Monday, September 26, 2016

AUSC Ethiopia National Representative

Honorable Mr Elias Hailemariam ,AUSC Ethiopia National Representative
Ambassador, Students Council of Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Addis Ababa University 
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Center of Information Technology and Scientific Computing (ITSC)
P.O.Box 385, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaE-mail: or
Tel. +251-913-70-88-03 (Mobile)
     +251-942-20-22-65  (Mobile)

1.      In bringing African students together. Since Africa is a continent with lots of youth, and most youth are in higher institutions and most are eager to involve in different activities taking part in their continent. (This includes bringing African students learning outside of Africa to take role in such activities).
2.      In making African youth voice heard. Students share and discuss and promote their ideas as well problems and endeavors around their communities and surroundings.
3.      In representing African students where possible. Currently there is no such a youth organization representing African students in summits like the African Union, G20 and others. So we need AUSC in doing such activities in representing students and addressing issues related with students.
4.      In creating a platform for African students in exchanges of cultures,conducting educational researches, making partnerships and creating networks and accomplishingAGENDA2063 in building the Africa we want to see.(In collaboration with African Union).
5.      In addressing issues like climate change, food security and campaigns on how the African youth should fight poverty in creating a developed Africa where the youth will take leadership roles in the continent.
6.     In representing and promoting the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at the African level towards all relevant bodies including the African Union.


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