AUSC New Article: The 11th Hour in Matthew 20:1-16 and October 22nd, 1844 Atonement Day in The Heavenly Sanctuary of Jesus Christ ending on October 22nd, 2024.Published at 6:59' P.M on Tuesday September 21st,2021-24/12/2=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m, The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -24/12/2 of 1119Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13.Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.
0.Introduction1177:The 11th Hour clear fulfilling divine connection of the 50-October 22nd, 1844 Millerites and 144000-October 22nd, 2020 Biblical Saints True 7th Day Adventists of Revelation 14:1-15 description link for reading and sharing [ ].
I.The 11th Hour Mathematically Prophetically Described in Details in Years, Months, Days, Minutes, Seconds and Tierces:.Click HERE to watch this Video:SDA Leader Hirelings It's Not THE MARK. Jesuits VackSIN Transgression. Pope Grace Of God. Loud Cry.
1)This 11th Hour is described in details in 180 Years that explain the prophetic 12 Hours of the Matthew 20:1-16 of the human beings who have been working with Jesus Christ in His Highest Priesthood duties administrated in the Holy of Hollies apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary from October 22nd, 1844 including those Millerites and 7th Da Adventists proclaiming the 3 Angels' message of Revelation 14:1-20 and the 4th Anel's message of Revelation 18:1-24 until now here and worldwide.
2) The 12 Hours of Matthew 20:1-16 are connected with 1Day of Atonement activities that are still now taking place under the Highest Priest Jesus Christ the Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath, since October 22nd, 1844, considered as the 6:00' a.m in Matthew 20:1-16 prophetic Scenario of Labourers who were searched during the whole 6:00'-59' a.m time period, to begin working in the Vineyard at 7:00' a.m as the 1st Hour Labourers aimed at proclaiming the 3rd Angel's Message specifically, but were as well proclaiming the 1st and 2nd Angels' messages from the inheritance of the Millerites' 3 Angels' Messages Proclamation that began at 5:00-59' a.m from October 22nd, 1829 until October 21st, 1844.
3)The 1st Hour Labourers proclaimed the 3rd Angel's Message in combination with the 1st and the 2nd Angels' Messages, giving birth to the following Labourers proclaimed the same messages at the 2nd Hour, 3rd Hour, 4th Hour, 5th Hour, 6th Hour, 7th Hour, 8th Hour, 9th Hour, 10thHour, and at the 11th Hour then Labourers continue to work in the same vineyard, with aim that the 11th Hour Labourers continue to Proclaim the 3rd Angel's Message in a Loud Cry explained as the combination of the 3rd Angel's Message in Revelation 14:9-13 and Revelation 18:1-5 as an evidence of the ongoing Heavenly Sanctuary Judgment shifted from the dead to the living human beings starting from the Laodicean SDA individuals from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2020, while the 11th Hour Labourers continue to Proclaim the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message after the complete Healing of the Revelation 13:3 wound of the Papacy from February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024 in 3 Years prior to the Revelation 8:1-6 Silence of 7 Days and 12 Hours that precede the Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues of the Wrath of Our Living Almighty God from February 15th, 2024 until the appearance of Jesus Christ with All His Angels on this Sky on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 from 00:00' until 1:59' a.m in that morning of resurrection.
4)The 11th Hour Labourers now are still working in the same Matthew 20:1-16 Vineyard that Jesus Christ prophesied it resembles the Kingdom of Heaven worked for One full Day ,in this 1 Day working in 12 Hours day light as explained in John 11:9-12 the whole Walking Day comprises only 12 Hours thereby a man can walking on Day light ,while after 12 Hours of Day light, it becomes dark and the 12 Hours of darkness are not for the Divine Kingdom which is a Kingdom of Light, whereas the Kingdom of Satan the fallen Lucifer is the Kingdom of Darkness, hence the Day of Atonement being a Light Day of Only 12 Hours that were prophesied in Matthew 20:1-16 to explained the Heavenly Sanctuary Atonement Day Activities that started on October 22nd, 1844 to complete full 12 Hours prophetically translated as 180 Years of Labourers' working Years until the end of 180 Years where all ressurrected and redeemed Saints together with Jesus Christ and His All Angels We will be standing to the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on the Sea of Glass at the 12th Hour on October 22nd, 2024.
5)The below calculations detail the Matthew 20:1-16 Labourers' proclamation of Revelation 14:1-20 and Revelation 18:1-24 in just a period of 180 Years of the prophesied 12 Hours as following:
#At 6h00'-59': 1hX15Years+1844=1859 at 7:00' a.m.
#At 7h00'-59': 2hX15Years+1844=1874 at 8:00' a.m;1stCall.
#At 8h00'-59': 3hX15Years+1844=1889 at 9:00' a.m.
#At 9h00'-59': 4hX15Years+1844=1904 at 10:00' a.m;2ndCall.
#At 10h00'-59': 5hX15Years+1844=1919 at 11:00' a.m.
#At 11h00'-59': 6hX15Years+1844=1934 at 00:00' p.m.
#At 12h00'-59': 7hX15Years+1844=1949 at 1:00' p.m;3rdCall.
#At 13h00'-59': 8hX15Years+1844=1964 at 2:00' p.m.
#At 14h00'-59': 9hX15Years+1844=1979 at 3:00' p.m.
#At 15h00'-59': 10hX15Years+1844=1994 at 4:00' p.m;4thCall
#At 16h00'-59': 11hX15Years+1844=2009 at 5:00' p.m.
#At 17h00'-59': 12hX15Years+1844=2024 at 6:00' p.m;5thCall
#At 18h00': 12hX15Years+1844=2024 at 6:00'-01' p.m;6thCall
6)From October 22nd, 1844 +180Years=October 22nd, 2024, Jesus Christ will return on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'-1:59' a.m.
i)The 12 Hours are equivalent to 180 Years ,following the 1Day-1Year principal of Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34, where 1 Year of Ezekiel 4 and Numbers 14 is in Jewish Calendar is made of 360 Days ,while 1day of these 360 Days is made of 24 Hours counting 12Hours of Day light and 12 Hours of Night.
ii)In calculating for 24Hours=360Days, it gives 1Hour=360Days:24=15Days, 1Hour=15Days.
iii) In calculating 1Hour in Matthew 20:1-16, 1Hour=15Days, 1Day of 360Days is equivalent prophetically with 1 Year in Ezekiel 4 and Numbers 14 ,therefore 15Days of 360 Days are equivalent prophetically with 15 Years in Ezekiel 4 and Numbers 14, which results in 15Days=15Years prophetically.
iv)Having 1Hour in Matthew 20:1-16 equivalent to 15Years,therefore 12 Hours are equivalent to 180 Years by multiplying 12HoursX15Years=180Years.
v)Having these 12 Hours equivalent prophetically with 180 Years in Matthew 20:1-16, gives the application of the 1st Vision of Madame Ellen Gould White in the Book"Early Writings" of rewarding the 50 Millerites Adventists and their descendants including the True 7th Day Adventists receiving Our rewards of Crown of Life- Harp of Gold - and Palm of Victory following the Law of servant working for whole 1 Day must be rewarded at the end of the same Day and none is permitted to keep the rewards of such servant in the evening because the servant must be given the rewards and go to enjoy the results of the used energy by Law of Almighty God as described Leviticus 19:13 and Deuteronomy 24:15.
vi) Having 180Years representing 12 Hours of Matthew 20:1-16 connected with 1 Day of Atonement that must take place in 12 Hours which required Jesus to be baptized as Messiah in the Year 27 A.D becoming Jesus Christ who die on the Cross in the Year 31 A.D to fix His Kingdom of Grace in order to obtained the blood that He has been using for a period of 12 Hours Atonement Day according to Leviticus 23:1-44 and Leviticus 16:1-34 beginning from October 22nd, 1844 during the Judgement activities until the closing of probation globally and until He completes the events of cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and the rewarding the Faithful Human beings at the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024.
vii)Therefore, Jesus Christ will return 8 Days before October 22nd, 2024 ,while among those 8 Days, it includes the 7th Day Sabbath that will begin at 18h00' on October 18th, 2024 until October 19th, 2024 at 18h00', and those 8 Days will start on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:00' until 1:59'a.m in that morning of resurrection, therefore in those 8 Days one Day is reserved for the rest on the 7th Day Holy Sabbath, and the remaining 7 Days will be used for the Journey from this Earth to the Heavenly Canaan to arrive there on the 8th Day at the ending of 180 Years Prophetic 12 Hours of 1 single prophetic Atonement Day on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024.
7) The 11th Hour details as 17H00'-17H:59' in Years and minutes and tierces:
i)Initiation:Beginning: Starting Date and this 17:00' the 11th Hour covering 15 Years started on:
#1st Year: 22/10/2009>17:00'=2009>1stYear=4min=17:04'=22/10/2009-21/10/2010.
#2nd Year: 22/10/2010>17:04'=2010>2ndYear=4min=17:08'=22/10/2010-21/10/2011.
#3rd Year: 22/10/2011>17:08'=2011>3rdYear=4min=17:12'=22/10/2011-21/10/2012.
#4th Year: 22/10/2012>17:12'=2012>4thYear=4min=17:16'=22/10/2012-21/10/2013.
#5th Year: 22/10/2013>17:16'=2013>5thYear=4min=17:20'=22/10/2013-21/10/2014.
#6th Year: 22/10/2014>17:20'=2014>6thYear=4min=17:24'=22/10/2014-21/10/2015.
#7th Year: 22/10/2015>17:24'=2015>7thYear=4min=17:28'=22/10/2015-21/10/2016.
#8th Year: 22/10/2016>17:28'=2016>8thYear=4min=17:32'=22/10/2016-21/10/2017.
#9th Year: 22/10/2017>17:32'=2017>9thYear=4min=17:36'=22/10/2017-21/10/2018.
#10th Year: 22/10/2018>17:36'=2018>10thYear=4min=17:40'=22/10/2018-21/10/2019.
#11th Year: 22/10/2019>17:40'=2019>11thYear=4min=17:44'=22/10/2019-21/10/2020.
#12th Year: 22/10/2020>17:44'=2020>12thYear=4min=17:48'=22/10/2020-21/10/2021.
#13th Year: 22/10/2021>17:48'=2021>13thYear=4min=17:52'=22/10/2021-21/10/2022.
#14th Year: 22/10/2022>17:52'=2022>14thYear=4min=17:56'=22/10/2022-21/10/2023.
#15th Year: 22/10/2023>17:56'=2023>15thYear=4min=17:59'=22/10/2023-21/10/2024.
ii)This is the End of the Labour which was started by the 11th Hour 7th Day Adventists Labourers called at the 5th Call since 17:00' on October 22nd, 2009 worked by proclaiming the 3 Angels' Messages and beginning the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message since February 7th, 2021 for 3 Years until February 7th, 2024 to give a way to the Preparation and outpouring of the wrath of Our Almighty God expressed in the 7 Last Plagues from February 8th, 2024 preparation of Revelation 8:1-6 and Revelation 15:1-8 until the falling of the 7 Last Plagues in a period of 8 Months and 2 Days beginning from February 15th, 2024 until the Appearance of Jesus Christ with All His Holy Angels on this Sky on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:00'-01:59' a.m in that morning of Resurrection where Lazarus and Daniel and All Saints will be resurrected and We will be lifted together will resurrected Saints and Living Sealed Saints in the Air to meet Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath on that same Day Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m to continue our 7 Days Journey towards the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on the 8th Day arriving there on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at 18:00' to be called to Receive Our Rewards including the Crown of Life the Harp of Gold and the Palm of Victory for each of the Saints before to enter the Heavenly Canaan, while from 18:00' on Friday October 18th, 2024 We will begin the 7th Day Day Holy Sabbath Rest on the Planet where currently live Enoch Elijah and Moses utill 18:00' on Saturday October 19th, 2024 When We will be ending the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Rest and continue Our Journey in this 11th Hour ending at 17:59' on October 21st, 2024 after full completed 15 Years which are equivalent to 1 Prophetic Hour of 12 Prophetic Hours of 1 prophetic Atonement Day that Jesus Christ prophesied in Matthew 20:1-16 and John 11:9-15 and Leviticus 19:13 and Deuteronomy 24:15 and Leviticus 16:1-34 and Leviticus 23:1-44 and Hebrews 14:1-16 and Hebrews 15:1-14 and Revelation 22:12-17 started on October 22nd, 1844 to be completed after 12 Prophetic Hours equivalent to 180 Years ending when We will be arriving at the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan at that day of the 6th Call at 18:00' on the 12th Hour at the 180th Year on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 with All present human beings at that Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on that Sea of Glass All Saints being called in Our Names One by One to receive Our Rewarding at that same ending on 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13 on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 Daniel will be standing in His position, Adam and Eve , Ellen Gould White and Abel and I and other All Saints All of Us together with Jesus Christ with All His Holy Angels and With All Patriarchs and Prophets and King David.
iii)The 11th Hour explained in Years and Minutes completed the 11 Hours of Labouring in this Earth considered as the vineyard of our Almighty God where called 7th Day Adventists Labourers struggled to proclaim the 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th Angels' messages from October 22nd, 1844 at 6:00' a.m until We arrive at the end of this earth history at the closing of probation globally during this 11th Hours at the end of the proclamation of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message and the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ during the Cleansing process of the Heavenly Sanctuary until the end of 11 Hour at 5:59 p.m and at the beginning of the 12th Hour after completed 180 Years of 1 single prophetic Atonement Day of full 12 Prophetic Hours on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024, counted mathematically from October 22nd, 1844 as following:
iv)#At 6h00'-59': 1hX15Years+1844=1859 at 7:00' a.m.
#At 7h00'-59': 2hX15Years+1844=1874 at 8:00' a.m;1stCall.
#At 8h00'-59': 3hX15Years+1844=1889 at 9:00' a.m.
#At 9h00'-59': 4hX15Years+1844=1904 at 10:00' a.m;2ndCall.
#At 10h00'-59': 5hX15Years+1844=1919 at 11:00' a.m.
#At 11h00'-59': 6hX15Years+1844=1934 at 00:00' p.m.
#At 12h00'-59': 7hX15Years+1844=1949 at 1:00' p.m;3rdCall.
#At 13h00'-59': 8hX15Years+1844=1964 at 2:00' p.m.
#At 14h00'-59': 9hX15Years+1844=1979 at 3:00' p.m.
#At 15h00'-59': 10hX15Years+1844=1994 at 4:00' p.m;4thCall
#At 16h00'-59': 11hX15Years+1844=2009 at 5:00' p.m.
#At 17h00'-59': 12hX15Years+1844=2024 at 6:00' p.m;5thCall
#At 18h00': 12hX15Years+1844=2024 at 6:00'-01' p.m;6thCall
v)Therefore, From October 22nd, 1844 +180Years=October 22nd, 2024, Jesus Christ will return on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'-1:59' a.m.
vi) Explaining the Final Last Prophetic 4 min(minutes) of this Earth History from 17h00'-17h59' equivalent to October 22nd, 2023 until October 21st, 2024:
#Ezekiel4:6&Numbers14:34=1Day=24Hours=1Year on Jewish Calendar=360Days.
#1Month=30Days in Ezekiel&Numbers Jewish Calendar.
vii)Explaining the Final Last 12Months of this Earth History Details in Prophetic 4 Minutes and Seconds and Tierces from 1Week in Details in Seconds and Tierces:
a)The Final Last 12Months of this Earth History Details in Prophetic 4 Last Single Minutes each counting for 3 consecutive Months as following:
*1 Minute: 1st Minute.
#1st Month:30Days from 22/10/2023 to 21/11/2023,
#2nd Month:30Days from 22/11/2023 to 21/12/2023,
#3rd Month:30Days from 22/12/2023 to 21/01/2024,
*1Minute:2nd Minute.
#4th Month:30Days from 22/01/2024 to 21/02/2024,
#5th Month:30Days from 22/02/2024 to 21/03/2024,
#6th Month:30Days from 22/03/2024 to 21/04/2024,
*1Minute:3rd Minute.
#7th Month:30Days from 22/04/2024 to 21/05/2024,
#8th Month:30Days from 22/05/2024 to 21/06/2024,
#9th Month:30Days from 22/06/2024 to 21/07/2024,
*1Minute:4th Minute.
#10th Month:30Days from 22/08/2024 to 21/09/2024,
#11th Month:30Days from 22/09/2024 to 21/10/2024,
#12th Month:01Day from 22/10/2024,
We count 1Day as the 1st Day alone, for this 12th Month at the end of 180 Years of 12 Prophetic Hours of Matthew 20:1-16 of 1 prophetic Atonement Day that started on October 22nd, 1844 to be ended at the end of 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13 on October 22nd, 2024, while Jesus Christ will return with rewards of Revelation 22:12 in 2024.5 derived determining 8 Months and 2 Days by which All 7 Last Plagues as rewards for Sinners will be poured in from February 15th, 2024 until the 7th Last plague to the Appearance of Jesus Christ on the Cloud of this Sky on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'-01:59' a.m during that morning of resurrection, while 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13 started on February 8th, 2021 counted from end of 3½ Years of the Daniel 9:27 Final Last Week that began at the signing of A Reforming Catholic Confession on October 31st, 2017 + 3½ Years ended on February 7th, 2021 +3½=2024.5 of Revelation 13:5 to be ended at the end of the 5 Months full Revelation 9:4-5's 5th Last plague on July 31st, 2024 covering Daniel 12:7 and + 1 Month full Revelation 9:13-15's 6th Last plague until August 31st, 2024 covering Daniel 12:11 and +1½ Month full Revelation 11:15-19's 7th Last plague until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' at the appearance of Jesus Christ on the Sky in the morning of resurrection +7½Days until Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at the arrival to the Main Gate of the Heavenly Canaan on the Sea of Glass at the 6th Call of Matthew 20:1-16 of receiving Our rewards of A Crown of Life and A Harp of Gold with A Palm of Victory at the End of 180 Years of 1 Prophetic Atonement Day of 12 prophetic Hours from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2024 covering 1335 Days of Daniel 12:12-13 began from February 7th, 2021 +1335 Days=October 22nd, 2024.
b)The Final Last 12Months of this Earth History Details in Prophetic 1Last Single Week in 30 Days Details in Seconds and Tierces:
#Following Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34 Day-Year Jewish Calendar's 1Week starting from 1st Day on Sunday throughout the whole 7 Days Week, ends on the 7th Day on Saturday the Holy 7th Day Sabbath of the Almighty God in Heaven in Genesis 2:1-3&Exodus 20:8-11 and Exodus 31:12-18&Ezekiel 20:12,20 and Luke 6:5 as the Seal of Our True Real Holy Father Almighty God in Heaven in Isaiah 56:1-12&Isaiah 58:13-14&Isaiah 66:23-24&Hebrews 4:1-16 and Revelation 1:1-12.
#1Day=40 Tierces ('''), A Day makes a Date in 30Days/DD/, and 30Days making a Date in a Month/MM/ for 12 Months making a Date in a Year/YYY/, thus a full Date is written as/MM/DD/YYYY/ or written as:/DD/MM/YYYY/, while in this writing of Date it will be as well possible to deduct the Time expressed in Hour(h):Minutes('):Seconds(''):Tierces('''), helping us to determine at which time it is every day in these final days of this old earth history until the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ in Revelation 22:12 during the outpouring of All 7 Last Plagues in 2024.5(February 15th, 2024 until October 15th,2024 at 1:59' a.m).
#1st Week:
#12Months(m)=1Year(y)=360Days(d)=1Year(y)=1Day=1Year in Ezekiel 4:6&Numbers 14:34.
#1Day=1000Years in Psalms 90:4&2Peter3:8.
#1Week=7Days=7Years=7000Years of 1Cosmic Week in Daniel 9:27&Revelation 20:1-15,6Days=6000Years ending in 2024.5 +1Day the 7th Day of 1000Years of 1Cosmic Sabbath=7000 Years of 1Cosmic Week ending in 3024=1177 Holy 7th Day Sabbath Years+April 3rd,1847=1847+177+1000,
#457BC(Ezra 7:1-28) +483Years(69 Weeks in Daniel 9:20-25)=27AD.
#457BC(Ezra 7:1-28) +486½Years(69½ Weeks in Daniel 9:26)=31AD.
#457BC +490Years(70 Weeks in Daniel 9:20-27)=34AD.
#457BC +2300Years(Daniel 8:8-14)-490Years(70 Weeks in Daniel 9:20-27)=1810Years remained in 34AD.
#34AD+1810Years=October 22nd, 1844.
#508+1335Years(Daniel 12:12-13)=1843~1844.
#508+1290Years(Daniel 12:11)=1798.
#538+1260Years(Daniel 12:7,Revelation 11:1-8-9-12)=1798.
#508+1290Years(Daniel 12:11)=1798=538+1260Years(Daniel 12:7,Revelation 11:1-8-9-12)=February 7th, 2021+42Months(3½Years"1260Days")=July 31st, 2024=2021+3½=2024.5(derived by 2dxy into February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m).
#508+1335Years(Daniel12:12-13)=1843~October 22nd,1844.
#508~538~2021~February 7th, 2021(Revelation 13:3-5) + 1260Days(Daniel 12:7)=July 31st, 2024.
#508~538~2021~February 7th, 2021(Revelation 13:3-5) + 1290Days(Daniel 12:11)=August 31st, 2024.
#508~538~2021~February 7th, 2021(2021)+3½Years(Revelation 13:3-5)=2024.5(derived by 2dxy into February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m)=February 7th, 2021(2021)+1328Days(1335Days-7Days)=Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'-1:59' a.m in this morning of resurrection of Daniel and Lazarus and All died Saints by Jesus Christ at the end of His 2nd Coming in John 11:1-44&Luke 14:1-12-14-24-35.
#508~538~2021~February 7th, 2021(Revelation 13:3-5) + 1335Days(Daniel 12:12-13)=Tuesday October 22nd, 2024.
#In~508: The European Superpower Emperor Clovis of French Empire Raised the Papacy on so called Christianity Supreme Power in Europe by accepting to surrender the Ancient Paganism Global Supremcy to be Baptized as the 1st Christian French Emperor to be accepted in the Papacy's European Christianity Supremacy of Roman Pontifical Hierarchy derived from the death of the Western Roman Emperor Constantine II of Pontifex Maximus Military Title lost in 340 seized by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Roma becoming a Dragon's official Successor of Ancient Pagan Roman Emperor Constantine I the Great of Revelation 13:1-3 giving the Bishop of Rome that combined title of Pontiff of Roma as a result of combination of both the Religious title Bishop of Rome+ Pontifex Maximus Military Title becoming the Pontiff of Rome"The Pope" which is a disqualification of that Jesus Christ's Disciple Apostle Simon Peter cannot be therefore the 1st POPE.
#Likewise in ~508: In 538, The Global Superpower Christian Roman Emperor Justinian of the so called Christian Roman Empire Raised the Papacy in order for to be accepted in the whole Global Roman Empire as the Papacy not only in the European but also for the whole World to become the Roman Catholic Christian World under the Global Christianity Supremacy of the Roman Pontifical Hierarchy derived from the death of the Western Roman Emperor Constantine II of Pontifex Maximus Military Title lost in 340 seized by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Roma becoming a Dragon's official Successor of Ancient Pagan Roman Emperor Constantine I the Great of Revelation 13:1-3 giving the Bishop of Rome that combined title of Pontiff of Roma as a result of combination of both the Religious title Bishop of Rome+ Pontifex Maximus Military Title becoming the Pontiff of Rome"The Pope" later on used to create the so called Holy Roman Empire controlling the whole European Christian World for the whole 1260 Years of the Dark Ages which is a disqualification of that Jesus Christ's Humble 7th Day Keeping Disciple Apostle Simon Peter cannot be therefore the 1st POPE of the Sunday Keeping Satanic Roman Catholic Church's Pontifex Maximus Satanic Caesar's Herods and Pilates Roman Militaries' Hierarchies who tried to Kill Jesus Christ since His Birth in 3BC until they Crucified Him in 31AD on the Cross as the King of Judeans Jews in John 19:1-42.
#Likewise in 508~538: In 2021, The Global Superpower Christian Roman Catholic U.S President Joe Biden Raised again the 1798 Wounded 1st Beast "The Papacy" likeit was done in 538 by Emperor Justinian imitating Emperor Clovis of French Empire in 508 , as the 2nd Beast of the United States of America(U.S.A 46th President of Revelation 13:11-18 and Daniel 9:27) Raised the Papacy when He signed the Jesuit Pope Francis Encyclical Letter Laudato Si'237's Paris Climate Agreement on January 20th, 2020&signed Climate Emergency Executive Orders on January 27th, 2021 to elevate Laudato Si'237 Climate Sunday Rest LAW on the U.S.A National Security Level Consideration in order to open the U.S Congress Door for SATAN's Right Hand Man of Sin Jesuit Pope Francis Laudato Si'237 Sunday LAW to enter the U.S.A Congress which registered Laudato Si'237 Climate Sunday LAW hidden in the New Bill entitled "U.S.Climate Act of 2021" registered by the U.S.A Congress Officially on April 19th, 2021 under Democrat Senator Chairman Bob Menendez making the Year 2021 a Complete Healing of the 1798 French Emperor Napoleon's Pope Pio injured Wound of the 508-538 Supreme Papacy ~February 7th, 2021(Revelation 13:3-5)~2021 Antonio Guterres of the United Nations (U.N) Raised the Papacy signed the International Fratelli Tutti Day on February 4th,2021+3½Days(Revelation 11:9-10)=February 7th, 2021 +3½Years(Daniel 12:7,Revelation 11:1-8-9-12,Revelation 13:3-5)=July 31st, 2024 at the End of the 5th Last Plague of Revelation 9:1-12 lasting for 5 Months from March 1st, 2024 preceded by the 1st 4 Last Plagues falling in a period of 2 Weeks beginning from February 15th, 2024 , while the 6th Last Plague will last for 1 Month of Revelation 9:13-21 from August 1st, 2024 until August 31st, 2024 and to be followed by the 7th Last Plague of Revelation 11:13-19 and Revelation 16:17-21 falling from September 1st, 2024 until Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m as falling INA whole period of 8 Months and 2 Days calculable from taking the Year 2021 of the Completed Healing of the Wound of The Papacy of Revelation 13:3 for 2021 +3½Years(Daniel 12:7,Revelation 11:1-8-9-12,Revelation 13:3-5)=2024.5(derived by 2dxy into February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m).
#508~538~2021~February 7th, 2021(Revelation 13:3-5) + 1335Days(Daniel 12:12-13)=October 22nd, 2024.
#October22nd, 1844+177=October 22nd, 2021,
#April3rd, 1847+177= April 3rd, 2024,
#October 22nd, 2024+1000= October 22nd, 3024.
#1st Week=1-7½Days:
#1st Day(Sunday): 1Day=40'''.
#2nd Day(Monday): 1Day=40''',2Days=40'''X2=80''', 80'''=60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Monday=1'':20'''.
#3rd Day(Tuesday): 1Day=40''',3Days=40'''X3=120''', 120'''=60'''+60''',60'''=1'', Tuesday=2'':00'''.
#4th Day(Wednesday): 1Day=40''',4Days=40'''X4=160''', 160'''=60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Wednesday=2'':40'''.
#5th Day(Thursday): 1Day=40''',5Days=40'''X5=200''', 200'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Thursday=3'':20'''.
#6th Day(Friday): 1Day=40''',6Days=40'''X6=240''', 240'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60''',60'''=1'', Friday=4'':00'''.
#7th Day(Saturday-The 7th Day Holy Sabbath): 1Day=40''',7Days=40'''X7=280''', 280'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Saturday at 18h00'=4'':40'''.
#7½Days=4'':40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40'''+20''',60'''=1'', Sunday at 6h:00'a.m till 18h00'(½Day=12Hours)=7Days+½Day(12Hours)=4'':40'''+20'''=5'':00'''=300'''.
#2nd Week=8½-15Days:
#1st Day(Sunday): 1Day=40''',7½Days+1Day=8½Days=40'''X8½=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'':00''' )300'''+40''', 340'''=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'':00''' )+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Sunday=5'':40'''.
#2nd Day(Monday): 1Day=40''',9½Days=40'''X9½=340'''+40''', 380'''=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'' )+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Monday=6'':20'''.
#3rd Day(Tuesday): 1Day=40''',10½Days=40'''X10½=380'''+40''', 420'''=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'' )+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60''',60'''=1'', Tuesday=7'':00'''.
#4th Day(Wednesday): 1Day=40''',11½Days=40'''X11½=420'''+40''', 460'''=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'' )+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Wednesday=7'':40'''.
#5th Day(Thursday): 1Day=40''',12½Days=40'''X12½=460'''+40''', 500'''=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'' )+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Thursday=8'':20'''.
#6th Day(Friday): 1Day=40''',13½Days=40'''X13½=500'''+40''', 540'''=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'' )+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60''',60'''=1'', Friday=9'':00'''.
#7th Day(Saturday-The 7th Day Holy Sabbath): 1Day=40''',14½Days=40'''X14½=540'''+40''', 580'''=(4'':40'''+20'''=5'' )+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Saturday at 18h00'=9'':40'''.
#15Days= Sunday at 6h:00'a.m till 18h00'(½Day=12Hours)=14½Days+½Day(12Hours)=9'':40'''+20'''=10'':00'''=600'''.
#3rd Week=16-22½Days:
#1st Day(Sunday): 1Day=40''',16Days=40'''X16=(10'':00''')600'''+40''', 640'''=10'':00''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Sunday=10'':40'''.
#2nd Day(Monday): 1Day=40''',17Days=40'''X17=640'''+40''', 680'''=10'':00''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40'''+40''',60'''=1'', Monday=11'':20'''.
#3rd Day(Tuesday): 1Day=40''',18Days=40'''X18=680'''+40''', 720'''=10'':00''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+20'''+40''',60'''=1'', Tuesday=12'':00'''.
#4th Day(Wednesday): 1Day=40''',19Days=40'''X19=720'''+40''', 760'''=10'':00''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Wednesday=12'':40'''.
#5th Day(Thursday): 1Day=40''',20Days=40'''X20=760'''+40''', 800'''=10'':00''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Thursday=13'':20'''.
#6th Day(Friday): 1Day=40''',21Days=40'''X21=800'''+40''', 840'''=10'':00''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60''',60'''=1'', Friday=14'':00'''.
#7th Day(Saturday-The 7th Day Holy Sabbath): 1Day=40''',22Days=40'''X22=840'''+40''', 880'''=10'':00''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Saturday at 18h00'=14'':40'''.
#22½Days=Sunday at 6h:00'a.m till 18h00'(½Day=12Hours)=22Days+½Day(12Hours)=14'':40'''+20'''=15'':00'''=900'''.
#4th Week=23½-30Days:
#1st Day(Sunday): 1Day=40''',23½Days=40'''X23½=(15'':00''')900'''+40''', 940'''=15'':00''':+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Sunday=15'':40'''.
#2nd Day(Monday): 1Day=40''',24½Days=40'''X24½=940'''+40''', 980'''=15'':00'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Monday=16'':20'''.
#3rd Day(Tuesday): 1Day=40''',25½Days=40'''X25½=980'''+40''', 1020'''=15'':00'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60''',60'''=1'', Tuesday=17'':00'''.
#4th Day(Wednesday): 1Day=40''',26½Days=40'''X26½=1020'''+40''', 1060'''=14'':00'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Wednesday=17'':40'''.
#5th Day(Thursday): 1Day=40''',27½Days=40'''X27½=1060'''+40''', 1100'''=14'':00'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+20''',60'''=1'', Thursday=18'':20'''.
#6th Day(Friday): 1Day=40''',28½Days=40'''X28½=1100'''+40''', 1140'''=14'':00'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60''',60'''=1'', Friday=19'':00'''.
#7th Day(Saturday-The 7th Day Holy Sabbath): 1Day=40''',29½Days=40'''X29½=1140'''+40''', 1180'''=14'':00'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''+40'''=60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+60'''+40''',60'''=1'', Saturday at 18h00'=19'':40'''.
#30Days=Sunday at 6h:00'a.m till 18h00'(½Day=12Hours)=29½Days+½Day(12Hours)=19'':40'''+20'''=20'':00'''=1200'''.
#Calculating the Matthew 20:1-16 Prophetic Time on a given Date using the above scaling Mathematics Principles :
a)What Prophetic Time was on March 22nd, 2021?
#Date rewriting: 22/3/2021,
1)Locating the Year in 12 Prophetic Hours of Matthew 20:1-16 from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2024:
#2021 is located between 17h44'-17h48' from October 22nd, 2020 to October 21st, 2021 ,every time for Years consider the starting Time, which is 17h44'.
2)Locating the Month in 4 Prophetic Minutes of 12 Months from 1st Minute to the 4th Minute:
#March (3) is located in the 2nd Minute (2') covering from January 22nd, February, March until April 21st.
3)Locating the Day in 1200 Prophetic Tierces of 30Days from 1st Week to the 4th Week:
#22nd(22) is located in the 3rd Week (22X40'''=880'''),
#Deducting Minutes, Seconds and Tierces from 880''': 880'''=Saturday at 18h00'=14'':40'''
4)The Prophetic Time is written as /YYYY/MM/DD/ written as /17h44'/2'/14'':40'''/=17h44'+2'+14''+40''', therefore on March 22nd, 2021, it was at 17h46'14''40'''=22/3/2021.
#Continue to do Your Own More exercises given below:
b)What Prophetic Time it will be on October 22nd, 2021?:
c)What Prophetic Time it will be on October 22nd, 2022?:
d)What Prophetic Time it will be on October 22nd, 2023?:
e)What Prophetic Time it will be on October 22nd, 2024?: #Answer: This will be at 18h1'14'40''', at the Heavenly Canaan receiving Our Rewards on the Sea of Glass together with All Saints both 144000 True 7th Day Adventists and resurrected Saints and All Holy Angels together with Jesus Christ Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath of Luke 6:5 finishing the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary at the end of His 12 Prophetic Hours of 1 Prophetic Atonement Day of 180Years that He Started from October 22nd, 1844 +180 Years=October 22nd, 2024 =February 7th, 2021 +1335Days of Daniel 12:1-13=October 22nd, 2024.
#Confirmed by 1177 Principal Repetition Number (1177prn) as Sabbatical 1177 Years beginning from April 3rd, 1847 + 1177=3024, 3024-1000=2024,
#October 22nd, 1844 +177= October 22nd, 2021,
#October 22nd, 1844 + 180 Years= October 22nd, 2024,
#1847 +177= 2024,
#2024 +1000=3024,
#1847 +1177= 3024,
#A Reforming Catholic Confession Satanic Covenant Launching Date on October 31, 2017 + 7 Years of Daniel 9:27= October 31st, 2024 ending in the Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues in 2021+3½Years=2024½=2024.5(15/2/2024 to 15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m),
#October 31, 2017 - 500 Years= October 31, 1517 the Martin Luther's Launching Date of Protestants Movement to destroy Satanic Roman Catholic Church Popes' Supremacy in Christianity which I and Jesus Christ continued until Now.
#October 31, 1517 - 1177 Years= 340 the Acquisition Year of The Satanic Roman Catholic Church Popes' Pontifex Maximus Military Title Supremacy in Christianity destroyed by Martin Luther's Launched Protestants Movement on the Date of October 31, 1517 in order to destroy Darkness Kingdom of SATAN ruled by the Papacy which I and Jesus Christ continued to destroy until Now together with 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists Globally in the same tactics as the 12 Disciples in Luke 9:1-6&Luke 10:1-24(12X70 Disciples' Tactics Value = 840 God' s Matthew 20:1-16 Vineyard Labour Power combining the True Early Christians & Protestants Labourers' Powers in Years 340+500=840 Years) .
#Discovery of 1177 prn: October 31, 2017 - 840(340+500 or 12X70) Years= 1177.
#The Number 7 symbolism of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath which is The Seal of The Living Almighty God in Heaven is very well found within The 1177 prn: 7=1+1+7+7=16=1+6=7,
#The 1177=1000+177=1000+100+77=1000+100+70+7=1+1+7+7=16=1+6=7.
#1177=1000 Years Cosmic 7th Day Holy Sabbath in Heaven in Hebrews 4:1-16&Revelation 20:1-15&Psalms 90:4&2ndPeter 3:8&Genesis 2:1-3&Exodus 20:8-11 +177 beginning the Weekly 7th Day Holy Sabbath Calendar in The post Dark Ages Old Earth of the Divine Vision given to Madame Ellen Gould White on April 3rd, 1847 in order to initiate this current 7th Day Adventists Movement in U.S.A and Worldwide found in Her Book entitled'The Early Writings".
#October 22nd, 2024 +1177=October 22nd, 3024 beginning the Weekly 7th Day Holy Sabbath Calendar in The New Earth of Isaiah 66:23-24.
#Whereas Jesus Christ will Appear on October 22nd, 2024 -7½Days=Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'-01:59' a.m.
#Therefore, please ,repent, repent, repent, remember The 7th Day Sabbath to keep It Holy(Exodus 20:1-17&Revelation 22:1-21).
#The Final Warning of Revelation 14:9-13; Please everyone, Do not accept to adhere to what the Roman Catholic Church Priests especially ecumenical Jesuits Protestants pastors are telling You to follow Satan's right hand Jesuit The 1st Beast Pope Francis in accepting Covid-19 Vaccines injections and trying to honor Sunday as a Day of Rest to combat Climate Change and to combat Covid-19 or to worship of Almighty God in Heaven on Sundays, because ,if You do, You will receive the Image of the Beast, receive the Number 666 of the Beast and receive the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13:1-18 as it is worldwide globally being supported and pushed forwards by The U.S Roman Catholic President Joe Biden as the 2nd Beast, which will cause You to be killed by the soon coming 7 Last Plagues of Revelation 16:1-21 from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
#My Prayer for The Reader:
May Our Almighty God forgive Your Sins and My Sins and Bless You with Yours All and give Us ALL the eternal Life, in the name of Jesus Christ Our Savior I Pray for You All, Amen.
#Author:[ ].
Dr. Iraguha Bandora Yves, MG, MD, RN, BScN(Hons).
Founder and President of African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve ",
Rwanda- East Africa,
The Great Controversy & National Sunday Law,
Website: ,.
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