheaper for buyers abroad European sugar is turning up in odd places. Production from the region’s beet farms is drawing buyers as far away as ...

World Politics Review - Haiti began recruitment this week for a new army, an institution that was disbanded in the mid-1990s under then-President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The recruitment drive comes as the U.N. ...
Haiti: From Slavery to Debt - Poverty in colonised countries has greatly increased due to a transfer of debt: the debts incurred by the colonial powers to the World Bank, to make the most of it, were then ...

Atlanta Black Star - If successful, eminent domain could become the newest tool that local and state governments could use to accelerate the gentrification and displacement that is already impacting ... - With no revolutionary thunder on the actual left, progressive liberals/neoliberals are not going to enact many, if any, of the reforms they advocate. The revolution will not be paid for by the Ford Foundation. And it will not be led by “public interest careerists who... cut deals with the ruling class... - Where Cruse emphasized control of black art, and where Carmichael and Hamilton talked about how to gain political power,..King feared that white backlash was evidence that white Americans were simply not willing to do more than the bare minimum for African Am...

Robert Mugabe: How It All Began

On November 21, President Robert Mugabe announced his resignation, less than two week after Zimbawe’s military took control of government. To understand why Mugabe was able to rule for 37 years, one must understand how his early life shaped the man he is today. Throughout his life, Mugabe had many roles: son, teacher, husband, father, war veteran, prisoner, negotiator, Prime Minister, President and former President.
The Early Years
On 21 February1924, Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born at Kutama Catholic Mission in Zvimba Communal land is in Mashonaland 80km from Harare. He belongs to the Shona tribe and speaks the Zezuru dialect. He was the third son; his two older siblings Michael and Raphael died in their teens of unexplained causes. Mugabe’s other siblings included: Donato, Sabina, half-sister Gladys and half-brother Albert.
A little known fact about Mugabe is that he was named after his father Gabriel. Gabriel Mugabe abandoned his wife Bona and family when Mugabe was a tender 10 years old boy growing up in colonial Zimbabwe. As a result of Mugabe’s father’s abandonment he developed wrath as do most boys whose fathers ditch their families. Mugabe grows up without a father and his identity is shaped by his mother who is a strong influence in his life. Bona Mugabe applauded her son when he excelled in his studies and he loved the applause that came from it. He developed his identity in the applause of his mother.
The circumstances surrounding his early formidable years are sketchy, more myth than reality. Robert Mugabe even in his younger days was conscious about image. He was often a loner and liked his own company; many say that he was highly introspective though some of his actions do not reflect this characteristic. It is reported that Mugabe in the absence of his father was bullied by other boys in the village which caused him to deal with affectation in order to cope with the circumstances that he found himself in. In his mind he always wanted to prove to them that he wasn’t the wimpy kid that they picked on but that he was in fact somebody. So Mugabe developed a persona which people applauded him for and because he was praised for his education he wanted the applause to continue and it is in this applause that he derived his identity.
The death of his siblings must have taken a huge toll on the whole Mugabe family and especially on Mugabe as a child. This explains why Mugabe takes anyone leaving his party personally. He fears being abandoned by the people who are closest to him and that one day he may never get the applause of the people. This also explains why the talk regarding succession hurt him the most because he feels as though people are saying they are ready to leave him. Psychologists may describe these as abandonment issues.
Mugabe’s parents were poor peasants who lived on the communal land. The land owned by African peasants in those days was the one devoid of nutrients, sandy and unsuitable for agriculture. This was a result of Land Acts passed by the colonial government such as the Rudd Concession; Land Tenure Act & Land Apportionment Acts.
In 1945, Mugabe graduated from St Francis Xavier teaching College. Thereafter, he enrolled at Fort Hare University, the only institution for Higher learning for blacks in South Africa and was the Harvard, Yale and Oxford for black students coming from Southern, Central and Eastern Africa. Mugabe was awarded an opportunity to study at the University in 1949. Mugabe still funds scholarships to Fort Hare on condition that the students do not engage in activism.
It is believed that “Matibili” abandoned the family and Mugabe was raised by a single mother who took him to be educated by the Franciscan brothers at Kutama College where he acquired his Catholic faith. At this time during colonialism, Churches were the only ones that educated natives. He was an exceptional scholar and was one of the first Africans to study English at Fort Hare University in South Africa at a time when there were very few Africans to go to tertiary institutions let alone universities. His education at a time when the majority of the people were illiterate gave him access to positions of leadership. The colonial education system limited the number of Africans who attained higher education through a system of quotas.
Mugabe worked at Chalimbana Teacher Training College, in Zambia from 1955–1958. Thereafter he taught at Apowa Secondary School at Takoradi, in the Western region of Ghana after completing his local certification at Achimota School (1958–1960). While in Ghana he met his first wife Sarah Hayfron affectionately known as “Sally” whom he married in 1961. Their only child Nhamodzenyika died after only a few weeks of being in the world from cerebral malaria. Ghana was a newly independent country at the time so when Mugabe met Kwame Nkrumah he was inspired to make changes in his native Zimbabwe and remove the shackles that were binding his people just as Nkrumah had done in Ghana. He was immediately attracted to the Pan Africanist Movement.
In Zimbabwe known then as Southern Rhodesia independence would come 20 years later, after much fighting and turmoil. Mugabe also earned a Bachelor of Administration and Bachelor of Education from the University of South Africa and a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Laws, Master of Science, and Master of Laws, all from the University of London External Programme. The two Law degrees were earned while he was in prison, the Master of Science degree earned during his premiership of Zimbabwe.


From: 'ishola williams' via panafricanfederalists []
Sent: 20 November 2017 21:03
To: Samuel Pieh <>
SP, Welcome to the Club with your experience.
As we know ,you are now getting to a point where we say the rubber  tire hit the  Hot Coal Tar Road.
You will either continue to spend your own money or seek help from nuclear and . extended family members and friends in organisations and clubs. Africans do not like to learn from each other.
Speaking from 20 years' experience is that there are very few  Resident and Non-Resident Africans with that generous disposition to fund your activities. I may be wrong. I live in Nigeria where are there are many crooks and few persons with Millions in cash and kind.
My advice sir from experience is that any Chapter that can not self-Fund itself will die as soon as the money stops coming from outside.
As so you know 99% of NGOs, CSOs and Social Enterprises in Africa are funded by  the West and Asians.
The Brazilians under Lula were quite generous in the past.
South Africa did form an AID of his own but we all know the present situation.
Sir, I repeat, any Chapter that cannot fund itself and you cannot afford to do so, let it find its own way if the members have the will.
Good Luck sir. 
Ishola Williams
Maj-Gen. (Rtd)

Above are the words of Maj-Gen. (Rtd) Ishola Williams, of Panafstrag International, a  wise and well-seasoned Afrikan working in the field of Afrikan Community development for decades. Are these words of experience, defeatism or hard reality which must be stated publicly for the uninitiated?

Those who took up the Great Mantle to work with other like-minded people to forge Afrikan Unity in diversity, must be reminded, even educated, that there will only be real Afrikan Unity when WE committed Our all to Our professed Cause at all levels of our lives.

A semblance of “Afrika Unity” is evolving, in that Afrikans are using available and affordable communication tools among Ourselves to communicate globally. WE are doing this with a number of voices, often contradictory, but valid. In this sea of ideas will come basic consistency for the formulation and charting of Our way forward.

What  is consistent is Our discussions, and even initiatives, focusing on “Afrikan Unity”, not regressive ‘micro nationalism’ – tribal focus. This in itself is progress. While it is not enough,  WE should embrace and build on it. There are many Afrikans who have not yet reached this level of realisation and the necessity for “Afrikan Unity”. To a large extent, they are probably in the majority, being greatly influenced, some say, hypnotised by mainstream media, the bulk of which Global Afrikans do not own, or even able to influence significantly, now and unlikely to own in the near future.

‘Turkeys,’ as they say, ‘don’t vote for Thanks Givings or Christmas Celebrations’ - a saying in the West. Supremacists, visible or disguised, made large investments over centuries, and the  essentials of this practice continue today. The  purpose of which is to dumb down, enslave, colonise, segregate, discriminate, oppress, undermine,  imprison, indoctrinate, with false theologies, giving partly  irrelevant culturally bias education, withdrew and/or ‘denigrate’ core Afrikan history, languages,  Afrikan Personality and Spirituality.

They served up bad medicine, foods and placed modern Afrikan Nations and others in ‘debt slavery’,  where WE are required to pay grossly disproportionate compound interests on already very high interest rates on ‘loans’ to purchase products and services, from the same foreign economic, commercial and financial  Oligarchy.  Exorbitant interest rates said to be contributing to Afrikans slow, stunted growth and poverty generation for decades. [WE are aware of the published suggestions that Africa has the fastest growing economies in the world. Who owns the businesses? And how well this potential wealth is being distributed among Afrikans?]

With this mountainous challenge to navigate, WE MUST clearly understand that “Afrikan Unity” will not come from local,  regional, national or international town hall meetings. These are necessary and useful, to re-affirm Our determinations to seek, arrest, embrace and benefit from CREATED CHANGES. They should be supported. These meetings will not be enough to bring about CHANGE WE need.

As Our Senior Brother, Ishola Williams, writing to  another Afrikan Brother,  Samuel, a committed Pan Afrikanist, on 20 November 2017, stated: “As we know, you are now getting to a point where we say the rubber  tire hit the  Hot Coal Tar Road. You will either continue to spend your own money or seek help from nuclear and  extended family members and friends in organisations and clubs. Africans do not like to learn from each other.”

Perpetual subjugations of Afrikans during the twenty first century, without indication of any change in substance in the immediate future, i Afrikan collective sovereignty and economic freedom are not guaranteed. It cannot be guaranteed because there is no tangible structure is now in place for such a guarantee. What is available is structurally splintered.

There is an illusion being push that such a structure is in place. The weakness of this illusion is exposed when Africa faces real crises and disasters. For  example, the situation in Libya, during 2011, and the murder of the Libyan Leader, His Excellency Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi ( c. 1942 – 20 October 2011), and the overthrow of the Libyan Government. The African Union (AU) was impotent, incapable of having  serious impact on the crisis at the time. The  aftermath of the Libyan debacle has become a bleeding sore on the face of the Continent of Africa today.

The outbreak of ‘weaponised’ Ebola virus  in West Africa, a health emergency in December 2013, in  which thousands of Africans died from the virus, was another  emergency which shown up the inadequacies of Continental Africa Collective Administrative infrastructure. The haemorrhaging of young Afrikans, of whom thousands are dying by drowning in Europe’s  high seas, on their journey to often unwelcome and hostile foreign lands, is another example for the need of a Union Government in Africa.

There is no unifying body in Africa, which seems capable of speaking with a collective voice to halt and reverse this mass African migrating trend. There are other historical and on-going examples in Africa, which could be cited. The apparent “African  lackadaisical  and slothful norms” must end,  in a racially  aware population of Our Planet Earth. That is, if Afrikans are to maintain real individual and collective “racial integrity, unhindered creativities and productivities,” alongside other races/cultures, WE cannot afford to be seen as burden to other cultures.

Global Afrika must move with the time. WE need to evaluate what WE have today; what WE need; and what WE must do to achieve it, in order to be relevant, standing side by side with other  ‘races’/’cultures’ based on Our own modern intellectual, artistic, scientific and technological achievements, second to none, on Our Planet.

WE need to make a conscious shift towards greater awareness of SELF, respect and dependent on one another – and LOVE for one another – opposite  to depending on other communities, some of whom history witnessed and taught that they consistently meant US no good.  People are respected in modern society for their seen contributions, like  leadership,  inventions, creativities, finance, etc.

The ‘Unity’ which aware Afrikans seek today is likely to be realised when the core of Our Afrikan Movement For Change commit irrevocably – individually and collectively – to deep, wide and meaningful  dedication and sacrifices as required. That is,  time, finance, family, life, etc. in a rational, organised – covert and open, as prevailing circumstances dictate – ‘the soldier mentality.’

WE are engage  in a campaign of  SELF-DEFENCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW GLOBAL AFRIKAN PARADIGM, which does not need the approval of others, except by Ourselves. It is the minority among Global Afrika who is and will continue to engage in this necessary, courageous  and bold campaign, which seeks to hurt none, but to bring enlightenment and benefits to Afrikans and other communities who embrace civilised values.

WE must be able to answer truthfully – (a) What have WE achieved so far in Our perpetual call for ‘Pan-Afrikan Unity – outputs and outcomes’?; (b) How that is currently impacting the Pan-Afrikan Movement For Change?; (c) What have WE sacrificed or intend to sacrifice to bring about Afrikan Unity?;  (d) What is the strength of those who are stifling African progressions ?; and (e) How can all peoples of conscience challenge and circumvent more effectively  modern subterfuge against Afrikans and other oppressed peoples on Our Planet?

It is not ‘defeatism’ to remind Ourselves of Our weaknesses and strengths as WE labour ceaselessly to achieve  a level of change to eradicate poverty and dashed aspirations among Our Peoples. Poverty is a construct. It needs not to exist. African Unity should take US further to reaching Our collective objectives.

Afrikan organisers must pace Ourselves as WE organise among down-trodden peoples and as WE teach them community development enabling principles for their wellbeing.  WE must be realistic as to the capacity of those WE seek to lead/organise. If WE fail to evaluate all areas of our challenges, WE are likely to bring potential frustrations and disappointments on Ourselves and others.

The late Great Chinese Revolutionary Leader, Chairman  Mao Zedong (26 Dec 1893 - 09 Sep 1976)  was reported to have said:  If leaders/organisers go too far ahead of the people, the people may not be able to keep up with the pace and become uncooperative  in their relationship with their leaders/organisers. Moa called  leadership/organisers travelling ahead of the people, ‘adventurists’.

On the other hand, if leaders/organisers failed to keep pace with the people, this could hold back the progressions of the people. This could also cause unrests among the people. Effective leaders/organisers must be able to gage prevailing core circumstances of the people, whom they are leading/organising, or intend to lead/organise.

The message is, let US move within the pace of reality, including  levels of finance, people awareness of self and their history and their willingness to engage and help contribute to the development of Our Afrikan Unity Project.
WE made important liberation changes in the past – from the enslaved rebellions on the plantations in the Diaspora, to protests and marches on the streets and battles in the bush. WE won that First Phase Campaign. WE are now engaged in the ‘Next Phase’ for Personal and Economic Sovereignty,  Collective Governance and Shared Global Leadership. The levels of Our success is likely to be based on Our ability to create and maintain effective consensus among Ourselves.

Editorial Collective
SELF-HELP NEWS – “Giving Voice to the Voiceless”


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