Thursday, December 28, 2017

Re:1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress 2017(1stAAFYC2017) Opinion Leasers.

African Union Students' Council(AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve"
Office of the President and Founder.
P.O.Box:6998 Kigali-Rwanda.
October 6th,2017.
Dear delegate(All)
Re:1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress 2017(1stAAFYC2017) Opinion Leasers.
Dear all,
We are acknowledging the fundamental idea and opinions of our
Honorable Professor Mammo Muchie the AUSC Presidency's Special Advisor For African Union Focal Point.
We are in Kigali preparing for arrival of many AUSC 's Appointed Leaders and Advisors and more interested delegates to the 1stAAFYC2017 who have already confirmed to attend and participate in the activities of the 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress (1stAAFYC2017) from Sunday October 15th to Wednesday 18th October ,2017 .
The idea of creating the 1st AUSC International Conference and 1st AUSC International General Assembly both to be currently known as the 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress (1st AAFYC2017) was innovated and manufactured from the blessed brain of our beloved Honorable Professor Mammo Muchie, Native of Ethiopia ,Resident in South Africa ,Professor of Innovations and Technology at Tswane University of Technology and Management in Pretoria ,South Africa.
Welcome dear all AUSC Leaders and Advisors to Kigali ,Professors Mammo Muchie has a every special delegation composed of more Academic intellectuals Professors and PhD Doctors who will be teaching the whole Audience of the 1stAAFYC about AFRIKA.
What is AFRIKA for you?
What is your contribution to unite Africa and to have African History help young generation to shape the better Africa we all deserve ?.
Come and see and share your opinions on this movement .
The 1st AAFYC2017 is making the world more awaken on the African Young Generation's Point of view on the way forward to obtain full independence and uniting our Community started from united educated Young Generation with AUSC International Action Plan 2016-2019 which successfully has brought the first ever existed decentralized inclusive Pan-African International Leadership with new  Pan-Africanism ideology principals ,and the 2nd All Afrikana Youth Congress in 2018 (2ndAAYC 2018) will extremely shake the Earth .
Warm regards.
President and Founder
African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve".

 An African  Person is telling this reality :"My Africa, I will make you the better place to live more than any other place in the World" Start with Agriculture to industrialization of the Whole Africa,while saving and using  the natural resources of our Continent .
PLEASE CLICK HERE To Register Online To Attend this 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress ,October 15th-18th, 2017 , Deadline for Abstracts Submission and Individual delegates is extended to June 30th, 2017.
The Link:
Follow this link to register For African Students' International Development Fund(ASIDF)"For The Self-reliant Africa We Deserve" .The Link:

All African Youth including Inventors, Innovators, Artists are invited to get prepared to attend this extraordinary work for "The  First All Afrikana First Youth Congress(1st AAFYC)" Organized by AUSC, in Kigali, Rwanda Date: October 15-18, 2017
Dear delegate, You are advised to read everything from the written document bellow .

 The Concept Paper for the first ALL-AFRIKANA YOUTH CONGRESS (1st AAFYC 2017) in Kigali-Rwanda, October 14th to 18th, 2017. 1.  Introduction
The African Union Students' Council has been set as the first ever inclusive leadership training family of the youth of Africa, creating the first Pan-African Youth Congress,, to make all African Students and Young Educated generations to seat dawn and converse on deepest ways to keep shaping a better Africa We Deserve , as Deserving our next Generation, to become more independent and grow up with deep struggle heritage, great struggle for our pre-colonial , Colonial, and post-colonial History.
AUSC International Committee involved All African Youth including Inventors, Innovators, Artists to get prepared to attend an extraordinary work for "The  First All Afrikana First Youth Congress(1st AAFYC)" Organized by AUSC, in Kigali, Rwanda Date: October 15-18, 2017.
The first Pan -African youth Congress is extremely important where the pan-African intellectuals join their physical and Mental forces together and as an outcome; there is practical ways to integrate and network our youth to contribute intellectually in making the African Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) be achieved before the expected years 2030 throughout the African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve" as being invited to visit the AUSC online. The project consultation is attributed to the AUSC President’s Office with AUSC Presidency Special Advisors and Observers Team Members.

The Senior Consultant for the 1st AAFYC 2017 is Professor Mammo Muchie , AUSC President’s Special Advisor, Nationality of Ethiopia, and Resident of South Africa Republic. 

 2.  Background

Do our African youth know where they have been; do they also know where they are now and indeed where they are going?  If they want to know, they should look back and revive the neglected positive history to draw lessons to facilitate their journey to unite Africa now. Such historical moments, provide the opportunity to reflect, on how they can re-educate themselves, to move forwards and upwards by avoiding embarking on the wrong journey towards making a free and well-being anchored Africa future for all.

The Male and Female genders between 05 - 35 years are defined as youth in Africa. The youths in Africa are the majority and constitute about 65 % of the African population. About 70% of the African youth are said to be living in the rural areas. Studies attest that a rich supply and source of Africa’s labour force are the youths. According to the African Economic Outlook, approximately 72 % of African youth subsist daily on less than $ 2.00 a day.  As a whole, in Africa 60% of the unemployed population are the youths. Unemployment rates vary regionally.  In Sub-Sahara Africa, unemployed youth constitute 40%. Youth unemployment rates are twice the number of adult unemployment in most African countries. Even in South Africa, a country that is perceived to be the leading African country economically, youth unemployment is estimated as high as 54 %. Instead of all the youths in Africa being educated, we are on the contrary faced with a high number of uneducated youths. Majority of the graduates in Africa do not get jobs. There is a skills mismatch in getting job, because the skills attained by graduates do not relate to the employer’s needs. So, the education systems need to evolve a skills matching with job creation and job filling directions.

The African Union Student Council (AUSC) has a definite role by reaching all youths and creating the ways to make sure all African youth are educated. With the proper education they can have a decent, free, independent, well anchored and promising livelihood wherever they are in Africa. The African youths should live sustainably by achieving a life full of productive employment, decent work. This process requires the fostering of inter-African collaboration amongst all the stakeholders including governments, education institutions, businesses, investors, industries, civil society and communities. The power of the African youth must be unlocked to create an Africa that can use its rich resources to make all its inhabitants have descent work throughout their lives.

Justas the African liberation effort started with the series of Pan-African congresses, the AUCS has resolved to start a new journey to create a vibrant African youth that is inspired and driven by creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. So to realize this vision, like food and water, all African youth must be educated. The African continent must appreciate education is not just a means to life, but it is life itself. AUSC aims to reach African youths by initiating the First ALL-AFRIKANA YOUTH CONGRESS. The main mission is to bring youths to know each other, network and learn to be “Africans first”. AUSC aims to  create a strong Africa that is full of agency to make the wellbeing of all its people a priority of priorities and Africa’s natural environment as sustainable, a clean climate and friendly forever. The First ALL-Afrikana First Youth Congress.

The 5th Pan-African Congress on October 15-21 in 1945, created a “paradigm shift” to resist colonialism by any necessary means. Similarly, we at AUSC would like to organize the first All Afrikana Youth Congress to be held in October 15, 2017 in Kigali, Rwanda. Together with the partners, including stakeholders such as Governments, universities, businesses, civil society and communities will make the African youth forever vibrant, highly educated, productive, spirited and energetic force to contribute in the making of Africa strong, proud, free and independent.

All the African youth without exception must be educated. Education is for all Africans and no different from food and water. The youths must grow by learning and behaving as “Africans first and foremost”. They must not degrade themselves to ethnicity and tribes that colonialists cynically established to divide and rule. The colonial division still plagues Africa for her resources and continues to be robbed. Every year, six times more resources go out of Africa than it gets. It is to be remembered that Africa is a donator not a beggar. Africa is casted as caged in a loan, dependent on aid, debt ridden, and donation dependent and in the begging trap. This situation has to be changed by stopping the resources that flow out with illicit financing and corruption. Moreover, the returned resources should be used to help African youths to be fully employed and productive.  It is said earlier, that the youths are still the primary labour force in Africa. So, every young person must be educated without exception, so that energetic, creative, innovative, entrepreneurial, committed youths can be built and nurtured to transform Africa once and for all. This youth population will make Africa as a continent to contribute towards saving humanity with its deep and rich philosophy of “Ubuntu” and the humane associational values and principles.

The youths must re-imagine Africa with the capacity to innovate, sense of unity and renaissance.  The youth must promote pan-African unity that means African agency will not be delayed.  Without unity, no African agency, no African renaissance will happen. African unity is critical to realize the full synergy of political and economic independence.  This unity must have been yesterday; but let the failure to unite yesterday be a commitment to stop delaying African unity and renaissance anymore. Let’s do it today. The youth have to be the unifier game changers and change-makers. The Pan-African Federation hopes to realize this unity in the next 30 years and not as the AU hopes in 2063.The AUSC may be able to mobilize the youth to accelerate African unity without fail every day.

There have been a few recent efforts in this regards. In South Africa, the African Unity for renaissance conferences was initiated in 2010. ( Beside this, we also have initiated the Pan-African Talent initiative (PATI). Its main purpose is to turn Africa as the talent and innovation hub of the world. Africa should be the talent destination, and not as the talent departure zone of the world. Talent retention, talent gain, talent reverse migration must be promoted. This process will become effectively successful incorporating with all the stakeholders, particularly the private and corporate world. They must contribute substantially to raise funds to promote employable talented graduates in the training process to avoid the current unacceptable skills mismatch. The PATI Returning Talent Fund (RTF) is established to raise funds.   The first inaugural conference for PATI-RTF was held in Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria ( with the participation of private sector, students, professors and government. The conference aimed to create sustainable collaboration to promote talent gain in and for Africa. Now The Africa Talent Hub Community Interest Company has been established to mobilize resources to enable, empower and entitle the African education to become creators, innovators and entrepreneurs.

We have also started the Afrikana post-graduate academy (AGPA) to create high quality post-graduates across Africa. The academy held twice a year invited masters and doctoral researchers on the research methodology and quality writing skills.

There is the African Entrepreneurship Award (AEA) transcending borders and getting the young people to create in the uncharted ideas and new solutions by creating new firms. The Award is a pan-African, stimulating in the 54 states over 2000 entrepreneurial businesses. AEA is a true motivator and inter-African youth mobility generator. (

We have also opened an education platform for African unity and renaissance (AUR) for an integrated development. ( The AUR conference aimed to make the world aware that the contribution of Africa to the world is rich. This platform advocates the education of Africans using the current e-learning outlets to reach all.

A new approach to generate positive understanding of Africa by challenging the current dominance of portraying Africa as a passive participant in the creation of knowledge is much needed. Africa has contributed a lot though not recognized and appreciated and will no doubt continue to contribute hugely to the rest of the world. The knowledge, struggle and spiritual narratives that are negative must be surpassed and the excavation of Africa’s rich contributions from the past to the present as the foundation for the future must be done without fail. There is a need to spread education using a variety of e-learning platforms. Let the African youth, learn the power of networking and togetherness with trust and confidence to overcome all the problems Africa has now. The youth are the problem solvers today and should make sure there is no problem for Africa tomorrow.


     A.   Panels

1.      Presentations by the African Federal Congress

2.      The Africa Unity for Renaissance

3.      THE Pan-African Talent Initiative

4.      The Afrikana Post-Graduate Academy

5.      THE AUSC VISION, MISSION and International Action Plan 2016-2019

6.      Revisiting the Pan-African Congresses

   B.   Conference

TITLE: Challenges to overcome in mobilizing the Afrikana youth to create the Africa united and renascent


1.      Youth education in the current education it real education?

2.      Does youth know African knowledge heritage

3.      Does the youth know African spiritual Heritage

4.      Does the youth know the African struggle Heritage

5.      The Youth learning Afrikana languages

6.      Youth Entrepreneurship both economic and social entrepreneurship

7.      Youth creators, inventors and innovators

8.      Youth role in the African creative industry, arts and music

9.      Youth and gender roles in uniting Africa

10.  Agenda 63: Is it too late to postpone African unity?

11.  Removing leadership curse, state curse, institution curse

12.  How to create predictable and sustainable African unity anchored system

Conference abstracts and papers must be attached via:

The Congress and Conference, AUSC Online Application

Link: and it will continue until June 30th, 2017.

Abstracts should include:

1.      The title in a concise form

2.      Intended Conference theme

3.      Name of authors

4.      Affiliation of Authors

5.      Corresponding e-mail address

6.      The abstract should not be more than 1000 words,

The scientific Committee will review all submitted abstracts and authors will be notified within two weeks after the deadline for submission.

Important dates

1.      Deadline for submission of abstracts   January 30, 2016

2.      Submission of full papers August 30, 2017

3.      Registration will close on 30 September, 2017

During the October 15th -18th, 2017 there will be also time for doing the following:

·         Exhibitions in Afrikana arts

·         Cultural shows

·         Youth invention demonstrations

·         Opportunity for youth to join together to do inter-African entrepreneurship

·         The African Entrepreneurship award

·         Poster presentations

·         Brain storming on the Hosting Country and continent and forming the organizing Committee of the Second ALL-AFRIKANA YOUTH CONGRESS (2nd AAFYC 2018).

·         Colloquia by students from natural science, engineering and social and human science

·         1st African Union Students’ Council (AUSC) International General Assembly

·         Forming the International Board of the African Students’ International Development Fund (ASIDF) to Official Start the 1st ever existed International Bank of all African Students and Youth in general the “African Students’ International Development Bank (ASIDB)”  where inclusively other Academia Population with no discrimination of Ages, sex and level of studies will be allowed to keep buying shares . Whereas the Bank “ASIDB” will keep serving not only academia population, but also serving general population choosing to become clients inside the ASIDB to contribute in generating strong fund that will be reserved to provide long term Study and business loans for Young people of Africa to start their small to large businesses to build a sustainable Entrepreneurship Young African generation.

·         Registration and collection of 1st Shares of Initial share Holders of African Students’ International Development Bank (ASIDB) inside the (ASIDF) where interested International monetary Institutions, NGOs,  Banks, Insurances, Private Companies, Universities, Students Federations and Associations,  individuals owning of big and strong businesses all over the African Continent and Worldwide will be allowed to invest in the ASIDF to make it more productive and important to serve the AFRICAN Continent .

Follow this Link:  to apply to attend the 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress organized by the AUSC President ' Office

Congratulations to all Young People of Africa to come together with heart to fully decolonize our Continent and build a better Africa we deserve as deserving our next generations.

Kind regards,

Done in Kigali-Rwanda, on 23rdAugust, 2017.


Finalist Medical Student, Year 6 /University of Rwanda.

President and Founder

African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)”For The Better Africa We Deserve”

AUSC Notarized Constitution Click Online Link>>:


Telephone & WhatsApp: +250736196204
Special Invitation from the Office of AUSC President  and Founder for 1st AUSC International General Assembly during the 1st AAFYC 2017 in Kigali-Rwanda.

Dear all,
We are calling for any AUSC appointed Leader ,advisor , online fan  ,observer or friend  who needs fundraising and Invitation letter to physically attend and participate in the 1st AUSC Generation Assembly during the 1st AUSC General Assembly during the 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress in Kigali-Rwanda October 15th to 18th ,2017 ,Please send here ( your Names as appears on your International passport or National Identity Card for East African Community delegates, Your Email, Your Country of Residence , the proposed amount of money in USD to cover your Transport to Kigali-Rwanda from Your home and back to your Country/Area of Residency, include the function in our/Your Organization or Institution .

Check online if you are on the list :
If you are not on the list above,You can register on the link CLICK HERE till October 10th, 2017; 11:59' p.m. GMT:
We are very much thankful for your interest in receiving the full information  regarding registration fees transfer in order to participate in the 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress In Kigali-Rwanda from October 15th to October 18th, 2017.

Account Number: 0010093812905901 in ECOBANK-RWANDA.
Ecobank Rwanda Swift Code : ECOCRWRW

Join other 1st AAFYC 2017 delegates on whatsapp group to easily access your printable individual and invitation, Fundraising Recommendation Letter and get your registration fees sracture.

You will be added after writing to the administrator's Whatsapp number :+250736196204.

Welcome to the 1st All Akrikana First Youth Congress 2017 in Kigali-Rwanda- East African Community (EAC) in October 15th to 18th, 2017.
There is your Chance to visit the Rwandan Gollira as one of the choosen visiting site during the 1st AAFYC 2017
Rwandan Mountain_Gorilla_Carousel_Image 1/Gorillas-volcanoes-national-park-Rwanda

Rwandan Mountain_Gorilla_Carousel_Image 2/Gorillas-volcanoes-national-park-Rwanda

Rwandan Mountain_Gorilla_Carousel_Image3/Gorillas-volcanoes-national-park-Rwanda

All African Youth including Inventors, Innovators, Artists are invited to get prepared to attend this extraordinary work for "The  First All Afrikana First Youth Congress(1st AAFYC)" Organized by AUSC, in Kigali, Rwanda Date: October 15-18, 2017.

AUSC President's Office released LINK to the Online payments for registration fees, sponsorship and donations to the 1st AAFYC 2017. June 16th, 2017
Dear delegates ( CLICK HERE for Updated list containing 305 online registered delegates ) to the 1st All Afrikana First Youth Congress(1st AAFYC 2017),
You are cordially invited to the 1st All Afrikana Youth Congress (15th-18th October 2017), Hilltop Hotel, Kigali-Rwanda. Use Paypal to easily complete your registration to participate in this 1st AAFYC 2017, choose your  category and pay according to these possible available 3 categories.

Please Click on one of the participation Ticket fees required per delegates as divided in 3 specific categories below :

1) Professional Delegate  (ALL): $800.00 USD

2) Student Delegate (ALL): $400.00 USD

3) AUSC leader (ALL) and Rwandese (ALL): $250.00 USD

However, money transfer via AUSC Conferences' account can be easily done by mentioning " 1st AAFYC 2017 event " to pay your registration fees, sponsorship and donation for this congress   to this  Bank Account: 0010093812905903 of ASICTB in ECOBANK"The Pan African Bank"-RWANDA.

Visit ECOBANK's  ONLINE Payments & Transfers.

Africa’s widest range of transfer and payment services designed to make life easier. 

Click on each link below to review and proceed through 5 steps below  to transfer your 1st AAFYC 2017 registration fees, Sponsorship or Donation :

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:


1) ALL Payments must be done before 30th September, 2017 to facilitate determining the number of physically present International and national delegates to allow  Hotel bookings and other Conference logistics process per each delegate.

2) Those who wish to pay at arrival to Kigali, will be having to write a requesting letter(Attachment in PDF Document) to the AUSC President via e-mail:( to be able to have their reservations completed for Accommodations in Kigali-Rwanda and other conference related requirements on ground.

3) The AUSC President's Office will keep delivering Official Confirmation letter for any completed payment to the 1st AAFYC 2017 before 30th September, 2017 Accompanied with 1st AAFYC 2017 Conference Booklet, preliminary Programme and Certificate for registration for the 1st AAFYC 2017  together..

Welcome to the 1st All Akrikana First Youth Congress 2017 in Kigali-Rwanda- East African Community (EAC) in October 15th to 18th, 2017.

 AUSC President's Office Recommended Reading:
Thank You for joining the Office of AUSC President Online.
Send your concerns to the office of AUSC President via, and while waiting for your reply from us, as quickly as we can,  you may be reading the unification of Africa and force for Positive change from the electronic lines below ,You are the friend of AFRIKA?sign this PETITION of the Unification of AFRICA via this Link :
Africans can unite/Les Africains peuvent s'unir. or
Stop the new scramble for Africa by uniting the African  States.
The African Union Students' Council has been set as the first ever inclusive leadership training family of the youth of Africa , creating the first Pan-African Youth Congress,, to make all African Students and Young Educated generations to seat dawn and converse on deepest ways to keep shaping a better Africa We Deserve , as Deserving our next Generation, to become more independent and grow up with deep struggle heritage, great struggle for our precolonial , Colonial, and post colonial History.
AUSC International Committee involved All African Youth including Inventors, Innovators, Artists to get prepared to attend an extraordinary work for "The  First All Afrikana First Youth Congress(1st AAFYC)" Organized by AUSC, in Kigali, Rwanda Date: October 15-18, 2017.

The First ALL-Afrikana Youth Congress
We have also opened an education platform for African unity and renaissance (AUR) for an integrated development. ( The AUR conference aimed to make the world aware that the contribution of Africa to the world is rich. This platforms advocates the education of Africans using the current e-learning outlets to reach all.

  1. Presentations by the African Federal Congress
  2. The Africa Unity for Renaissance
  3. THE Pan-African Talent Initiative
  4. The Afrikana Post-Graduate Academy
  5. THE AUSC VISION, MISSION and Action Plan
  6. Revisiting the Pan-African Congresses
   B.   Conference


  1. Youth education in the current education it real education?
  2. Does youth know African knowledge heritage
  3. Does the youth know African spiritual Heritage
  4. Does the youth know the African struggle heritage
  5. The Youth learning Afrikana languages
  6. Youth Entrepreneurship both economic and social entrepreneurship
  7. Youth creators, inventors and innovators
  8. Youth role in the African creative industry, arts and music
  9. Youth and gender roles in uniting Africa
  10. Agenda 63: Is it too late to postpone African unity?
  11. Removing leadership curse, state curse, institution curse
  12. How to create predictable and sustainable African unity anchored system
Conference abstracts and papersmust be attached via:
The Congress and Conference ,AUSC Online Application Link: and it will continue until June 30th, 2017.


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