Monday, September 26, 2016

AUSC Rwanda National Representative

Welcome Honorable Mr Ndayisaba Eustache, AUSC Rwanda National Representative,
Nationality of Rwanda.

Application as AUSC (African union student council) representative at country level (Rwanda)
On 24th, June, 2016

eadership: is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through change (Lussier,  & Achua, 2010:6.)
AUSC (African Union Student Council) was initiated to instill good governance and well organized leadership in all African country.
As am applying to be the AUSC Rwanda representative I agree to follow all rules and regulation of the council, I will do all my best for the development of my country and those  of Africa for the best Africa we deserve.
Ø  For a Leadership to be good it should include these elements and I hope together we will maintain them for the best Africa we deserve. these elements are :
      Organizational objectives

Ø  A good and vision leader should be realistic; he should always be caring for his people. we Africans we know what is the best for us none will inspire as I have to make it for the best Africa we deserve .we shall be:
Focusing on the future, creating change, creating culture based on shared values, establishing an emotional link with followers (Africans) all for the better of Africa.
v  The following will be my target objectives that I will be working for if selected to be the AUSC Representative at country level (Rwanda):
1.      Eradicating the extreme poverty and hunger in Africa.

Through good governance and Leadership, we Africans we can build the best Africa where hunger is like history (i.e.: no longer exist).
As it is known , most African country have fertile soil hard working citizens and many natural resources thus we have no reason to be poor. the only b cause of poverty and hunger in Africa is the insecurity with many wars which is due to bad leadership .W African leaders through African Union Student s Council n(AUSC)  me too included we shall instil the good governance in Africa where there is no more wars , no more hungers and no more death due to hunger.

2. Promotion of Gender equality and inclusive education in Africa.
As African young  Leaders we know that no man is an island. We also the role of readies in development so will promote gender equality in all Africa. Ours voice will always speak for the best of all African both readies and gentlemen.
Knowing that education is a big weapon to fight for poverty and even bad leadership we will always support inclusive education for all for the best of Africa we deserve.

3. Sustain and improve the parternership for the development of African country.
Parterneuship is the best way to achieve millennium development goals for African county.
African  union student council will emphasise in that partnership as we came from different African countries with different cultures  i believe together we will construct a strong ting in development . I will be standing for Rwanda i n supporting that paterneuship.

4. Support innovation and maintain African cultures

We young Africa we are most of the attracted by the clothing and others culture from outside Africa. I will teach my fellow youth to love and maintain our culture, we shall also innovate new style from Africa and create job for ourselves. through this we will reduce the numbers of Africans who always move from our beloved mother continent Africa to abroad for different reasons including unemployment and poverty as we will create job for Africans.

5. Support made in Africa and say no for any colonialism ideas.
 We are African, we have to walk as African, and live as African it was African even pray as African
As previously said we African know what is better for us. Through AUSC i will teach young Africans to love our product and support what are made in Africa (different country in Africa)
Therefore through clothing, eating, transporting, bedding, we will be supporting made in Africa and through this we will be fighting against colonialism ideology.
I thank you in advance for taking into consideration my request and appointing me as AUSC Representative in Rwanda as i am looking forward.
      Medical student in Year 3 Biomedical Laboratory Sciences
             University of Rwanda- College of Medicine and Health Sciences
      NYARUGENGE CAMPUS Guild President
      V/President OHCEA/ One Healthy student Club Rwanda
      Member of Rwanda Allied Health Professional Council (RAHPC)
         TEL: +250785380050/+250722438284


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