The Final Movements will Be Rapid Ones: General Conference of Global 7th Day Adventists' Churches Presided by Pastor Ted Wilson Rejected Jesus Christ to Give SATAN's Right Hand Jesuit Pope a Way to Fixe Global National Sunday Law"LaudatoSI'237' Paris Agreement Sunday Rest by Lockdowns:SDA Conference President We Don't ENDORSE RECOMMEND The National SUNday Law CONSPIRACY Book, BURN It.AUSC Alive News Published on Wednesday March 10th, 2021 at 8:59' a.m.Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus is Coming on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m.
The General Conference of the Global Churches of 7th Day Adventisis which is Presided by Pastor Ted Wilson and which has its Global Headquarters in the United States of America (USA) has been bidding its very apostatized secrets to the whole World's individual 7th Day Adventists in a way that its strongly constructed hierarchies in all National Churches Unions and Conferences ,a continuous bidding of the apostatized secrets were unrevealed until there was YouTube Self Induced Ministries Presided by inside USA Individual True 7th Day Adventists Pastors and Lays ,who times by times dared to scroll between pages and pages of the General Conference of SDA's meetings and decision making unions and conferences live ,they decided to finally expose the apostasy which unceasingly increasingly were upholding the Name of the 7th Day Adventists Church from the Heavenly Almighty God was being used even in the abominable secret covenants with Roman Catholic Church of Satan ,where the SDA General Conference could not really get explanations of How the Church of Almighty God which was raised from True Protestants descendants of Millerites and Great Awakening of October 22nd, 1844, The question now is How could this Church unite with Atheist Pope Francis who does not even know how to read and understand the 10 Commandements of Almighty God, blindness regarding calling the Almighty God's 7th Day Holy Sabbath as Jewish Sabbath? The 7th Day Holy Sabbath that the 7th Day Adventists Respected from April 4th,1847 was directly instructed From Jesus Christ in His Heavenly Sanctuary not from Current Palestinians and Jews .
Pastor Emmanuel Nougaisse has made it clear:
SDA Conference President We Don't ENDORSE RECOMMEND The National SUNday Law CONSPIRACY Book, BURN It.Associated Link:[ ].
SATAN's Final Global Papacy Linked End Time Revelation 13:1-18 Prophecy Fulfilling with St.CORONA's 666 Covid19 Vaccination for Ghanaians and USA Association of Q Anon for Evangelicals and Extremists.Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus is Coming Soon on October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. AUSC Alive News Published on March 9th, 2021 at 11:17 .P.M. Associated Link:[ ].
Laudato Si Slow Down SUNday vs Breath Of Life Sabbath. Adventist Leaders Rejected The Seal Of God.Associated Link:[ ].
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