Thursday, July 1, 2021

AUSC publishes Ellen Gould White's Last Days Events Two Groups of 7th Day Adventists Globally during this U.S.Climate Sunday Law Act of Year 2021 following 1st Close of Probation for Laodicean SDAs on October 22nd, 2020 and after outpouring of Latter Rain upon All True 7th Day Adventists Remnants Globally from December 13th, 2020.Repent,Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus is coming on Tuesday-October 15th,2024 at 1:59' a.m.

I.Introduction:Note:{This is African Union Students' Council(AUSC)" For The Better Africa We Deserve" Special Dedication to Our United States of America(U.S.A)based Amazing Word Ministries International YouTube Channel deleted by YouTube Team to please Allow You All Globally To Read, Analyze,Copy,Paste and Share this Link to At Least 7 Peoples online and offline:[ ].

May Almighty God bless You All.}

1.AUSC publishes Ellen Gould White's Last Days Events Two Groups of 7th Day Adventists Globally during this U.S.Climate Sunday Law Act of Year 2021 following 1st Close of Probation for Laodicean SDAs individuals and Global and National SDA Church Leaders and Pastors on October 22nd, 2020 and after outpouring of Latter Rain upon All True 7th Day Adventists Remnants Globally from December 13th, 2020 as identified by Adherence to SDA Pioneers Health Reform guidelines and Non- Adherence to COVID-19 Satanic Measures of Social Distancing, Lockdowns, Hands Washing, Masks,Tests and Vaccines till 2nd Close of Probation for Non SDAs in 2024.Repent,Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy.Jesus is coming on Tuesday-October 15th,2024 at 1:59' a.m.

2.In the Front Ranks of Reformers: Seventh-day Adventists are handling momentous truths. More than forty years ago the Lord gave us special light on health reform, but how are we walking in that light? How many have refused to live in harmony with the counsels of God! As a people, we should make advancement proportionate to the light received. It is our duty to understand and respect the principles of health reform( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) . On the subject of temperance( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) we should be in advance of all other people; and yet there are among us well-instructed members of the church, and even ministers of the gospel, who have little respect for the light that God has given upon this subject. They eat as they please, and work(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) as they please. CD 24.2

Let those who are teachers and leaders in our cause take their stand firmly on Bible ground in regard to health reform and give a straight testimony to those who believe we are living in the last days of this earth's history. A line of distinction must be drawn between those who serve God, and those who serve themselves.—Testimonies for the Church 9:158, 1909 

26. Shall those who are “looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works,” be behind the religionists of the day who have no faith in the soon appearing of our Saviour? The peculiar people whom He is purifying unto Himself, to be translated to heaven without seeing death, should not be behind others in good works. In their efforts to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God, they should be as far ahead of any other class of people on the earth, as their profession is more exalted than that of others.—Testimonies for the Church 1:487, 1867 CD 24.4

3.Health Reform and Prayer for the Sick: 27. In order to be purified and to remain pure, Seventh-day Adventists must have the Holy Spirit in their hearts and in their homes. The Lord has given me light that when the Israel of today humble themselves before Him, and cleanse the soul temple from all defilement, He will hear their prayers in behalf of the sick, and will bless in the use of His remedies for disease. When in faith the human agent does all he can to combat disease, using the simple methods of treatment that God has provided, his efforts will be blessed of God. CD 25.1

If, after so much light has been given, God's people will cherish wrong habits, indulging self and refusing to reform, they will suffer the sure consequences of transgression. If they are determined to gratify perverted appetite at any cost, God will not miraculously save them from the consequences of their indulgence. They “shall lie down in sorrow.” Isaiah 50:11. CD 25.2

Those who choose to be presumptuous, saying, “The Lord has healed me, and I need not restrict my diet; I can eat and drink as I please,” will erelong need, in body and soul, the restoring power of God. Because the Lord has graciously healed you, you must not think you can link yourselves up with the self-indulgent practices of the world. Do as Christ commanded after His work of healing,—“go, and sin no more.” John 8:11. Appetite must not be your god.—Testimonies for the Church 9:164, 165, 1909 CD 25.3

28. The health reform is a branch of the special work of God for the benefit of His people.... CD 25.4

I saw that the reason why God did not hear the prayers of His servants for the sick among us more fully was, that He could not be glorified in so doing while they were violating the laws of health. And I also saw that He designed the health reform and Health Institute to prepare the way for the prayer of faith to be fully answered. Faith and good works should go hand in hand in relieving the afflicted among us, and in fitting them to glorify God here, and to be saved at the coming of Christ.—Testimonies for the Church 1:560, 561, 1867 CD 25.5

29. Many have expected that God would keep them from sickness merely because they have asked Him to do so. But God did not regard their prayers, because their faith was not made perfect by works. God will not work a miracle to keep those from sickness who have no care for themselves, but are continually violating the laws of health, and make no efforts to prevent disease. When we do all we can on our part to have health, then may we expect that the blessed results will follow, and we can ask God in faith to bless our efforts for the preservation of health. He will then answer our prayer, if His name can be glorified thereby. But let all understand that they have a work to do. God will not work in a miraculous manner to preserve the health of persons who are taking a sure course to make themselves sick (leading themselves to adhere to Satanic Draconian measures introduced with being injected for COVID-19 Vaccines and traumatised with COVID-19 Tests and intoxicated with Hypoxic CO2 Accumulating Facial Masks), by their careless inattention to the laws of health. 

4.Daniel's Example: 33. In order rightly to understand the subject of temperance, we must consider it from a Bible standpoint; and nowhere can we find a more comprehensive and forcible illustration of true temperance and its attendant blessings, than is afforded by the history of the prophet Daniel and his Hebrew associates in the court of Babylon.... CD 28.3

God always honors the right. The most promising youth from all the lands subdued by the great conqueror had been gathered at Babylon, yet amid them all, the Hebrew captives were without a rival. The erect form, the firm, elastic step, the fair countenance, the undimmed senses, the untainted breath,—all were so many certificates of good habits,—insignia of the nobility with which nature honors those who are obedient to her laws. CD 28.4

The history of Daniel and his companions has been recorded on the pages of the Inspired Word for the benefit of the youth of all succeeding ages. What men have done, men may do. Did those youthful Hebrews stand firm amid great temptations, and bear a noble testimony in favor of true temperance? The youth of today may bear a similar testimony. CD 28.5

The lesson here presented is one which we would do well to ponder. Our danger is not from scarcity, but from abundance. We are constantly tempted to excess. Those who would preserve their powers unimpaired for the service of God, must observe strict temperance in the use of His bounties, as well as total abstinence from every injurious or debasing indulgence. 

The rising generation are surrounded with allurements calculated to tempt the appetite. Especially in our large cities, every form of indulgence is made easy and inviting. Those who, like Daniel, refuse to defile themselves, will reap the reward of their temperate habits. With their greater physical stamina and increased power of endurance, they have a bank of deposit upon which to draw in case of emergency. CD 29.2

Right physical habits promote mental superiority. Intellectual power, physical strength, and longevity depend upon immutable laws. There is no happen-so, no chance, about this matter. Nature's God will not interfere to preserve men from the consequences of violating nature's laws. There is much sterling truth in the adage, “Every man is the architect of his own fortune.” While parents are responsible for the stamp of character, as well as for the education and training, of their sons and daughters, it is still true that our position and usefulness in the world depend, to a great degree, upon our own course of action. Daniel and his companions enjoyed the benefits of correct training and education in early life, but these advantages alone would not have made them what they were. The time came when they must act for themselves—when their future depended upon their own course. Then they decided to be true to the lessons given them in childhood. The fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom, was the foundation of their greatness. His Spirit strengthened every true purpose, every noble resolution.—Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 25-28, 1890 CD 29.3

34. The youth [Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah] in this school of training were not only to be admitted to the royal palace, but it was provided that they should eat of the meat, and drink of the wine, which came from the king's table. In all this the king considered that he was not only bestowing great honor upon them, but securing for them the best physical and mental development that could be attained. CD 29.4

Among the viands placed before the king were swine's flesh and other meats which were declared unclean by the law of Moses, and which the Hebrews had been expressly forbidden to eat. Here Daniel was brought to a severe test. Should he adhere to the teachings of his fathers concerning meats and drinks, and offend the king, probably losing not only his position but his life, or should he disregard the commandment of the Lord, and retain the favor of the king, thus securing great intellectual advantages and the most flattering worldly long prospects? CD 30.1

Daniel did not hesitate. He decided to stand firmly for his integrity, let the result be what it might. He “purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank.” CD 30.2

There are many among professed Christians today who would decide that Daniel was too particular, and would pronounce him narrow and bigoted. They consider the matter of eating and drinking of too little consequence to require such a decided stand,—one involving the probable sacrifice of every earthly advantage. But those who reason thus will find in the day of judgment that they turned from God's express requirements, and set up their own opinion as a standard of right and wrong. They will find that what seemed to them unimportant was not so regarded of God. His requirements should be sacredly obeyed. Those who accept and obey one of His precepts because it is convenient to do so, while they reject another because its observance would require a sacrifice, lower the standard of right, and by their example lead others to lightly regard the holy law of God. “Thus saith the Lord” is to be our rule in all things.... CD 30.3

The character of Daniel is presented to the world as a striking example of what God's grace can make of men fallen by nature and corrupted by sin. The record of his noble, self-denying life is an encouragement to our common humanity. From it we may gather strength to nobly resist temptation, and firmly, and in the grace of meekness, stand for the right under the severest trial. CD 30.4

Daniel might have found a plausible excuse to depart from his strictly temperate habits; but the approbation of God was dearer to him than the favor of the most powerful earthly potentate,—dearer even than life itself. Having by his courteous conduct obtained favor with Melzar, the officer in charge of the Hebrew youth, Daniel made a request that they might not eat of the king's meat, or drink of his wine. Melzar feared that should he comply with this request, he might incur the displeasure of the king, and thus endanger his own life. Like many at the present day, he thought that an abstemious diet would render these youth pale and sickly in appearance and deficient in muscular strength, while the luxurious food from the king's table would make them ruddy and beautiful, and would impart superior physical activity. CD 31.1

Daniel requested that the matter be decided by a ten day's trial,—the Hebrew youth during this brief period being permitted to eat of simple food, while their companions partook of the king's dainties(Covid-19 tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines). The request was finally granted, and then Daniel felt assured that he had gained his case. Although but a youth, he had seen the injurious effects of wine and luxurious living upon physical and mental health. CD 31.2

At the end of the ten days the result was found to be quite the opposite of Melzar's expectations. Not only in personal appearance, but in physical activity and mental vigor, those who had been temperate in their habits exhibited a marked superiority over their companions who had indulged appetite. As a result of this trial, Daniel and his associates were permitted to continue their simple diet during the whole course of their training for the duties of the kingdom. CD 31.3

5.God's Approval Won: The Lord regarded with approval the firmness and self-denial of these Hebrew youth, and His blessing attended them. He “gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” At the expiration of the three years of training, when their ability and acquirements were tested by the king, he “found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore stood they before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king required of them he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.” CD 31.4

Here is a lesson for all, but especially for the young. A strict compliance with the requirements of God is beneficial to the health of body and mind. In order to reach the highest standard of moral and intellectual attainments, it is necessary to seek wisdom and strength from God, and to observe strict temperance in all the habits of life. In the experience of Daniel and his companions we have an instance of the triumph of principle over temptation to indulge the appetite. It shows us that through religious principle young men may triumph over the lusts of the flesh, and remain true to God's requirements, even though it cost them a great sacrifice.—The Review and Herald, January 25, 1881 CD 32.1[Daniel's Diet—117, 241, 242]

6.Unready for the Loud Cry:35. The health reform, I was shown, is a part of the third angel's message, and is just as closely connected with it as are the arm and hand with the human body. I saw that we as a people must make an advance move in this great work. Ministers and people must act in concert(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024). God's people are not prepared for the loud cry of the third angel. They have a work to do for themselves which they should not leave for God to do for them(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024). He has left this work for them to do. It is an individual work(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024); one cannot do it for another(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024) ). “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ).” Gluttony is the prevailing sin of this age. Lustful appetite(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests& Vaccines) makes slaves of men and women, and beclouds their intellects and stupefies their moral sensibilities to such a degree that the sacred, elevated truths of God's word are not appreciated. The lower propensities have ruled men and women. In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God must know themselves. They must understand in regard to their own physical frames, that they may be able with the psalmist to exclaim, “I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” They should ever have the appetite in subjection to the moral and intellectual organs. The body should be servant to the mind, and not the mind to the body.—Testimonies for the Church 1:486, 487, 1867 CD 33.1

7.Preparation for the Refreshing:36. God requires His people to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). All those who are indifferent and excuse themselves from this work, waiting for the Lord to do for them that which He requires them to do for themselves, will be found wanting when the meek of the earth, who have wrought His judgments, are hid in the day of the Lord's anger. CD 33.2

I was shown that if God's people make no efforts on their part, but wait for the refreshing to come upon them and remove their wrongs and correct their errors; if they depend upon that to cleanse them from filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and fit them to engage in the loud cry of the third angel, they will be found wanting. The refreshing or power of God comes only on those who have prepared themselves for it by doing the work which God bids them, namely, cleansing themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.—Testimonies for the Church 1:619, 1867 CD 33.3

8.Appeals to the Hesitant:37. The failure to follow sound principles has marred the history of God's people. There has been a continual backsliding in health reform, and as a result God is dishonored by a great lack of spirituality. Barriers have been erected which would never have been seen had God's people walked in the light. CD 33.4

Shall we who have had such great opportunities allow the people of the world to go in advance of us in health reform(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 )? Shall we cheapen our minds and abuse our talents by wrong eating? Shall we transgress God's holy law by following selfish practices? Shall our inconsistency become a byword? Shall we live such unchristianlike lives that the Saviour will be ashamed to call us brethren(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines)? CD 33.5

Shall we not rather do that medical missionary work which is the gospel in practice(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), living in such a way that the peace of God can rule in our hearts? Shall we not remove every stumbling block from the feet of unbelievers(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), ever remembering what is due to a profession of Christianity(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 )? Far better give up the name of Christian than make a profession and at the same time indulge appetites which strengthen unholy passions(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). CD 34.1

God calls upon every church member to dedicate his life unreservedly to the Lord's service(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). He calls for decided reformation(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). All creation is groaning under the curse(Pope Francis now killing the Earth and its inhabitantsthrough Climate Sunday Lockdowns and Covid-19 Vaccines). God's people should place themselves where they will grow in grace, being sanctified, body, soul, and spirit, by the truth. When they break away from all health-destroying indulgences, they will have a clearer perception of what constitutes true godliness. A wonderful change will be seen in the religious experience(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ).—(The Review and Herald, May 27, 1902) Counsels on Health, 578, 579 CD 34.2

9.All Being Proved:38. It is of great importance that individually we act well our part(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), and have an intelligent understanding of what we should eat and drink(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), and how we should live to preserve health(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). All are being proved to see whether they will accept the principles of health reform(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) or follow a course of self-indulgence(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). CD 34.3

Let no one think that he can do as he pleases in the matter of diet. But before all who sit at the table with you, let it appear that you follow principle in the matter of eating, as in all other matters, that the glory of God may be revealed. You cannot afford to do otherwise; for you have a character to form for the future immortal life. Great responsibilities rest upon every human soul. Let us comprehend these responsibilities, and bear them nobly in the name of the Lord. CD 34.4

To every one who is tempted to indulge appetite I would say, Yield not to temptation, but confine yourself to the use of wholesome foods. You can train yourself to enjoy a healthful diet. The Lord helps those who seek to help themselves; but when men will not take special pains to follow out the mind and will of God, how can He work with them? Let us act our part, working out our salvation with fear and trembling,—with fear and trembling lest we make mistakes in the treatment of our bodies, which, before God, we are under obligation to keep in the most healthy condition possible.—The Review and Herald, February 10, 1910 CD 35.1

10.True Reform Is Heart Reform:39. Those who would work in God's service must not be seeking worldly gratification and selfish indulgence. The physicians in our institutions must be imbued with the living principles of health reform. Men will never be truly temperate until the grace of Christ is an abiding principle in the heart. All the pledges in the world will not make you or your wife health reformers. No mere restriction of your diet will cure your diseased appetite. Brother and Sister ----- will not practice temperance in all things until their hearts are transformed by the grace of God. CD 35.2

Circumstances cannot work reforms. Christianity proposes a reformation in the heart(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). What Christ works within, will be worked out under the dictation of a converted intellect(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). The plan of beginning outside and trying to work inward has always failed(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), and always will fail(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). God's plan with you is to begin at the very seat of all difficulties(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), the heart(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), and then from out of the heart will issue the principles of righteousness(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ); the reformation will be outward as well as inward(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ).—Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers 9:54 CD 35.3

40. Those who elevate the standard as nearly as they can to the order of God(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), according to the light God has given them through His word and the testimonies of His Spirit(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), will not change their course of action to meet the wishes of their friends or relatives(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), be they one or two or a host(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), who are living contrary(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) to God's wise arrangement(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). If we move from principle in these things(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), if we observe strict rules of diet(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), if as Christians we educate our tastes after God's plan(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), we shall exert an influence which will meet the mind of God(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). The question is, “Are we willing to be true health reformers(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 )?”—Letter 3, 1884 CD 35.4[For context see 720]

11.A Question of Primary Importance:41. I am instructed to bear a message to all our people on the subject of health reform(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ); for many have backslidden from their former loyalty to health reform principles(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). CD 36.1

God's purpose for His children is that they shall grow up to the full stature of men and women in Christ. In order to do this, they must use aright every power of mind, soul, and body. They cannot afford to waste any mental or physical strength. CD 36.2

The question of how to preserve the health is one of primary importance. When we study this question in the fear of God, we shall learn that it is best, for both our physical and our spiritual advancement, to observe simplicity in diet. Let us patiently study this question. We need knowledge and judgment in order to move wisely in this matter. Nature's laws are not to be resisted, but obeyed. CD 36.3

Those who have received instruction regarding the evils of the use of flesh foods, tea and coffee, and rich and unhealthful food preparations, and who are determined to make a covenant with God by sacrifice, will not continue to indulge their appetite for food that they know to be unhealthful. God demands that the appetites be cleansed, and that self-denial be practiced in regard to those things which are not good. This is a work that will have to be done before His people can stand before Him a perfected people. CD 36.4

The remnant people of God must be a converted people(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). The presentation of this message is to result in the conversion and sanctification of souls(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). We are to feel the power of the Spirit of God in this movement(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). This is a wonderful, definite message(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ); it means everything to the receiver, and it is to be proclaimed with a loud cry. We must have a true, abiding faith that this message will go forth with increasing importance till the close of time(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). There are some professed believers who accept certain portions of the Testimonies as the message of God, while they reject those portions that condemn their favorite indulgences. Such persons are working contrary to their own welfare, and the welfare of the church. It is essential that we walk in the light while we have the light. Those who claim to believe in health reform, and yet work counter to its principles in the daily life practice, are hurting their own souls and are leaving wrong impressions upon the minds of believers and unbelievers. CD 37.1

A solemn responsibility rests upon those who know the truth that all their works shall correspond with their faith, and that their lives shall be refined and sanctified, and they be prepared for the work that must rapidly be done in these closing days of the message. They have no time or strength to spend in the indulgence of appetite. The words should come to us now with impelling earnestness, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” Acts 3:19. There are many among us who are deficient in spirituality, and who, unless they are wholly converted, will certainly be lost. Can you afford to run the risk? ... CD 37.2

The power of Christ alone can work the transformation in heart and mind that all must experience who would partake with Him of the new life in the kingdom of heaven. “Except a man be born again,” the Saviour has said, “he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3. The religion that comes from God is the only religion that can lead to God. In order to serve Him aright, we must be born of the Divine Spirit. This will lead to watchfulness. It will purify the heart and renew the mind, and give us a new capacity for knowing and loving God. It will give us willing obedience to all His requirements. This is true worship.—Testimonies for the Church 9:153-156, 1909 CD 37.3

12.A United Front:42. We have been given the work of advancing health reform(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). The Lord desires His people to be in harmony with one another(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). As you must know, we shall not leave the position in which, for the last thirty-five years, [Written in 1902.] the Lord has been bidding us stand. Beware how you place yourself in opposition to the work of health reform(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). It will go forward; for it is the Lord's means of lessening the suffering in our world(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), and of purifying His people(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). Be careful what attitude you assume, lest you be found causing division. My brother, even while you fail to bring into your life and into your family the blessing that comes from following the principles of health reform, do not harm others by opposing the light God has given on this subject.—Letter 48, 1902 CD 38.2

43. The Lord has given His people a message in regard to health reform(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). This light has been shining upon their pathway for thirty years; and the Lord cannot sustain His servants in a course which will counteract it(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). He is displeased when His servants act in opposition to the message upon this point(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), which He has given them to give to others(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). Can He be pleased when half the workers laboring in a place(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), teach that the principles of health reform are as closely allied with the third angel's message as the arm is to the body(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), while their co-workers, by their practice(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), teach principles that are entirely opposite(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines)? This(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) is regarded as a sin in the sight of God.... CD 38.3

Nothing brings such discouragement upon the Lord's watchmen as to be connected with those who have mental capacity(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), and who understand the reasons of our faith(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), but by precept and example manifest indifference to moral obligations(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). CD 38.4

The light which God has given upon health reform(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) cannot be trifled with without injury to those who attempt it(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines); and no man can hope to succeed in the work of God while, by precept and example, he acts in opposition to(Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) the light which God has sent(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines).—[Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers 7:40] Counsels on Health, 561, 562 CD 38.5

44. It is important that instructions should be given by ministers in regard to living temperately. They should show the relation which eating, working, resting, and dressing, sustain to health. All who believe the truth for these last days, have something to do in this matter. It concerns them, and God requires them to arouse and interest themselves in this reform. He will not be pleased with their course if they regard this question with indifference.—Testimonies for the Church 1:618, 1867 CD 39.1

13.Stumbling Over the Blessing:45. Said the angel, “Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul.” You have stumbled at the health reform. It appears to you to be a needless appendix to the truth. It is not so; it is a part of the truth. Here is a work before you which will come closer and be more trying than anything which has yet been brought to bear upon you. While you hesitate and stand back, failing to lay hold upon the blessing which it is your privilege to receive, you suffer loss. You are stumbling over the very blessing which heaven has placed in your path to make progress less difficult. Satan presents this before you in the most objectionable light, that you may combat that which would prove the greatest benefit to you, which would be for your physical and spiritual health.—Testimonies for the Church 1:546, 1867 CD 39.2

[Excuses for Wrongdoing Framed under Satanic Influences—710]

13.Consider the Judgment:46. The Lord calls for volunteers to enter His army. Sickly men and women need to become health reformers. God will cooperate with His children in preserving their health(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), if they eat with care, refusing to put unnecessary burdens(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) on the stomach. He has graciously made the path of nature sure and safe(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), wide enough for all who walk in it(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). He has given for our sustenance the wholesome and health-giving productions of the earth(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). CD 39.3

He who does not heed the instruction God has given in His word and in His works(By Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), he who does not obey the divine commands( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), has a defective experience(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). He is a sickly Christian(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). His spiritual life is feeble(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). He lives, but his life is devoid of fragrance(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). He fritters away precious moments of grace(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). CD 39.4

Many have done the body much injury by a disregard of the laws of life, and they may never recover from the effects of their neglect; but even now they may repent and be converted. Man has tried to be wiser than God. He has become a law unto himself. God calls upon us to give attention to His requirements, no longer to dishonor Him by dwarfing the physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities. Premature decay and death are the result of walking away from God to follow the ways of the world. He who indulges self must bear the penalty. In the judgment we shall see how seriously God regards the violation of the laws of health. Then, as we take a retrospective view of our course of action, we shall see what knowledge of God we might have gained, what noble characters we might have formed, if we had taken the Bible as our counselor. CD 40.1

The Lord is waiting for His people to become wise in understanding( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ). As we see the wretchedness(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), deformity(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), and disease that have come into the world(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) as the result of ignorance in regard to the proper care of the body(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), how can we refrain from giving the warning( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 )? Christ has declared that as it was in the days of Noah, when the earth was filled with violence(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) and corrupted by crime(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), so shall it be when the Son of man is revealed(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines). God has given us great light( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), and if we walk in this light( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ), we shall see His salvation. There is need of decided changes. It is time for us to humble our proud, self-willed hearts, and seek the Lord while He may be found. As a people we need to humble our hearts before God; for the scars of inconsistency are on our practice. CD 40.3

The Lord is calling upon us to come into line. The day is far spent. The night is at hand. The judgments of God are already seen, both on land and on sea. No second probation will be granted us(7th Day Adventists Home Churches individuals and Global Members of Apostate SDA General Conference Churches). This is no time for making false moves. Let every one thank God that we still have an opportunity to form characters for the future eternal life.—Letter 135, 1902 

14.The Pioneer Work:[The Review and Herald, December 17, 1914.]Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel, the door through which the truth for this time is to find entrance to many homes. God's people are to be genuine medical missionaries, for they are to learn to minister to the needs of both soul and body. The purest unselfishness is to be shown by our workers as, with the knowledge and experience gained by practical work, they go out to give treatments to the sick. As they go from house to house they will find access to many hearts. Many will be reached who otherwise never would have heard the gospel message. A demonstration of the principles of health reform will do much toward removing prejudice against our evangelical work. The Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will bless all who thus seek to impart the truth for this time. CH 497.1

Physical healing is bound up with the gospel commission. When Christ sent His disciples out on their first missionary journey, He bade them, “As ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:7, 8. And when at the close of His earthly ministry He gave them their commission, He said, “These signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Mark 16:17, 18. 

15.Medical Evangelism:[The Medical Missionary, November and December, 1892.]Melbourne, Australia,September 16, 1892.I am deeply interested in the subject of medical missionary work and the education of men and women for that work. I could wish that there were one hundred nurses in training where there is one. It ought to be thus. Both men and women can be so much more useful as medical missionaries than as missionaries without the medical education. I am more and more impressed with the fact that a more decided testimony must be borne upon this subject, that more direct efforts must be made to interest the proper persons, setting before them the advantages that every missionary will have in understanding how to treat those who are diseased in body, as well as to minister to sin-sick souls. This double ministration will give the laborer together with God access to homes, and will enable him to reach all classes of society. CH 503.1

An intelligent knowledge of how to treat disease upon hygienic principles will gain the confidence of many who otherwise would not be reached with the truth. In affliction, many are humbled in spirit, and words in favor of the truth spoken to them in tenderness by one who is seeking to alleviate physical sufferings may touch the heart. Prayer—short, weighted with tenderest sympathy, presenting the suffering ones in faith to the Great Physician—will inspire in them a confidence, a rest and trust, that will tend to the health of both soul and body. CH 503.2

I have been surprised at being asked by physicians if I did not think it would be more pleasing to God for them to give up their medical practice and enter the ministry. I am prepared to answer such an inquirer: If you are a Christian and a competent physician, you are qualified to do tenfold more good as a missionary for God than if you were to go forth merely as a preacher of the word. I would advise young men and women to give heed to this matter. Perilous times are before us. The whole world will be involved in perplexity(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) and distress(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), disease of every kind will be upon the human family, and such ignorance(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) as now prevails concerning the laws of health would result in great suffering and the loss of many lives that might be saved. CH 503.3

While Satan is constantly doing his utmost to(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) take advantage of men's ignorance(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) and to lay the foundation of disease by improper treatment of the body(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), it is best for those who claim to be sons and daughters of God to avail themselves( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) while they can of the opportunities now presented to gain a knowledge of the human system and how it may be preserved in health. We are to use every faculty of mind( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) which God has given us. The Lord will not work a miracle to preserve anyone in health who will(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) not make an effort to obtain knowledge within his reach concerning this wonderful habitation that God has given. By study of the human organism, we are to learn( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) to correct what may be wrong in our habits(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) and which, if(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines) left uncorrected, would bring the sure result(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), disease and suffering(willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines), that (willingly for resemblance to the worldling such as adhering to the Vatican Popes Deceptions on climate change and covid-19 Tests&Vaccines)make life a burden. The sincerity of our prayers can be proved only by the vigor( of Categorically denouncing and refusing and rejecting Mandatory Covid-19 Hypoxic Face Masking, Social Distancing, Traumatic tests& Aborted Foetuses Vaccines during Years 2021-2024 ) of our endeavor to obey God's commandments. 

Click in these Pictures below for more information:

1.Click for English in the picture:Note:{This is African Union Students' Council(AUSC)" For The Better Africa We Deserve" Special Dedication to Our United States of America(U.S.A)based Amazing Word Ministries International YouTube Channel deleted by YouTube Team to please Allow You All Globally To Read, Analyze,Copy,Paste and Share this Link to At Least 7 Peoples online and offline:

2.[ ].

3.May Almighty God bless You All.}

4.Every thing believed in Covid-19 leads to 666 Number of the Beast"Jesuit Pope Francis the 1st Beast" to enforce the Mark of the Beast"U.S Climate Sundays Lockdowns Act of 2021" by the Image of the Beast"Global Churches and States Unions " under "U.S Jesuit White House Administration the 2nd Beast in the Years 2021-2024 "Revelation 13:1-18, Revelation 14:1-20, 15:1-8, 16:1-21, 17:1-18, 18:1-24, 19:1-21,20:1-15): [1)Six Face Shields covering 2)Six Facial Masks surrounding Six Hair Covers,3)Six Protective Gloves per each Column, 4)Six Protective Gowns, 5)Six Protective Boots per each Column, 6)Six Carriers for Covid-19 so called Six Clients Cadavers being carried outside from an Autobus with Six Rooms reserved Mortuary in Rwanda an East African Nation where a Vial of Covid-19 Aborted Foetuses Cells Manufactured Vaccine will begin to be Manufactured Financed by European Union for 1 Vial to be shared by Six believers in Covid-19 cases and deaths tolls surgings with fears revealed from a 7th Day Adventists Parents born Health Minister Dr.NGAMIJE Daniel ]:

5.Umunyamakuru wemeje ko aho Abadiventisiti b' Umunsi wa 7(SDA Global Churches under General Conference All are advocating for Satanic Covid-19 draconian measures including Covid-19 Venomous Vaccines) benshi bagiye ari mu kwikingiza Covid-19 kuruhande rw'ab' isi aho Leta zose zo mu isi ziyobowe na Papa Francis President wa Leta Ya VATICAN bashaka kujyana abatuye isi bose mu kuramya igishushanyo n' ikimenyetso n' umubare 666 by' ubupapa bwa SATANI ,ahita ku Mana, kandi abanze ibyo benshi birunduriyemo by'itiriwe kwirinda kwandura no kwanduzanya Covid-19 nk'uko ababana barekeshejwe kwiga n'ibyo byaduka byo muminsi y' imperuka(No Jab, No Job=No Buy No Sell,Revelation 13:1-18) byagejeje kuguhatira amashuli kwigisha no k' Umunsi wa 7 ariwo SABATO y' Uwiteka barahiye Imbere y' Imana n' imbere y' abategeka iby'iyi Si igiye kurimbuka ishaka bemeje ko batazigera basubira mu ishuli; inzira ifunganye ariyo ijya ku Mana inyuramo bake cyanee, mugihe Uyu wemeza ko aho abenshi bagiye ahashyigikiye nawe yamaze kurangirirwaho n' Imbabazi z'Imana Niba Atari ukwibeshya:
6.Ezekiel 12:1-28" Umuhanuzi Abera Abantu IkimenyetsoNibivugwe byemerwe neza nk' Uko biri nta kubica iruhande muri Bibiliya Yera bibwirwe abanze kumva Bose ko Isi isigaje imyaka 3 n' amezi 3 abayiriho Bose banze Imana bakayikurwa ho mu byago 7 by' imperuka kuva 15/2/2024 kugeza 15/10/2024 saa 1:59' mugicuku Yesu Agarutse Kutujyanana n' Abanyeshuli b' Abadiventisiti Mu RWANDA Basize byose kandi bari no mu nzira ibajyana mu ijuru, kandi Ntibemera n' amabwiriza yo kwirinda Koronavirusi(Covid-19) kubera ko Umwuka Wera W' Uwiteka yatwemeje ko ari icyaha(Covid-19 Draconian Measures including mRNAs SARS-CoV-2-St.CORONA-Vaccines) [ ].:

7.ISABATO cyangwa Umunsi w' ICYUMWERU?

Nibivugwe byemerwe neza ko Abanyeshuli b' Abadiventisiti Mu RWANDA Basize byose Mandi bari no mu nzira ibajyana mu ijuru, Mandi Ntibemera n' amabwiriza yo kwirinda Koronavirusi(Covid-19) kubera ko Umwuka Wera W' Uwiteka yatwemeje ko ari icyaha(Covid-19 Draconian Measures including mRNAs SARS-CoV-2-St.CORONA-Vaccines):

II. A Remarkable Evidence of 1st Closed Probation beginning from the Living Members of Global 7th Day Adventists (SDA) Laodicean Church and its SDA individuals from October 22nd, 2020:
1.Ted Wilson, Pastor and Global SDA Church Chief Elder ,the Modern Chief Priest like Ana has given a go a head to all Laodicean global members of the 7th Day Adventists Churches to Adhere to the COVID-19 Satanic draconian rules and measures introduced in this World by the Pope of Rome Jesuit Pope Francis"Fratelli Tutti" through the World Health Organization (WHO) whose United Nations(UN) emblem is the Revelation 12:1-17 revealed Serpent directly representing the Dragon that was cast from Heaven which represents SATAN Himself who gave His Seat to the Vatican Popes and targeting to go after the Church of Jesus Christ whose Last Days Events Two Groups Were automatically identifiable according to the Counsel on Food and Diet composing the SDA Church's Health Reform Guidelines provided by the Pioneers of the 7th Day Adventists Movement originated from the William Miller's Great Awakening on October 22nd, 1844.

2. Probation was closed to the Almost All SDA Global and National Conference Pastors including Doug Bachelor, Mark Finley, Landy Skeete, Stephen Bohr and some in Africa including Rwanda like Pastor Hesron as their Master Pastor Ted Wilson did, also they are advocating for Adherence to the COVID-19 Draconian Measures especially promoting Abortion Linked Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2'Microchip-666-m-RNA Vaccines' likewise is doing Pope Francis in His Previous Satanic Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti, despite knowing its cooperation in Killing the innocents:

3.The Roman Catholic Church working for SATAN supports and partakes in Killing always, as also is supporting Abortion through acceptance of Using Vaccines(Case of Covid-19 Vaccines)  Procured by Aborted Foetus Cells,Read this Germany Measles Document in 2003; Link[ ].

4.The Roman Catholic Church has long ago identified a sin cooperation of makers and individuals who receive Vaccines manufactured and processed using Legally Aborted Foetuses but continued in advocating for Global COVID-19 Vaccination, and basing on the previous Encyclical Letter"Fratelli Tutti" of Jesuit Pope Francis ,it became an ecumenical Common Good for all so called Christians including apostate 7th Day Adventists General Conference who signed on October 31st, 2017 A Reforming Catholic Confession in order to put an end on Reformation and on Martin Luther's Protest which led to them all being now adhering to Aborted Foetuses Cells Linked Covid-19 Vaccines going far away revealing Ellen Gould White's Last Days Events prophesied Two Groups of 7th Day Adventists Globally revealed by this Covid-19 Vaccines Global Crisis requiring a rejection of Spirit of Prophecy in order to be accepted in the SDA Laodicean Churches contrary to the Pioneers of the 7th Day Adventists (SDA) Church Overview and declaration like Madam Ellen Gould White who advocated for Global rejection of Any Kind of Pharmaceutical Freemasonry Drugs which include Vaccines such as Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 Messenger-RNA Vaccines as a condition to be able to receive the Latter Rain and proclaim the 3rd Angel's Message in a Loud Cry of Revelation 14:9-12 and Revelation 18:1-5 in 3 Years From February 7th, 2021 until February 7th, 2024;Thus having Temperance playing a Right Arm Rule in this Last Days Events of Delivering the Final Warning to this dying World during the upcoming 7 Last Plagues from February 15th, 2024 until the 7th Last Plague on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ according to the 1177 Principal Repetition Number; However, Apostate SDA General Conference and Its National Member Churches are advocating for Global SDA Laodicean church Members Vaccination with Covid-19 m-RNA vaccines.

5. For this current crisis which almost of its Draconian measures introduced fulfilled prophecy of Revelation 13:1-18 of no buying and no selling to those who rejected Covid-19 Vaccines, slowly used to enact U.S Climate Sunday Law Act of 2021 , will all soon be revealed that Almighty God has allowed the World to face this current crisis after completing the Judgement of the Living began in His 7th Day Adventists Churches Globally ended in October 22nd, 2020 from which all Laodicean Individuals were rejected and began to partake with the World in promoting Covid-19 Vaccines, while on an other side , All selected True 7th Day Adventists who rejected Covid-19 Vaccines by proclaming the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message associated with Health Reform from the Council on Diet and Health Missionary Work were given Holy Spirit of Latter Rain from December 13th, 2020 as a Promised Power to help Us in Standing Up against New World Oder Jesuit Pope Francis Leadership for the Truth and for the Liberty of Consciousness in rejecting Covid-19 Vaccines and all its cooperation in Killing the innocents ,which this had taken place before the U.S Presidential inauguration of Roman Catholic President Joe Biden on January 20th, 2021 which also marked the Date of the signing of U.S Climate Sunday Law Act of 2021 beginning from the signing of LaudatoSI'237' Paris Climate Agreement.

Last Days EventsIbyaduka Byo Muminsi Y' Imperuka-PDF.More End Times Related downloadable PDF Books.

Home EGW Writings Book Last Day Events

To the Reader

Chapter 1—Earth's Last Crisis

Chapter 2—Signs of Christ's Soon Return

Chapter 3—“When Shall These Things Be?”

Chapter 4—God's Last Day Church

Chapter 5—Devotional Life of the Remnant

Chapter 6—Lifestyle and Activities of the Remnant

Chapter 7—Country Living

Chapter 8—The Cities

Chapter 9—Sunday Laws

Chapter 10—The Little Time of Trouble

Chapter 11—Satan's Last Day Deceptions

Chapter 12—The Shaking

Chapter 13—The Latter Rain

A.The Historical Application To the Church as a Whole -

B.The Personal Application To Individual Christians

Chapter 14—The Loud Cry

Chapter 15—The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast

Chapter 16—The Close of Probation

Chapter 17—The Seven Last Plagues and the Wicked (The Great Time of Trouble, Part 1)

Chapter 18—The Seven Last Plagues and the Righteous (The Great Time of Trouble, Part 2)

Chapter 19—Christ's Return

*1/7/2021-14/3/3=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m. The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -14/3/3 of 1201 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13..Thursday.

Article Title: End of This Earth's Final 4 Years Application of The Book Great Controversy within 1177 PRN and 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Period and QAnon.Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath Day-March 13th, 2021 at 12:59'P.M.Proverbs 1:1-33.

The Sanctuary Messages-October 22nd, 1844- October 22nd, 2024.

The Tabernacle and the Messiah.[ ].

Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb.[  ].

The Day of Atonement  in The Heavenly Sanctuary-October 22nd, 1844- October 22nd, 2024- Leviticus 16.

Understanding the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur-Leviticus 16, Hebrew 9-10[ ].

Understanding 1st Fruit, Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks.[].

Understanding Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah.[  ].

Understanding Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot.[  ].

NB/Note: Adventists Joined Roman Catholics For EASTER as The Rising Of The SUN Partaking with Rome Snake through SDA General Conference Pastors. Associated Link:[].
7th Day Holy Sabbath Keeping Churches and communities such as apostate SDA Leadership, Apostate Jews and others of Christian Churchs like the Church of Saints of Latter Days, they are not the Biblical Remnants Church of Almighty God of Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12 and Revelation 19:10; They will be partaking with Pope of Rome to their Final Rebellion against the 10 Commandments of Almighty God and against the Great Controversy Visions of Ellen Gould White herein shared below to the Public.
This is because they don't have the Spirit of Prophecy of Jesus Christ's Messages that Almighty God has to Madam Ellen Gould White through All Vions She received as were all reserved for All His Saints 144,000 True 7th Day Adventists of Revelation 14:1-20 ,that Mainly were reserved to be used to expose SATAN and Roman Catholic Church Popes through proclaiming the 3 Angels' Messages for today ,especially proclaiming the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message that exposes the Apostate SDA Leadership of the SDA General Conferences and exposing Pope Francis today and His Jesuits All '' who are the Right hand of Satan.

7 Last Plagues of Ending this Covid19 New World Order  following the 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message February 7th, 2021 - February 7th, 2024 -October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. Link:[ ].

Associated Article Title: 

Our King Jesus Christ ,the SON of MAN,The Lord of 7th Day Holy SABBATH, The Owner of 10 Commandments of Almighty God is Coming Very Very Soon in this Coming Spring 2024.This is the Last week, that Completes 70 weeks Daniel 9:1-27.Please Prepare His Way, Repent,Repent, Repent, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Link:[ ].

The 1847 End Time 2024 and Hell 3024 Application of 1177=1000+177 PRN within 24th-25th-26th-27th-28th of The 28 Fundamental Beliefs: The core beliefs of Seventh-Day Adventists(SDA) April 3rd, 1847 Theology and QAnon From October 22nd, 1844.Repent, Repent, Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It HolyJesus is Coming on Tuesday-October 15th, 2024 at 1:59' a.m. Published on A Happy 7th Day Holy Sabbath Day-March 13th, 2021 at 1:59'P.M. Link:[ ].

Jesus Christ Our 7th Day Sabbath Lord is very very very soon coming at the End of 70 Years on October15th, 2024 at 1h59'a.m from 1954 when the King of Babylon Pope Jean Paul II"Nebucadinezzar" Begun His Sunday Law Satanic Teachings at the Fall of His Son Pope Francis"Belshazzar" from the New World Order Presidency Predicted by Roman Catholic Archbishop James E. Quigley at His 170 Years of existence from October 15th, 1854: After The Writing on the Wall due to "Laudato Si 237-Sunday Law 7/2/2021" is going to be explained in Loud Cry by All Anointed 7th Day Adventists"144000 Saints" till 7/2/2024, Jeremiah 29:10-14, Jeremiah 30:1-24.Repent-Remember the 7th Day Sabbath To keep It Holy. Link:[  ].

Read, Listen and Share Links of the Book "National Sunday Law". Associated Link:[ ].

Repetition Model application for 2300 Prophetic Days, as coupled to Historical 5 Strongest worldwide Empires from Babylon to Pagan Roman Empire till end of Early Christianity and Raise of Final Vatican Papacy 7th/2/2021 to 31st/7/2024.

You can Click Here to View our Alarm, set for You to Start Counting down for 2nd Coming of Our Lord Messiah Jesus Christ our King of 7th Day Holy Sabbath and of All Sealed 7th Day Holy Sabbath Keepers until Tuesday, 15 October 2024 (Chicago time).

 It is 1765 days4 hours1 minute55 seconds
Set on Current time which was on Sunday, 15 December 2019, 18:58:28 CST (local time in Chicago)
At time of loading, accuracy was within 0.529 seconds.

The Great Controversy

Home EGW Writings Books The Great Controversy


Listen, Read and Share Links of The Great Controversy Book Audio  All Chapters-English and in Kinyarwanda.

The Book Great Controversy in Audio: Igitabo Intambara Ikomeye mu majwi
0.[Chapter 00- Introduction/The Great Controversy-Audio],(Chap 0-IJAMBO RY'IBANZE in Kinyarwanda )

In fact, AUSC Critical Thinkers Advocate shares article that contains 7 Chapters of a lovely Warning Biblical Prophetic Book"National Sunday Law" in Audio mp3 formats that can be easily downloaded and be daily played in mp 3 audio playing devises at home or while walking and working and be transferrable individually by Bluetooth and WhatsApp and other platforms on social media in order to reach the entire world to the both Young and Adult individuals to prepare for the upcoming Global Crisis of National Sunday Law and associated 7 Last Plagues where to choose between Obeying the 7th Day Sabbath to Keep it Holy or rejecting this 4th Commandment of Almighty God in order to secure Yourself from the Upcoming Climate Sunday Rest and Worship by Law of the soon coming Global Final Crisis which is basically enclosed and explained in the below Shared Book entitled the National Sunday Law.

1) National Sunday Law Book"Text ":

Associated Link:[ ].

2) National Sunday Law Book" Audio ":

Associated Links to All 7 Chapters:


2.Chapter II:NSL- Chapter 2. The Beast Identified.


4.Chapter IV:NSL- Chapter 4. Dynamite.

5.Chapter V:NSL- Chapter 5. The Mark Of The Beast.


7.Chapter VII:NSL- Chapter 7 Global Conflict.


 *1/7/2021-14/3/3=15/10/2024 at 1:59' a.m. The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ's waiting Prayers and Fasting Days on Day -14/3/3 of 1201 Days remaining from the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:1-13...

Igitabo cy' Intambara Ikomeye mu majwi kuri interineti,Umva ibice byose , ubikurure ho ubibike, ubisangize n' abandi;14/06/2020:
9.Chap 9-ZWINGLE
24.Chap 24-AHERA CYANE
32.Chap 32-IMITEGO YA SATANI:(Imyaka 6000)
42.Chap 42-IHEREZO RY'INTAMBARA:(Imyaka 6000)



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