Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The 11th Hour in Matthew 20:1-16: A Clear Divine Connection between The Millerites at 5:00'-5:59'a.m and The 11th Hour 144000 True 7th Day Adventists Labourers at 5:00'-5:59'p.m of Matthew 20:1-16. Published on Wednesday September 8th, 2021 at 5:00'-5:59'a.m.

0.Introduction1177: The 11th Hour description link for reading and sharing [ ].

1) In this artcle, we present to You this mysterious prophecy of Jesus Christ comparing the Kingdom(Grace in 31 AD&Glory in 2024 AD)of Heaven with a 12 Hours Day working scenario in the vineyard, where the owner of the vineyard as described in John 15:1-27, decided to cultivate in His Vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16, using different techniques to search and call and reward His Vineyard Labourers, in order to prophetically demonstrate the preparation of the beginning and completeness of His Judgment explained in 3 Angels Messages of Revelation 14:1-20 during the typical prophetic 12 Hours Atonement Day explained in Daniel 8:10-14 and Daniel 9:20-27 and Daniel 12:1-13 and Hebrews 4:1-15 and Hebrews 5:1-14, using similarly the Mose's earthly Sanctuary Model of Highest Priest Aaron's annually conducted Judgment during the 12 Hours Atonement Day as explained in Leviticus 16:1-34 and Leviticus 23:1-44.

2) The connection in Exodus 25:1-8-9-40, between earthly Sanctuary built by Moses in the wilderness of Mount Sinai with the Heavenly Sanctuary in which Jesus Christ entered from the Year 31 A.D after his crucifixion and resurrection in Hebrews 4:14-16 also in Hebrews 15:1-14, this connection was made by Jesus Christ Himself in order to create a divine eternal link between Heavenly beings and earthly human beings through the Sanctuary way where Jesus Christ is now driving the repenting human beings from the bondages of Sin and SATAN to bring us to the eternal Freedom of Holiness of the Glory of Jesus Christ and the Glory of the Holy Spirit and the Glory of the Heavenly True Real Holy Father Our Almighty God the Creator of the universe.

3) From the Birth of Jesus Christ in the Year 3BC until He was baptized at 30 Years Old in the Year 27 A.D as described in Luke 1:1-52 also in Luke 3:123 until His Crucifixion at 34 Years Old in the Year 31 A.D , there was a fulfilling prophecy of Daniel 9:1-27 about 70 Weeks by which the cleansing of the Sanctuary had to take place, however, this prophecy of cleansing the Sanctuary was not standing on its own ,it was a conditional prophecy continued from Daniel 8:14 beginning with long time prophecy of 2300 Years starting from the Year 457 B.C until the William Miller's Great Awakening during the Adventists movement of October 22nd, 1844.

4) The Adventists Millerites movement of 1840s began in the United States of America (U.S.A) which was otherwise called the Land of the Freedom of Religious Liberty, this name recalls the Madness of the European based Inquisition Court fixed by the Roman Catholic Church Popes during their 1260 Years Global ruling for SATAN in those Dark Ages, the Roman Catholic Church which obtained its dark ages supremacy from the corrupted Religious teachings originated in the unholy conversion of the Emperor Constantine I the Great in the Years 317-321 remarked by their Satanic influence on changing the Biblical Day of Rest and Worship on the 7th Day Holy Sabbath on Saturday putting its Sacred Divine Power on the Pagan god Apollo's Sun worshipping Day on Sunday which is the First Day of the Week, this silly disgusting Satanic authoritarianism has given the Vaticanism Bishop of Rome a special Satanic political gain of Pontifex Maximus Title taken from the death of the Western Roman Emperor Constantine II in the Year 340 and resulted in the current Vatican Popes Titles and Satanic Legacy as Pontiff of Rome combining both the Political Title Pontifex Maximus plus the Christian Preacher Title of Bishop of Rome , which was otherwise called the Christian Bishop of Rome derived from the Apostolic Early Christianity Sabbath Keeping Bishops settled in different continents from Jerusalem to Asia and in Africa and in Europe since the 1st Century until the 3rd Century.

5) The Inquisition court which is a genocide machinability of the Roman Catholic Church operating even today under the leadership of Jesuits incharges of the protection of the false satanic doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, recalls its historical 60,000,000 Deaths of Protestants so called heretics it has killed using the secularized Governments Power, however, the involvements of Roman Catholic Church Popes in killing innocent True Christians, during the whole existence of Pontifex Maximus Bishops in Rome from the Year 340 A.D until the Year 1798 A.D, this resulted in the birth of unforgettable resistance against the Popes' false representations of Divine Holy Scriptures while involving themselves in the Secular life contradicting the Words of Jesus Christ Himself in John 18:36 saying that His Kingdom is not for this Earth, thus opposition began inside the Roman Catholic Church its self through its  european Priests including lays, names such as John Wycliffe, John Huss and Jerome, and Martin Luther, John Calvin, Zwingli, and many others revolted in the name of Jesus Christ, destroying the unity of the demonic Roman Catholic Church to begin the ongoing spirit of Protestantism called by the Vatican Jesuit Pope Francis a regid, rigidity, rigidly Movement of Fundamentalists, including lays individuals conservative Roman Catholic Church members who like the True 7th Day Adventists rejected abortion, LGBTQ, Covid-19 Draconian measures, crying fasting and praying daily for Almighty God to putt an end on the ongoing satanic powers driving the current ecumenical Churches movements of united Apostate Protestants and Roman Catholic Church Jesuits, basing on their Satanic Covenant signed on October 31st, 2017 called A Reforming Catholic Confessionushering the final last 7 Years of this Earth History from the Year 2017 ending in the Year 2024, during the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, making it possible for all saints both living ones and resurrected ones be lifted in the Air to meet our 7th Day Holy Sabbath Lord Jesus Christ and journeying for 7 Days to the Heavenly Canaan until We arrive on the Sea of Glass on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at the complete and of 180 Years of the Prophetic 12 Hours Atonement Day began on October 22nd, 1844, following the Millerites Great Awakening Adventists movement.

6) The very serious connection is very clearly made visible, from the creation by Almighty God in Eden in Genesis 2:1-3 initiating the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Rest for His Creation, and it was connected with the deliverance of Heavenly Breads given to the Israelites in the wilderness during the whole 1 week 7th Day Holy Sabbath teaching module in Exodus 16:1-36, and continued to link the 7th Day Holy Sabbath with the 10 Holy Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17 ,connecting the 7th Day Holy Sabbath with the eternity and as a Seal of the Living Almighty God between Him and His beloved followers human beings in Genesis 31:12-18 in Ezekiel 20:12-20 in Isaiah 66:21-24 and in Hebrews 4:1-16 connected to the Millerites through Mrs Oakes and Her Mother in the Year 1844,1845,1846 until the Divine Vision was given to Madame Ellen Gould White on April 3rd, 1847 urging Her to reveal to the whole world about the significance of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath, which was seen in that vision ,having the most shinning brightness around the 4th Commandment shinning more that the remaining for the full 10 commandments of Almighty God as were written on the two blocks of stones deposited in the Heavenly Sanctuary in the Ark of Covenant of Almighty God and Jesus Christ was the One Himself who displayed this Vision to Madame Ellen Gould White, and until today all True 7th Day Adventists continued to become the reservoirs of the 10 Commandments of Almighty God especially centered to the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Commandment which was revealed as a Seal of the Living Almighty God in Heaven since the Creation in Exodus 2:1-3 as it will continue to be in the New Earth in Isaiah 66:21-24 after the complete destruction of SATAN and All His Followers in the Hell Lake of Fire and Brimstones 1000Years ahead in the Years 3024 following the 1177 Principal Repetition Number, which demonstrated the connection between the April 3rd, 1847 Holy 7th Day Sabbath +1177 Holy 7th Day Sabbath Years=3024, after completing the full 1000 Years Cosmic 7th Day Holy Sabbath in Heaven together with Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit and Our Almighty God Holy Father and all Holy Angels and All Saints being redeemed during the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 00:01'-1:59' during that morning of lifting All Saints in the Air both living ones and resurrected ones to meet Our Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ and His Angels in Air very very very soon.

7) The 11th Hour in Matthew 20:1-16 is now on it way to an end , bringing in it A Clear Divine Connection between The Millerites at 5:00'-5:59'a.m and The 11th Hour 144000 True 7th Day Adventists Labourers at 5:00'-5:59'p.m of Matthew 20:1-16 both joined by the proclamation of the 3 Angels Messages from Revelation 14:1-20 and then finishing that vineyard proclamation 3 Angels Messages with a Special 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message of Revelation 18:1-5 urging the Whole World today to dissociate every person individually from the Roman Catholic Church Ecumenical Falsehoods Catechism teachings and denouncing Jesuit Pope Francis as a Satanic Judas of the End time prophecy who pretends to care for the Poor and for the Environment through His Satanic Encyclical Letters Laudato Si'237' and Fratelli Tutti which call for Sacredness of Sunday as a Day of Rest of Worshiping Almighty God in Heaven instead of calling the whole world to keep the True Day of Worship and Rest on the Saturday as the 7th Day Holy Sabbath of the 4th Commandment, ignorantly while knowing that whosoever breaks 1single Commandment is inevitably considered to have broken all 10 Commandments by Almighty God in Heaven as it is made clear in James 2:10-13. Therefore, to make the whole world be well informed about the secret revealed through the Matthew 20:1-16 through this article, AUSC Published this 11th Hour details on Wednesday September 8th, 2021 at 5:00'-5:59'a.m to make the whole world aware of that the 11th Hour is now about to end at 5:59' P.M on October 21st, 2024 ,while it has began at 5:00'P.M on October 22nd, 2009, and the rewarding will have to take place at the 12th Hour Call on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 preparing to enter the Holy City of Almighty God in Heaven to begin the 1000 Years Cosmic 7th Day Holy Sabbath as described in Hebrews 4:1-16 by the Apostle Paul. 

I.The Millerites at 5:00'-5:59'a.m: William Miller's Students of the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 9:20-27.

1)The Millerites were all Protestants who decided to follow the teachings of William Miller in the Years 1840s.

2)In the Book of Ellen Gould White entitled Early Writings, the whole World was once Awakened by Mr. William Miller, who managed to calculate the end of Daniel 8:14 long prophetic time period of 2300 Years ended on October 22nd, 1844 counted from the Year 457 BC to the Years 27AD-31AD-34AD+180Years=1844, involving the 70 Weeks prophetic Time period of Daniel 9:1-27.

3)William Miller was a Protestant and His origin as a farmer in the U.S.A recalls the beginning of the Protestantism Movement officially on October 31st, 1517 by Mr.Martin Luther who left the Roman Catholic Church as a Priest to initiate the Gospel based on the Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ alone as the Holy Bible alone as a guide for every true Christian, protesting against the salvation by works through penitence and indulgence false geology of the European Roman Catholic Church Popes.

4) The fact that on October 31st, 2017 ,the Roman Catholic Church Jesuit Pope Francis signed a Satanic Covenant with Apostate Protestants Leaders globally including the representatives of the Great Apostasy of the 7th Day Adventists Church(SDA) General Conference trying to silence the Protestantism movement through that covenant entitled "A Reforming Catholic Confession" ,they were aiming to destroy the Protestantism after its existence in 500 Years, those who managed to calculate the end of Daniel 8:14 would have not existed in the absence of Martin Luther's Contribution to the Initiation of the Protestantism movement on October 31st, 1517, however, all Roman Catholic Church militants including Jesuits who tried to defend the Title of Pontifex Maximus gained by Bishops of Rome at the Death of Western Roman Emperor Constantine II in the Year 340, they all have failed to construct a divinely accepted religion in all 1177 Years from the year 340+1177=1517 especially on October 31st, 1517 when Martin Luther published His 95 Theses that described the whole Satanic Falsehoods teachings of the Roman Catholic Church urging all True Christian believers to separate themselves from the Antichrist System built on Vatican's Popes Satanic deceptions ,thus resulting in freedom of translating the Holy Bible in different languages following the worldwide nations, which resulted in having the True Protestants who even sacrificed their lives in Europe and others decided to flee through the Atlantic Ocean to the New World current named the United States of America (U.S.A) where William Miller was raised and grew to become a successful Protestant farmer.

5) William Miller once in his time, has decided to study the Holy Bible which was thereby available in English, He wanted to cherish its credibility, He therefore has decided to seat down and start reading the Holy Bible from Genesis Chapter 1 until He completed the whole Books and Chapters in it in Revelation 22:21, in that searching, He discovered the Day- Year principal of Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 used it to translate Daniel 8:14 prophetic Days into 2300 Years and converted Daniel 9:20-27 prophetic 70 Weeks into 490 Years counted from the decree of rebuilding Jerusalem in Ezra 7:1-28 in the Year 457 BC and successfully guided by the Angels of Almighty God, William Miller obtained the link between Daniel 8:14 , Daniel 9:20-27 and Daniel 12:7-13 all linked together to generate the Year 1844 as the Year of the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary, especially on October 22nd, 1844.

6)This discovery pushed William Miller to initiate the Movement of Great Awakening called again the Great Advent Movement where William Miller expected to have the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on October 22nd, 1844 , because He has missed a small step of explaining the difference between the Cleansing of the Sanctuary and the Burning of this Earth with Hell Fire after 1000 Years following the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and William Miller was expecting Daniel 12:7-13 to take place after the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ at the End of 1335Days He considered as 1335 Years using the Day-Year Principal, from the Reign of Emperor Clovis Of French in the years 508+1335=1843, 508+1290=1798 when Napoleon Emperor of French imprisoned Pope Pio to cause the One of the Heads of the Revelation 13:1-18 beast be injured giving William Miller the end results as those obtained from Emperor Justinian who gave the power of Dark Ages Global Religious Leadership to the Pontiff of Rome in the Year 538+1260=1798 till its End with Napoleon Bonaparte's imprisonment of Pope Pio in the Year 1798, thus William Miller confirmed the end of the Antichrist Power in the Year 1798 expecting the reign of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings in the everlasting Kingdom in 45 Years as from 1798+45=1843 ,using the 360 Days Jewish Calendar to describe the 12 Months in the Jewish Year Calendar, then William Miller identified the Day of Atonement to begin a head from 1843 to 1844 and by different reviews together with other Millerites, their conclusion finally was to fix the day of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ to Cleanse the Earth considered atvthat time as the Earth Sanctuary to be happening on October 22nd, 1844, however, this movement was highly disseminating worldwide this expected 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ to cleanse the Sanctuary on October 22nd, 1844 which resulted in the Great Awakening and Great Disappointment of October 22nd, 1844.

7)Nevertheless, Millerites were being compared to QAnon movements supporting Donald Trump since 2017 until today, however, this name Millerites has its proper meaning found in the True 7th Day Adventists movement, began in the Year 1860 from the Divine Vision given to Madame Ellen Gould White von April 3rd, 1847 by which the Significance of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath was given by Jesus Christ Himself to be disseminated worldwide until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ expressed in Revelation 22:12 as a binary rewarding process at once for all during 8Months and 2 Days of Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues of the Wrath of Almighty God from February 15th, 2024 until the appearance on the sky of Jesus Christ with all His Angels on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, at the 177th Anniversary of Ellen Gould White's April 3rd, 1847 Holy 7th Day Sabbath significance Divine Vision,1847+177=2024, and 1844+177=2021, thus from February 7th, 2021 until the end of 3 Years in February 7th, 2024 explained as 3 Days of Proclaiming the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message in Luke 13:31-35 and John 4:40 and in Revelation 14:9-13 and Revelation 18:1-5, bringing the ½Hour silence of Revelation 8:1-6 from February 8th, 2024 until the Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, ushering the Revelation 20:1-15 millennium of 1000Years Cosmic 7th Day Holy Sabbath of Almighty God in Heaven of Hebrews 4:1-13 and Psalm 90:4 and 2Peter 3:8, hence 1177 Holy 7th Day Sabbath Years of the 1177 Principal Repetition Number beginning from April 3rd, 1847+1177=3024, 3024-1000 Years Cosmic 7th Day Sabbath=2024 the Year of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ during the falling of the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, with the 1177=October 31st, 2017-840(12x70 or 340A.D+500Years Protestantism), 2017-840=1177 Principal Repetition Number, joining 340 A.D+1177=October 31st, 1517, and October 31st, 1517+500Years=October 31st, 2017, in Daniel 9:27 for its 2nd Application giving the final last week of this earth history from October 31st, 2017 until the End of Earth by October 31st, 2024, while 1177 Principal Repetition Number links April 3rd, 1847+1177=3024 the Holy 7th Day Sabbath of Isaiah 66:21-24, that is going to begin on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at the end of 180Years of 12Hours Prophetic Hours of One Atonement Day started on October 22nd, 1844 aiming to cleanse the Heavenly Sanctuary by Jesus Christ Our Highest Priest during the Matthew 20:1-16 described 12 Hours Vineyard proclamation of the 3 Angels' Messages with which finally from October 22nd, 2009  the 11th Hour 144000 True 7th Day Adventists(SDA) Labourers began to work at 5:00'p.m expected to complete their work at 5:59'p.m on October 21st, 2024, ready to be reward at 12th Hour on October 22nd, 2024 considered as the 180th Year from October 22nd, 1844+180Years=October 22nd, 2024,+1000Years Cosmic 7th Day Holy Sabbath in Heaven =October 22nd, 3024 reaching the Isaiah 66:21-24 Prophecy to become fulfilled.

II.The 11th Hour 144000 True 7th Day Adventists(SDA) Labourers at 5:00'-5:59'p.m: Mr James and Madam Ellen Gould White 's Students of the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 9:20-27.

1)The 11th Hour 144000 True 7th Day Adventists Labourers at 5:00'-5:59'p.m are as well Millerites having the same origin as those all Protestants who decided to follow the teachings of William Miller in the Years 1840s, including all 7th Day Adventists who initiated the SDA Churche General Conference disseminating the SDA Pioneers' pillars of Spirit of Prophecy across the United States of America (USA) from the October 22nd, 1844 until October 21st,1859 and founded the 7th Day Adventists Movement in the Year 1860.

2) The Millerites who contributed in the work for Jesus Christ walking with Jesus from Holy Apartment to the Holy of Holies Apartment before and after October 22nd, 1844 through proclamation of the 1st and 2nd Angels' Messages included Young Protestants Ellen Harmon, James White, and Adults Hiram Edison, John Bates, and many others were removed from the lists of their Churches because of accepting the William Miller's Prophecy. These Adventists were not yet 7th Day Sabbath Keepers, they followed the William Miller's Great Awakening at 5:00'a.m which started on October 22nd, 1829 completing 15 Years until 5:59' a.m on October 21st, 1844.

3) The 50 Millerites who survived the Great Disappointment at 6:00' which happened on October 22nd, 1844 continued in 15 Years the proclamation of the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' messages until 6:59' a.m on October 21st, 1859, those 50 Millerites included again Young Protestants Ellen Harmon, James White, and Adults Hiram Edison, John Bates, and many others, whereas, Hiram Edison was their Elder on that day on October 22nd, 1844 in the same morning walking in the field He was given a Divine vision of how Jesus Christ left the Holy Apartment entering the Most Holy of Holies apartment on the Heavenly Sanctuary the same day on October 22nd, 1844, then Hiram Edison turned in the house to meet other praying group members to announce that vision, it was a very clearly good news for that time and thereafter Ellen Gould White was given the 1st Vision that is written in Book entitled Early Writings.

4) It is in the 1st Vision of Miss Ellen Harmon where Almighty God revealed the journey of the Millerites Adventists going to the Heavenly Canaan, there was a certain number of Millerites who left the way and others continued following the light which was on their behind, soon an other light shone from the right hand of Jesus Christ it was the 7th Day Holy Sabbath they were given on April 3rd, 1847 which continued to serve for their guide until they entered the Heavenly Canaan, a Number of 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists was presented before the outpouring of the promised Latter Rain Holy Spirit and were given opportunity by Almighty God to tell them the Day and Hour of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, which resulted in their happiness, and very soon Almighty God poured the Latter Rain Holy Ghost on those 144,000 Saints, this has already taken place where on October 22nd, 2019 Jesus Christ allowed to identity the final last week of this earth history which began on October 31st, 2017 given the end in the Year 2024 on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m, continued to reveal many other prophetic evidences of the 1177 Principal Repetition Number even determining the Closing of probation for Laodicean 7th Day Adventists on October 22nd, 2020 and the presentation of the 1st Fruits of 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists on October 23rd, 2020 and the Outpouring of the Latter Rain on the chosen 144,000True 7th Day Adventists on the Pentecostal Day on December 13th, 2020, before the Full Healing of the Wound of the Papacy in the beginning of this Year on January 20th, 2021at the inauguration of Joe Biden the U.S.A Roman Catholic President who immediately signed the United Nations (UN) Paris Climate Agreement which is a copy paste document generate from Jesuit Pope Francis' Satanic Natural Worship Encyclical Letter Laudato Si'237', however, on January 27th, 2021 Joe Biden elevated Pope Francis' Laudato Si'237' Sunday Rest and Worship on the U.S. National Security Consideration, giving it a way to enter the U.S Congress ,in which on April 19th, 2021 a Bill entitled "U.S.Climate Act of 2021 Bill" was registered and awaited to be enacted after to be signed by U.S President Joe Biden and that U.S Climate Act of 2021 Law is the now hidden U.S National Sunday Law already registered in the U.S Congress by Democrat Jesuit Senator Bob Mendez, which will be globally used to enforcement the Laudato Si'237' s 7 Years Action Plan from October 4th, 2021, while Almighty God will stop this evil Nature worship 7 Years Action Pan of Implementing Laudato Si'237' in the Year 2024 ,during the Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues, from February 15th, 2024 until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.

5) The 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists, are also the Millerites through the link created from studying the same Prophecy of Daniel 8:14,Daniel 9:20-27 and Daniel 12:1-13 where they were explained in Revelation 14:1-20 as the Saints of Almighty God who have never committed spiritual adultery with Sunday Keeping Roman Catholic Church and its Sunday Keeping Protestants Churches, they are out of the Laodicean Global 7th Adventists Churches because they well called Chosen and became Faithful to follow the Lamb of Almighty God Jesus Christ from the October 22nd, 2020 prepared to dissociate from Apostate 7th Day Adventists Laodicean General Conference which in December 2020 declared to form the image of the Beast and to be receiving the number of the Beast"666-Covid-19 Vaccines" denying the Ellen Gould White given Health Reform message that is the Right Hand of this 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message began on February 7th, 2021, expected to continue in 3 Years until its end after the close of probation for all human beings worldwide by February 7th, 2024 prior to the beginning of the Revelation 8:1-6 Silence of ½Hour starting from February 8th, 2014 until 7 Days and 12 Hours end on February 14th, 2024, then will start the Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until the resurrection of the Saints on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.

6)The connection between Millerites at 5:00'-5:59' a.m and the 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists at 5:00'-5:59' p.m, is made understood through Jesus Christ's prophecy of Matthew 20:1-16 describing 12 Hours of proclamation of the 3 Angels' Messages during His whole 1Day of Atonement from October 22nd, 1844 including *The Judgement Activities, *Atonement Activities, and *Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary all of these 3 measure events taking place in Heaven in 12 prophetic Hours equivalent to 180 Years required the Millerites and their successors 7th Day Adventists to go alongside Jesus Christ's Heavenly Administration of Judgment and Atonement Activities until He completes Judgement at the end of the proclamation of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message of Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 in order to start the final event of the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary through Outpouring of the 7 Last Plagues of the Wrath of Our Almighty God, while the final event of deposing Our repented Sins on the Head of SATAN will take place as described in Revelation 20:1-15 on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m and the whole 1 Prophetic Atonement Day will end on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at full 180 Years ,counted as 12 Prophetic Hours from October 22nd, 1844 as defined in John 11:9-12 for a day light of 12 Hours is used to finish to Labour in the Vineyard of Almighty God in Matthew 20:1-16, while using the Day-Year principal, a 24 Hours full day and night period of one day equal to 1Year of 360 Days basing on the Jewish Calendar, therefore, resulting in 1prophetic Hour= 360Days:24Hours=15Days, whereas 15Days equal to 15Years, thus 1Hour=15Days=15Years, and 12 prophetic Hours equal to 12HoursX15Years=180Years prophetically counted from October 22nd, 1844 +180 Years=October 22nd, 2024.

7) Using this conversion of 1 prophetic Hour into 15 Years, therefore, the whole scenario in Matthew 20:1-16 is very easily revealed, 

0#From 5:00'-5:59' is 1 prophetic Hour that began on October 22nd, 1829 ending on October 21st, 1844.

1st Hour#From 6:00'-6:59' is a 1 prophetic Hour of Jesus Christ using 50 Millerites 1st Day Sunday keepers to become converted into 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began to shape the way of recruiting Young and Adults people from Babylon using the 1st and the 2nd Angels' Messages until many visions were given to the new members of the Adventists movement until the 7th Day Sabbath Vision was given to Ellen Gould White on April 3rd, 1847 continued to have special Vision calling for the Adventists movement to beginning to form an organized system of inviting new members in the Year 1850 continued with the same Adventists principal of October 22nd, 1844 ending on October 21st, 1859.

2nd Hour#From 7:00'-7:59' is The 1st prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1859 ending on October 21st, 1874.(The 1st Call for the 1st Hour at 7:00' a.m).

3rd Hour#From 8:00'-8:59' is The 2nd prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1874 ending on October 21st, 1889.

4th Hour#From 9:00'-9:59' is The 3rd prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1889 ending on October 21st, 1904.(The 2nd Call for the 3rd Hour at 9:00' a.m).

5th Hour#From 10:00'-10:59' is The 4th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1904 ending on October 21st, 1919.

6th Hour#From 11:00'-11:59' is The 5th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1919 ending on October 21st, 1934.

7th Hour#From 12:00'-12:59' is The 6th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1934 ending on October 21st, 1949.(The 3rd Call for the 6th Hour at 12:00'=00:00'p.m).

8th Hour#From 13:00'-13:59' is The 7th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1949 ending on October 21st, 1964.

9th Hour#From 14:00'-14:59' is The 8th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1964 ending on October 21st, 1979.

10th Hour#From 15:00'-15:59' is The 9th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1979 ending on October 21st, 1994.(The 4th Call for the 9th Hour at 15:00'=03:00'p.m).

11th Hour#From 16:00'-16:59' is The 10th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 1994 ending on October 21st, 2009.

12th Hour#From 17:00'-17:59' is The 11th prophetic Hour of Laboring in the Vineyard proclaiming the 1st,2nd and 3rd Angels' Messages by 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers that began on October 22nd, 2009 ending on October 21st, 2024.(The 5th Call for the 11th Hour at 17:00'=05:00'p.m).

12th Hour#The 6th Call for the 12th Hour at 18:00'=06:00'p.m will begin on October 22nd, 2024, reserved to call all saints to receive Our Rewards at the Sea of Class ,including Daniel as described in Daniel 12:7-13 at the End of 1335 Days that began on February 7th, 2021 +1335Days= October 22nd, 2024 = October 22nd,1844 +180 Years. 

12th Hour#180 Years representing the 12 Prophetic Hours of Matthew 20:1-16 converted as 1 prophetic Hour being equivalent to 15Years.

12th Hour#Laboring in the Matthew 20:1-16 required only 11 Hours by which Jesus Christ at the 7:00'a.m called the 1st Hour Labourers cultivated until the 9:00'a.m called the 3rd Hour Labourers entered the Vineyard together continued to cultivate until the 12:00'-00:00'p.m called the 6th Hour Labourers entered the vineyard proclaming together continued to Labor until the 15:00'-03:00'p.m called the 9th Hour Labourers entered the vineyard proclaming together continued to Labor until the last 17:00'-05:00'p.m called the 11th Hour Labourers entered the vineyard proclaming the final warning of the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message until 17:59'-05:59'p.m on October 21st, 2024; However, the 11th Labourers will not be permitted to Labor when the Probation will be close globally at the ½Hour silence of Revelation 8:1-6 by February 8th, 2024.

12th Hour#Laboring in the Matthew 20:1-16 required only 12 Hours by which Jesus Christ at the 18:00'-6:00'p.m, He will be calling the 1st Hour to the 11th Hour Labourers who cultivated  proclaiming the 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th Angels' messages until the 17:55'-5:59'p.m in order to receive our rewards together with other all saints at 18:00'-6:00' p.m on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 on the Sea of Glass at the Heavenly Canaan.

III.The 11th Hour Described in Details in Years, Months, Days, minutes and tierces .

1)This 11th Hour is described in details in 180 Years that explain the prophetic 12 Hours of the Matthew 20:1-16 of the human beings who have been working with Jesus Christ in His Highest Priesthood duties administrated in the Holy of Hollies apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary from October 22nd, 1844 including those Millerites and 7th Da Adventists proclaiming the 3 Angels' message of Revelation 14:1-20 and the 4th Anel's message of Revelation 18:1-24 until now here and worldwide.

IV.The Great Controversy between SDA' Steps to Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary and Conservative Protestants Sunday Worship Evangelicals:

The Great Controversy between SDA' Steps to Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary and Conservative Protestants Sunday Worship Evangelicals representing the Luke2:21-36-38' s 84 Years Widow like Journey Book of The Desire of Ages published Lastly with All Rights Reserved in 1940 with All Rights reserved by Pacific Press Publishing Association founded Madame Ellen Gould White the voice used by Jesus Christ to call Labourers in the 1st Call at the 1st Hour from October 22nd, 1859 with the 1st Publication of the 2nd Edition of the Book Early Writings in 1882 and publication of the 1st Edition of the Book"The Great Controversy " in 1888 and the 2nd Call at the 3rd Hour from October 22nd, 1889 with the 1st Publication of The Desire of Ages happened in 1898 by Madam Ellen Gould White herself continuing in the 3rd Call at the 6th Hour from October 22nd, 1934 until the Year 1940 of Publishing the "The Desire Of Ages" Book of Madame Ellen Gould White which was representing the Book "The Steps to Christ" published by Madame Ellen Gould White Her Self in 1892 finally raised Evangelicals' Cult allegations against the Heavenly Sanctuary Truth of October 22nd, 1844 in the Year 1949, questioning the 7th Day Adventism's Doctrine on the Atonement Day following the Birth and Baptism and Crucifixion and Resurrection and Heavenly Highest Priesthood of Jesus Christ revealed in the Ellen Gould White's Book"The Desire Of Ages" that must be believed as the real Great Controversy to be explained by the True 7th Day Adventists from the Year 1940 +84Years Written Voice of Old Widow Prophetess Ellen Gould White lifting up the Banner of Our Prince Emmanuel Lord of the 7th Day Holy Sabbath Jesus Christ Our King of Kings Son of King David the Only Begotten Son of Almighty God Our Real True Holy Father in Heaven and continued to be lifted up using the Book "The Desire Of Ages" to explain the Messiah and His Heavenly Sanctuary Priesthood especially from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2024 being well explained in the ears and eyes of worldwide human beings' minds, as spoken from the Heavenly Sanctuary by Jesus Christ Himself in the Book "The Desire Of Ages" to His Church worldwide through these writings of Madame Ellen Gould White in order to defeat SATAN and Demons possessed Apostate Protestants individuals and Ecumenical groups from the Gates of Hell as He prophesied in Matthew 16:13-20 until the Year 2024 on Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at the full completeness of the Matthew 20:1-16 Prophetic 12 Hours Atonement Day of 180 Years that began on October 22nd, 1844 is explained in Luke 2:36-38 revealing the Great Controversy, about The Desire Of Ages represented in the Book "The Steps To Christ", which was raised between Conservative Protestants Evangelicals and Conservative Protestants 7th Day Adventists through this connection with Matthew 20:1-16 on the prophetic 12 Hours Atonement Day still now taking place in the Heavenly Sanctuary covering 180 Years from October 22nd, 1844 until October 22nd, 2024 at the end of the Atonement Day as is linked with the 1177 Principal Repetition Number(PRN) and the 27Years3Years6Months7Days3Days12Hours1Hour Messianic Prophecy Time Conversion Principal(MPTCP):[ ].

V.The Great Controversy Vision

Reference has been made to the moving of the publishing work from Rochester, New York, to Battle Creek, Michigan, in November, 1855. Elder and Mrs. White made their home in Battle Creek, and after the work was well established there, they were able to continue their travels in the field. It was in connection with a visit to the State of Ohio in February and March, 1858, that the important great controversy vision was given to Mrs. White in the public school-house at Lovett's Grove. The account of this vision which lasted two hours is found in Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 161, 162. In September, 1858, Spiritual Gifts, Volume I: The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels, was published. This little book of 219 pages constitutes the third and last division of Early Writings.

6000Years finish: Adam to Moses 2500 Years, Moses to the recording of Revelation Book by John the Revelator 1600 Years= 4100 Years, 6000Years-4100 Years=1900Years, 1)4000Years ended in 3B.C,+100Years=97Years +1900Years=1997. 

2)4000Years ended in 27A.D,+100Years=127Years +1900Years=2027.

3)4000Years ended in 31A.D,+100Years=131Years  +1900Years=2031. 

John who witnessed the Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70A.D was banished to the Patmos Island 50 Years after the existence of the Christian Church

Did John Wrote The Book of Revelation at age of 97 Years Old? At 124 Years Old? At 127 Years Old? At 131Years Old?

6000Years ended in 1997.

Basing on the 27Years3Years6Months7Days3Days12Hours1Hour Messianic Prophecy Time Conversion PrincipalJesus Christ will come again in the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.''

Jesus was circumcised at 8th Day past birth, and after 40 Days Jesus was taken to Jerusalem by His Parents to meet Prophetess Ana ,from Matthew 20:1-16 prophetic 12 Hours was directly linked to Luke 2:21-38,this prophetess widow for 84 Years, past 7 Years married, 8days+40Days=48Days=48Years, from 1940-48Years=1892 at the Publication Year of The Steps To Christ the Book that raised allegations against SDA Heavenly Sanctuary Doctrine in 1949 resulted in publishing The Apostate Questions on Doctrines Book by SDA General Conference aiming to become not a Cult but Evangelical leading to its ecumenical Great Apostasy of October 31st, 2017, birthing 1177 Principal Repetition Number [2017-(840=500+340 or 12X70)=1177].

3rd Call at 6th Hour at 12h01' or 00:01'p.m of Matthew 20:1-16 prophetic 12 Hours was directly linked to Luke 2:21-38,this prophetess widow for 84 Years+ past 7 Years married=91Years, October 22nd, 1934+91Years its 1st Year included in 1934=October 22nd, 2024. Jesus Christ will come again in the 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.''



You can Click Here to View our Alarm, set for You to Start Counting down for 2nd Coming of Our Lord Messiah Jesus Christ our King of 7th Day Holy Sabbath and of All Sealed 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers until Tuesday, 15 October 2024 (Chicago time).

 It is 1765 days4 hours1 minute55 seconds
Set on Current time which was on Sunday, 15 December 2019, 18:58:28 CST (local time in Chicago)
At time of loading, accuracy was within 0.529 seconds.


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