Saturday, October 2, 2021

AUSC Article Title: The 7th Day Holy Sabbath Belief &10 Commandments Keeping Generated Persecution under Covid-19 Testing and Covid-19 Vaccination Program in Rwanda: by Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves, MD.

AUSC Article Title: The 7th Day Holy Sabbath Belief &10 Commandments Keeping Generated Persecution under Covid-19 Testing and Covid-19 Vaccination Program in Rwanda: by Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves, MD.

Shared Opened LETTER OF BREAKING RETENTION CONTRACT by DR.BANDORA against Covid-19 Testing & Covid-19 Vaccination program in Rwanda.

Dear Honorable Minister,

1.I would like to thank you for the appointment as Intern Doctor at Kinihira Provincial Hospital(KPH), and as a Junior Medical Officer at Gitwe District Hospital.
2.I filed the hard copies of the attached materials to support the breaking retention contract"LETTER OF BREAKING RETENTION CONTRACT " due to unbearable tension at the current appointment site, and at MOH reception, I was instructed to use these online guidelines.
3.Hoping to continue to work with the Ministry of Health in Rwanda at the end of this tension.
4.May Our Almighty God in Heaven bless the Nation of Rwanda and All Our Medical Doctors and All other Health Workers.
5. All the Best.
6.Sincerely Yours in Service.
7.Dr.Iraguha Bandora Yves, MD.

CC: The Honorable Prime Minister, The Republic of Rwanda.

Dr.Iraguha Bandora Yves,MD.

To:The Honorable Minister of Health.

Dear Honorable Minister,

1.Thanks to the Ministry of Health(MOH) appointing Me as Intern Doctor at Kinihira Provincial Hospital(KPH), following signed Retention Contract of 4 Years, in which I signed as Employee, whereas the Ministry of Health signed as Employer in the attachment.
2.This letter aims at breaking this Retention Contract in an unspecified period of time, until MOH fulfills point3 of Article3 of this contract.
3.MOH obligation of delivering certificate"Internship Completion Certificate"at the end of my internship completed at KPH in 2019 starting from November6th,2018 with Appointment Letter"No20/8777/DA/HR/2018" is still pending.
4.I successfully completed internship and was given Appointment Letter"No20/7861/DA/HR/2019" on November28th,2019 as Junior Medical Officer, started to work at Gitwe District Hospital(DH) respecting the Prime Minister's Instructions No001/03 of 21/11/2016 and Prime Minister's Order No151/03 of 10/06/2016 especially in its article13 and 14.
5.In Order to be able to obtain full Registration at Rwanda Medical and Dental Council(RMDC), I have claimed for My Internship Completion Certificate from Your Office in December20th,2020, and until now it was not given as I expected.
6.Unfortunately, due to lacking Internship Completion Certificate from November28th,2019, I failed to update My Provisional RMDC License handed to KPH and Gitwe DH, under Registration Number3772.
7.Therefore, referring to the received attached Letter of a unknown person Bwana BANDORAYINGWE Yves "Ref No180/HOPG/2021" from Director General(DG)of Gitwe DH, related to RMDC full Registration License unsure misconduct, I am unable to continue working at Gitwe DH to complete remaining Years of this retention Contract, until the end of this tension raised against Me by Administration of Gitwe DH, described in attached inconsistent received letters in my administrative file from February5th,2021.

DG Gitwe DH.


The origin 1177&Umuburo Uheruka:
Ubujiji ntibushobora muri iki gihe kuba urwitwazo rwo kugomera amategeko y' Imana 10 n' Isabato irimo.
Igihe cyirihafi Yesu aragarutse vuba cyane mu byago 7 by' Imperuka kuva 15/2/2024-15/10/2024 saa 1:59' a.m,Akarengane Kahanuwe Karagaragajwe uko kaje kadusatiriye kuva Covid-19 igizwe intwaro yo kurimbura umudendezo w' umutimanama w'ikiremwamuntu kw'isi yose, ubupapa bubyihishe inyuma mukurwanya Yesu Kristo n'Abera be 144000 beza Isabato bubahiriza Temperance by' Ukuri badashobora kwemerera inkingo za Covid-19 kubinjirizwa mu mibiri yabo ariyo nsengero z' Uwiteka Imana yacu, Abakurikiza Amategeko 10 y' Imana Yose by' Ukuri n' Isabato irimo baraburira abatuye isi bose,ngo,Mwihane, Mweze Isabato,Yesu Araje Vuba-Yohana14:1-31.
Published on Wednesday-February 17th, 2021 at 7:59' a.m. 

Electronic Signature:

Dr. IRAGUHA BANDORA Yves, RN, BScN, (Hons), MD, Aspiring Neurosurgeon.

Registered with Rwanda Medical and Dental Council (RMDC)No:3772

Registered with National Council of Nurses and Midwives(NCNM)

Medical Doctor,Junior Medical Officer -Ministry of Health Rwanda

President and Founder of African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve"

Rwanda Country Coordinator for Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors' Network(CYPAN) 2016-2021,

"A proudly Rwandan Young Leader and Commonwealth Young Achiever 2015",Book Page45,p51:

Iraguha Bandora Yves is very Proud of contributing to the Afrika Talks Jobs conference in Ethiopia on full sponsorship provided by African Union Commission (AUC) :,


Twitter: @AfricanUnionSC,,,,


"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up" Nelson Mandela.

"Education is the key to Success" Nelson Mandela.  



II.SERMON:ReadTheHolyBible:Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-17&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8Giving6000Years+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=7000YearsFor1FullCosmicWeek&2ndComingOfJesusChristForEndOfEarthIsIn6000Years&IsHappeningIn2024:ToBegin1000YearsCosmicSABBATHof#Hebrews4:1-16,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15&JesusWillComeOnTuesdayOctober15th,2024+1000YearsCosmicSABBATH=3024inHell ComesAt7000YearsFull.
III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareThisLink&Screenshot[OpenLetterToAllBeloved PresentTruthPreachersWorldwide:( )].
IV.PRAYER:DearMy#AlmightyGodTheOnlyOneTrueHolyFatherInHeaven&InEarth(Matthew23:8-12):ForgiveThisPerson:GiveYourHolySpiritToThisYourChild:AsAPersonIn1John3:1-24:InOrderToUnderstand#ThisYourLast3rdAngel'sLoudCryMessageFinalWarning:ToNeverDareToRestOnSundayAsItIsToWorshipTheSUNgod"SATAN":SundayRestByClimateChangeLAWinLaudatoSi'237'#MarkOfTheBeastJesuitPOPEFrancis=ClimateSundaysLockdowns:ButToAccept&BelieveInThe Luke6:5&BLOODOfJESUS CHRIST&ToRefuse&reject SATAN's#Image&NumberOfThePAPACY'sFratelliTutti:[SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Mask,Test&Vaccines)]:InOrderToBecomeFree&ToRepent&#ToRememberThe 7thDaySabbathToKeepItHoly:InOrderToDivorceFrom#AllDemons.AsTheEnd ofEveryLifeOnThisDyingOldEarth isNear:In2024;ThroughThe7LastPlagues=(February15th,2024UntilOctober15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)InRevelation16:1-21ToDoNotDieInSIN#ButToQuit SATAN(Luke15:1-10)TodayToLiveTogetherWith#JESUSCHRIST#InYourSoonComingEternalLifeInHEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024#InCHRISTJESUSNAME,I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:15-31. 


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