Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mr Iraguha Bandora Yves President, AUSC. Office of AUSC President located in Kigali-Rwanda. Providing open letter Answers to Dr Windhoek, From Namibia

AUSC Presidency's Special Advisor For African Union Focal Point,Honorable Professor Mammo Muchie Presenting during the Commonwealth Summer School August ,2016,at University of Rwanda,Kigali-Rwanda
President, AUSC.
Office of AUSC  President located in Kigali-Rwanda.
Providing open letter  Answers to Dr Windhoek, From Namibia:
Dear Dr Windhoek from Namibia, we are sharing this excellent answers as an open informal official letter for congratulating the previous questions you have wished to get answers from the AUSC International Committee 2016-2019, AUSC Presidential Team in the AUSC Presidency by the AUSC President' Office.
  • 5. "When was Professor Mammo Muchie appointed AUSC Presidency Special Advisor, by whom
and what does the office entail ?": Professor Mammo Muchie is officially appointed during the 6th         Commonwealth Summer School organized by the association of the Commonwealth Universities in Kigali-Rwanda at the University of Rwanda[  ,, , ,  ,  ]by the AUSC President's Office at the University of Rwanda Gikondo Campus located in Kigali -Rwanda on 15th August, 2016 for" AUSC Presidency's Special Advisor For African Union Focal Point" and Signed the "AUSC Transitional Committee Membership Confirmation Form  for Voluntary Participation in the African Union Students' Council 2016-2019 "at Nobleza Hotel located in Kicukiro District-Kigaili-Rwanda on 20th August, 2016 and his duties and responsibilities as assigned to him to open the AUSC Office include Advising the AUSC President in every pont of the AUSC International Action Plan 2016-2019 concerning Uniting African Youth especially Academic Young People and to focus of African Union Leadership and Development Decision Making ,and more information on Appointment are available following these links : 

(Standing bye
Many thanks)[Welcome.]and Best regards.

Medical Student,DocIII,University of Rwanda,
President African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)
Rwanda Country Coordinator,
WhatsApp: + 250736196204,
Twitter: @AuscOffice,@AUStudentsCoun1,,,,
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up" Nelson Mandela.
"Education is the key to Success" Nelson Mandela.

Medical Student,DocIII,University of Rwanda,
President African Union Students’ Council (AUSC)
Rwanda Country Coordinator,
+ 250736196204,
Twitter: @AuscOffice,@AUStudentsCoun1,,,,
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up" Nelson Mandela.
"Education is the key to Success" Nelson Mandela.

Below are the AUSC selected Memorial Pictures recalling the flexibility and special academic mood  provided by the Association of the Commonwealth Universities during the 6th Commonwealth Summer School at the University of Rwanda, in Kigali Rwanda, East African Community, showing the AUSC President attending the 6th Commonwealth Summer School with AUSC Presidency's Special Advisor For African Union Focal Point Honorable Professor Dr Mammo Muchie , and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Rwanda Professor Dr Philip Cotton MD delivering the successful Certificate of Participation to the AUSC President Mr Iraguha Bandora Yves RN, MD in Training at University of Rwanda.
The AUSC Presidency has decided to attend the Commonwealth Summer School represented by the AUSC President to acquire abundant Knowledge and Skills that was enclosed inside the agenda of the whole Summer School  daily activities concerning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) being put in practice by the Universities and Academicians from Across the Commonwealth of 53 Represented Countries all together.
Acknowledgments were provided from all participants to both the Hosting Country and University of Rwanda, and especially to the Commonwealth Secretariat ,Association of the Commonwealth Universities(ACU):

African Union Students' Council (AUSC)"For The Better Africa We Deserve",International Logo

Professor Philip Cotton,MD the Vice Chancellor of the University of Rwanda delivering the welcoming note to the whole Commonwealth Summer School 2016 ,with the Theme fixed by the Association of The Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

The Sustainable Development Goals: what role for universities?

Saturday 13 - Saturday 20 August 2016University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

AUSC President Mr Iraguha Bandora Yves,RN,MD in Training at the University of Rwanda receiving the Certificate of Participation in the Commonwealth Summer School by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Rwanda  Dr Philip Cotton,MD as one of the delegates of the Commonwealth Summer School 2016 issued from the Association of the Commonwealth Ununiversities (ACU)with Congratulations.

The Commonwealth Summer School delegates enjoying the sight seeing around the Kigali City while visiting Rwanda National Museums, Kanombe

AUSC President Sharing AUSC Interests in attending the Commonwealth Summer School 2016 at the University of Rwanda


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