Sunday, May 30, 2021

Open Letter to All beloved Present Truth Preachers Worldwide : The 6000 Years of the 7000 Years Cosmic Week Will End in the Year 2024.Repent, Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus Christ is Coming on Tuesday- October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.Published on Sunday-May 30th, 2021 at 1:59' P.M. Please Share.

Dear All beloved Present Truth Preachers who prophesied The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in the Final Generation of the 6000 Years of the 7000 Years of this now ending Cosmic Week globally,

It is from now in that regard the Office of AUSC has been working tirelessly with fixed days of prayers and fasting to submit petitions to the Throne of Our Almighty God in Heaven who Alone new and promised to communicate both the Day and Hour of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in the book of Madam Ellen Gould White entitled "The Early Writings" in the subject entitled "My First Vision" it is said that Almighty God will allow to be known the day and hour of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and this was completed on October 22nd, 2019 through Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves when I was Fasting for 40 Days , I had prepared my points to submit petition on to the Throne of Almighty God in Heaven ,one of these points, I asked Almighty God to allow me to know and understand The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ based in the Bible Prophesy of Daniel and John the Revelator, I prayed to ask Almighty God to fulfill His promise that in Daniel 12:7-13 People of the Last Days will be able to understand what will be the End of everything that Daniel was not permitted to know and when I realized that the Climate Change Movement is taking a very serious step forward to bring the final event in the drama which is enforcement of Sunday Rest and worship by Law it was in that regard I decided to submit that petition to request Almighty God to send me His Holy Spirit to guide me in His Proper Word the Holy Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on October 22nd, 2019 I prayed that prayer and believed Almighty God will answer in Jesus Christ Name, very soon , I headed in my mind a number 180 , I was reading the Book of Genesis on the account of the Noah's Whole Experience, Almighty God couldn't not bring flood without communicating to Noah the exact specific Time it will Happen, He was given 120 Years and I though 180 is a period by which Jesus Christ will not go beyond during His Administration in the Holiest Apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary, since October 22nd, 1844, and Adding 180, this gave me October 22nd, 2024.

Reading the First Vision of Ellen Gould White in Her Book"Early Writings" and in the "Book of Heaven" and Jesus Christ's Prophet Daniel related instructions for the last 150th generation of Saints to make Our eyes kept opened in Matthew 24:1-51 in Mark 13:1-37 and in Luke 12:1-59 , I noticed 7 Days are required to journey from Earth to Heaven taken from end extremity of 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13 that will end on Tuesday-October 22nd, 2024, then taking 22days I subtracted 7 Days, this gave me October 15th, 2024 as the Day of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and reading in the Book Heaven of Madam Ellen Gould White it revealed that Jesus Christ will Appear in a Midnight past time and I managed to calculate from Australia to Chicago USA the whole period of Midnight Hour transition which required to calculate the median Hour of transition from 00:00'-59' a.m, 01:00'-59' a.m, 02:00'-59' a.m, to 03:00'-59' it gave me 1:59' A.M.  

The transitional hour 1:59' a.m(From 01:00'-1:59') is found in an intersection of 4 distinctive Biblical timelines given in Mark 13:35, and 2 distinctive Biblical timelines given in Luke 12:38 and 1distinctive Biblical specific timeline given in Matthew 24:43, these 3 Verses from Mark 13, Luke 12 and Matthew 24 has intersection in Matthew 24:43, and it links Matthew 24:43 to the timeline between 1:00' to 1:59' a.m. 

According to Ellen Gould White(Book of Heaven) specifically given Hour 00:00' a.m and this links 00:00' to 01:59' a.m fixing the time to begin becoming eyes open at 00:00' a.m in order to don't miss Our  welcoming of Our Luke 6:5 Lord of The 7th Day Holy Sabbath Savior Jesus Christ  for the following 4 distinctive Biblical timelines given in Mark 13:35 for all True 7th Day Adventists of this Last Final 150th Generation in Matthew 24:34 and Mark 13:30 to meet Jesus Christ in Air  on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 during the Hour of intersection timeline we have explained above (1distinctive Biblical specific timeline given in Matthew 24:43 at 1:59' a.m).
Click on this Blue Text Here to Find the Count Down Alarm Already Fixed to Ring for You on Tuesday- October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.

This All proved promise above is enough for Me to thank Almighty God in Isaiah 6:1-13 Our Holy Father in Heaven that He has responded to My October 22nd, 2019 Fasting Prayers. Amen.

However, as a 7th Day Adventist, I hold back myself to not communicate that Mysterious Divine understanding of the number 180 Years, also I worked again on Daniel 9:27 , I submitted again the petition to ask more understanding of current application of the Final Last Week because at the End of that Week there must be falling down of 7 Last Plagues which did not fell during stoning of Stephen in 34A.D, I understood that the Prince said who had to destroy the sanctuary is the Pope who will reign during the 7 Last Plagues period and as I measured speed of setting up the abomination of desolation which I considered to be the Laudato SI'237' signing in USA and I was praying for more understanding on that issue for our time application of Daniel 9:27 and the 2nd Beast Joe Biden became an evidence of a final Killer Ruler who had to come in the midst of this week, He came on January 20th, 2021, and this was supporting the idea I had before to link the Last week with the Great  Apostasy of the General Conference of SDA which calmed itself on the Names of Pastors and Elders and Leaders in its Different worldwide institutions including National Conferences who attended and signed A Reforming Catholic Confession on October 31st, 2017 I understood that was to reject the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message  then a very deep Apostasy was linking the Prophecy of Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 for me this was the beginning of the Final Week from October 31st, 2017 to October 31st, 2024, again the Year 2024 was fixed in my mind as the Year of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.

Again, I was still shy to publicly announce the date of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ until I had to become very sure Spiritual and Mathematically, I continued to submit more petitions to Almighty God through the whole Period of 40 Days of Fasting until October 31st, 2019 where at Least I was given an other assistance of understanding current application of Daniel 12:12-13 which said it will require Daniel who currently represent the Remnant like I was praying for that regard , to have to wait until the end of 1335 Days when Daniel will be resurrected and stand in His Position to receive His Rewards and while Holy Spirit guided me, He reminded me that during the calculation of William Miller from King Clovis of French 508 to 1843 for 1335 Years the Years Ended but Daniel was not yet resurrected which opened my mid that Daniel still will be resurrected after a certain period of 1335 Days not 1335 Years Again because Ellen Gould White strongly discouraged an other attempt to submit the long prophetic period in the Future as that could mislead the World to understand the beginning of the Judgement on October 22nd, 1844 which was obtained by using these sequential 1260 Years from 538 during Justinian Emperor, 1290 Years also on the same account and 1335 Days from King Clovis of French all Helped our SDA Pioneers to trust and continue the waiting of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on October 22nd, 1844 which was as well fixed as the Ending point of 2300 Years of Daniel 8:1-14 ,very exceptionally Daniel who was not resurrected still has to be resurrected  and receive His rewards after 1335 Days from a certain point in Daniel 12:11 when the Abomination of desolation will be fixed, I submitted more petitions to be given again more understanding on the starting point to calculate these final 1335 Days not Years, And linking the ends of both Last Week on October 31st, 2024 and End of 1335 Days which is equivalent to 15Days 8 Months and 3 Years , the two ends linked in calculation were used to fix the midst of the Last Week  prophetically where the Daniel 12:11 had to become specifically counted for 1260 Days not Years, 1290 Days not Years, 1335 Days not Years as they are required to have the Holy Bible apply its truth in our current period in an other application where the calculation resulted on having the Final Week divided into Two segments One from October 31st,2017 to February 7th, 2021 and an other from February 8th, 2024 until October 22nd, 2024, where adding 1335 Days which is 15Days8Months3Years to February 7th, 2021 resulted on October 22nd, 2024 and I thanked Almighty God as Daniel Who will be resurrected on October 15th, 2024 journeying together we will be given Harps of Gold and Palms of Victory and Crowns on the Gates of Heavenly Canaan together after 7 Days on October 22nd, 2024 without any doubt I was therefore going to be able to begin to announce the date and the hour of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, but I still had to submit more petitions to Almighty God through Prayers and Fasting until I was given an other Holy Spirit assistance to discover a Principal Repetition Number(PRN) 1177 and a little bit before I discovered this PRN 1177 in November 2019 I had to announce the day and hour of  The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ to my Mother at Home and to some few other SDAs feared to be punished by Almighty God due to continued resistance to have faith in the given understanding of the day and hour of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ following a lesson I was given by the Holy Spirit while I was given to read of a punishment given to Ellen Harmon of 24 Hours becoming unable to speak due to Her complained resistance to have faith on the visions She received doubting that it was not given from Jesus Christ story in the Early Writings She ended up by spending full 24 Hours unable to talk and had to write on blackboard 50 Biblical Verses given during that 24 Hours Punishment and after recovering Her Speaking Ability She was determined to never again mistrust the Holy Spirit Guide She was given and was openly assisted to announce all Her Visions , I also after this discovered Principal Repetition Number 1177 I began to announce on November 19th, 2019 on the AUSC International Website announcing The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ a Day and an Hour (Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m) this required me to accept to be laughed and some people who blamed me that I become a False Prophet and while I was given this understanding I was also given different invitations from home based SDA Gathering and churches to explain for then about this Day and Hour, miraculously this 1177 PRN exposed the Great Apostasy of Our SDA General Conference and completed Ezekiel 9:1-11 condition of becoming Sealed, It was obtained by taking 2017-840(500+340 or 12X70)=1177, very significant for whole Period of Papacy to be exposed from Death of Constantine II in Year 340 A.D gave chance to Roman Bishop to gain power of Western Roman Empire of Constantine II and was from then becoming able to hold Pontifex Maximus Title added to Bishop of Rome=Pontiff of Rome"Pope of Rome " was generated and until comes the Reign of Justinian Emperor in 538 then dark ages began adding 1177 to 340 gave 1517 Year within which Martin Luther began Protestantism on October 31st 1517 and after 500 Years declared to be over on October 31st, 2017, adding 500 Years + 340 Years=840, made me understand role of 840 as a Number of Multiplied 12 Disciples in Luke 9, 12 Tribes of Israel in Exodus 24, 12 Months of a Year, it was then significant for its accompanied 70 Number of Disciples in Luke 10 , 70 Elders of Israel in Exodus 24, 70 Years of Sabbath rest of Land in Israel in 2 Chronicles 36:21 gave 12X70=840, using 840 discovered number from 2017-840= 1177, and as 1177 PRN was used to link 340 A.D birth of title Pontiff of Rome to Martin Luther's Initiated Protestantism on October 31st, 1517, then I submitted more petitions to Almighty God to let me understand if this 1177 PRN will link the Sabbath vision of Ancient Testament for New Earth Period in Isaiah 66:23-24 to the Sabbath Vision of New Testament on April 3rd, 1847, I managed to calculate, adding on 1847+1177=3024 resulted in the Year 3024 when We will be Resting the Sabbath in New Earth, and I applied Revelation 20:1-15 of 1000 Millennium subtracted 1000 Years from 3024 I obtained 3024-1000=2024 which again confirmed for me that the Year 2024 will be the 1st resurrection Year and The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, I was very sure that I was not going to fail to announce publicly and widely this 1177 PRN which exposes origin of the title of Pontiff of Rome in 340 A.D , promoting also the beginning of Martin Luther's Protestantism in 1517 A.D, the Vision of 7th Day Sabbath to Ellen Gould White in 1847,  exhibiting the Great Apostasy of General Conference of SDA in 2017 , revealing The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in 2024 Year, confirming Revelation 20:1-15 of 1000 Millennium Reign of All Saints in Heaven together with Jesus Christ and Isaiah 66:23-24 of End of 7000 Cosmic Week Years that link 2Peter 3:8 and Psalms 90:4 linking Exodus 20:8-11 to Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 31:12-18 to Isaiah 66:21-24, this also allowed me to accept my Divine given talent of understanding this Final Generation in the below Link to help You my Dears be not Shy to keep Your hardworking widely proclamation of this 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message which must swell from 3rd Angel's message to Loud Cry Message before falling of 7 Last Plagues in the Year 2024. Link:[].

I have published many articles on different other understandings that I keep receiving from the Holy Spirit that confirm the Year 2024 as the Last Year of Your Beings on this Planet Earth especially Tuesday - October 15th, 2024 which will mark the The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ:
1. Atonement Day had to be completed in one day of at least not beyond 12 Hours and Ezekiel 4:6 of 40 Days for 40 Years a Day for a Year, full 24 Hours Day given 24Hours=360 Days=1Year=1Day, and 1Hour=360:24=15Days, and 15Days=15Years, then 12 Hours of Atonement Day from October 22nd, 1844 will not go beyond 12 Hours Prophetically equivalent to 12HoursX15Years=180Years, from October 22nd, 1844+180Years=October 22nd, 2024 after completed whole cleansing of Heavenly Sanctuary as on October 15th, 2024 SATAN skeptic goat will be tied according to Revelation 20:1-3, and this confirmed as well 12th Hour of rewarding of Vineyard Labourers in Matthew 20:1-16 where these final 11th Hours Labourers started this 11th hour on October 22nd, 2009 to be ended on October 21st, 2024 after 15 Years, therefore, from October 22nd, 1844 at 6:00' a.m adding 15 Years resulted on October 21st, 1859 as the end of calling for people who had to begin to labour as SDA Members to proclaim the 3 Angels Message after the formation of this Organization SDA in 1860 as the 1st Hour began on October 22nd, 1859 in a sense of helping Jesus Christ to conduct Judgement according to the 10 Commandments including the 7th Day Holy Sabbath, the next call at 3rd Hour happened after 30 Years marking 2 Hours from 7:00'a.m to 8:59' a.m which means October 21st, 1889, and as from the Divine Vision was given to Waggoner and Jones in 1888 then it was used as a call for Labourers at the 3rd Hour which is October 22nd, 1889 at 9:00' a.m, and the next Call at 6th Hour at 12:00' a.m on October 22nd, 1934 this was accomplished by a widely spreading of SDA Organization in different Worldwide Nations it was from then where the next call at 9th Hour at 3:00' P.M or 15H00 on October 22nd, 1979 the SDA Gained a Youngest Movement"Adventist Youth(A.Y)" previously named MV" Missionary Volunteers " who pledged to use all means in all Worldwide Nations to begin mass community Gospel dissemination from which resulted the growing in Number of SDA Members Globally who continuously proclaimed 3 Angels Messages but in a Laodicean States until the next Call at 11th Hour at 5:00' P.M or 17H00' on October 22nd, 2009 where the SDA had to elect SDA General Conference President who had to release the Books of the Great Controversy worldwide to fall like leaves of Trees successfully independently many A.Y SDAs and Adults bought Real Book Copies in millions and Thousands were distributed worldwide during the followed Years despite Great Hope counterfeit of Great Controversy that Pastor Ted Wilson distributed instead of distributing the Real Great Controversy Copies, and in 15 Years from October 22nd, 2009 the 11th Hour Labourers will be having to be called at the 12th Hour at 6:00' P.M or 18H00' on October 22nd, 2024 at the Sea of Glass to receive Palms of Victory Crowns of Gold and Harps of Gold together with other all Saints who will have been resurrected on Tuesday - October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m to fulfill Leviticus 19:13 and 24:15 Almighty God will not break His Eternal Law of rewarding His Saints before the sun set before 18H00' as He will not delay rewarding Us until an other Hour that can be beyond 12th Hour as Jesus Christ in Matthew 20:1-16 has confirmed this Journey to the rewarding Day will be accomplished in only full 11 Hours in One Day of 12 Hours according to John 11:9-12 .

Dear Present Truth Preachers, From now You are as well again reached by the Holy Spirit to don't delay to urge people to prepare for The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday - October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, taking consideration of the Falling of 7 Last Plagues in a Period of 8 Months and 2 Days from February 16th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m as completely fulfilling Jesus Christ's Prophecy that it will be like during Noah's Times as the Flood came water lasted for as well 8 Months and 2 Days I calculated these two periods using Bible Prophecy of Daniel 12:7-13 and Revelation 13:5 and 5th Trumpet lasting for 5 Months in Revelation 9:4-5 seeking to punish those with Mark of the Beast in the 5th Last Plague will last for 5 Months from March 1st, 2024 until July 31st, 2024 which completes 1260 Days from February 7th, 2021 +1260 Days(42 Months or Time Times Half of Time period), while the 6th Last plague will last for 30 Days within which 15 Days will be used to destroy the Village of the 1st Beast in Revelation 9:12-21 reserved for 1 Month adding to 1260 Days+30Days=1290 Days from August 1st, 2024 to August 31st, 2024 which is counted from February 7th, 2021 + 1290 Days completed on August 31st, 2024 and the 7th Last Plague will Last for 45 Days from September 1st, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m and it is counted from February 7th, 2021 +1328Days to be completed on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m while in order to have 1335 Days be completed on October 22nd, 2024 will be added 1328Days+7Days=1335 Days, however on Sabbath Day - October 19th, 2024  We will rest on the planet where lives Henoch, Elijah and Moses, to arrive on the sea of Glass on the 8th Day from Tuesday - October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m to Tuesday October 22nd, 2024.


I followed Your recent explanations of the Final Generation in which are living and some said it will End in 2031 exactly at the end of 6000 Years of the Great Controversy chapters on the Account of Prophecy Again TV and for Amazing Discoveries Africa 6000 Years seem to end in the Year 2027 and on the Account of Amazing Word Ministries the Final Generation will see The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 24:34 as we live in Laudato SI'237' Generation, this is completely True and We are accountable for not urging People worldwide to prepare for the soon falling of the 7 Last Plagues that will weep and sweep away all human beings on this Earth noting that We are living in the Last Generation at the Verge ending of 6000 Years read to begin 1000 Millennium Reign in Heaven.

I spent therefore the Whole Friday Fasting and Praying on May 28th, 2021 submitting a Petition to the Throne of Almighty God last Friday asked Almighty God to help me to get an intersection of the Generation we know in Exodus 20:4-5-6 that will be rewarded descendants of Adam after 6000 Years and that One of the Final 4 Generations that will be punished during 7 Last Plague which must be a 4th Generation from Diners of Almighty God's Call through William Miller's Great Awakening at the End of 2300 Years of Daniel 8:1-14 , it was very difficult for human being alone to discover this intersection Mathematically, but Helped by the Holy Spirit the intersection was calculated I found that it gives still the Day and Hour of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday - October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m , and it requires very tough and strong serious Faith to believe that the final 6000th Year Generation lays between 40 Years that will end in the Year 2031 and this started in the Year 1991 and I discovered this Generation as a Principal Generation that has origin from Adam and Seth His Son from where Obedient Grand Children of Adam who loved Almighty God will be rewarded according to Exodus 20:4-5 the 2nd Commandment after thousands of Years while Almighty God has priory fixed a Limit at 6000 Years then it is undefeatable that the last generation will be rewarded at a Year One of the the ending 40 Years(1 Final Generation) of 6000 Years but not exactly at the end of 6000 Years as it is explained by the reason why in the Great Controversy according to Prophecy Again TV 4000 Years were specifically repeated in different Chapters saying that Jesus was born after 4000 Years counted from Adam also saying that Jesus was Baptized in 27 A.D at 30 Years Old after 4000 Years counted from Adam and again saying that Jesus was Crucified in 31 A.D about 4000 Years counted from Adam as well as saying that during the Satan's Temptation in the Wilderness Jesus Christ was about 30 Years Old around 4000 Years counted from Adam this giving a Clear understanding to Prophecy Again TV to declare that it was said that 4000 Years from Birth of Jesus Christ to His Baptism and repeated in His Crucifixion as a Whole 1 Generation and being in my Fasting Day of Friday it became clear in the same way that 31 A.D is the end given justifiably by the Spirit of Prophecy in Revelation 10:10 for Me to understand the beginning of this Generation that ended in 31 AD which is specified for that day application in Matthew 24:34-35 it revealed that this Generation was started in 9B.C ending in 31 A.D and 4000 Years are otherwise helpful as helped to specify that Jesus Christ time Generation as the 100th Generation among the fixed already 150 Generation obtained from 6000 Years dividing with 40 Years that makes 1 full Generation and the final Generation is the 150th Generation which started therefore from 1991 expected to end in 2031 and it matches with Prophecy Again TV and Amazing Word Ministries overviews, while Amazing Discoveries Africa on its account specifically according to the Ellen Gould White's Book of Confrontation 4000 Years were completed in 27 A.D and the 2000 Years remaining Truly must end in 2027 no blame as it falls in the final Generation that began in 1991 expecting to end in 2031 and according to Amazing Discoveries Africa Jesus Christ probably has to return before that end of 6000 Years for a predicted Years after 1000 Years Millennium Reign in Heaven to be used by Satan to wage Final attempt to war against Almighty God and ,these Years are for that regard to be taken before the exact ending Year of 6000 Years which brings the Year of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ before 2027 exactly still must be in the 40 Years of the Final Generation and that is obviously after this Year 2021 a very serious reason for Amazing Discoveries Africa to Call on Attentions of Worldwide Viewers of this Great Urgent Coming Mass Extinction before the Year 2027 according to Early Christian Church Members and Protestants Reforms and SDA Pioneers regarding end of 6000 Years for the final event to take place to accomplish the 6 Days of Working in Genesis 2:1-3 and rest in the 7th Day application of 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalms 90:4.
According to AUSC it is very clear that the Matthew 24:-34-35 final Generation application for us started in 1991 and is expected to finish in 2031 and We are in 2021 and only 10 Years remains and there must be a specific Year between 2021 and 2031 in which Revelation 22:12-15 will have to take place to fulfill Exodus 20:4-5 to have two distinctive Groups of People face 7 Last Plagues on the Account of obedient Last Generation in Matthew 24:34-35  We are accounted among 6000 Years Descendants of Adam who will be rewarded to survive 7 Last Plagues and be lifted to Meet Jesus Christ in the Air and the other Group of Disobedient Descendants of Cain are not to partake in the 6000 years final Generation inheritance, they were visited at every 4th Generational Cycle and the final 4th Generation to be visited by Almighty God has their Fathers of iniquities existed in the 146th Generation from Year 1831-1871 who comprised the rejection of The Great Awakening of William Miller and total denying of Daniel 8:1-14 Prophecy of Ending of 2300 Prophetic Years on October 22nd, 1844 and those Fathers of iniquities who existed in that Generation of full 40 Years from 1831 to 1871 are belonging to the 146th Generation, because Almighty God has only planned existence of 150 Generation, while 4th of the 150 Generations at the end will be visited according to their Fathers of iniquities evil doing that has been working tirelessly for the next 4 Generations and it had taken me to substrate 4 Final Generations from 150 Generations ,150-4=146 Generations and these 146 Generations are as well comprising first identified specific 100 Generations in which 1st Advent of Jesus Christ happened in the 100th Generation according to Matthew 24:34-35, thus making Me calculate 146 Generation subtracting 100 Generations resulted in 46 Generations while 46X40Years=1840 means it was to take 1840 Years to calculate the 164th Generation taken as 9BC+1840=-9+1840=1831 and 31AD+1840=1871, this is the 146th Generation in which on October 22nd, 1844 Almighty God visited all Sinners and diners of William Miller's Great Awakening Message of 1st and 2nd Angels Message in Revelation 14:6-8 giving me to determine the Group which has its 4 Next Generations to face 7 Last Plagues in their 4th Generation according to Exodus 20:4-5-6 and Revelation 22:12-16 and taking 4 Generations 4X40Years=160 Years, this required 160 Years to understand in which period of Years 150th Generation of Saints and the 4th Generation of Diners of William Miller's Great Awakening will be visited by Almighty God, it took me to start with 150th Generation of Saints from 1831+160=1991 and from 1871+160=2031 as 146th Generation will be followed by only 4 Generations to complete 150 Generations that are equivalent to full 6 Days of Labouring basing in Psalms 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8 generated 6000 Years , while counting for the 4 Final Sinners Generations starting with October 22nd, 1844 +160 Years= October 22nd, 2004 obtained the beginning of the final 4th Last Generation of Sinners and on October 22nd, 2004 is where the 4th Generation of Sinners began expected to End on October 22nd, 2044 after 40 Years, however this their ending Year goes beyond the 6 Days of Labouring and it does not respect the 7th Day Sabbath of Cosmic Week of 7000 Years, therefore, their Visitation Year during 7 Last Plagues according to Revelation 22:12-15 will be at the same Year as the Visitation of the 150th Saints Generation of 6000 Years in Exodus 20:6 which therefore Mathematically called for an intersection Year of both Two Groups of Generations one from 1991 to end in 2031 and other from October 22nd, 2004 to October 22nd, 2044 and the intersection became June 2024 to October 22nd, 2024 and the falling of 7 Last Plagues will therefore as seen before take place during this intersection Year of 2024.

Existence of 40 Years Fully of Sinners of the 4th Generation from October 22nd, 2004 to October 22nd, 2044 passes the Given 6 Days of Labouring Order in Exodus 20:8-11 and Genesis 2:1-3 that doesn't match with the Cosmic Week of 7000 Years which has the Year of 2031 as a Limit Year of 6000 Years, while this Sinners' Generation from October 22nd, 2004 to October 22nd, 2044 for it to complete fully all 40 Years will not become possible due a Limit Year of 6000 Years that has its possible maximum end in the Year 2031.
However it brought me to find intersection Year in a Mathematical process 2044-2031=13 Years, 2004-1991=13 Years, 2031-2004=27 Years, which means this 4th Generation only was planned to never last beyond 27 Years counted from October 22nd, 2004 to 2031 of the redemption of the Adam's Descendants Saints' 150th Generation on which is the upper Limit of the 150 Generations of planned 6000 Years of the Cosmic Week dedicated for Labouring.
Therefore, intersection Year of both Two Generations was calculated taking the Saints' Final Generation 40 Years + 27 Years=67 Years, and intersection Year was calculated from 67 Years:2=33.5 Years , giving intersection Year by taking 1991 +33.5= 2024.5 which means the Year 2024 and 6 Months obtained to give a specific Period in which 7 Last Plagues will be falling in the Year 2024, and from October 22nd, 2004 to October 22nd, 2024 is the possible existence of the final 4th Generation of Sinners and it is not going to last until October 22nd, 2024 as Jesus Christ will come in the 7th Last Plague on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m ,while the previous 6 Last Plagues will have been exterminating some of the Sinners beginning form February 16th, 2024 .
The current unrepentant people for October 22nd, 1844 Disobedient Descendants in their final 4th Generation in which Antichrist Pope Francis(666) and All Jesuits who completely dedicate their lives in pushing forward Enactment of this U.S Climate Act of 2021"Mark of the Beast" Globally from Laudato SI'237' s exposed Seven(7) Diabolical Action Planned Objectives set to be completed in 7 Years by Vatican from May 24th, 2021 to May 24th, 2027 makes the whole world's living souls falling in Our daily and nightly heavy duties to warn them via Proclamation of this 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message of Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 from February 7th, 2021 in 3 Years up to February 7th, 2024 on Your Channels to urge people to prepare for the Soon falling of the 7 Last Plagues in the Year 2024 from February 16th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024  in order  to complete their final Judgemental punishment if they reject Our True 7th Day Sabbath Keeping 144,000 Biblical Saints warning in their communities Globally.

You can lead the wholeinformation about this Year 2024 of intersection in different calculation made with specific data produced in researches from November 19th, 2019 from AUSC International website : , finding the recent posted articles concerning application of the Great Controversy and the First 4 Commandments in this Final Generation inheritance .

Waiting to Hear from Your reception feedback soon.

May Almighty God bless You and Yours and Your Gospel Works in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Best regards.

AUSC Founder and President,
Rwanda-East Africa.
Tel +250781907002.
(I will never Use What's App Again, I follow What's Up Prof!).



II.SERMON:ReadTheHolyBible:Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-17&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8Giving6000Years+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=7000YearsFor1FullCosmicWeek&2ndComingOfJesusChristForEndOfEarthIsIn6000Years&IsHappeningIn2024:ToBegin1000YearsCosmicSABBATHof#Hebrews4:1-16,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15&JesusWillComeOnTuesdayOctober15th,2024+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=3024inHell ComesAt7000YearsFull.

III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareThisLink&Screenshot[OpenLetterToAllBeloved PresentTruthPreachersWorldwide:( )].

IV.PRAYER:DearMy#AlmightyGodTheOnlyOneTrueHolyFatherInHeaven&InEarth(Matthew23:8-12):ForgiveThisPerson:GiveYourHolySpiritToThisYourChild:AsAPersonIn1John3:1-24:InOrderToUnderstand#ThisYourLast3rdAngel'sLoudCryMessageFinalWarning:ToNeverDareToRestOnSundayAsItIsToWorshipTheSUNgod"SATAN":SundayRestByClimateChangeLAWinLaudatoSi'237'#MarkOfTheBeastJesuitPOPEFrancis=ClimateSundaysLockdowns:ButToAccept&BelieveInThe Luke6:5&BLOODOfJESUS CHRIST&ToRefuse&reject SATAN's#Image&NumberOfThePAPACY'sFratelliTutti:[SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Mask,Test&Vaccines)]:InOrderToBecomeFree&ToRepent&#ToRememberThe 7thDaySabbathToKeepItHoly:InOrderToDivorceFrom#AllDemons.AsTheEnd ofEveryLifeOnThisDyingOldEarth isNear:In2024;ThroughThe7LastPlagues=(February15th,2024UntilOctober15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)InRevelation16:1-21ToDoNotDieInSIN#ButToQuit SATAN(Luke15:1-10)TodayToLiveTogetherWith#JESUSCHRIST#InYourSoonComingEternalLifeInHEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024#InCHRISTJESUSNAME,I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:15-31. 






Read and share this article Link below [Open Letter to All beloved Present Truth Preachers Worldwide : The 6000 Years of the 7000 Years Cosmic Week Will End in the Year 2024.Repent, Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus Christ is Comg on Tuesday- October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.Published on Sunday-May 30th, 2021 at 1:59' P.M. Please Share.Link: ( )  ].

Click on Following blue Link to listen and download Audio Book of:The Great Controversy

SDA general Conference's Pastor Ted Wilson’s strategic plan for the church is over. Too late mission accomplished. IT IS FINISHED. It is time Lord for Thee to work for they have made void Thy Law. Ps. 119:1 through 176. It’s now 176 years since 1844 to 2020. As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be. The door was shut and life continued on the outside as normal. Abomination in the church will be exposed. Ezekiel 8 through 12. ICHABOD. The glory has departed from the church"Leaderships ".The judgment hour is here!"Ruth Johnson". 

Dear environmental activators,
We are called to give you this final warning letter,
Please read this open letter online and distribute the link below to your other environmental activities activists in your area and globally.

May Almighty God bless You.

Best Regards.

Dr. Bandora.

Throughout the centuries the promise of Jesus in John 14:2, 3 has filled the hearts of Christians with hope: “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.” In the darkest moments of despair, disappointment, despondency, or defeat, the hope of living with Jesus in heaven has brightened the day, cleared away the clouds, and lifted the spirits. Hvn 5.1

Heaven, what will it be like? Words are inadequate to describe it, but the Holy Scriptures give us glimpses of the glorious future. There all will be harmony, peace, love, and unity. All will be purity, holiness, and blessedness. Gone will be sorrow, crying, and pain. Best of all, death will be no more. Hvn 5.2

“There we shall know even as also we are known. There the loves and sympathies that God has planted in the soul will find truest and sweetest exercise. The pure communion With holy beings, the harmonious social life with the blessed angels and with the faithful ones of all ages, the sacred fellowship that binds together ‘the whole family in heaven and earth’—all are among the experiences of the hereafter.” Education, 306. Hvn 5.3

We look forward with joyous anticipation to the day when Jesus will return to earth, not as a Man of sorrows but as King of kings and Lord of lords. In that day the dead in Christ will rise first, then his followers who are alive will be “changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52), and together this redeemed company, now immortal, will travel through time and space to the paradise of God, to heaven itself. Hvn 6.1

This book provides glorious pictures of the future life both in heaven and on the new earth. It enables one to hear by faith the thrilling music sung by angels and the redeemed. It excites one with the prospect of engaging in fascinating occupations and enterprises. As you sense the wonder and reality of the future life, may you determine to be among the citizens of heaven, and live forever in that land “where we never grow old.” Hvn 6.2

Board of Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate.

Let us consider most earnestly the blessed hereafter. Let our faith pierce through every cloud of darkness and behold Him who died for the sins of the world. He has opened the gates of paradise to all who receive and believe on Him. To them He gives power to become the sons and daughters of God. Let the afflictions which pain us so grievously become instructive lessons, teaching us to press forward toward the mark of the prize of our high calling in Christ. Let us be encouraged by the thought that the Lord is soon to come. Let this hope gladden our hearts.... Hvn 8.1

We are homeward bound. He who loved us so much as to die for us hath builded for us a city. The New Jerusalem is our place of rest. There will be no sadness in the city of God. No wail of sorrow, no dirge of crushed hopes and buried affections, will ever more be heard. Soon the garments of heaviness will be changed for the wedding garment. Soon we shall witness the coronation of our King. Those whose lives have been hidden with Christ, those who on this earth have fought the good fight of faith, will shine forth with the Redeemer's glory in the kingdom of God.—Testimonies for the Church 9:286, 287. 
Chapter 4—God's People Delivered
God Manifests His Power at Midnight—By the people of God a voice, clear and melodious, is heard, saying, “Look up,” and lifting their eyes to the heavens, they behold the bow of promise. The black, angry clouds that covered the firmament are parted, and like Stephen they look up steadfastly into heaven and see the glory of God and the Son of man seated upon His throne. In His divine form they discern the marks of His humiliation; and from His lips they hear the request presented before His Father and the holy angels: “I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am.” John 17:24. Hvn 26.1

Again a voice, musical and triumphant, is heard, saying: “They come! they come! holy, harmless, and undefiled. They have kept the word of My patience; they shall walk among the angels;” and the pale, quivering lips of those who have held fast their faith utter a shout of victory. Hvn 26.2

It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people. The sun appears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders follow in quick succession. The wicked look with terror and amazement upon the scene, while the righteous behold with solemn joy the tokens of their deliverance. Everything in nature seems turned out of its course. The streams cease to flow. Dark, heavy clouds come up and clash against each other. In the midst of the angry heavens is one clear space of indescribable glory, whence comes the voice of God like the sound of many waters, saying: “It is done.” Revelation 16:17.—The Great Controversy, 636. Hvn 27.1

The Foundations of the Earth Seem to Be Giving Way—There is a mighty earthquake. The firmament appears to open and shut. The glory from the throne of God seems flashing through. The mountains shake like a reed in the wind, and ragged rocks are scattered on every side. There is a roar as of a coming tempest. The sea is lashed into fury. There is heard the shriek of the hurricane, like the voice of demons upon a mission of destruction. The whole earth heaves and swells like the waves of the sea. Its surface is breaking up. Its very foundations seem to be giving way. Mountain chains are sinking. Inhabited islands disappear with their living freight. The seaports that have become like Sodom for wickedness are swallowed up by the angry waters. Great hailstones, every one “about the weight of a talent,” [Revelation 16:21] are doing their work of destruction. The proudest cities of the earth are laid low. The costly palaces, upon which the world's great men have lavished their wealth in order to glorify themselves, are crumbling to ruin before their eyes.—The Spirit of Prophecy 4:453, 454. Hvn 27.2

A Special Resurrection Before Jesus Appears—Graves are opened, and “many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth ... awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Daniel 12:2. All who have died in the faith of the third angel's message come forth from the tomb glorified, to hear God's covenant of peace with those who have kept His law. “They also which pierced Him” (Revelation 1:7), those that mocked and derided Christ's dying agonies, and the most violent opposers of His truth and His people, are raised to behold Him in His glory and to see the honor placed upon the loyal and obedient. Hvn 28.1

Thick clouds still cover the sky; yet the sun now and then breaks through, appearing like the avenging eye of Jehovah. Fierce lightnings leap from the heavens, enveloping the earth in a sheet of flame. Above the terrific roar of thunder, voices, mysterious and awful, declare the doom of the wicked. The words spoken are not comprehended by all; but they are distinctly understood by the false teachers. Those who a little before were so reckless, so boastful and defiant, so exultant in their cruelty to God's commandment-keeping people, are now overwhelmed with consternation and shuddering in fear. Their wails are heard above the sound of the elements. Demons acknowledge the deity of Christ and tremble before His power, while men are supplicating for mercy and groveling in abject terror.—The Great Controversy, 637, 638. Hvn 28.2

The Ten Commandments Revealed to All in The Sky—Through a rift in the clouds, there beams a star whose brilliancy is increased fourfold in contrast with the darkness. It speaks hope and joy to the faithful, but severity and wrath to the transgressors of God's law. Those who have sacrificed all for Christ are now secure, hidden as in the secret of the Lord's pavilion. They have been tested, and before the world and the despisers of truth they have evinced their fidelity to Him who died for them. Hvn 29.1

A marvelous change has come over those who have held fast their integrity in the very face of death. They have been suddenly delivered from the dark and terrible tyranny of men transformed to demons. Their faces, so lately pale, anxious, and haggard, are now aglow with wonder, faith, and love. Their voices rise in triumphant song: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.” [Psalm 46:1-3]. Hvn 29.2

While these words of holy trust ascend to God, the clouds sweep back, and the starry heavens are seen, unspeakably glorious in contrast with the black and angry firmament on either side. The glory of heaven is beaming from the gates ajar. Then there appears against the sky a hand holding two tables of stone folded together. The hand opens the tables, and there are revealed the precepts of the decalogue, traced as with a pen of fire. The words are so plain that all can read them. Memory is aroused, the darkness of superstition and heresy is swept from every mind, and God's ten words, brief, comprehensive, and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of earth. Wonderful code! wonderful occasion!—The Spirit of Prophecy 4:456, 457. Hvn 29.3

God Tells His People the Day and Hour of Jesus’ Coming—The voice of God is heard from heaven(3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message declared and being delivered by Almighty God's 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Biblical Saints warning the People of God to get out of Babylon in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 from February 7th, 2021 to February 7th, 2024 before beginningtto fall 7 Last Plagues that will last for 8 Months and 2 Days), declaring the day and hour of Jesus’ coming, and delivering the everlasting covenant to His people. Like peals of loudest thunder His words(3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message declared and being delivered by Almighty God's 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Biblical Saints warning the People of God to get out of Babylon in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 from February 7th, 2021 to February 7th, 2024 before beginningtto fall 7 Last Plagues that will last for 8 Months and 2 Days), roll through the earth(3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message declared and being delivered by Almighty God's 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Biblical Saints warning the People of God to get out of Babylon in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 from February 7th, 2021 to February 7th, 2024 before beginningtto fall 7 Last Plagues that will last for 8 Months and 2 Days). The Israel of God stand listening(3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message declared and being delivered by Almighty God's 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Biblical Saints warning the People of God to get out of Babylon in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 from February 7th, 2021 to February 7th, 2024 before beginningtto fall 7 Last Plagues that will last for 8 Months and 2 Days), with their eyes fixed upward[Waiting the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m following the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message declared and being delivered by Almighty God's 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Biblical Saints warning the People of God to get out of Babylon in Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 from February 7th, 2021 to February 7th, 2024 before beginningtto fall 7 Last Plagues that will last for 8 Months and 2 Days), ]. Their countenances are lighted up with His glory, and shine as did the face of Moses when he came down from Sinai(Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5). The wicked cannot look upon them. And when the blessing is pronounced on those who have honored God by keeping His Sabbath holy, there is a mighty shout of victory(2021-2024).—The Great Controversy, 640.[Soon we [See Appendix.] heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming(Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m). The living saints(True 7th Day Adventists will be able to calculate and understood this revealed Word "Voice" of Almighty God on the Day and Hour of Jesus' Coming spoken from Heaven by the Holy Spirit making them understanding the Prophecy and its related calculated  Day and Hour of Jesus' Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m as was declared by Almighty God in responding the 40 Days Fasting Prayers of Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves as was being described at the beginning of this article from October 22nd, 2019 until Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m), 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spoke the time, He poured upon us the Holy Ghost, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God, as Moses’ did when he came down from Mount Sinai. EW 14.1]
My First Vision
[This view was given soon after the great Advent Disappointment in 1844, and was first published in 1846. Only a few of the events of the future were seen at that time. Later views have been more full. See also Appendix.]

As God has shown me the travels of the Advent people to the Holy City and the rich reward to be given those who wait the return of their Lord from the wedding, it may be my duty to give you a short sketch of what God has revealed to me. The dear saints have many trials to pass through. But our light afflictions, which are but for a moment, will work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory—while we look not at the things which are seen, for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. I have tried to bring back a good report and a few grapes from the heavenly Canaan, for which many would stone me, as the congregation bade stone Caleb and Joshua for their report. (Numbers 14:10.) But I declare to you, my brethren and sisters in the Lord, it is a goodly land, and we are well able to go up and possess it. EW 13.3

While I was praying at the family altar, the Holy Ghost fell upon me, and I seemed to be rising higher and higher, far above the dark world. I turned to look for the Advent people in the world, but could not find them, when a voice said to me, “Look again, and look a little higher.” At this I raised my eyes, and saw a straight and narrow path, cast up high above the world. On this path the Advent people were traveling to the city, which was at the farther end of the path. They had a bright light set up behind them at the beginning of the path, which an angel told me was the midnight cry. This light shone all along the path and gave light for their feet so that they might not stumble. If they kept their eyes fixed on Jesus, who was just before them, leading them to the city, they were safe. But soon some grew weary, and said the city was a great way off, and they expected to have entered it before. Then Jesus would encourage them by raising His glorious right arm, and from His arm came a light which waved over the Advent band, and they shouted, “Alleluia!” Others rashly denied the light behind them and said that it was not God that had led them out so far. The light behind them went out, leaving their feet in perfect darkness, and they stumbled and lost sight of the mark and of Jesus, and fell off the path down into the dark and wicked world below. Soon we [See Appendix.] heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming(Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m). The living saints(True 7th Day Adventists will be able to calculate and understood this revealed Word "Voice" of Almighty God on the Day and Hour of Jesus' Coming spoken from Heaven by the Holy Spirit making them understanding the Prophecy and its related calculated  Day and Hour of Jesus' Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m as was declared by Almighty God in responding the 40 Days Fasting Prayers of Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves as was being described at the beginning of this article from October 22nd, 2019 until Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m), 144,000 in number(Chosen From 31/10/2017-22/10/2020 working From 7/2/2021-15/10/2024), knew and understood the voice(Calculated from End of 2300 Years Events on October 22nd, 1844 to comprise 180 Years of 12 Hours of 1 Day of Atonement in the Heavenly Sanctuary Language All True 7th Day Knowing and understanding of Matthew 20:1-16 and Leviticus 16:1-34 and Leviticus 19:13 and Deuteronomy 24:15 revealed John 11:9-11-57 declared that 1 Hour=15Years and 12Hours will prophetically end on 180th Hour proved by taking 12HoursX15Years=180Years and From 22/10/1844"October 22nd, 1844" adding 180Years =22/10/2024"October 22nd, 2024" while subtracting 7 Days for Journeying from Earth to Heaven gives 22Days-7Days=15th/10/2024 midnight to Cock's crawling at 1:59' a.m will be the Day on Tuesday and Hour at 1:59' a.m and date October 15th, 2024 on which Jesus Christ will return and Appear on this Sky in His 2nd Coming now remaining 3 Years and 4 Months and few days during the 7 Last Plagues), while the wicked(Sunday worshippers who are now differently opposing True 7th Day Sabbath Keepers "Worshippers" by following Pope Francis' 7 Years determined LaudatoSI'237' Sunday Law Book registered in Governments under name of Paris Climate Agreement which will soon become enforced by Law from U.S Climate Act of 2021 in All Nations via. u.SID funds from All Worldwide Nations U.S Embassies as disclosed in numbers of US Congressional Records and registrations online could make everyone think of the 2nd Coming now remaining 3 Years and 4 Months and few days during the 7 Last Plagues but for them this was misinterpreted by Pope Francis from SATAN his master to deceive the whole world that it is a Climate Change Crisis that is going to take place in 2027 if they don't as quickly as possible enforce a false Sabbath day of resiting on Sundays as a Climate Sunday Rest for the whole World's Climate Sundays Lockdowns)thought it was thunder and an earthquake(Just matters of Sunday worshippers denying upcoming 7 Last Plagues they misinterpret Sunday Climate Lockdowns warning 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Messengers as conspirators from online to low level communities). When God spoke the time, He poured upon us the Holy Ghost(Latter Rain is the only special Holy Ghost Promised to the Remnants Church of Almighty God who has to come upon Us before the formation of the Image of the Beast in U.S and this had happened individual to individual True 7th Day Adventist from December 13th, 2020 to prepare them worldwide to reject Covid-19 Testing and Vaccination and expose corrupted SDA General Conference based Global Leaderships and call for people of God to leave Babylonian Sunday Worshipping Churches to become sealed with Latter Rain 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message from February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024 prior to beginning of falling of the 7 Last Plagues from February 16th, 2024 until the 2nd Coming now remaining 3 Years and 4 Months and few days during the 7 Last Plagues on Tuesday -October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.), and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God(After receiving Latter Rain likewise it was for 12 Disciples after receiving Former Rain they had all Victory over Sin and could be lighting up and shining with that glory of God giving us this power of proclaiming loudly this 3rd Angel's Message combining prophesied Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 Angels' Messages which require Latter Rain from Almighty God began to be proclaimed alongside whole Last 1st Beast Pope Francis' Last U.S Government Leadership from His inaugurated Joe Biden 2nd Beast signing of US Paris Agreement from January 20th, 2021 within which universal Climate Sundays Lockdowns are going to be imposed and enforced by Political Authorities Worldwide fulfilling the Mark of the Beast prophecy of Revelation 13:1-18 this is happening now in this Year 2021 and will be exposed also through proclamation of 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message through out leadership of Joe Biden in 2021-2022-2023-2024 to preach the unchangeable True 7th Day Holy Sabbath Law of resting and worshiping delivered from 10 Commandments of Almighty God from Heaven given to Moses from Mountain Sinai and Jesus Christ will come during the Outpouring of 7 Last Plagues by Almighty God's 7 Trumpets Sounding Angels of Revelation 8:1-13 Revelation 9:1-21 Revelation 11:15-19 Revelation 15:1-8 and Revelation 16:1-21 and Revelation 17:1 and Revelation 21:9 coming in the Year 2024 to surprisingly permanently eternally disturb and hinder Pope Francis'7Years Planned LaudatoSI'237's Blasphemous 2027th SABBATICAL YEAR in 2027), as Moses’ did(Moses then descended with 10 Commandments for Hindering worship of a Cow god made by Aaron worshipped by apostate Israelites in wilderness of Mountain Sinai typologically like image of the Beast and Mark of the Beast and Number of the Beast of current worldwide inhabitants is being hindered through proclamation of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message helped by Latter Rain Holy Spirit outpoured on the All Global True 7th Day Adventists from 2020 until now and will continue until Close of Probation for the whole world's individuals before the falling of 7 Last Plagues in the Year 2024 as described above in this article) when he came down from Mount Sinai. EW 14.1

The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly united(This sealing which goes with Ezekiel 9:1-11 and Ezekiel 8:1-18 has already taken place before the Year 2020 ends and it involved the prophesied shaking among the 7th Day Adventists Globally to reject Laodicean Church constituting individuals and retain the 144,000 Symbolic True 7th Day Adventists able to deny and reject Covid-19 Testings and Vaccinations fearlessly to defend the Latter Rain given through defending the Health Reform"Temperance "given message as Right Arm of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message through Ellen Gold White's Book of Council on Food and Diet and Health whose True 7th Day Adventists defenders are one by one separating themselves from the apostate Global Leaderships of 7th Day Adventists Churches from International Level to Local Levels and it is very obvious that the current 7th Day Adventists Global Community has been shaken keeping in truth the True 7th Day Adventists who will never go to receive the Covid-19 Vaccines in order to be allowed to enter the Churches buildings as usually did and other Places as recommended by the apostate SDA General Conference Leaderships from Global Level to Local Levels while this came as a Pre-Test to those 7th Day Adventists who must stand steadfastly during the upcoming U.S Climate Act of 2021's Global implementation  Crisis of Climate Sunday Lockdowns Law). On their foreheads was written, God, New Jerusalem, and a glorious star containing Jesus’ new name(2020-2024). At our happy, holy state the wicked were enraged, and would rush violently up to lay hands on us to thrust us into prison(2020-2024), when we would stretch forth the hand in the name of the Lord, and they would fall helpless to the ground. Then it was that the synagogue of Satan knew(2021-2024) that God had loved us who could wash one another's feet and salute the brethren with a holy kiss, and they worshiped at our feet. EW 15.1

Soon our eyes were drawn to the east, for a small black cloud had appeared(2024), about half as large as a man's hand, which we all knew was the sign of the Son of man. We all in solemn silence gazed on the cloud as it drew nearer and became lighter, glorious, and still more glorious, till it was a great white cloud. The bottom appeared like fire; a rainbow was over the cloud, while around it were ten thousand angels, singing a most lovely song; and upon it sat the Son of man(Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m). His hair was white and curly and lay on His shoulders; and upon His head were many crowns. His feet had the appearance of fire; in His right hand was a sharp sickle; in His left, a silver trumpet. His eyes were as a flame of fire, which searched His children through and through. Then all faces gathered paleness, and those that God had rejected gathered blackness. Then we all cried out, “Who shall be able to stand? Is my robe spotless?” Then the angels ceased to sing, and there was some time of awful silence, when Jesus spoke: “Those who have clean hands and pure hearts shall be able to stand; My grace is sufficient for you.” At this our faces lighted up, and joy filled every heart. And the angels struck a note higher and sang again, while the cloud drew still nearer the earth. EW 15.2

Then Jesus’ silver trumpet sounded, as He descended on the cloud, wrapped in flames of fire. He gazed on the graves of the sleeping saints, then raised His eyes and hands to heaven, and cried, “Awake! awake! awake! ye that sleep in the dust, and arise.” Then there was a mighty earthquake. The graves opened, and the dead came up clothed with immortality. The 144,000 shouted, “Alleluia!” as they recognized their friends who had been torn from them by death, and in the same moment we were changed and caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. EW 16.1

We all entered the cloud together, and were seven days ascending to the sea of glass, when Jesus brought the crowns, and with His own right hand placed them on our heads. He gave us harps of gold and palms of victory. Here on the sea of glass the 144,000 stood in a perfect square. Some of them had very bright crowns, others not so bright. Some crowns appeared heavy with stars, while others had but few. All were perfectly satisfied with their crowns. And they were all clothed with a glorious white mantle from their shoulders to their feet. Angels were all about us as we marched over the sea of glass to the gate of the city. Jesus raised His mighty, glorious arm, laid hold of the pearly gate, swung it back on its glittering hinges, and said to us, “You have washed your robes in My blood, stood stiffly for My truth, enter in.” We all marched in and felt that we had a perfect right in the city. EW 16.2

Here we saw the tree of life and the throne of God. Out of the throne came a pure river of water, and on either side of the river was the tree of life. On one side of the river was a trunk of a tree, and a trunk on the other side of the river, both of pure, transparent gold. At first I thought I saw two trees. I looked again, and saw that they were united at the top in one tree. So it was the tree of life on either side of the river of life. Its branches bowed to the place where we stood, and the fruit was glorious; it looked like gold mixed with silver. EW 17.1

We all went under the tree and sat down to look at the glory of the place, when Brethren Fitch and Stockman, [See Appendix.] who had preached the gospel of the kingdom, and whom God had laid in the grave to save them, came up to us and asked us what we had passed through while they were sleeping. We tried to call up our greatest trials, but they looked so small compared with the far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory that surrounded us that we could not speak them out, and we all cried out, “Alleluia, heaven is cheap enough!” and we touched our glorious harps and made heaven's arches ring. EW 17.2

With Jesus at our head we all descended from the city down to this earth, on a great and mighty mountain, which could not bear Jesus up, and it parted asunder, and there was a mighty plain. Then we looked up and saw the great city, with twelve foundations, and twelve gates, three on each side, and an angel at each gate. We all cried out, “The city, the great city, it's coming, it's coming down from God out of heaven,” and it came and settled on the place where we stood. Then we began to look at the glorious things outside of the city. There I saw most glorious houses, that had the appearance of silver, supported by four pillars set with pearls most glorious to behold. These were to be inhabited by the saints. In each was a golden shelf. I saw many of the saints go into the houses, take off their glittering crowns and lay them on the shelf, then go out into the field by the houses to do something with the earth; not as we have to do with the earth here; no, no. A glorious light shone all about their heads, and they were continually shouting and offering praises to God. EW 17.3

I saw another field full of all kinds of flowers, and as I plucked them, I cried out, “They will never fade.” Next I saw a field of tall grass, most glorious to behold; it was living green and had a reflection of silver and gold, as it waved proudly to the glory of King Jesus. Then we entered a field full of all kinds of beasts—the lion, the lamb, the leopard, and the wolf, all together in perfect union. We passed through the midst of them, and they followed on peaceably after. Then we entered a wood, not like the dark woods we have here; no, no; but light, and all over glorious; the branches of the trees moved to and fro, and we all cried out, “We will dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods.” We passed through the woods, for we were on our way to Mount Zion. EW 18.1

As we were traveling along, we met a company who also were gazing at the glories of the place. I noticed red as a border on their garments; their crowns were brilliant; their robes were pure white. As we greeted them, I asked Jesus who they were. He said they were martyrs that had been slain for Him. With them was an innumerable company of little ones; they also had a hem of red on their garments. Mount Zion was just before us, and on the mount was a glorious temple, and about it were seven other mountains, on which grew roses and lilies. And I saw the little ones climb, or, if they chose, use their little wings and fly, to the top of the mountains and pluck the never-fading flowers. There were all kinds of trees around the temple to beautify the place: the box, the pine, the fir, the oil, the myrtle, the pomegranate, and the fig tree bowed down with the weight of its timely figs—these made the place all over glorious. And as we were about to enter the holy temple, Jesus raised His lovely voice and said, “Only the 144,000 enter this place,” and we shouted, “Alleluia.” EW 18.2

This temple was supported by seven pillars, all of transparent gold, set with pearls most glorious. The wonderful things I there saw I cannot describe. Oh, that I could talk in the language of Canaan, then could I tell a little of the glory of the better world. I saw there tables of stone in which the names of the 144,000 were engraved in letters of gold. After we beheld the glory of the temple, we went out, and Jesus left us and went to the city. Soon we heard His lovely voice again, saying, “Come, My people, you have come out of great tribulation, and done My will; suffered for Me; come in to supper, for I will gird Myself, and serve you.” We shouted, “Alleluia! glory!” and entered into the city. And I saw a table of pure silver; it was many miles in length, yet our eyes could extend over it. I saw the fruit of the tree of life, the manna, almonds, figs, pomegranates, grapes, and many other kinds of fruit. I asked Jesus to let me eat of the fruit. He said, “Not now. Those who eat of the fruit of this land go back to earth no more. But in a little while, if faithful, you shall both eat of the fruit of the tree of life and drink of the water of the fountain.” And He said, “You must go back to the earth again and relate to others what I have revealed to you.” Then an angel bore me gently down to this dark world. Sometimes I think I can stay here no longer; all things of earth look so dreary. I feel very lonely here, for I have seen a better land. Oh, that I had wings like a dove, then would I fly away and be at rest!
A Small, Black Cloud Is The Sign of Jesus’ Coming—Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud, about half the size of a man's hand. It is the cloud which surrounds the Saviour and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness. The people of God know this to be the sign of the Son of man. In solemn silence they gaze upon it as it draws nearer the earth, becoming lighter and more glorious, until it is a great white cloud, its base a glory like consuming fire, and above it the rainbow of the covenant. Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror.—The Great Controversy, 640, 641. Hvn 31.1

Soon our eyes were drawn to the east, for a small black cloud had appeared, about half as large as a man's hand, which we all knew was the sign of the Son of man. In solemn silence we all gazed on the cloud as it drew nearer, and became lighter, glorious, and still more glorious, till it was a great white cloud. The bottom appeared like fire; a rainbow was over the cloud, while around it were ten thousand angels, singing a most lovely song; and upon it sat the Son of man. His hair was white and curly and lay on His shoulders, and upon His head were many crowns. His feet had the appearance of fire; in His right hand was a sharp sickle, in His left a silver trumpet. His eyes were as a flame of fire, which searched His children through and through.—Testimonies for the Church 1:60. Hvn 31.2

Whole World Will See—“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:24-27, 31; 25:31; Revelation 1:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17. This coming there is no possibility of counterfeiting. It will be universally known—witnessed by the whole world.—The Great Controversy, 625. Hvn 32.1

Jesus Returns in Glory Surrounded by a Cloud of Angels—With anthems of celestial melody the holy angels, a vast unnumbered throng, attend Him on His way. The firmament seems filled with radiant forms—“ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.” No human pen can portray the scene; no mortal mind is adequate to conceive its splendor.... As the living cloud comes still nearer, every eye beholds the Prince of life. No crown of thorns now mars that sacred head; but a diadem of glory rests on His holy brow. His countenance outshines the dazzling brightness of the noonday sun.... Hvn 32.2

The King of kings descends upon the cloud, wrapped in flaming fire. The heavens are rolled together as a scroll, the earth trembles before Him, and every mountain and island is moved out of its place. “Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him. He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people.” Psalm 50:3, 4.—The Great Controversy, 641, 642. Hvn 32.3

Jesus Clearly Seen on the Cloud—The living cloud of majesty, and unsurpassed glory, came still nearer, and we could clearly behold the lovely person of Jesus. He did not wear a crown of thorns; but a crown of glory decked his holy brow. Upon his vesture and thigh was a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. His eyes were as a flame of fire, his feet had the appearance of fine brass, and his voice sounded like many musical instruments. His countenance was as bright as the noon-day sun.—Spiritual Gifts 1:207. Hvn 33.1

Joy of God's People—The revelation of His own glory in the form of humanity will bring heaven so near to men that the beauty adorning the inner temple will be seen in every soul in whom the Saviour dwells. Men will be captivated by the glory of an abiding Christ. And in currents of praise and thanksgiving from the many souls thus won to God, glory will flow back to the great Giver. Hvn 33.2

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1. To those who go out to meet the Bridegroom is this message given. Christ is coming with power and great glory. He is coming with His own glory and with the glory of the Father. He is coming with all the holy angels with Him. While all the world is plunged in darkness, there will be light in every dwelling of the saints. They will catch the first light of His second appearing. The unsullied light will shine from His splendor, and Christ the Redeemer will be admired by all who have served Him. While the wicked flee from His presence, Christ's followers will rejoice. The patriarch Job, looking down to the time of Christ's second advent, said, “Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not a stranger.” Job 19:27, margin. Hvn 33.3

To His faithful followers Christ has been a daily companion and familiar friend. They have lived in close contact, in constant communion with God. Upon them the glory of the Lord has risen. In them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ has been reflected. Now they rejoice in the undimmed rays of the brightness and glory of the King in His majesty. They are prepared for the communion of heaven; for they have heaven in their hearts. Hvn 34.1

With uplifted heads, with the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness shining upon them, with rejoicing that their redemption draweth nigh, they go forth to meet the Bridegroom, saying, “Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us.” Isaiah 25:9. Hvn 34.2

“And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia; for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.... And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.” “He is Lord of lords, and King of kings; and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 19:6-9; 17:14.—Christ's Object Lessons, 420, 421. Hvn 34.3

Righteous Dead and Living Will See Jesus Together—Paul showed that those living when Christ should come would not go to meet their Lord in advance of those who had fallen asleep in Jesus. The voice of the Archangel and the trump of God would reach the sleeping ones, and the dead in Christ should rise first, before the touch of immortality should be given to the living. “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” [1 Thessalonians 4:17, 18].—The Acts of the Apostles, 258. Hvn 35.1

Garments of Whitest White—Christ emptied Himself, and took the form of a servant, and offered sacrifice, Himself the priest, Himself the victim. As the high priest, after performing his service in the holy of holies, came forth to the waiting congregation in his pontifical robes, so Christ will come the second time clothed in glorious garments of the whitest white, “such as no fuller on earth can whiten them.” He will come in His own glory, and in the glory of His Father, as King of kings and Lord of lords, and all the angelic host will escort Him on His way.—Ms 113, 1899 quoted in The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 1:1111, 1112. Hvn 35.2

Jesus Raises the Sleeping Saints to Immortal Life—Amid the reeling of the earth, the flashing of lightning, and the roaring of thunder, the voice of the Son of God calls forth the sleeping saints. He looks upon the graves of the righteous, then raising His hands to heaven He cries, “Awake, awake, awake, ye that sleep in the dust, and arise!” Throughout the length and breadth of the earth, the dead shall hear that voice, and they that hear shall live. And the whole earth shall ring with the tread of the exceeding great army of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. From the prison-house of death they come, clothed with immortal glory, crying, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” [1 Corinthians 15:55.] And the living righteous and the risen saints unite their voices in a long, glad shout of victory. Hvn 35.3

All come forth from their graves the same in stature as when they entered the tomb. Adam, who stands among the risen throng, is of lofty height and majestic form, in stature but little below the Son of God. He presents a marked contrast to the people of later generations; in this one respect is shown the great degeneracy of the race. But all arise from their last deep slumber with the freshness and vigor of eternal youth. In the beginning, man was created in the likeness of God, not only in character, but in form and feature. Sin defaced and almost obliterated the divine image; but Christ came to restore that which had been lost. He will change our vile bodies, and fashion them like unto His glorious body. The mortal, corruptible form, devoid of comeliness, once polluted with sin, becomes perfect, beautiful, and immortal. All blemishes and deformities are left in the grave. The redeemed bear the image of their Lord. Oh, wonderful redemption! long talked of, long hoped for, contemplated with eager anticipation, but never fully understood.—The Spirit of Prophecy 4:463, 464. Hvn 36.1

First Thought of the Resurrected—As they [the righteous] are called forth from their deep slumber they begin to think just where they ceased. The last sensation was the pang of death; the last thought, that they were falling beneath the power of the grave. When they arise from the tomb, their first glad thought will be echoed in the triumphal shout: “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” [1 Corinthians 15:55].—The Great Controversy, 550. Hvn 37.1

Death is a Small Matter—To the believer, Christ is the resurrection and the life. In our Saviour the life that was lost through sin is restored; for He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will. He is invested with the right to give immortality. The life that He laid down in humanity, He takes up again, and gives to humanity. “I am come,” He said, “that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” “Whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 10:10; 4:14; 6:54. Hvn 37.2

To the believer, death is but a small matter. Christ speaks of it as if it were of little moment. “If a man keep My saying, he shall never see death,” “he shall never taste of death.” To the Christian, death is but a sleep, a moment of silence and darkness. The life is hid with Christ in God, and “when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.” John 8:51, 52; Colossians 3:4. Hvn 37.3

The voice that cried from the cross, “It is finished,” was heard among the dead. It pierced the walls of sepulchers, and summoned the sleepers to arise. Thus will it be when the voice of Christ shall be heard from heaven. That voice will penetrate the graves and unbar the tombs, and the dead in Christ shall arise. At the Saviour's resurrection a few graves were opened, but at His second coming all the precious dead shall hear His voice, and shall come forth to glorious, immortal life. The same power that raised Christ from the dead will raise His church, and glorify it with Him, above all principalities, above all powers, above every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in the world to come.—The Desire of Ages, 786, 787. Hvn 37.4

Children Restored—His faithful ones [will] be rewarded, when, at His coming, death loses its sting and the grave is robbed of the victory it has claimed. Then will He restore to His servants the children that have been taken from them by death. “Thus saith the Lord; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded ... and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their own border.” Jeremiah 31:15-17.—Prophets and Kings, 239. Hvn 38.1

Sleeping Saints Guarded As Precious Jewels—The Life-giver will call up His purchased possession in the first resurrection, and until that triumphant hour, when the last trump shall sound and the vast army shall come forth to eternal victory, every sleeping saint will be kept in safety and will be guarded as a precious jewel, who is known to God by name. By the power of the Saviour that dwelt in them while living and because they were partakers of the divine nature, they are brought forth from the dead.—Letter 65a, 1894 quoted in The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 4:1143. Hvn 38.2

We Will Know Our Friends—The resurrection of Jesus was a type of the final resurrection of all who sleep in Him. The countenance of the risen Saviour, His manner, His speech, were all familiar to His disciples. As Jesus arose from the dead, so those who sleep in Him are to rise again. We shall know our friends, even as the disciples knew Jesus. They may have been deformed, diseased, or disfigured, in this mortal life, and they rise in perfect health and symmetry; yet in the glorified body their identity will be perfectly preserved. Then shall we know even as also we are known. 1 Corinthians 13:12. In the face radiant with the light shining from the face of Jesus, we shall recognize the lineaments of those we love.—The Desire of Ages, 804. Hvn 39.1

We Will Know One Another—God's greatest gift is Christ, whose life is ours, given for us. He died for us, and was raised for us, that we might come forth from the tomb to a glorious companionship with heavenly angels, to meet our loved ones and to recognize their faces, for the Christlikeness does not destroy their image, but transforms it into His glorious image. Every saint connected in family relationship here will know each other there.—Letter 79, 1898 quoted in Selected Messages 3:316. Hvn 39.2

Personality Preserved in a New Body—Our personal identity is preserved in the resurrection, though not the same particles of matter or material substance as went into the grave. The wondrous works of God are a mystery to man. The spirit, the character of man, is returned to God, there to be preserved. In the resurrection every man will have his own character. God in His own time will call forth the dead, giving again the breath of life, and bidding the dry bones live. The same form will come forth, but it will be free from disease and every defect. It lives again bearing the same individuality of features, so that friend will recognize friend. There is no law of God in nature which shows that God gives back the same identical particles of matter which composed the body before death. God shall give the righteous dead a body that will please Him. Hvn 40.1

Paul illustrates this subject by the kernel of grain sown in the field. The planted kernel decays, but there comes forth a new kernel. The natural substance in the grain that decays is never raised as before, but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased Him. A much finer material will compose the human body, for it is a new creation, a new birth. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.—Ms 76, 1900 quoted in The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 6:1093. Hvn 40.2

Closeness Between God and Resurrected Saints—Christ declared to His hearers that if there were no resurrection of the dead, the Scriptures which they professed to believe would be of no avail. He said, “But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” God counts the things that are not as though they were. He sees the end from the beginning, and beholds the result of His work as though it were now accomplished. The precious dead, from Adam down to the last saint who dies, will hear the voice of the Son of God, and will come forth from the grave to immortal life. God will be their God, and they shall be His people. There will be a close and tender relationship between God and the risen saints. This condition, which is anticipated in His purpose, He beholds as if it were already existing. The dead live unto Him.—The Desire of Ages, 606. Hvn 40.3

Raised to Oneness With Christ—He [the believer] may die, as Christ died, but the life of the Saviour is in him. His life is hid with Christ in God. “I am come that they might have life,” Jesus said, “and that they might have it more abundantly.” He carries on the great process by which believers are made one with Him in this present life, to be one with Him throughout all eternity. Hvn 41.1

At the last day He will raise them as a part of Himself.... Christ became one with us in order that we might become one with Him in divinity.—The Review and Herald, June 18, 1901 quoted in Maranatha, 301. Hvn 41.2

Awakened to Die No More—Ministering angels are round about us giving us to drink of the water of life to refresh our souls in the closing scenes of life. There is a pledge from Him who is the resurrection and the life, that those who sleep in Jesus will Christ bring with Him from the grave. The trump will sound, the dead will awaken to life, to die no more. The eternal morning has come to them, for there will be no night in the city of God.—Letter 78, 1890 quoted in Selected Messages 2:250. Hvn 41.3

The Finishing Touch of Immortality—The Life-giver is coming to break the fetters of the tomb. He is to bring forth the captives and proclaim, “I am the resurrection and the life.” There stands the risen host. The last thought was of death and its pangs. The last thoughts they had were of the grave and the tomb, but now they proclaim, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” The pangs of death were the last things they felt. “O death, where is thy sting?” The last thing they acknowledged was the pangs of death. When they awake the pain is all gone.... Hvn 42.1

Here they stand, and the finishing touch of immortality is put upon them, and they go up to meet their Lord in the air. The gates of the city of God swing back upon their hinges, and the nations that have kept the truth enter in. There are the columns of angels on either side, and the ransomed of God walk in through the cherubims and seraphims. Christ bids them welcome and puts upon them His benediction. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: ... enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” What is that joy? He sees of the travail of His soul, and is satisfied. Hvn 42.2

That is what we labor for. Here is one, who in the night season we pleaded with God on his behalf. There is one that we talked with on his dying bed, and he hung his helpless soul upon Jesus. Here is one who was a poor drunkard. We tried to get his eyes fixed upon Him who is mighty to save and we told him that Christ could give him the victory. There are the crowns of immortal glory upon their heads, and then the redeemed cast their glittering crowns at the feet of Jesus.—Ms 18, 1894 quoted in The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 6:1093. Hvn 42.3

Righteous Dead and Living See Jesus Together—In his first epistle to the Thessalonian believers, Paul endeavored to instruct them regarding the true state of the dead. He spoke of those who die as being asleep—in a state of unconsciousness: “I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.... For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Hvn 43.1

The Thessalonians had eagerly grasped the idea that Christ was coming to change the faithful who were alive, and to take them to Himself. They had carefully guarded the lives of their friends, lest they should die and lose the blessing which they looked forward to receiving at the coming of their Lord. But one after another their loved ones had been taken from them, and with anguish the Thessalonians had looked for the last time upon the faces of their dead, hardly daring to hope to meet them in a future life. Hvn 43.2

As Paul's epistle was opened and read, great joy and consolation was brought to the church by the words revealing the true state of the dead. Paul showed that those living when Christ should come would not go to meet their Lord in advance of those who had fallen asleep in Jesus. The voice of the Archangel and the trump of God would reach the sleeping ones, and the dead in Christ should rise first, before the touch of immortality should be given to the living. “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”The Acts of the Apostles, 257, 258. Hvn 43.3

The Future Kingdom in Miniature—Moses upon the mount of transfiguration was a witness to Christ's victory over sin and death. He represented those who shall come forth from the grave at the resurrection of the just. Elijah, who had been translated to heaven without seeing death, represented those who will be living upon the earth at Christ's second coming, and who will be “changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump;” when “this mortal must put on immortality,” and “this corruptible must put on incorruption.” 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. Jesus was clothed with the light of heaven, as He will appear when He shall come “the second time without sin unto salvation.” For He will come “in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” Hebrews 9:28; Mark 8:38. The Saviour's promise to the disciples was now fulfilled. Upon the mount the future kingdom of glory was represented in miniature—Christ the King, Moses a representative of the risen saints, and Elijah of the translated ones.—The Desire of Ages, 421, 422. Hvn 44.1

Lines Penned on the Death of Mrs. White's Niece—Our fondest hopes are often blighted here. Our loved ones are torn from us by death. We close their eyes and habit them for the tomb, and lay them away from our sight. But hope bears our spirits up. We are not parted forever, but shall meet the loved ones who sleep in Jesus. They shall come again from the land of the enemy. The Life-giver is coming. Myriads of holy angels escort Him on His way. He bursts the bands of death, breaks the fetters of the tomb, the precious captives come forth in health and immortal beauty. Hvn 45.1

As the little infants come forth immortal from their dusty beds, they immediately wing their way to their mothers’ arms. They meet again nevermore to part. But many of the little ones have no mother there. We listen in vain for the rapturous song of triumph from the mother. The angels receive the motherless infants and conduct them to the tree of life. Hvn 45.2

Jesus places the golden ring of light, the crown upon their little heads. God grant that the dear mother of “Eva” may be there, that her little wings may be folded upon the glad bosom of her mother.—The Youth's Instructor, April, 1858 quoted in Selected Messages 2:259, 260. Hvn 45.3

Families and Friends Reunited—The living righteous are changed “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.” At the voice of God they were glorified; now they are made immortal and with the risen saints are caught up to meet their Lord in the air. Angels “gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Little children are borne by holy angels to their mothers’ arms. Friends long separated by death are united, nevermore to part, and with songs of gladness ascend together to the City of God. Hvn 45.4

On each side of the cloudy chariot are wings, and beneath it are living wheels; and as the chariot rolls upward, the wheels cry, “Holy,” and the wings, as they move, cry, “Holy,” and the retinue of angels cry, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.” And the redeemed shout, “Alleluia!” as the chariot moves onward toward the New Jerusalem.—The Great Controversy, 645. Hvn 46.1

The Wicked Unsuccessfully Attempt to Hide From Jesus—The wicked pray to be covered by the rocks of the mountains, rather than meet the face of Him whom they have despised and rejected.... Hvn 46.2

Those who derided His [Jesus'] claim to be the Son of God are speechless now. There is the haughty Herod who jeered at His royal title, and bade the mocking soldiers crown Him king. There are the very men who with impious hands placed upon His form the purple robe, upon His sacred brow the thorny crown, and in His unresisting hand the mimic scepter, and bowed before Him in blasphemous mockery. The men who smote and spit upon the Prince of life, now turn from His piercing gaze, and seek to flee from the overpowering glory of His presence. Those who drove the nails through His hands and feet, the soldier who pierced His side, behold these marks with terror and remorse. Hvn 46.3

With awful distinctness do priests and rulers recall the events of Calvary. With shuddering horror they remember how, wagging their heads in Satanic exultation, they exclaimed, “He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him.” [Matthew 27:42, 43.] ... Hvn 46.4

And now there rises a cry of mortal agony. Louder than the shout, “Crucify him! crucify him!” which rang through the streets of Jerusalem, swells the awful, despairing wail, “He is the Son of God! He is the true Messiah!” They seek to flee from the presence of the King of kings. In the deep caverns of the earth, rent asunder by the warring of the elements, they vainly attempt to hide.—The Spirit of Prophecy 4:460-462. Hvn 47.1

Redeemed Take Seven Days Traveling to Heaven—We all entered the cloud together, and were seven days ascending to the sea of glass, when Jesus brought the crowns, and with His own right hand placed them on our heads. He gave us harps of gold and palms of victory. Here on the sea of glass the 144,000 stood in a perfect square. Some of them had very bright crowns, others not so bright. Some crowns appeared heavy with stars, while others had but few. All were perfectly satisfied with their crowns. And they were all clothed with a glorious white mantle from their shoulders to their feet. Angels were all about us as we marched over the sea of glass to the gate of the city. Jesus raised His mighty, glorious arm, laid hold of the pearly gate, swung it back on its glittering hinges, and said to us, “You have washed your robes in My blood, stood stiffly for My truth, enter in.” We all marched in and felt that we had a perfect right in the city.—Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 66, 67. Hvn 47.2

Jesus Welcomes the Redeemed to the New Jerusalem—Before the ransomed throng is the Holy City. Jesus opens wide the pearly gates, and the nations that have kept the truth enter in. There they behold the Paradise of God, the home of Adam in his innocency. Then that voice, richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, is heard, saying: “Your conflict is ended.” “Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Hvn 48.1

Now is fulfilled the Saviour's prayer for His disciples: “I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am.” “Faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy” (Jude 24), Christ presents to the Father the purchase of His blood, declaring: “Here am I, and the children whom Thou hast given Me.” “Those that Thou gavest Me I have kept.” Hvn 48.2

Oh, the wonders of redeeming love! the rapture of that hour when the infinite Father, looking upon the ransomed, shall behold His image, sin's discord banished, its blight removed, and the human once more in harmony with the divine! Hvn 48.3

With unutterable love, Jesus welcomes His faithful ones to the joy of their Lord. The Saviour's joy is in seeing, in the kingdom of glory, the souls that have been saved by His agony and humiliation. And the redeemed will be sharers in His joy, as they behold, among the blessed, those who have been won to Christ through their prayers, their labors, and their loving sacrifice. As they gather about the great white throne, gladness unspeakable will fill their hearts, when they behold those whom they have won for Christ, and see that one has gained others, and these still others, all brought into the haven of rest, there to lay their crowns at Jesus’ feet and praise Him through the endless cycles of eternity.—The Great Controversy, 646, 647. Hvn 48.4

The Two Adams Meet in the Holy City—As the ransomed ones are welcomed to the City of God, there rings out upon the air an exultant cry of adoration. The two Adams are about to meet. The Son of God is standing with outstretched arms to receive the father of our race—the being whom He created, who sinned against his Maker, and for whose sin the marks of the crucifixion are borne upon the Saviour's form. As Adam discerns the prints of the cruel nails, he does not fall upon the bosom of his Lord, but in humiliation casts himself at His feet, crying: “Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain!” Tenderly the Saviour lifts him up and bids him look once more upon the Eden home from which he has so long been exiled. Hvn 49.1

After his expulsion from Eden, Adam's life on earth was filled with sorrow. Every dying leaf, every victim of sacrifice, every blight upon the fair face of nature, every stain upon man's purity, was a fresh reminder of his sin. Terrible was the agony of remorse as he beheld iniquity abounding, and, in answer to his warnings, met the reproaches cast upon himself as the cause of sin. With patient humility he bore, for nearly a thousand years, the penalty of transgression. Faithfully did he repent of his sin and trust in the merits of the promised Saviour, and he died in the hope of a resurrection. The Son of God redeemed man's failure and fall; and now, through the work of the atonement, Adam is reinstated in his first dominion. Hvn 49.2

Transported with joy, he beholds the trees that were once his delight—the very trees whose fruit he himself had gathered in the days of his innocence and joy. He sees the vines that his own hands have trained, the very flowers that he once loved to care for. His mind grasps the reality of the scene; he comprehends that this is indeed Eden restored, more lovely now than when he was banished from it. The Saviour leads him to the tree of life and plucks the glorious fruit and bids him eat. He looks about him and beholds a multitude of his family redeemed, standing in the Paradise of God. Then he casts his glittering crown at the feet of Jesus and, falling upon His breast, embraces the Redeemer. He touches the golden harp, and the vaults of heaven echo the triumphant song: “Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and lives again!” The family of Adam take up the strain and cast their crowns at the Saviour's feet as they bow before Him in adoration. Hvn 50.1

This reunion is witnessed by the angels who wept at the fall of Adam and rejoiced when Jesus, after His resurrection, ascended to heaven, having opened the grave for all who should believe on His name. Now they behold the work of redemption accomplished, and they unite their voices in the song of praise.—The Great Controversy, 647, 648. Hvn 50.2

Standing With The Lamb Upon the Sea of Glass—Upon the crystal sea before the throne, that sea of glass as it were mingled with fire—so resplendent is it with the glory of God—are gathered the company that have “gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name.” With the Lamb upon Mount Zion, “having the harps of God,” they stand, the hundred and forty and four thousand that were redeemed from among men; and there is heard, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of a great thunder, “the voice of harpers harping with their harps.” And they sing “a new song” before the throne, a song which no man can learn save the hundred and forty and four thousand. It is the song of Moses and the Lamb—a song of deliverance. Hvn 50.3

None but the hundred and forty-four thousand{144,000: God Tells His People the Day and Hour of Jesus’ Coming—The voice of God is heard from heaven, declaring the day and hour of Jesus’ coming, and delivering the everlasting covenant to His people. Like peals of loudest thunder His words roll through the earth. The Israel of God stand listening, with their eyes fixed upward. Their countenances are lighted up with His glory, and shine as did the face of Moses when he came down from Sinai. The wicked cannot look upon them. And when the blessing is pronounced on those who have honored God by keeping His Sabbath holy, there is a mighty shout of victory.—The Great Controversy, 640.[Soon we [See Appendix.] heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming(Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m). The living saints(True 7th Day Adventists will be able to calculate and understood this revealed Word "Voice" of Almighty God on the Day and Hour of Jesus' Coming spoken from Heaven by the Holy Spirit making them understanding the Prophecy and its related calculated  Day and Hour of Jesus' Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m as was declared by Almighty God in responding the 40 Days Fasting Prayers of Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves as was being described at the beginning of this article from October 22nd, 2019 until Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m), 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spoke the time, He poured upon us the Holy Ghost, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God, as Moses’ did when he came down from Mount Sinai. EW 14.1] } can learn that song; for it is the song of their experience—an experience such as no other company have ever had. “These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.” These, having been translated from the earth, from among the living, are counted as “the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.” Revelation 15:2, 3; 14:1-5. “These are they which came out of great tribulation;” they have passed through the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation; they have endured the anguish of the time of Jacob's trouble; they have stood without an intercessor through the final outpouring of God's judgments. But they have been delivered, for they have “washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” “In their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault” before God. “Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple: and He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.” Hvn 51.1

They have seen the earth wasted with famine and pestilence, the sun having power to scorch men with great heat, and they themselves have endured suffering, hunger, and thirst. But “they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” Revelation 7:14-17.—The Great Controversy, 648, 64. 

Article Title: End of This Earth's Final 4 Years Application of The Book Great Controversy within 1177 PRN and 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Period and QAnon.Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath Day-March 13th, 2021 at 12:59'P.M.Proverbs 1:1-33.

The Sanctuary Messages-October 22nd, 1844- October 22nd, 2024.

The Tabernacle and the Messiah.[ ].

Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb.[  ].

The Day of Atonement  in The Heavenly Sanctuary-October 22nd, 1844- October 22nd, 2024- Leviticus 16.

Understanding the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur-Leviticus 16, Hebrew 9-10[ ].

Understanding 1st Fruit, Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks.[].

Understanding Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah.[  ].

Understanding Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot.[  ].

NB/Note: Adventists Joined Roman Catholics For EASTER as The Rising Of The SUN Partaking with Rome Snake through SDA General Conference Pastors. Associated Link:[].
7th Day Holy Sabbath Keeping Churches and communities such as apostate SDA Leadership, Apostate Jews and others of Christian Churchs like the Church of Saints of Latter Days, they are not the Biblical Remnants Church of Almighty God of Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12 and Revelation 19:10; They will be partaking with Pope of Rome to their Final Rebellion against the 10 Commandments of Almighty God and against the Great Controversy Visions of Ellen Gould White herein shared below to the Public.
This is because they don't have the Spirit of Prophecy of Jesus Christ's Messages that Almighty God has to Madam Ellen Gould White through All Vions She received as were all reserved for All His Saints 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists of Revelation 14:1-20 ,that Mainly were reserved to be used to expose SATAN and Roman Catholic Church Popes through proclaiming the 3 Angels' Messages for today ,especially proclaiming the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message that exposes the Apostate SDA Leadership of the SDA General Conferences and exposing Pope Francis today and His Jesuits All '' who are the Right hand of Satan.

7 Last Plagues of Ending this Covid19 New World Order  following the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message February 7th, 2021 - February 7th, 2024 -October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. Link:[ ].

Associated Article Title: 

Our King Jesus Christ ,the SON of MAN,The Lord of 7th Day Holy SABBATH, The Owner of 10 Commandments of Almighty God is Coming Very Very Soon in this Coming Spring 2024.This is the Last week, that Completes 70 weeks Daniel 9:1-27.Please Prepare His Way, Repent,Repent, Repent, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Link:[ ].

The 1847 End Time 2024 and Hell 3024 Application of 1177=1000+177 PRN within 24th-25th-26th-27th-28th of The 28 Fundamental Beliefs: The core beliefs of Seventh-Day Adventists(SDA) April 3rd, 1847 Theology and QAnon From October 22nd, 1844.Repent, Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It HolyJesus is Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. Published on A Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath Day-March 13th, 2021 at 1:59'P.M. Link:[ ].

Jesus Christ Our 7th Day Sabbath Lord is very very very soon coming at the End of 70 Years on October15th, 2024 at 1h59'a.m from 1954 when the King of Babylon Pope Jean Paul II"Nebucadinezzar" Begun His Sunday Law Satanic Teachings at the Fall of His Son Pope Francis"Belshazzar" from the New World Order Presidency Predicted by Roman Catholic Archbishop James E. Quigley at His 170 Years of existence from October 15th, 1854: After The Writing on the Wall due to "Laudato Si 237-Sunday Law 7/2/2021" is going to be explained in Loud Cry by All Anointed 7th Day Adventists"144000 Saints" till 7/2/2024, Jeremiah 29:10-14, Jeremiah 30:1-24.Repent-Remember the 7th Day Sabbath To keep It Holy. Link:[  ].

Read, Listen and Share Links of the Book "National Sunday Law". Associated Link:[ ].

6. Click in this photo below to read more on Jesuit Pope Francis' Laudato SI'237' upcoming Paris Climate Change Agreement in the USA Climate Act of 2021 registered by the USA Congress to birth Climate Sundays Lockdowns(Mark of The Beast): 


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